1920 SCOUTING / unused overprint scout PC 2s + 3s for local mailing, overprint SCOUT´S FUND, type III (according to Richard Blakeney No. PC 0054); ordinary toned, certificate The Association of Thailand, ex Pan de Alfaro, rare
2023STANLEYGIBBONS - Stamp Catalogue 2024, Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840-1970, prestigious stamp catalogue of Commonwealth, format A4; common lightly hinged užívání, otherwise nice in good condition condition
2023-2024 GERMANY / GENERALGOUVERNMENT 1939-45 / comp. of 2 bulletins, Tag der NSDAP im General Government - DidierJadot + Zollgrenzschutz im Generelgouvernement - HaraldHacker; as new
1945 SVÄTÝ BENEDIK (HronskýBeňadik) / letter with provisory black straight line postmark with by hand dopsanoudatací 11.VI.45, with Bratislava's 2 Koruna blue, handwritten notice and signature censor; very fine
1945 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters with 6 Koruna blue, 1x CDS VOJČICE 4.VIII.45 + 1x envelope with additional-printing hotel "Palace" Nový Smokovec, provisional registry label Nový Smokovec and CDS PIEŠŤANY 28.IV.45, censorship, incl. content; nice good condition
1945 Pof.386 production flaw, Moscow 2 Koruna grey-blue, upper marginal block-of-4 with production flaw - omitted upper horiz. perf, in addition omitted perforation hole in vertical perf; grain in paper on 1 stmp., otherwise mint never hinged
1945 Pof.395 production flaw, London-issue 1CZK, LR corner blk-of-4 with fake gutter in lower margin (one stroke perforation comb in addition); mint never hinged, small spots, very rare!
1945 Pof.396 production flaw, London-issue 1,50CZK, vertical pair with vertical double hair paper crease over both stamp.; mint never hinged, rare usage
1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS, comp. 9 pcs of according to souvenir sheet fields; several single nepatrných minor faults, overall but very nice quality, c.v.. 2.500CZK
1945 Pof.418 production flaw, Masaryk 1,20 Koruna, upper marginal block-of-4, in margin 2x nepravý coupon vzniklý perf paper crease; mint never hinged, rare!
1948 Pof.488 production flaw, Gottwald 5Kčs grey-blue, L upper corner horizontal pair, in upper margin 2x nepravý coupon vzniklý perf paper crease; slightly povolená perf in margin, otherwise mint never hinged, rare!
1953 Pof.766-767 plate variety, Transport 60h and 1Kčs, L marginal block-of-4 with part of dates of print, value 1Kčs in addition 2x with plate variety - significant imprint of transfer roll on edge counter sheet; superb
1970 Pof.1824 II, Lada 1Kčs, type II - dark-blue, as blk-of-4; spot and minor gum fault on 1 stmp., including corner blk-of-4 I. type on/for comparison
1970 Pof.1828 plate variety, Lenin 60h, corner Pr with plate variety on pos. 49/1 - double transfer (earlier type II.); mint never hinged, small minor gum fault
1972 Pof.1966xb plate variety, Vernacular Architecture 3Kčs, optically cleared paper, comp. of 8 stamp. (1x in/at marginal horiz. str-of-3) with various plate variety; mint never hinged, placed on album sheet with podrobnými descriptions, catalogue only as basic stamp. min. 2.400 CZK
1974 Pof.2111 production flaw, Postal emblems 30h, fluorescing paper 1 (partially strávená fluorescence), horiz. L marginal Pr with significant shift brown OT color downward L-wards; decorative
1978 Pof.A2294, miniature sheet Triumphant February 1Kčs, set of all 12 souvenir sheet fields (incl. very rare fields 2 and 8, jejichž larger part was/were skartována); sporadically usual small production gum flaw, otherwise mint never hinged
1952-1975 PLATE FLAWS A TYPY / selection of chosen stamp. with plate variety and types: Pof.327 3/1; 709 9/10; 771 1/1; 773 1/1; 1222 1/A; 1569 32/1 + 1217 and 1587 II. types; very fine, c.v.. 1.770Kč
1954-1958 comp. of 4 entires with from issue Povolání: 2x airmail letter to Barmy and Turkey, 1x uprated by. FDC sent by air mail to Jemenu, 1x interesting postcard Stalinova monument on/for Letná to China; nice good condition
1980 letter i.a. franked by stmp Pof.2113, Postal emblems - pigeon 60h with production flaw 3 - omitted yellow color, L marginal piece with sheet number, CDS TRENČÍN 16.I.80; nice entire from places presence production flaw
1946-1949 RETURN - ODESÍLATELI FOR NEDOVOLENÝVÝVOZ / comp. 3 pcs of entires addressed abroad, officially otevřených and returned back, 1x as Registered, 2x Flight, mounted card, stick-on label with official postmarks or label; good condition
1953 1. DAY / Registered and Express letter franked with. 30 pcs of stamp. Gottwald 5Kčs Pof.488 and 20 pcs of stamp. Wolker 4Kčs, Pof.506, CDS PRAGUE 022/ 1.VI.53; good condition, Ex and registered letters from 1. of day are rare!
