1978 Pof.2323 production flaw, Prague Astronomical Clock 1Kト行, LR corner blk-of-4 with significant shift black OT color up; unusual, on/for comparison including common piece
1978 Pof.2323 production flaw, Prague Astronomical Clock 3,60Kト行, UL corner blk-of-4 with date of print 30.V.78 and with significant shift ochre and tyrkysovテゥ color transport; unusual, on/for comparison including common piece
1978 Pof.2330 plate variety, New Prague 1Kト行, L the bottom corner blk-of-8 with plate variety on pos. 36/1 - double transfer footway; mint never hinged
1981 Pof.2493 ST, Atomic Power Station 2Kト行, selection of horiz. right upper corner block of 6 and blk-of-5 and vert. block of 6, total contains joined types: horiz. I+II+I, 2x I+III+I, 2x II + I, III+I and IV+I, also with 2x cut square dispatch-note franked with. total 3 vert. Pr with ST; mint never hinged
1981 Pof.2493 production flaw, Atomic Power Station 2Kト行, right upper corner vertical strip of 3 with significant black vlnitテスmi lines and stains (defect scrap); unusual
1982 Pof.2535 production flaw, Musical motives 1Kト行, L the bottom corner horizontal strip of 5 with date of print 11.III.82, significant shift golden color (frame) downward; interesting, also with common stamp. on/for comparison
1982 Pof.2548 production flaw, Castle Nitra 3Kト行, corner blk-of-4 with significant shift gravure colors downward; interesting, including common block of four on/for comparison
1952-1975 PLATE FLAWS A TYPY / selection of chosen stamp. with plate variety and types: Pof.327 3/1; 709 9/10; 771 1/1; 773 1/1; 1222 1/A; 1569 32/1 + 1217 and 1587 II. types; very fine, c.v.. 1.770Kト
1972DATATISKU / Pof.D93, D96, D99, D101, Flowers, comp. of 4 date print, from that 3x surplus print on paper oz: 4Kト行 - folded bnd-of-10 with very rare date 12.II.75, 80h - str-of-3 28.IX.74, 2Kト行 - str-of-5 24.IX.74 and 20h common paper -bp- with date 22.III.72; nice selection of, cat. only single stamp. 1.117Kト, like that value significantly higher
1949 postal-agency MEDZIBROD (ONDREJ above H.) (Gebauer. 2216), cancel. No. 4. - airmail letter from USA franked with. 2x 15c, CDS TACOMA11.APR.49, CDS Hテ゛NIKY 27.IV.1949 and postal agency pmk Medzibrod above H. / (St. Ondrej above H.) as arrival - light imprint, open customs control, on reverse cancel. "D. K. / Bratislava 2", redirected to Bohemia, arrival postmark DUBテ in/at Kruナ。nテスch H./ 29.IV.49; rare entire with postal agency pmk.!, signs of usage
1953 postcard to abroad philatelically influenced postcard addressed to Brit. zone of Germany, with mixed franking Pofis. L22, 505, 539, 608, 636, 704 and 514 (4 years neplatnテ。!), postal-charge 30Kト行, CDS OSTRAVA 1/ 18.VI.53, control cancel. from same of day + signature; interesting destination, sound condition, ex J. Dvoナ凖。k
1953 LETTER plate variety CIZINY / letter to 20g addressed to to Austria, franked cash (!), hand-made "Cash paid No. 173", CDS CHOTト咤Oナ 8.VI.53 and signature + cancel. Austrian censorship; good condition, usage letters abroad franked/paid cash is rather rare!
1953 LETTER plate variety CIZINY / airmail letter to Bulgaria franked 26 pcs of postage and special stmp on both sides, CDS MARIテ¨SKテ Lテ〇Nト 8.VI.53, arrival postmarkl SOFIA on reverse badly readable, postal-charge 61,50Kト行 is not equal rate; signs of usage, after all interesting, sought evropskテ。 destination!
