1926 Pof.210A, block of four Pernštejn 30h green with wmk P7, coil- arrangement; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert and Karasek, sought, rare usage!
1926 PLATE PROOF Pof.223, Prague, proof master die in red color - empty value labels, on thin paper in/at miniature sheet arrangement with wide margin; label, exp. Vrba
1929 Pof.243, St. Wenceslaus 50h green, block of four with L margin, production flaw - production tearing stamp. paper underglued near/in/at print and consequently prozoubkováno; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba, quite rare production defect!
1938 Pof.A342/343 production flaw, miniature sheet Praga 1938 with production flaw - significant shifted print blue color crossways up to to perf stamp.; several small prohnutí paper, otherwise very nice quality mint never hinged, sought by specialists and decorative
1928-1934 [COLLECTIONS] MINISTERY GIFT ALBUMS / comp. of 2 ministerial gift album/-s, 1x issue 1928 - 1929 and 1x with issues 1929-1934; good condition
Pof.L1A, L2A, L3B, I. provisional air mail stmp., basic perforated set, value 24Kč/500h spiral type II + supplemented with about/by imperforated values 14Kč/200h and 28Kč/1000h; hinged, exp. by Novotny and Vrba
1924 PRAGUE - VARŠAVA / Reg and airmail letter to Poland, with mixed franking of stmp Pofis. 2x L4, L5, L6 + 2x Pof.150, general postal-charge 4,80Kč, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 31.III.24 + PRAGUE AIRPORT/ I.IV.24, on reverse arrival WARSAW 1/ 1.IV.24, supplemented with red frame cancel. "Nadeszla Post Lotnicza"; good condition, good destination!
1930 first flight PRAGUE - ZÜRICH, letter sent as Let+Tiskopis 1. flight to Switzerland, with Pof.L4, L5, CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT/ 2.VI.30, supplemented with black cachet 1. flight and frame air mail postmark.., arrival postmark ZÜRICH FLUGPLATZ 2.VI.30 on face-side, posted only 42 pcs of mailing!; only on reverse hints of adjustaci mounting, rare first flight.!
1935 Reg airmail letter with Definitive issue 50h, 1CZK and 2x 2CZK + T. G. Masaryk 2CZK 2x + 1CZK, sent from Plzeň to New Zealand, red cancel. T. G. Masaryk 7.III. 1935, then red cancel. PRAGUE 7 AIRMAIL, transit Brindisi, Sydney and Darwin and arrival DANNEVIRKE 1.AP 1935; signs of usage, however rare destination!
1936 PRAGUE - BRNO / airmail letter franked with. pair postage stmp T. G. Masaryk 1CZK, Pof.303, CDS PRAGUE 4/ 22.IX.36 supplemented with arrival frame cancel. Came aircraft/ BRNO 2, on reverse frame air mail postmark PRAGUE 7/ AIRMAIL 22.IX.36 and arrival postmark BRNO 16/ 22.IX.36; envelope L unprofessionally open
1937 Pof.ANV18 VIb, miniature sheet Bratislava 1937, rare type VIb; quite small grain in paper in lower margin, otherwise very fine piece, on request exp. Vrba, minimum usage, missing in collections!
1922 Pof.DL18 production flaw, Postage Due - overprint issue Hradcany 40/3h violet, UL corner blk-of-4, on/for L stamp. area/region slitého print odděleného from surroundings white line - evidently následek sheet paper vniklého below právěpotiskovaný sheet; mint never hinged block, decorative production defect!
Pof.SO5 STk, SO5A STk, Hradčany 15h bricky red with comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, spiral type I and bar type II., pos. 91/1 + ditto 15h bricky red imperforated without overprint; hinged, on/for SO5A L lower "registry point", both exp. Vrba
Pof.SO11 PLATE PROOF, Hradčany 40h orange imperforated, overprint trial printing in blue color, production flaw - oblique paper crease; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, exp. Vrba
SPOJENÉTYPY / Pof.SO7A joined bar types, Hradčany 20h carmine with line perforation 13¾, vertical blk-of-18 with joined bar types, on pos. 61 bar type II.; hinges in margins, combination types mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
1920 KEŽMAROK / postal order with monogram and valuable 5h in Slovak variety for amount of 30CZK, postal-charge 30h paid overprint stamp. Hradčany 30h yellow, Pof.SO9, posting Hungarian single circle cancel PÉNZUTALVÁNYKÉSMÁRK13/Már 920, on reverse arrival postmark SPIŠSKÁ BELÁ 17., resp. 20.III.20; only light bend, rare whole Us blank form used on/for mimoplebiscitním territory with plebiscitary franking!
