1933 ZEPPELIN / ITALIENFAHRT Sie.208A,B, letter franked with i.a. Zeppelin stamps Sass. Aerea 45+ 45, 3 +5 Lire, then postage stamp 2,75 Lire Sass.339, return flight from Rome to Germany and then by airmail to Switzerland; very fine, cat. min. 650€
1946 POLISH FIELD POST - "Corpo Polacco" / letter franked with 5 stamps 15c - 80c, red oval pmk COMMANDING OFFICER 15.MAY.1946 + blue censor cancel.; good condition
1933 Zeppelin / CHICAGOFAHRT 1933, Sie.238, Zuleitung LATVIA, REG CARD franked with 2x Coat of arms 2 Lati, cancel. OF connecting flight from Berlin, trigonal cachet, to Chicago and back with cancel. INCONNU; filled upper left corner, overallfine and rare, c.v.. 950€ (see. Sieger page 348)
1922 SG.106-113, George V. - Motives, ½P - 5Sh, complete set of 8 stamps with overprint "SELF-GOVERNMENT", wmk Mult Crown CA; only cheap 6P slightly toned, otherwise fine quality, c.v.. £350
1925 SG.D1var, D5a, Postage due stamp pair ½P with plate variety "BROKEN D" (known but uncatalogued), then pair 2½P L "2" OF ½ OMITTED; minor faults, c.v.. £900++
1920 2 complete parcel cards with two-sided frankings of various bavarian stamps, both CDS NUREMBERG 30.APR.20 and arrival postmark CHUR 5.V.20; usual archive perforation holes, otherwise very fine
1861-1862 2 entires with issue 1861-1862, 1x folded printed matter with 4Pf green with frame cancel. LIMBURG A. D. LENNE, 1x envelope addressed to Cöln, with mixed franking of stamp 6Pf orange Mi.15 and pairs 2Sgr ultramarine Mi.17, posting framed pmk COESFELD; good condition
1868 postal stationery cover 1Gr rose, Mi.U1A, to Switzerland on Poste restante (!) with mailing cancel. BALLENSTAEDT 14.7., on reverse arrival postmark INTERLAKEN 16.VII.68, notice with blue and red raddle with cash fees; good condition
1872 Mi.27a, Eagle (large shield) 9 Kreuzer red-brown; unused piece with original gum mint never hinged (!), lightly toned, certificate Brugger BPP, c.v.. 2.500€, in this quality rare stamp!
1933-1940 SELECTION of / stamps from booklets in joined printings from issues Hindenburg, Profession, Coat of arms, i.a. part; mainly mint never hinged, F-VF
1923 INFLATION / 5 entires with multicolor franking from period of April to September 1923, 2x Reg letter, 2x PC, 1x letter franked with service stamps; various quality
1915 POLAND / Registered and Express letter to Prague, franked with complete overprint issues Fischer 1-5 + block of four value 3Pfg, CDS WARSCHAU 18.7.15, on reverse arrival postmark.; good condition
1935 SAARGEBIET / Reg letter to Switzerland, franked with complete issues Mi.199-205, CDS SAARBRÜCKEN 13.1.35, on reverse arrival GENÈVE 17.I.35; very fine
1912 preprinted brown air-mail card post on Rhine franked with airmail stamp 10Pf, Mi.I + 5Pf Germania, special postmark FRANKFURT/ FLUGPOST AM RHEIN 12.6.12; bend in the middle
1913 LZ 17 SACHSEN - LEIPZIG - ZITTAU / photo postcard sent by 1. flight to Zittau, with Germania 5Pf with oval deck cancel. LUFTPOST / ZEPPELIN SHIP SACHSEN 7.9.13 + violet deck round cancel. AN BORD DES ZEPPELIN - LUFTSCIFFES SACHSEN 7. Sep.; good condition, very fine postal imprints, rare occurrence!
