2006 gravure F. Horniak according to design/sketch K. Felix with motive of čedičovéhokamenopádu in/at rezervaciŠomoška, motive after/around arrangement used on stmp Nature Protection 35Sk, Zber.374, on/for stronger paper format more/larger A5, signed Horniak; very fine
2007 PLATE PROOF Zber.400, Monastery HronskýBeňadik34Sk, proof print definitive gravure in black color on/for stronger paper, printed on the reverse side invitation-cards on/for Horniakovu exhibition, signed Horniak; very fine
2009 PLATE PROOF Zber.447, 448, Biňa1€ + Dražovice 2€, 2 proof print definitive gravures in black color on/for chalky carton without gum, both signed Horniak; very fine
2006-2011 [COLLECTIONS] OFFICIAL ENVELOPES / accumulation 25 pcs of Us official postal stationery covers, contains CSO 017 (2 pcs of), 018 (4 pcs of), 019 (2 pcs of), 022 (13 pcs of), 023, 029 (3 pcs of), supplemented with envelopes various institutions with added-print; good condition, cat. only CSO 980€
1995PT2a, Výr rock, unnumbered special commemorative print big format, size 102x268mm - else/yet more/larger then udává catalogue (!); very fine, interesting
1998-2004 [COLLECTIONS] REGISTERED LABELS S ČÁROVÝMKÓDEM / selection of 17 pcs of entires and 3 pcs of cut-squares with various varieties Reg labels with line kódem Slovak post; good condition, (supplemented with description distinction in German)
1918 SELECTION of / forerunner Austrian stamps, i.a. Charles incl. 20h light, 2K-10K on granite paper, War 1915 2x, postage-due 1908 on chalky paper set (hinged), str-of-3 express, pair 10K unclear print , 2x air-mail FLUGPOSTA; only postage-due 1908 hinged, otherwise all mint never hinged, c.v.. 12000 CZK
1919 PARALLEL / comp. 4 pcs of parcel dispatch card segments with parallel franking Austrian stamp. Charles 15h, Coat of arms 1k, Large Emblem 3 Koruna from that 2x on granite paper with stamp. Hradčany values 5, 10, 20h, CDS CHVOJNO, KARBITZ, BRNO, BYSTŘICE P. H.; very fine, sought combination, ex Škaloud
1919 PARALLEL / comp. 4 pcs of parcel dispatch card segments with parallel franking Austrian stamp. Crown 3h, Coat of arms 40h, 60h and 1 Koruna with stamp. Hradčany values 10h red and 20h blue-green with line perforation 11½, 40h and 200h, various CDS; good condition, sought combination, ex Škaloud
1919 PARALLEL LAST DAY OF VALIDITY 28.II.19 / comp. 8 pcs of parcel dispatch card segments with parallel franking Austrian stamp. Crown 10h, Coat of arms 40h, 50h, 60h and 80h, Large Emblem 2x 2 Koruna and 1x 3 Koruna on granite paper with stamp. Hradčany values 10, 20h, CDS from 28.II.19 DAUBA, TROPPAU, KARSBAD, MĚLNÍK, KOPIDLNO, ZWITTAU, BILIN; good condition, sought combination, ex Škaloud
1918 POSTAGE-DUE VE FUNKCI POSTAGE STAMPS / larger part Austrian post. C.O.D. order with mixed franking postage-due stamp. to exhaustion-issue 15/36h violet + Small numerals 10h Mi.P61, P48, CDS ČELÁKOVICE 15/12 18, on reverse arrival postmark KOLÍN 1/ 18/12 18; good condition
1919 POSTAGE-DUE VE FUNKCI POSTAGE STAMPS / parcel dispatch card segment franked with. 2 pcs of parallel Postage due stamp issue Small numerals 1 Koruna blue, Mi.P55 used as postage stmp and stamp. Hradčany 20h blue-green, posting nationalized CDS ŠKVRŇANY 28.II.19 - last day of validity Austrian stamp.; very fine, exp. Škaloud, exceedingly rare combination!
