1971 Mi.1327A var., Apollo 11 10B with additional-printing APOLLO 15 (see note. by Mi.1010), perforated stamp used on golden plastic film, 0,6 g Au, printing only 5.000 pcs, placed in original numbered cards; good condition
1981-1983 ROYAL WEDDING 1981 / 13 stamps of issue Royal wedding from various territories with various production flaw of overprints, for example overprint inverted, double, etc..; higher catalogue, interesting selection
1907-1937 ENTIRES / 6 entires, 2x letter, 4x p.stat, from territory of Malta, Gibraltar, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados and North Borneo, 4x Reg, various franking, CDS, censorship etc..; fine
1880-1950 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / selection of 50 p.stat and letters, mix of various countries as Austria, Mexico, USA, Canada, South Africa, England, Sweden, Switzerland etc..; mainly good condition
1999-2010 FRANCE / selection of catalogues Yvert: i.a. Classiques du Monde 1840-1940 issue 2010 (obdoba American catalogue Scott) + Timbres de France 1999, 2001, 2002, 2004; good condition
1935 AUSTRIA / Spezial-Katalog der Feld- and EtappenPoststempel von Österreich-Ungarn aus day Weltkriege 1914-1918, Viktor Majetič, contains on/for 95 sides listings postmarks incl. listing ship and submarines; good condition, sought
1945 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters with 6 Koruna blue, 1x CDS VOJČICE 4.VIII.45 + 1x envelope with additional-printing hotel "Palace" Nový Smokovec, provisional registry label Nový Smokovec and CDS PIEŠŤANY 28.IV.45, censorship, incl. content; nice good condition
1945 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters, 1x franked with. str-of-3 stamp. 2 Koruna with CDS BÁNSKÁ BYSTRICA 17.VII.45 + Reg letter sent to Poverenictvo SNR for post and telegraphs in Bratislava, franked with pair of stamps 2 Koruna with lower margin with CDS KOŠICE 1/ 18.X.45 and violet Reg cancel; good condition, 1x lightly toned
1945 Pof.396 inverted comb perforation, London-issue 1,50CZK, UR horiz. corner blk-of-14 with inverted comb perf; 2x vert. fold in perforation, L the bottom stamp. minor faults, otherwise very fine, c.v.. 4.200 CZK
1945 Pof.397 production flaw, London-issue 2CZK light blue, UR and LL corner blk-of-4 with perf paper creases in margin; mint never hinged, spots, viewing of quality recommended
1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS, comp. 4 pcs of from MS pos. 3, 6, 8 and 9, every on reverse with print violet special cancel. BANSKÁ BYSTRICA 29.VIII.45; several single minor faults, otherwise very nice quality, sought
1945 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.429-430, I. world's congress Students' union, complete set in/at whole 100 pcs of also 50 pcs of sheets; 100 pcs of counter sheet very nice, folded only in perforation, sporadically small production gum flaw, 50 pcs of counter sheet several minor faults
1948ALEXYJanko, author design/sketch stamp. 100. Anniv annulment serfdom, Pof.474, 3x paper slip with mounted stamp. with signature from that 1x with date of printing 28. III. 1969
1945 airmail letter addressed to to South Rhodesie (!), multicolor franking, broken-out Bohemian and Moravian CDS KOSTELEC n. ČER. LESY/ 6.XII.45, hand-made "expertized/ Cábelová" (censorship) and weight "10gr"; well preserved, rare destination
1971 Pof.1875, Vernacular Architecture 1Kčs, collection 61 date print (any other one), contains 1 date in/at str-of-5 on 3 reprint (optically cleared paper, xba), 1 on/for str-of-5 on 5 reprint (optically cleared, light blue, xbb), 1 on 6 reprint, 1 on 7 reprint, 4 on 9 reprint, 4 on 10 reprint, 2 on 11 reprint, 20 on 12 reprint from all months, 2 on 13 reprint, 8 on 14 reprint, 3 on 15 reprint, 4 on 16 reprint and 10 on 18 reprint, plate variety 21/1 and plate variety 41/1 obsaženy on/for papers optically cleared, fluorescent paper No.1 also fluorescent paper No.2 (plate variety 1/21 total 8x); on 2 on stock-sheets, only c.v.. stamp. without date 13.080Kč, like that value multiply more/larger, unrepeatable selection of!