1953DOPORUト窪Nテ LETTERS - SLOVAKIA / comp. 3 pcs of Reg letters from Slovakia with multiple frankings Pof.488, CDS ナAFテヽIKOVO 8.VI.53, Pof.489 + CDS KYSUCKテ NOVテ MESTO 12.VI.53 + Pof.726 with CDS LUト窪NEC 6.VI.53, 2 pcs of addressed to Kancelテ。ナ冓 president republic; 2x partially torn off R nテ。lepka
1953CENNテPSANテ / with stated valuable 2.062,60Kト in new currency, form/blank envelope, in/at rozporu with regulations paid on reverse krajovテスm10-blokem(!) and str-of-3 airmail stamps Pofis. L21 + Pofis. 646 and 666, CDS STRテナスNICE/ 12.VI.53, postal-charge 220Kト行, on reverse 4 complete seal and 2-lines cancel. "Look! on/for ナ。kナッdce forest/ 3400/7973/12468"; money letter with like that unusual stated valuable is exceptional!, rare rate, sound condition, on request exp. by Drazan
1953NEDOSTATEト君トVYPLACENテ MAILING / commercial window envelope with Pof.705, CDS Pテ拘EK 3.VI.53, delivering post burdened by postage-due 54 Koruna, place postage-due stamp. was/were paid/franked meter stmp BRATISLAVA 1/ 54,oo/ 5.VI.53 - thin/light, but well readable print; format 11x22cm, quite exceptional way inkasovテ。nテュ postage-due!, sought by specialists, good condition
1953 POSTE RESTANTE / letter sent to post off. Prague Jindナ冓ナ。skテ。 street., franked stamp. Pof.489, 521, 672, posting MC PRAGUE 025/ 8.VI.53, on reverse arrival PRAGUE 1/ 9.VI.53, mailing in stanovenテゥlhナッtトnevyzvednuta, label "Unclaimed", date stamp 25.VI.1953, other CDS PRAGUE 1/ 26.VI. on reverse and 13.VII. in front; good condition, mailing poste restante from period of monetary reform are rare!
1953POナTOVNテPAUナALOVテ¨O / two commercial letters, both wasn't allowed pauナ。alovanテゥ postal-charge, again paid mnohonテ。sobnテスmi frankings, 1x stamp. Pof.717 4x in front and 16x on reverse, CDS ト窪SKテ Tト塲テ康/ 2.VI.53, common format + 1x letter with Pof.679 (20x) on reverse, CDS ナUMNテ 9.VI.53, format 22x11 cm; during 1. days nemト嬪y post offices no instruction as these mailing posuzovat, after/around more than 5 days mistake post; good condition, window envelopes, interesting
1953POナTOVNテPAUナALOVテ¨O / larger part of parcel card in/at rose color with sale price 10h and with pre-printed text "Postage averaged", CDS PRAGUE 022/ 11.VI.53, additional cancel. "P". Without vyplnト嬾テゥho data about/by price mailing, weight/scale 1kg, statement "Charges near/in/at delivery" with dopsanou amount 60h, on reverse 2x arrival postmark VACOV/ 12.VI.53, sender Publikaト肱テュ institution ministry of Internal Affairs; good condition, usage larger parts parcel cards with averaged postage exceptional!
1953UKテ〇KA ZBOナステ / sテ。ト耕ovテ。 envelope paid/franked on reverse Pof.488 + corner blk-of-10 Pof.716, MC PRAGUE 025/ 8.VI.53; envelope light wrinkled, otherwise good condition, quite exceptional mailing, here for the first time in auction!