1918 POSTAGE-DUE / larger part Austrian post. order where fee after/behind delivery are paid Austrian Postage due stamp to exhaustion-issue 10/24h blue, Mi.P86 with nationalized CDS HORNÍ ČERNOŠICE 11.XI.18 + delivering card with fee paid Postage due stamp Small numerals 5h, Mi.P73 with nationalized CDS HORNÍ POČERNICE 20.XI.18; good condition
1919KOLKOVÁNÍBANKOVEK / odmítnutí takeover pohledávky incurred before/(in front of) 26.2. / cut money dispatch-note addressed to to Budapest (!), CDS NYITRA 919 Feb.22., postal-charge 40h postpaid with stmp Reaper 3x 5f and Hradčany 20h + 5h, refused takeover amount (according to postage to 250K), sent back to Nitra with CDS NYITRA 919 Apr.9., handwritten notice "Zrušené"; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
1919KOLKOVÁNÍBANKOVEK / odmítnutí takeover pohledávky incurred before/(in front of) 26.2. / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 1000 Koruna, CDS FEHÉRHÁLOM 919 Feb.26. (Lysá in Slovakia), postal-charge 1,25K postpaid with stmp Zita 3x 40f and Hradčany 5h, undelivered, recipient declined to take over - handwritten notice "Nepřijme", sent back with CDS FEHÉRHÁLOM 919 Mar.31.; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
1919KOLKOVÁNÍBANKOVEK / odmítnutí takeover pohledávky incurred before/(in front of) 26.2. / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 1000 Koruna, CDS NAGY TOPOLCSÁNY 919 Feb.24. (Velké Topolčany), arrival postmark SZMOLÁNY 919 Mar.8. (Smolenice), postal-charge 1,20 Koruna postpaid with stmp Parliament 1 Koruna and Hradčany 20h, škrtnutý receiver and supplemented with text "Penízeposlané to dist. komisariátu to Trnava" - post obdržela money before/(in front of) zákazemplatebníchoperacíplatným from 1.3.19, recipient declined amount to take over and post money odeslala to franking and teprvepotom payment doručila, day before/(in front of) ukončenímkolkovací action; only light fold, see article and illustrated in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
1919KOLKOVÁNÍBANKOVEK / posting and delivery after/around ending franking / larger part money dispatch-note for amount of 262,10K, CDS BÉSZTERCZEBÁNYA 919 Mar/16, arrival postmark REICHENBERG 1/ 21.3.19, postal-charge 50h paid invalidated stamp. Charles 2x 20f with overprint KÖZTÁRSASÁG and Hradčany 10h on reverse; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
1919KOLKOVÁNÍBANKOVEK / posting before/(in front of) pozastavením receiving orders - delivery in/at course franking / larger part money dispatch-note for amount of 767,20K, CDS NAGY TAPOLCSÁNY 919 Feb.27. (Velké Topolčany), arrival postmark NYITRA 919 Mar.1., postal-charge incl. delivery fee 1 Koruna postpaid with stmp Reaper 5f and Charles 2x 10f on face-side and Reaper 2x 35f + Hradčany 5h on reverse; without defects, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
1919KOLKOVÁNÍBANKOVEK / posting before/(in front of) účinností order - delivery in/at course franking / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 500K, CDS LOSONCZ 919 Feb.25. (Lučenec), arrival postmark SKRBEŇ 7.III.19, postal-charge 70h postpaid with stmp Parliament 50f and Hradčany 20h, order was not before/(in front of) zastavením all platebníchoperacídoručena and delivery was/were pozastaveno, in front supplemented with CDS OLOMOUC 1/ 7.III.19, delivery fee 20h paid Austrian Postage due stamps Small numerals 4x 5h; good condition, see article and picture in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
1919KOLKOVÁNÍBANKOVEK / posting in time of pozastaveníplateb - delivery after/around ending franking / larger part Hungarian C.O.D. dispatch-note for amount of 18K, CDS SZENICZE 919 Feb.26., arrival postmark PRAGUE 1/ 28.II.19, postal-charge 1,20 Koruna postpaid with stmp Parliament 80f and Hradčany 40h, delivery wasn't uskutečněno, bank mělypozastaveny payment operation , Postal saving bank převzala amount to 10.3.19, so the first day after/around ending kolkovací action; good condition, see article and picture in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
1919KOLKOVÁNÍBANKOVEK / posting in time of pozastaveníplateb - delivery after/around ending franking / larger part Hungarian C.O.D. dispatch-note for amount of 18K, CDS SZENICZE 919 Mar.8., arrival postmark PRAGUE 1/ 11.III.19, postal-charge 25h postpaid with stmp Hradčany 5h and 20h, mailing doručena and amount zaplacena 4.3.19, dispatch-note pozdržena to 8.3.19, then sent to Prague and dorazila 11.3.19 already in time of normal postal transport, on reverse supplemented with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 2.IV.19 as confirmation delivery chosen amount; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
1919KOLKOVÁNÍBANKOVEK / posted before/(in front of) order - delivered in/at day his účinnosti 26.2. / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 660K, CDS LOSZONCZ 919 Feb.21., arrival postmark MÄHR. SCHÖNBERG 25.II.19 - to is in/at day účinnosti law, this amount already mohl recipient odmítnout to take over, but neučinil so, postal-charge 90h with Hradčany 2x 10h, 2x 25h and Charles 20f; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