1971 Pof.1875, Vernacular Architecture 1Kčs, right corner vertical strip of 5 with 3 omitted perforation hole (in/at right perf pos. 20, 30 and in margin R between těmito pos., occures only part jediného of day print in 1985), also with L the bottom corner str-of-3 with significant flaw print on pos. 91 - big black stain and smudges R from emblem / symbol + corner blk-of-6 with omitted perforation hole in margin above pos. 2 and 3; interesting and obtížněsehnatelné
1971 Pof.1876xb, Vernacular Architecture 1,60Kčs, optically cleared paper, comp. of 2 horiz. L bottom corner str-of-3 with vzájemněprohozeným order green and violet autotronové marks; minor gum fault on 1 stmp., cat. min. 1.500CZK
1974 Pof.2113 production flaw No.4, Postal emblems 60h, stamp. with shift yellow and red color on face-side letter uprated with stamp Pof.2352, CDS TRENČIANSKE TEPLICE 31.10.79 (autentic place and period presence); very interesting, on entires rarer then piece without colors
1977 Pof.2250 production flaw, IX. Trade-union Congress 30h, stamp. with production flaw - shift OT carmine color downward; interesting, for comparison including common piece
1980 Pof.2441 production flaw, Anniv Warsaw Pact 1Kčs, L the bottom corner vertical strip of 3 with significant shifted perforation up transport to to picture of stmp.; bend in corner in margin, interesting, also with common stamp. on/for comparison
1984 Pof.2678ya, Zápotocký 50h, fluorescing paper 1, L the bottom corner horizontal strip of 3 from reprint with date 20.XI.84; preserved luminiscence, cat. only separate stamp. 1.500CZK
1975 Pof.2152 production flaw, 5. BIB 60h, stamp. with R coupon with significant shifted perforation transport up to to picture of stmp., used on/for cut parcel dispatch-note, CDS RATKOVSKÉ BYSTRÉ 6.XI.75; interesting, non-philatelic usage
1978 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.A2294, miniature sheet 30. Anniv February in/at gift cards Pofis Bratislava - PRAGA 1978, collection of ca. 100 pcs of miniature sheets in folder přelepených already porušenoubalící strip; c.v.. ca. 2.000CZK
1967-1979 SELECTION of / Pof.PL1600-1605, PL1718, PL2369B, comp. 7 pcs of blk-of-10, contains incomplete set EXPO 67 Montreal (without value 1Kčs) with signatures of authors in margin, Coat of arms Prague 1Kčs and Mountain Rescue Service 3Kčs with harrow perforation 13¾; very nice quality mint never hinged
1949 Pof.L25-L28+K L29-32, overprint provisory 1Kčs - 30Kčs, complete set in/at UR and bottom corner horiz. str-of-4, incl. coupons; Pof.KH L30 slightly povolená vert. perf in the middle, otherwise mint never hinged
1947-1953 comp. 7 pcs of entires franked with. air stamp. various issues, contains 2x Reg letter, 1x whole telegrafickou money order in Slovak variety, 1x blank form advertisement postage defects, 3x larger part of parcel card; whole dispatch-note with fold, other good condition
1949 Reg and airmail letter to Italy, franked with. 14 pcs of overprint airmail stmp 1/1,50Kčs, Pof.L25, CDS JIČÍN 30.XI.49, stick-on label and postmark Evidence office Orbisu in Prague with date 10.XII.1949, sent back with label Prohibited; toned
1947 DELIVERY / Reg letter addressed to to Pardubice with multicolor franking on both sides of envelope and mounted delivery stamp. 2Kčs, Pof.DR3, CDS CHRÁST U CHRUDIMĚ 24.II.47 and Reg and airmail letter addressed to to Switzerland with multicolor franking postage stmp with mounted pair delivery stamp. 2Kčs, Pof.DR3 with CDS ABERTAMY 8.IX.47; good condition
1948FISKÁL / bill issued in 1948 company Intercontinentale Inc., Prague I. with mounted revenue 50h issue 1947 (year uvedený on/for revenue 1938), with perfin Var.2 (anchor); rare occurrence revenue with perfin after/around year 1945!, only in/at the bottom třetině thin/light fold, otherwise perfect condition
1953DOPORUČENÉ LETTERS - SLOVAKIA / comp. 3 pcs of Reg letters from Slovakia, private also commercial correspondence, various mixed franking, CDS BRATISLAVA, ČADCA and RAJEC N. RAJČANKOU; good condition
1953POŠTOVNÉ 30Kčs - SLOVAKIA / Reg letter franked stamp. Pof.507 according to rate platného to 31.5., CDS KOŠICE 4/ 2.VI.53, chybělo72Kčs!, postage due isn't marked and evidently in relation to name addressee wasn't neither chosen, cancel. Kanceláře president 6.6.53; from Slovakia rare, incomplete imprint of daily postmark, otherwise sound condition
1953 DOPLATNÉ (due) 54 Koruna / letter addressed to to Prague franked else/yet according to rate before/(in front of) money reform stamp. Gottwald 3Kčs, Pof.487II, CDS ZNOJMO 2.VI.53, chybělo27Kčs, avizované postage due "T 1.08" (= 54 Koruna) paid/franked 27x stamp. Postage due stmp 2Kčs, Pof.D77, on both sides, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 4.VI.53; good condition
1953DOPORUČENÉ LETTERS / comp. 10 pcs of Reg letters, various mixed franking special and postage stmp, commercial also private correspondence, among others. 1x from small community Tichá; good condition