1953SMテ最ENテFRANKATURY / comp. 9 pcs of various zテ。silek: printed matter, obch. papers, PC, pictorial PC, postcard, letter in the place, letter in/at other transport, Reg letter and Express letter; right paid/franked mailing with common postage and special stamp.; good condition
1953Vテ垢ENテヾOBNテFRANKATURY / comp. 10 pcs of letters franked/paid stamp. Pofis. 485(2x), 487II.(2x), 488, 502!, 521, 666(2x) and 718, private also commercial correspondence, from that 1x Printed matter, 1x letter returned sender; well zachovalテゥ
1953Vテ垢ENテヾOBNテFRANKATURY / comp. 2 pcs of entires right franked/paid postage stamp. Pof.521, 1x Express letter, CDS LOMNICE by/on/at Rテ扨Aナ楼VA 5.VI.53, express mailing are rare + 1x Reg letter, CDS Bナ櫓CLAV 2/ 6.VI.53, recipient Zテ。vodnテュ organization Communist Party of Czechoslovakia/ Rolnicko-vinaナ冱kテ。 school Valtice, sender Aparテ。t OV Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in/at Bナ册clav; interesting contemporary document, good condition
1953 AIRMAIL STAMPS FRANKATURY - SLOVAKIA / Reg letter in the place franked air stamp. Pof.L30+L30KH (2x vertical pair with upper coupon), L34 Spa + Pof.521, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 6.VI.53; from Slovakia sought, envelope open from 3 sides (from exhibit)
1953OTISKYVテ抉LATNテ垢HSTROJナョ / view card with imprinted stamp Cheb uprated to right postal-charge meter stmp CHEB 1/ 5.6.53/ 13,50Kト行; usage p.stat Ppc with meter stmp is sporadic, R bend and stain from red stamping ink
1953OTISKYVテ抉LATNテ垢HSTROJナョ / Reg letter franked print meter stmp BRATISLAVA 1/ 4.VI.53/ 80,oo, arrival presentation cancel. Kancelテ。ナ册 president republic; cut Reg label, otherwise without defects, superb imprint of meter franking from Slovakia!
1953OTISKYVテ抉LATNテ垢HSTROJナョ / comp. 2 pcs of window envelopes franked/paid commercial print meter stmp, 1x commercial papers with meter stmp BRATISLAVA 1/ 15.6.53 / Hutnテスodbytovテス fold/ 10,oo and 1x printed matter with meter stmp BRATISLAVA 1/ 10.6.53/ GUMON n.p./ 20,oo, thin/light but well readable print; format 11x22cm, good condition
1953OTISKYVテ抉LATNテ垢HSTROJナョ / comp. 3 pcs of letters franked/paid print meter stmp, 1x printed matter with meter stmp PRAGUE 13/ 11.6.53 / 10,00; 1x postcard with meter stmp BANSKテ BYSTRICA/ 8.6.53; 1x letter with meter stmp Nテ,HOD 1/ 8.VI..53/ 30,00; quality print, 1 pcs of from Slovakia, sound condition
1953OTISKYVテ抉LATNテ垢HSTROJナョ / comp. 3 pcs of mailing franked/paid print meter stmp, 1x postcard, meter stmp BRNO 12/ 8.6.53 / 15,00 + 1x commercial letter, meter stmp GOTTWALDOV 2/ 13.VI..53/ 30,00 + 1x Reg letter, meter stmp KRNOV 1/ 8.6.53; light but well readable print, 1x torn flap, good condition
1953 PARCEL BILL / larger part of parcel card for parcel without udanテゥ price/-s, weight/scale 1,60kg, postal-charge 110Kト行, multiple franking stamp. Pof.521, 8x in front with CDS UHLテ最牢Kテ JANOVICE/ 1.VI.53 (!) and 3x on reverse without CDS, arrival postmark VACOV/ 3.VI.53; usage dispatch-notes from 1. of day is rare, good condition
1953 PARCEL BILL / larger part of parcel card on/for valuable parcel C.O.D. (!), weight/scale 28,2kg, C.O.D. 300Kト行 !, CDS RYCHNOV by/on/at JABLONCE n. N. 6.VI.53, arrival postmark VACOV 7.VI.53 (nedト嬪e!); usage dispatch-notes C.O.D. is quite rare, here for the first time in auction, sound condition
1953 SELECTION of / 11 pcs of letters with mixed frankings postage and special stmp., from that 1x Reg from small community STテ¨テ, 1x letter franked after/around 19.6. invalidated stamp. with railway pmk Koナ。ice - ナスilina/ 967/ 24.VI.53 - without postage-due, 1x window envelope 11x22cm; good condition
