1929-1937 3 entires sent as Registered, from that 1x C.O.D. R letter-card with CDS CHRTRES 27.7.37 + 1x Reg and airmail letter to Indochina, i.a. franked with 10Fr, Mi.182 with mailing CDS POSTAE AERIENNE/ FRANCE - INDOCHINA 19.2.29 and returned back + 1x Reg letter to Czechoslovakia franked with i.a. surtax stamp Mi.146, 244, 245, CDS PARIS 25.7.30; small tearing and toned
1941 Mi.40E printing sheet, Golden overprint 4+3Din, complete printing sheet with line perforation 11½ (!); mint never hinged, minor faults, certificate Zrinjscak, c.v.. 3.200€ only stamps
1934 ZEPPELIN / DEUTSCHLANDFAHRT, Sie.246, photo postcard (Zeppelin above Schaffhausen) sent by air mail to Switzerland, franked with airmail stamps 2x 15Rp+50Rp, Mi.108 2x, 102, CDS TRIESENBERG 17.V.34, supplemented with red flight cachet, arrival postmark FRIEDRICHSHAFEN and BERLIN 19.5.34; good condition
1919-1960 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of / 40 entires, part addressed to abroad, some to Czechoslovakia and war Slovakia, 14x Reg, 4x as Reg+Let, 1x Ex, 1x Flight various franking, CDS, censorship and customs control etc.; mainly very fine
1933 Zeppelin / CHICAGOFAHRT 1933, Sie.238, Zuleitung LATVIA, REG CARD franked with 2x Coat of arms 2 Lati, cancel. OF connecting flight from Berlin, trigonal cachet, to Chicago and back with cancel. INCONNU; filled upper left corner, overallfine and rare, c.v.. 950€ (see. Sieger page 348)
1920 2 complete parcel cards with two-sided frankings of various bavarian stamps, both CDS NUREMBERG 30.APR.20 and arrival postmark CHUR 5.V.20; usual archive perforation holes, otherwise very fine
1861-1862 2 entires with issue 1861-1862, 1x folded printed matter with 4Pf green with frame cancel. LIMBURG A. D. LENNE, 1x envelope addressed to Cöln, with mixed franking of stamp 6Pf orange Mi.15 and pairs 2Sgr ultramarine Mi.17, posting framed pmk COESFELD; good condition
1868 postal stationery cover 1Gr rose, Mi.U1A, to Switzerland on Poste restante (!) with mailing cancel. BALLENSTAEDT 14.7., on reverse arrival postmark INTERLAKEN 16.VII.68, notice with blue and red raddle with cash fees; good condition
1933-1940 SELECTION of / stamps from booklets in joined printings from issues Hindenburg, Profession, Coat of arms, i.a. part; mainly mint never hinged, F-VF
1945 War forgeries / Mayer 1a, FUTSCHES REICH - A. H. 12Pfg imperforated as blk-of-4, printed in Rome by US Office of Strategic Services (OSS) for "Operation Cornflakes"; minor faults, certificate Mayer, c.v.. 5.200€, rare
1923 INFLATION / 5 entires with multicolor franking from period of April to September 1923, 2x Reg letter, 2x PC, 1x letter franked with service stamps; various quality
1915 POLAND / Registered and Express letter to Prague, franked with complete overprint issues Fischer 1-5 + block of four value 3Pfg, CDS WARSCHAU 18.7.15, on reverse arrival postmark.; good condition
1935 SAARGEBIET / Reg letter to Switzerland, franked with complete issues Mi.199-205, CDS SAARBRÜCKEN 13.1.35, on reverse arrival GENÈVE 17.I.35; very fine
1941 SERBIA / Mi.Bl.1 I, miniature sheet "Semendria" with plate variety - two color spots in numeral "4"; mint never hinged, minor gum skips, rare, c.v.. 1000€
1930 ZEPPELIN / SPITZBERGENFAHRT, Sie.73 and 74, "Zuleitung Saargebiet", uprated p.stat PC and other card, both with high franking 7Fr i.a. airmail stamps, green and blue confirmation cachets "NORDLAND" i. e. Abwurf Hammerfest and Bergen, c.v.. 475€
1938 SUDETENLANDFAHRT / 5 airmails entires sent inland, multicolor frankings of postage stamps, 1x on reverse mounted miniature sheet Mi.Bl.8, CDS RHEIN MAIN 1.12.38, supplemented with red flight cachet, on reverse 3x arrival postmarkl REICHENBERG 3/ 2.12.38; good condition
1928 SCOUTING / LANDSLEIREN ROMSDALEN 1928 / round scout postmark on Ppc sent from scout camp, with Coat of arms 15Ore; very fine, first official scout postmark of Norway
1945 CAMP POST / DACHAU miniature sheet c.v.. Fischer Bl.1A+B 2 pcs of perf and imperforated + Bl.2B perf (page. 239), issued by Polish committee for the benefit of The Red Cross; fine
1919-1920 3 PC addressed to Prague, i.a. 1x overprint POCZTA POLSKA 15h, 2x Austria-Hungary Crown 10h with postage-due 10+2H + postage stamp 3H, various CDS
1850 Ferch.1-5, Coat of arms 1Kr-9Kr, various types and colors, 1 Kr goldgelb machine made paper rare type Ib, 6 Kreuzer red-brown with significant offset, 9 Kreuzer type II "Randdruck" (marginal print) + plate variety "damaged frame" at right + underlaid middle; chosen quality, c.v.. 535€
1916 POSTAGE-DUE / letter from Dresden to Děčín sent unpaid as "Portopfl. Dienstsache", CDS DRESDEN 2.8.16, in Děčín burdened with postage-due, mounted mixed franking 1h 1900 and 4 + 10h 1908, CDS TETSCHEN 4.VIII.16; vert. fold, otherwise good condition
1918 COURT DELIVERY STAMPS / GALICIA / values 10h Ferch.3, 2 entires, with 3 stamps and reply form of court warrant with 2 stamps 10h, CDS LEMBERG 17/3 18; good condition
1867 Ferch.42 III, 79-blok Mercure 1,05 Kreuzer with upper also bottom margin with marginal ledges, with letters of wmk "TUNGS", in addition 1x type IIIa, cancel. REICHENBERG STATION 24/5 96; minor faults, rare multiple, cat. min. 650€