1945 KLOBOUKY U./B., MNICHOVO HRADIŠTĚ, SVATÝ KOPEČEK, STŘÍTEŽ N. LUDMILOU /comp. 4 pcs of entires franked with. overprint stamp., from that 3 pcs of as Registered; good condition
1945 MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA, KOSTELEC U HOLEŠOVA, LITOVEL, HRANICE, NOVÉ MĚSTO N./M. /comp. 5 pcs of entires franked with. overprint stamp., from that 3 pcs of as Registered; good condition
1945 RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA / letter to Rožňava franked with. 9 Hungarian stamp. 1f - 1P with red overprint Czechoslovak Post., CDS RIMASZOMBAT 45.II.27, arrival ROZSNYÓ 45.III.5; on reverse hints of adjustaci, overall good condition and sought
1945 SVATÝ KOPEČEK, MNICHOVO HRADIŠTĚ, SADSKÁ, PRAGUE 51 BŘEVNOV, MNICHOVICE / comp. 5 pcs of entires franked with. overprint stamp., from that 3 pcs of as Registered; good condition
1945 VALAŠSKÉ MEZIŘÍČÍ, ZDOUNKY, MNICHOVICE, KOSTELEC N. O. / comp. 4 pcs of entires franked with. overprint stamp., from that 2 pcs of as Registered; good condition
MEZIARŠÍ / Pof.354-356Ms(4), 2K-6K, complete set blocks 2 joined vertical 4-stamp gutter + complete set vertical 4-stamp gutter + block 2 joined horiz. 2-stamps gutter values 2 Koruna with plate mark A1; mint never hinged, several minor faults and minor gum fault, c.v.. 2.080Kč
DESKOVÉZNAČKY / Pof.353-359, line seven corner blk-of-4 and 3 corner stamp. values 1,50 Koruna - 20K with plate mark A1, missing Pof.353 (1) and 359 (1); only Pof.354 (C) and 356 (C) hinged, otherwise very nice quality
1945 Pof.A360/362 plate variety, Kosice MS, MS pos. 2 according to Pofis, with plate variety Zlomená paw lion at value 5 Koruna + production flaw white circle in/at tail lion in emblem in the middle miniature sheet; mint never hinged
1945 Pof.375 production flaw, Linden Leaves 60h blue, LR corner blk-of-20 with odshora downward and L to R significantly slábnoucím and in addition with rozostřujícím print (name state on pos. 100 already almost illegible), in addition retouch on pos. 78/1; unusual and very decorative
1945 Pof.382VV, Moscow 10h brown-yellow, marginal piece with R margin counter sheet with part/-s guide marks, OMITTED SVISLÁKRAJOVÁ perf (!); mint never hinged, spot in margin, exp. Pofis-Beneš
1945 Pof.387 production flaw, London-issue 5h blue-grey, LR corner blk-of-4, in lower corner partial inverted sheet offset 4 pcs of same stamps; on reverse small spot, interesting
1945 Pof.387 production flaw, London-issue 50h grey-green, UR corner blk-of-4 with wide R margin with perf of adjacent sheet - incomplete gutter (!); mint never hinged, L oblique bend, very interesting, catalogues with about/by gutters nezmiňují!
1945 Pof.395 production flaw, London-issue 1CZK carmine, UR corner horiz. block of 6, on 1 stmp and in margin partial inverted sheet offset same stamps; mint never hinged, interesting and decorative
1945 Pof.397 production flaw, London-issue 2CZK, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1A and with double stroke perforation comb in lower margin; mint never hinged
1954 Pof.776 production flaw, Profession 20h violet, vertical strip of 3 with R margin, production flaw - joined paper; hints of stripped in the place překryvů papers (originate probably from production), rare!
1954 Pof.A813 production flaw, miniature sheet Zápotocký 2Kčs, production flaw - significant shift stamps crossways L-wards, type II.; mint never hinged, very sought
1958 Pof.PL1013, Švabinský 1,60Kčs, comp. 3 pcs of PB, type I.-III., type I. in addition with plate variety 3/1 - stain near the ear; very nice quality
1963 Pof.A1308, miniature sheet Cosmos, complete set 12 pcs of miniature sheets, types I.-XII.; type III 1x small production gum flaw, otherwise mint never hinged
1965 Pof.1487, Bratislava 3Kčs in blocks, various editions with date printing: vertical strip of 5 25.X.65 and the bottom blk-of-10 27.X.65 with plate variety 44/2, vertical bnd-of-10 18.II.70, rarely occurring color shade; sound condition
1966 Pof.1569 production flaw, Rys 60h, comp. of 4 stamp. with variously intenzivním print green color, from that 1x practically full incomplete-printing green color above value "60"; mint never hinged, interesting selection of, full incomplete-printing is very rare defect!