1919KOLKOVÁNÍBANKOVEK / posted before/(in front of) order - delivered in/at day receiving order 25.2. / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 6,74K, CDS MÁLNAPATAK 919 Feb.21. (Málinec), arrival postmark LOSZONCZ 919 Feb.25. - to is in/at day receiving law about/by order, postal-charge 20h + 5h předplacené delivery fee, with Hradčany 10h and Reaper 15f; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
1919KOLKOVÁNÍBANKOVEK / posted in/at day účinnosti order - delivered last day 28.2. before/(in front of) pozastavenímplatebníchoperací / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 110,65K, CDS NÉMETPRÓNA 919 Feb.26. (German Pravno), arrival postmark PRIVIGYE 919 Feb.28. (Prievidza), postal-charge 35h postpaid with stmp Charles 20f and Reaper 3x 5f, delivering fee paid stamp. Hradčany 5h; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
1919KOLKOVÁNÍBANKOVEK / zastavení delivery and return mailing back / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 1.000K, CDS NAGY TOPOLCSÁNY 919 Feb.25. (Velké Topolčany), arrival postmark BRNO 1/ 28.II.19, postal-charge 1,20 Koruna postpaid with stmp Parliament 1 Koruna and Hradčany 20h, handwritten notice "back 28/II", amount already was not doručena, returned to Topolčan with CDS NAGY TOPOLCSÁNY 919 Mar.3. and by hand writen notice "sámodnesl", šlo about/by off. pozastavení delivery and return mailing posting post, supplemented with mailing sheetlet to mailing; good condition, see article and illustrated in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
1919KOLKOVÁNÍBANKOVEK / zastavení delivery and return mailing back / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 1.000K, CDS NAGY TOPOLCSÁNY 919 Feb.26. (Velké Topolčany), arrival postmark UHERSKÝ BROD 1.III.19, postal-charge 1,20 Koruna postpaid with stmp Parliament 1 Koruna and Hradčany 20h, handwritten notice "back", amount already was not doručena, returned to Topolčan 4.3.19. with by hand writen notice, that si amount sender sámodnesl, šlo about/by off. pozastavení delivery and return mailing posting post + supplemented with cut credit notes franked with. Austrian (!) parallel stamp. Coat of arms 1 Koruna and Hradčany 20h with CDS TERENCSÉNTEPLICZ 919 Feb.26., arrival postmark BRNO 1/ 28.II.19, rare usage Austrian postage stmp in Slovakia; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
UNISSUED MEZIARŠÍ / Pof.7Nd, 15h vermilion, vertical strip with two-sided print, in front double with vertical gutter with control-numbers, plate 5 + 6, on gum offset with gutter; lightly hinged, grain in paper, certificate and exp. Vrba
Pof.3D flaw print, 5h light green with line perforation 11½, block of four and single stamp. with production flaw "airship" - both light variant printing defects, block of four on/for pos. 27/2 and single stamp. on pos. 46/1; stamp. hinged, block of four mint never hinged
Pof.4B joined bar types, 5h blue-green, UR corner blk-of-12 with comb perforation 11¾, with joined bar types, bar type II on pos. 18/3; mint never hinged, small notice by pencil in margin, exp. Vrba
Pof.4E, 5h blue-green with line perforation 11½ : 10¾, L upper corner blk-of-18; mint never hinged, at top small vráska in paper and notice by pencil in margin
SELECTION of / Pof.4, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5h blue-green, selection of for specialist - přetažené spiral IIs, according to Monograph subtype IIg, contains horiz. pair with lower margin Pof.4A, pos. 97, 98/4 + block of 6 with R margin, Pof.4C, pos. 68-70, 78-80/4 + stamp. Pof.4B, pos. 89/4 + stamp. Pof.4, pos. 79/4; single stamp. hinged, strip and block mint never hinged
Pof.6A, 10h green with comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, L the bottom corner vertical strip of 5 with control-numbers; mint never hinged, horiz. folded in perforation, exp. Vrba
Pof.7Ad, 15h vermilion with comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, block of four, plate 3, pos. 29-30 / 39-40; right the bottom stamp. mint never hinged, exp. Škaloud
Pof.8D plate variety, 20h blue-green with line perforation 11½, LR blk-of-12, plate variety dot after/behind numeral on pos. 78, plate 2 + shifts horiz. perf in/at bottom two lines; stamp. with plate variety mint never hinged, hinges in margins and upper corner stmp
Pof.9C plate mark, 20h carmine, carton paper (!), LR corner blk-of-4 with plate mark - interrupted pomlka in/at control-numbers 20.-, plate 1, line perforation 13¾; mint never hinged, exp. and marked Vrba, sought
Pof.12C, 30h yellow, LR corner blk-of-9 with control-numbers, nepřepážková perf line perforation 13¾, hint of sticking in LR corner in margin of stmp,. mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
Pof.15C, 50h violet with ministerial perf line perforation 13¾, LR corner blk-of-12; hint of sticking in LR corner in margin of stmp,. mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
PLATE PROOF / partial print sheet values 5h I. printings in/at red-brown color, the first two column with part of třetího, on chalky paper without gum, it is later print - reprint připravený to exhibition PRAGA 1950; very nice quality, Vrba certificate, it is unique rarity!
7. DESKA / trial print 15h bricky red, Pof.7, block of four on/for ordinary browny paper without gum, zavřené spiral II. type, plate 7, pos. 41,42/51,52; lightly hinged, exp. Vrba