1953 SELECTION of / 7 pcs of letters, from that 3x as Registered, multiple franking stamp. Pof.487, 521, 666 and 725 with cancel. 2x from 1. VI. (!), 2x 3.VI. and 5.VI., 1x Reg letter with new also old currency, 2 pcs of philatelically ovlivnト嬾テゥ letters; 1x more/larger envelope, good condition
1946UPRCHLICKテ Tテ。OR EL-SHATT / CDV73, Koナ。ice-issue light green, uprated with stamp London-issue and Portraits on/for 9,60Kト行, sent by air mail to Egypt on/for obyvatele refugee camp el-Shatt on/for Sinaji (zナ凖ュzenBrity for uprchlテュky especially from occupied Croatia), CDS PARDUBICE 2/ 7.I.46, on reverse arrival postmarkl CAIRO 18.JAN.1945, recipient not found and sent back; good condition, interesting destination
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] DESKOVテ A TISKOVテVADY / specialized collection in/at 32-strテ。nkovテゥm stockbook A4, contains c.v.. also uncatalogued plate variety, plate variety, flaw print, color shades, various editions etc.., all carefully described, zahrnuje own vテスzkum, included to sum only c.v.. item/-s, other without ohledu on/for curiosity only after/behind price normテ。lnテュch stamp., suitable to continuation or other sale, c.v. 16.445Kト
1953-1964 [COLLECTIONS] DVOJPテヾKY / collection of stamps from uvedenテゥho period, mostly in pairs, often marginal or corner, contains also various shades, dates of print and oths., incl. some miniature sheets, stamp. postage-due, official, air-mail etc..; placed in full 24-strテ。nkovテゥm stockbook A4, mainly very nice quality, cat. only as single stamp. according to owner 12.686Kト
[COLLECTIONS] FOREIGN DISPATCH NOTES / 28 pcs of dispatch-notes to zテ。silkテ。m to Czechoslovakia with customs deklaracテュ and fee paid Czechosl. postage stamp., mailing from countries as Switzerland, Syria, Italy, Germany, Bulgaria, Lybie, Israel, Argentina, New Zealand, Kuba etc..; placed in transparent covers A4 in spiral folder
2001 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.300-301 production flaw, Zoo 5,40CZK, complete 50 pcs of sheet with production flaw 1 - significant shifted print, in addition sporadically stains black printing color, the most significant on pos. 16 and 26; rare and sought production defect, in/at complete counter sheet quite exceptional usage!
2007 Pof.539 production flaw, PRAGA 2008 18CZK, the bottom marginal block-of-8 (4 pナ册sahujテュcテュ perforation hole), on all stamps production flaw "zalitテゥ CZK", in addition 3x between pane position significant light stains; very rare, exp. labour, newly katalogizovテ。no
2010 Pof.630 production flaw, Fifinka value A, complete booklet variants A with production flaw 6/6A - red stain below 1. "also" (Fifinka); sought defect
2010 Pof.664 production flaw, Christmas 10CZK, horizontal pair with R margin, with significant shifted perforation L downward to picture of stmp; mint never hinged
2012 Pof.711 production flaw, 150. Anniv Sokol 14CZK, horiz. upper bnd-of-10, L to R with mト嬾テュcテュ color from red-brown L to/at carmine R; in/at c.v.. price struck through, exp. labour
2014 Pof.809 production flaw, Jナッ and Hele value A, complete booklet (field 6), double pin hole and nテ。sek (closely by/on/at themselves, nejzナ册telnト嬲ナ。テュ on pos. 2 and 7); c.v.. 2.500CZK
2000 Pof.AT1 production flaw, Veveナ凖ュ (castle), variant I, DVOJITテFIALOVテ print values 14.40CZK without asterisk, stamp. with violet value was/were pナ冓praveny for PAL6; mint never hinged, very rare, rarely occur very fine stamp. nenalepenテゥ on/for PB, usage stamp. with production flaw values is exceptional!
2002 Pof.AT2 production flaw, Zvテュkov, comp. of 8 stamp. with various VV:nテ。sobnテス print values, various values, double impression stamp., inverted print, "reed" etc..; interesting selection of
1995 PLATE PROOF Zber.77, Trenト催ュn 8Sk, print unfinished gravure in black color on chalky paper, on sheet paper A5 with signature Cigテ。nik; small spot on/for background sheet, otherwise very fine