1967 Pof.1587 ST + 1592 plate variety, Water Birds, selection of two 2-pásek: Pof.1587, Břehouš 30h, ST I. + II. in vertical pair and Pof.1592, Čáp 1,40Kčs with plate variety 4/1 in horiz. marginal pair; mint never hinged
1968 Pof.PL1686 production flaw, New Prague - Kupka 2Kčs, complete counter sheet, on pos. 1 significant smudge stain black-green printing color; mint never hinged, interesting
1974 Pof.2111 production flaw, Postal emblems 30h, fluorescing paper 1 (partially strávená fluorescence), horiz. L marginal Pr with significant shift brown OT color downward L-wards; decorative
1980 Pof.2418 production flaw, Summer Olympic Games Moscow 40h, right upper corner horizontal strip of 3 with significant black vlnitými lines and stains (defect scrap), on/for middle stamp. extreme (illegible value also name state); very decorative!
1980 Pof.2444 DV+RE, Spartakiad 1Kčs, right upper horiz. corner Pr with plate variety 9/2 - red stains on/for face + ditto with retouch RE 9/2; mint never hinged
1981 Pof.2470 production flaw, Postal carriages 1Kčs, comp. of 2 stamp. with significant green vertical line (so-called. „kolejnička“), 1x almost through/over whole stamp., 1x in lower margin; interesting
1973 Pof.PL L77xb, 50 years Czechoslovak Airlines 1,90Kčs, blk-of-10 on paper optically cleared; mint never hinged, bend in corner, overall solid piece, exp. Kulda, often missing in collections!
1985-1990 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of / 24 pcs of stamp booklets, i.a. 12 pcs of 150 years post in/at Jeseník etc..; some incomplete, as multiple but interesting
1952-1992 [COLLECTIONS] DATATISKU / collection in/at 16-stránkovém stockbook A4, total 120 date, mostly in blocks, any other one, from that 35 date on/for postage stmp (from postal transport, much sought reprints) and 6 date on/for postage-due (mostly dotisky), contains i.a. also Pof.680, Jirásek 2Kčs, surplus print 25.XI.52 with changed location date, or Pof.2938, John Paul II. with big also small perforation hole (small perforation hole only part one of day); cat. only single stamp. without date 3.790Kč, like that value multiply more/larger
1965-1992 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of PB, ARŠÍKŮ, BLOKŮ A ZNÁMKOVÝCHSEŠITKŮ / selection of lot of PB issue Art, Prague castle, souvenir sheets, blocks of stamps various issue, then several pieces private stamp booklets from y. 1990 - 1992 as World Exhibition dogs Brno 90, 150 years post. stamps Brno 1990, Námětová philately Brno 1991 etc.., supplemented with příměsí stamps and miniature sheets abroad with various motives; detached/free placed in box with lid, suitable to other elaboration, estate
1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / collection of ca. 100 pcs of various entires, contains i.a. provisory from year 1945, 2x letter franked with. Košice stamp. from that 1x R, entires addressed to to prisons, special postmark in red color SVOBODNÁ SUŠICE 5.V.45, railway pmk., machine slogan pmk, letter franked with. cut-squares from CDV Novotný 30h, blank form/-s, dispatch-note, supplemented with first day sheets from year 1953 etc..; various quality, estate, interesting
2012 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ 0001, Časopis Philately 2012, complete counter sheet about/by 25 stmp values A and E; superb condition, complete the first printing sheet own stamps is rare
2020 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ printing sheet 0109, "Poklady world philately" - Biennale 2020; superb condition, very rare; major part of edition 450 sheets was/were from reason vysokéhozájmu from side/party collectors roztrhána on/for str-of-5 and prodána; dochoval with only small number neroztrhaných sheets!
2016 Reg letter franked with. 2x stamp. Regionální motive value A 2. variants (type) – author's name and year issue no next to themselves, as all dosavadních editions, but wrong below sebou and without zarovnání!! (see article in Philately 8/2016), CDS STRAŠICE 30.VI.16, uprated by. value label APOST; with těmito stamp. sent only several Reg letters (still předloženy4), major-part stamp. orazítkována from favor on/for postcards, all attributes, incl. certificate of mailing
2018PT37C, PT37C/b, PRAGA 2018 (Bombajský letter), with additional-printing David Feldman, incl. cover and cards DF, which/what by/on/at these special commemorative print often missing, normal special commemorative print, miniature sheet and FDC; very fine