1913 LZ 17 SACHSEN - LEIPZIG - ZITTAU / postcard for 1. flight to Zittau, with Germania 5F with CDS ZITTAU 13.7.13, the flight was interrupted; good condition
1928 1. AMERIKAFAHRT / airmail letter to USA, Sie.21g, franked with Zeppelin stamp 4RM brown, Mi.424, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 10.Okt.28, confirmation blue oval pmk and arrival postmark NEW YORK Oct.16.1928, incl. content; without defects, c.v.. 750€
1929 1. AMERIKAFAHRT 1929, airmail letter addressed to Chicaga, Sie.26A, with multicolor franking of air-mail and postage stamps, i.a. Zeppelin 2RM, Mi.423, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 15.Mai.29, red straight line postmark of delayed flight "Beförderung verzögert...", blue flight cachet and on reverse arrival postmark NEW YORK Aug.5. 1929; very fine
1929 1. AMERIKAFAHRT 1929, airmail letter addressed to Chicago, Sie.26A, with Zeppelin 4RM, Mi.424, posting MC FRIDRICHSHAFEN 15.5.29, red straight line postmark of delayed flight "Beförderung verzögert...", blue flight cachet and on reverse arrival postmark NEW YORK Aug.5. 1929; very fine
1929 MITTELMEERFAHRT / Sie.24Bd, card to USA, franked with airmail stamp 1RM, Mi.382, deck cancel. GRAF ZEPPELIN 22.4.1929, red flight cachet, addressed to Chicago, arrival postmark SAN REMO 25.4.29; without defects, cat. min. 200€
1931 2. SÜD AMERICA FAHRT / Sie.129D - postcard (count von Zeppelin) franked with rare mixed franking 2x 1RM POLARFAHRT + zeppelin brasilian stamps, so franking "there also back"; very fine, cat. min. 650€, rare
1936 NORDAMERIKAFAHRT / 5 airmail entires sent to USA, from that 3x as Registered, multicolor frankings, CDS BERLIN, STUTTGART, GÖTTINGEN, FRANKFURT, S date 2.5. - 8.5.36, incl. arrival postmarks; toned
1936 OLYMPIAFAHRT / Sie.427, selection of 3 airmail entires sent inland, multicolor frankings, CDS LUFTSCHIFFHAFEN FRANKFURT RHEIN MAIN 1.8.36, arrival BERLIN ZENTRALFLUGHAFEN 1.8.36, all with red flight cachet Luftschiff Hindenburg; good condition
1928 SCOUTING / LANDSLEIREN ROMSDALEN 1928 / round scout postmark on Ppc sent from scout camp, with Coat of arms 15Ore; very fine, first official scout postmark of Norway
1919-1920 3 PC addressed to Prague, i.a. 1x overprint POCZTA POLSKA 15h, 2x Austria-Hungary Crown 10h with postage-due 10+2H + postage stamp 3H, various CDS
1841-1849 CZECH LANDS / 7 better letters with blue postmarks, militar KUTTENBERG + FRANCO, money CHRUDIM, PILGRAM with hand written date, REICHENAU + FRANCO + RECOMMANDIRT, then TETSCHEN, KOMOTAU, KROMAU, catalogue Votoček. total 830P (!)
1850 Mi.4Y + 5Y, MP, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer type III + 9 Kreuzer type IIIb, wide margins, on small cut-square with 2x red CDS RECOMMANDIRT/ WIEN/ 29.12.1851 (Müller č.3226 Rf); very fine
1850 Ferch.1-5, Coat of arms 1Kr-9Kr, various types and colors, 1 Kr goldgelb machine made paper rare type Ib, 6 Kreuzer red-brown with significant offset, 9 Kreuzer type II "Randdruck" (marginal print) + plate variety "damaged frame" at right + underlaid middle; chosen quality, c.v.. 535€
1858 Mi.10-12, selection of 9 stamps, values Franz Joseph I. 2 Kreuzer and 3 Kreuzer, i.a. 2 Kreuzer type II orange; various, mainly fine, c.v.. ca. 2.300€
1867 Reg letter with multiple tricolor franking 5+2+2+3+3kr cancel. HLINSKO 5/11, to Opočo (Bohemia), stamps 2 Kreuzer during the opening lightly damaged, however very attractive letter and rare franking, c.v.. ca. 3.000€ for franking on front, like that 1.500€
1916 POSTAGE-DUE / letter from Dresden to Děčín sent unpaid as "Portopfl. Dienstsache", CDS DRESDEN 2.8.16, in Děčín burdened with postage-due, mounted mixed franking 1h 1900 and 4 + 10h 1908, CDS TETSCHEN 4.VIII.16; vert. fold, otherwise good condition