1919 Pof.PP8 production flaw, Charitable stamps - Lion 3k/1R with green additional-printing, production flaw - full offset added-print year "1920" lower, type I - small sabre; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert., Vrba
1918 Pof.SK1-SK2, 3x 10h blue and 3x 20h red, various odstínovénuance, 1x 20h thin/light print; mint never hinged, 1x 10h light bend in corner, exp. by Mrnak and Vrba
1918SK1-SK2 production flaw, 10h blue and 20h red with offset on gum, on/for 10h partial near/in/at margin; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert and Vrba
1918 letter with Pof.SK2, 20h red cancelled round cancel. N.V., then black round cancel. SCOUT MAIL PRAGUE 17/11 1918, supplemented with straight line postmark Letter from skauta:/ took over; 2x vertical bend in the middle, good condition
1930 PLATE PROOF comp. 8 pcs of plate proofs stamps T. G. Masaryk 1,50CZK for picture PC abroad, in various colors on white paper without gum; good condition
1936 [COLLECTIONS] CDV61, Pictorial PC 1936, T. G. Masaryk 50h, mainly complete set of 53 pcs of pictorial post cards, missing only No. 13, 43A+B, 45, 54 and 58; mainly very good condition
1939MÄHRISCH OSTRAU / Mi.6-19, almost complete set 40h - 10CZK, missing only value 1,20CZK, i.a. 6x marginal pieces with overprints on margins; mint never hinged, c.v.. 715€, sought
1939AS2f, Newspaper miniature sheet 1937, exhibition NY 1939, black text and silver emblem; lower lightly hinged sticking to původnímucelofánovému cover (by/on/at these miniature sheets usual) and slightly toned in margin, incl. original cover (toned), rarest newspaper exile miniature sheet, minimum usage
1939AS4f, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1939, black text and silver emblem, production flaw - nedotištěná right nib "W" in the word "World´s"; mint never hinged, small minor gum fault, overall fine, c.v.. 5.000CZK
1940 AS9e, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1940, green pavilion on coupon, black text and golden emblem, blue special postmark exhibition; mint never hinged, incl. cover
1940 Reg letter sent in USA with mounted advertising miniature sheet AS9, Praga 1938, blue emblem and black text exhibition NY 1940, blue special postmark OPENING DAY II.V.1940, franked/paid 7 pcs of stamp. USA, CDS NEW YORK 5.12.40; without defects
1940-1945 [COLLECTIONS] FRANCE, ENGLAND, USA, INDIA / selection of 25 pcs of various entires from or on/for Czechosl. members foreign armies, 1x as Registered, 2x special postmark, various postmark field post, censorship etc..; various quality
1942 USA / LET´S STAMP OUT THE DICTATORS! / Christmas war spořící book on/for 10C war stamps (mounted 1 zn.), caricature A. H., Mussoliniho, emperor Hirohita etc.., supplemented with about/by Czech written letter with vysvětlením; very fine in good condition condition, rare occurrence, very rare!
1939ČESKO-SLOVENSKO / Pof.352 plate number, Masaryk 1 Koruna, comp. of 2 L bottom corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1 and 1A with register point - II. printing for přípravu overprint issue; mint never hinged, rather rare usage
1939 Pof.K17 plate number, Poděbrady 4CZK violet, LR corner blk-of-4 stamp. with coupons with plate number 1A; mint never hinged, 1x minor gum fault - finger-print and lower production prohnutí paper
1939 Pof.19KPd, Bratislava 10CZK blue, 2 pcs of, L the bottom corner piece with coupon + upper marginal piece with coupon R, without L margins; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert
1939 [COLLECTIONS] small collection overprint issue in glassine envelopes on 4 album pages, contains especially almost complete issue in blocks of four, often marginal (i.a. 4CZK - 10CZK), several plate variety overprint and basic coupons 4CZK - 10CZK; various quality, part viewing of quality recommended, we advice viewings, several stamp. expert Benes
1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.32, 33, 36, 37I, 39, Landscape the first issue., comp. of 8 complete 100 pcs of archů: 1,20 Koruna plate mark +, 1,50 Koruna * and +, 3 Koruna * and +, 4 Koruna * and +, 10K *; various quality, viewing of quality recommended, sporadically povolená perf and spots, folded only in perforation
1939 Pof.40, Prague 20K light brown, upper (2 line stamp.) and the bottom band with coupons, plate mark +; mint never hinged, several times slightly povolená perf, otherwise nice quality
1939 PLATE PROOF Pof.45, Bechyně 5 Koruna, print nedohotovené gravure in/at different blue color on/for pokřídovaném card paper without gum; very fine, certificate Brunel, minimum usage Bohemian and Moravian plate proofs in the Czech market!
1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.106-107, Birthday A. H. 60+40h and 1,20+3,80K, complete set 100 pcs of counter sheet; vert. fold in perforation, 60h sporadically povolená perf in margin, overall fine
1944 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.116-117, 55. birthday A. Hitler., complete set of sheets of 100; horiz. folded in perforation, little povolená perf in/at fold, otherwise very nice quality