1887-1904 REPRINTS / Mercury / issued 1851 and 1856; yellow and rose and pair of vermillion all issued 1887, from that yellow and rose with complete letters of wmk - N, Z; then 4x vermillion issued 1904, 3 stamps **, c.v.. 455€
1867 Ferch.42Ia, 42Ib, 2x Mercure 1,05 Kreuzer the first types, rough print, both "lilabraun"; type Ia with original bend, Ib almost **, wide margins, c.v.. 310€
1863 Newspaper WANDERER - "Abend - Nebenblatt" with Coat of arms 1,05Kr as "Pseudo-Mischfrankatur" with red SIGNETE 1 Kr; cancel. MELNIK; very fine and rare, Ferchenbauer. I, part page 652 and II. part page 567; c.v.. 370€++
1867 Ferch.42b lilac and 42f blassgraulila, 2 Mercure on newspapers Wiener Geschaftsbericht and Zvěsti Slavonic (the first Czech newspaper in Vienna); very fine, c.v.. 480€
1877-1890 3 newspapers with interesting frankings 2x 1kr 1890, 2x 2kr 1890 (rare) and English strip ½P with nnewspaper after delivery on Austrian territory provided with revenue 2 Kreuzer 1877, with red cancel. PRAGUE, "Pseudomischfrankatur" - similar piece in Ferchenbauer II. part page 612; c.v.. 820€
1850 ANK.1HI-5HI without No. 2; Coat of arms 5Cts, pair 15Cts "dunkel zinnober", 30Cts and 45Cts, all I. types, with "dumb" cancel. "V" - VENICE; c.v.. Müller 2000 points (!)
1850 Ferch.5HIII, Sass.12, block of four Coat of arms 45Cts type III on hand-made paper with cancel. PADUA 12 MARZO; certificate A. Diena and Dr. Ferchenbauer: "... links oben etwas tangiert .... rel. Prachtstück", c.v.. 13.000€, Sass. 35.000€, VF and scarce
1900 PRAGUE PNEUMATIC TUBE POST / Ferch.PK17 Doppelkarte, whole Us double PC for pneumatic-tube post Franz Joseph I. 10Kr + 10Kr ultramarine, CDS PRAGUE 10/ 17/1 00; without defects, c.v.. 150€
1917 PRIVATE P. STAT. / whole 1. part of C.O.D. post. dispatch-note with imprinted stamp 10h and privately printed stamp issue 1916 Coat of arms 80h red-brown, uprated with stamp of same issue Crown 10h, CDS WIEN 12.III.17; good condition
1919 Mng.J10, identification document, invoice with 3 Austrian revenues, 2x 4H + 10h issue 1910, all with perfin "J.H./S." f. J. Hückels sons, Neutitschein, hat factory, used in Czechoslovakia, dated 9.1.1919; extraordinary document, rare
1918 [COLLECTIONS] SHEET / FP ITALY / occupation Friuli - Veneto / Sass. 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 15 - 6 values Charles I., with overprints in CENTESIMI, all ca. 100x in half sheet, then Espressi, Sass.1 - Bosnian special-delivery 2H with overprint 3Cts, 25- block and 3x blk-of-10; very fine, c.v.. as single stamps 34.000€
1914-1918 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION / 40 FP cards and prisoner cards, all addressed to Bohemia, contains i.a. 2x card with FP 1064/a, Etappenpostamt HRUBLESZOW, framed pmk K.u.K. Kmdo. der Lfa. Battn. des K. H. Pola, district cancel. IX/464 with propagandistic cancel. Gott Strafe England!, Gottes Fluch über das treulose Italy!, prisoner cards from Italy also Russia etc..; various quality
1918 ANK.227X, FLUGPOST 4 Koruna on postcard 8h Charles, uprated from Lviv to Vienna, cancel. LEMBERG 15.V. 18 and WIEN 16.V. 18; exact franking, very fine quality and rare p.stat!
1852 Swiss confederation / Mi.10, 11, Rayon III small number 15Rp and 15Cts; both stamps with small thin place, blue and red cancel. " Eidgenossische Raute", c.v.. 1.600€
1916 SG.231-233, George V. WAR TAX 2c+1c, DIE I, perf 12, set of all three catalogued shaeds: rose red; bright carmine and scarlet; very fine, c.v.. £175
1916 SG.235-236, George V. WAR TAX 2c+1c, DIE I, perf 12x8, selection of both catalogued shades with this perforation: carmine red and bright rose-red; very fine, c.v.. £88
1916 SG.241, 243, George V. WAR TAX 2c+1c, coil- with vertical perf 8, selection of both shades "brown" DIE I and "deep brown" DIE II; very fine, c.v.. £185
1936 ZEPPELIN / 1. NORDAMERIKAFAHRT, Sie.409, p.stat airmail envelope 6c sent from USA to Germany, uprated with airmail stamps 15c + 20c, CDS BROOKLYN May.10.1936, violet flight cachet LAKEHURST - FRANKFURT AM MAIN and on reverse arrival postmarkl FRANKFURT AM MAIN 14.5.36; envelope opened from two sides
1869 letter sent from Callao to Genoa, with Coat of arms 1D, posting and transit pmk LONDON and CALAIS, in the place of arrival burdened with postage-due, franked with. Postage due stamps Numerals 1L and 40C, arrival postmark GENOVA 3.FEB.70; nice letter from rare destination
1873 PLATE PROOF for SG.64, Britannia 5Sh, imperforated plate proof in black color, on stronger paper without gum; very fine piece, ex. Perkins Bacon Archives