1918 COURT DELIVERY STAMPS / GALICIA / values 10h Ferch.3, 2 entires, with 3 stamps and reply form of court warrant with 2 stamps 10h, CDS LEMBERG 17/3 18; good condition
1858 Ferch.16a, Franz Joseph 1.05kr (hell)blau on newspapers "Srbski Dnevnik" with cancel. TEMESVAR, on 3 sides wide margins, Right to marginal line, under the stamp revenue signette, i. e. MISCHFRANKATUR revenue + newspaper stamp, see. Ferchenbauer. I, page. 575; rare, c.v.. 1.850€
1858 Ferch.17b, Franz Joseph 1.05kr braunlichlila on newspapers "Pilsner Bote" with rarer frame cancel. NEPOMUK; average margins, otherwise very nice, c.v.. 1.000€
1922-1933 [COLLECTIONS] selection of sets - Catholics, air-mail 1925 ** (2 cheap stamps *) and the same set used, Composers , Towns (3) and Číslice 1925; very fine, cat. ANK 2.000€
1850 letter from Pavia to Gallarate with patriotic franking Coat of arms 5+10Cts, I. types; small format, wide margins and perfect condition, exp. Sorani and Diena, c.v.. 1.100€ ++
1889 LEVANT / envelope sent from Jerusalem to Zaragoza in Spain, franked with overprint stamp Eagle 10 Para, Mi.15, CDS JERUSALEM 13/9 89, on reverse transit pmk FERROVIA and arrival postmark ZARAGOZA 19.Oct.89; light fold
1867 postal stationery cover Franz Joseph I. 10Kr blue from Vienna to London, uprated with stamps 3+3+10Kr rough print; very fine and very rare franking, cat. min. 2.500€
1908 PRAGUE PNEUMATIC TUBE POST / Ferch.PK25 Prag Doppelkarte, complete double in both directions used pneumatic tube postcard Franz Joseph I. 20H+ 20H brown, uprated with stamp 5h, CDS PRAGUE 2/ 14/3 08, answer part uprated with stamp 5h, CDS PRAGUE 10/ 14/3 08; fine, cat. Ferchenbauer 650€, rare
1908-1918 PNEUMATIC TUBE POST - PRAGUE / 7 Us postal stationery covers and letter cards of various issues, i.a. Ferchenbauer, UM14, UM15, KB7, KB10, KB11, KB12; good condition, c.v.. 850€
1908 PNEUMATIC TUBE POST - PRAGUE / UM12, envelope for Prague pneumatic-tube post 30H issue 1902, uprated after change of rate 15H on reverse with stamp issue 1908 12+2+1H, CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY 1/1 08; good condition, c.v.. 400€
1812-1900 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 50 pcs of various blank forms, from that 3x MALLE-POST, 34 pcs of various receipts, several certificates of mailing and other various blank forms, line postmarks as WODNIAN, PRAG/ STATION, PRAG etc..; good condition
1912 CZECH LANDS / Mng. J29, identification entire, commercial envelope f. Jäkels Hufeisenfabrik, Freistadt with advertising horseshoe, with 10h Franz Joseph with perfin "J.F.", CDS FREISTADT in SCHLESIEN 10.XI.12; minor faults, otherwise sound condition
1916 K.u.K.. Seeflugstation Pola, round red postmark with Coat of arms, supplemented with cancel. MFP POLA/ 7.XII.16, sent to Moravia; good condition, decorative
1916-1917 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION / 30 various cards, contains i.a. 1x returned back, 6x patriotic additional printing, various unit postmarks., CDS Etappenpostamt etc..; fine condition
1885-1918 [COLLECTIONS] DISPATCH NOTES / selection of more than 100 pcs of larger parts of dispatch notes, from that several pieces complete, supplemented with cuts, various blank forms, frankings, several perfins, postmark mainly from Czech lands; various quality
1949 selection of chosen sets: Mi.1348-1352, 1357-1364, 1365-1366, 1367-1368, 1394-1396, 1409-1413; Pushkin some minor gum faults, otherwise very fine quality, mint never hinged, c.v.. 175€
1984 Mi.5376-5378, Čeljuskin, complete set + PLATE PROOF gravure for Mi.5377 "sinking of Čeljuskin", supplemented with about stamp of Chad; 1x minor fault
1933 ZEPPELIN / ITALIENFAHRT Sie.209IA, card with Sass. Aerea No. 2 - airmail and No. 11 - zeppelin 3 Lire, return flight from Rome to Germany and then to Switzerland; very fine, c.v.. 480€
1930 ZEPPELIN / 1. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT, Sevilla-Lakehurst, airmail letter on USA p.stat airmail cover, multicolor franking of postage stamp on both sides of envelope, CDS SEVILLA 19.MAY.30, red Spanish confirmation cancel PRIMER VIAJE GRAF ZEPPELIN/ A SUDAMERICA/ SEVILLA 1930, on both sides green arrival postmarkl LAKEHURST May.31. 1930, Sie.58B; good condition
1930 ZEPPELIN / 1. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT, Sie.58C, ROUND FLIGHT SEVILLA-SEVILLA, letter addressed to Switzerland, franked with spanish stamps 24Pts, CDS SEVILLA, red cachet Primer Viaje Graf Zeppelin, on reverse MC SEVILLA 5.Jun.30; fine, c.v.. 450€
1856-1872 5 classic letters franked with Sitting Helvetia, i.a. 2x with 15Rp, 1x with 5Rp and 10Rp, 1x to Florence with 2x 30C (Mi.25!, on face-side cut the recipient) etc..; interesting
1929 ZEPPELIN - WELTRUNDFAHRT / card Sieger 30a, addressed to Tokio, with stamps Mi.189-191, 181x, Zuleitung from Switzerland to Japan is rare, c.v.. 500€
1947 ITALIAN PART / Sassone Aerea 4c, "Airplane" 10L red, pair with gutter (!), overprint A.M.G. F.T.T. and its "copy" on reverse; very fine, c.v.. 420€
1862 Reg letter from London to Pest, with Victoria 6P, SG.84 + 1Sh, SG.90, numeral pmk "14" and oval REGISTERED LONDON 22.DE.62, on reverse arrival PESTH 25/12; very fine
1938 4 philatelically influenced Reg letters franked with complete issues SG.257-267, Coronation 1c - 48c, in blocks of four, CDS ST. JOHN´S JUL.22 1938; only as used stamps c.v. £200