1953POŠTOVNÉPAUŠALOVÁNO / two commercial letters, both wasn't allowed paušalované postal-charge, again paid mnohonásobnými frankings, 1x stamp. Pof.717 4x in front and 16x on reverse, CDS ČESKÝ TĚŠÍN/ 2.VI.53, common format + 1x letter with Pof.679 (20x) on reverse, CDS ŠUMNÁ 9.VI.53, format 22x11 cm; during 1. days neměly post offices no instruction as these mailing posuzovat, after/around more than 5 days mistake post; good condition, window envelopes, interesting
1953POŠTOVNÉZAPLACENO V HOTOVOSTI / comp. 3 pcs of entires, 1x postcard with atypical cancel. PAID/ 15.VI., used only on/for p. ú. KLÁNOVICE + 1x postcard with sought special postmark FRANTIŠKOVY LÁZNĚ/ Labour Union Recreation/ Radostnýoddechpracujících, with wrong set up date 8.IV.53 + 1x letter franked valid stamp. Pof.713 (2x), franking disallowed and consequently akceptována (!), CDS JABLONEC above N. 11.VI.53, framed pmk "Taxe percue", hand-made 48 (hellers) + signature - quite rare; good condition
1953SCHODOVITÁFRANKATURA / Reg letter to Humpolec franked on both sides special stamp. Pofis. 707, 708, 720 and 724 in 6 lines schodovitých frankings (!) + Pof.489 (3x), with incomplete print posting CDS PÍSEK 1/ 4.VI.53; lightly but well readable address, light wrinkled envelope; quite exceptional offer, in/at this variant first-time in/at jakékoliv auction, good condition, on request exp. Dražan
1953VÍCENÁSOBNÉFRANKATURY / comp. 10 pcs of letters, from that 4x as Registered, franked/paid among others. stamp. Pof.488(16x), 505(15), 506(18), 507(10), 666(10), 666(15), 696(20) and 705(10), from that 9 pcs of commercial correspondence, part oblong and more/larger envelope/-s; good condition
1953 NOVA MĚNA / 1. DAY, letter addressed to Bratislava franked on reverse already invalidated stamp Pof.713 (10x), CDS LIPTOVSKÝ SVÄTÝ MIKULÁŠ 19.VI.53, postal-charge was/were akceptováno (!), thin/light print CDS; good condition
1950 MIKULOV N./M. / envelope incl. pre-printed letter paper Trestní institution in/at Mikulově in Moravia, with 3Kčs with CDS MIKULOV N./M. 11.XII.50; good condition
1945-2020 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI, FDC / selection of several hundreds entires, contains from larger part FDC from 50. and 60. years, private also commercial correspondence, part as Registered, part mailing abroad, surtax, part correspondence from period of Czech Republic etc..; various quality, total 4kg of material, placed in box with lid
2007 Pof.539 production flaw, PRAGA 2008 18CZK, the bottom marginal block-of-8 (4 přesahující perforation hole), on all stamps production flaw "zalité CZK", in addition 3x between pane position significant light stains; very rare, exp. labour, newly katalogizováno