1939 JASIŇA / local overprint Ukrajinskéhotrojzubce in black color on/for MS For Children-issue and Republic, Pof.A335, A347, overprint stamp. in/at also upper margin, type I.; mint never hinged, private spekulační issue without postal usage, according to c.v.. Staiden date issue 14.3.1939, piece à 100€, existenci these overprints shows also catalogues Verleg and Carrigan
1920BEREGSOM - ŠOM / whole used dispatch-note Hradčany 10h blue, CPP1C in Slovak variety, on/for mailing valuable parcel with embroideries addressed to Javoriny in Slovakia, with Hradčany 25h violet and 3x 100h brown ( from that 2x on reverse) Pof.11A, posting big straight line postmark BEREGSOM on front also back side, catalogue Votoček. 63./1. 70b (most valuable forerunner cncl from Carpathian Ruthenia), delivering fee paid by due stmp 2x 5h, Pof.DL1 on face-side dispatch-note with CDS JAVORINA 13.IV.20; very good condition, quite rare whole Hradcany dispatch note used in Carpathian Ruthenia with provisory Hungarian type postmark small postal office!
1929ŤAČOVO, UZHHOROD / comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters sent to post off. directorate to Košice, both with Brno 3CZK, Pof.254, CDS ŤAČOVO 17.V.29 and UZHHOROD 1/ 16. XII.29; 1x torn back flap
1945 Majer Mv 7a, Mv8a, Mv9a. II. definitive issue, Hvězda, 60h red 2-stamps gutter + value 100 dark blue 4-stamp gutter + value 200 brown 2-stamps gutter.; mint never hinged
1878-1938 13 old letters and dispatch-notes, censorship, advertising added prints, multicolor frankings, i.a. better postmarks of small places, 2x ship additional FRAN FINLAND on letters with stamps 20 Pen and 25 Pen with postmarks STOCKHOLM (!) etc.; very fine set
1870 PAR BALLON MONTÉ / letter sent from besieged Paris to Calais, with Ceres REPUB FRANC 20c, round cancel. PARIS MINISTERE DES FINANCES 7.DEC.70, on reverse arrival postmark CALAIS; very fine
1929-1937 3 entires sent as Registered, from that 1x C.O.D. R letter-card with CDS CHRTRES 27.7.37 + 1x Reg and airmail letter to Indochina, i.a. franked with 10Fr, Mi.182 with mailing CDS POSTAE AERIENNE/ FRANCE - INDOCHINA 19.2.29 and returned back + 1x Reg letter to Czechoslovakia franked with i.a. surtax stamp Mi.146, 244, 245, CDS PARIS 25.7.30; small tearing and toned
1921-1927 SG.89-101, George V., ½P - 8Sh, complete set of 11 stamps + shades SG.91a, 95a, 97a and 99a, 2Sh on blue paper, wmk Mult Script CA; overall fine, c.v.. £410
1941 Mi.40E printing sheet, Golden overprint 4+3Din, complete printing sheet with line perforation 11½ (!); mint never hinged, minor faults, certificate Zrinjscak, c.v.. 3.200€ only stamps
1914-1935 SELECTION of / 10 various entires, it contains e.g. p.stat, letter-cards, letters, dispatch-notes, various frankings, cancel. etc..; good condition
1934 ZEPPELIN / DEUTSCHLANDFAHRT, Sie.246, photo postcard (Zeppelin above Schaffhausen) sent by air mail to Switzerland, franked with airmail stamps 2x 15Rp+50Rp, Mi.108 2x, 102, CDS TRIESENBERG 17.V.34, supplemented with red flight cachet, arrival postmark FRIEDRICHSHAFEN and BERLIN 19.5.34; good condition
1912-1924 collection of ca. 200 stamps, i.a. 10 x Mi.1x **, Mi.49A (!), 50B, 52B, 54b(!), 5x mixed frankings on cut-square 51A+51B, issue 1917, 1920, all more times, mint stamps are mostly **; c.v.. 4.400€
1919-1960 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of / 40 entires, part addressed to abroad, some to Czechoslovakia and war Slovakia, 14x Reg, 4x as Reg+Let, 1x Ex, 1x Flight various franking, CDS, censorship and customs control etc.; mainly very fine
1931 ZEPPELIN / UNGARNFAHRT / postcard to Germany, franked with. i.a. Zeppelin stamp 1P, Mi.478, CDS BUDAPEST, blue flight cachet and other attributes + small cut-square ditto with stamp 2P, Mi.479; very fine
1867 folded letter addressed to Vienna, with issue 1867 9 Kreuzer brown, Mi.26, CDS FRANKFURT A.M. STATION 5/10, on reverse arrival postmark WIEN 7.X.; good condition
1945 War forgeries / Mayer 1a, FUTSCHES REICH - A. H. 12Pfg imperforated as blk-of-4, printed in Rome by US Office of Strategic Services (OSS) for "Operation Cornflakes"; minor faults, certificate Mayer, c.v.. 5.200€, rare
1941 SERBIA / Mi.Bl.1 I, miniature sheet "Semendria" with plate variety - two color spots in numeral "4"; mint never hinged, minor gum skips, rare, c.v.. 1000€
1930 ZEPPELIN / SPITZBERGENFAHRT, Sie.73 and 74, "Zuleitung Saargebiet", uprated p.stat PC and other card, both with high franking 7Fr i.a. airmail stamps, green and blue confirmation cachets "NORDLAND" i. e. Abwurf Hammerfest and Bergen, c.v.. 475€