1934-1936 CATAPULT FLIGHT / selection of 3 airmail letters sent to Argentina, multicolor frankings of airmail and postage stamps, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 13.10.34 and 30.11.34, BERIN 9.3.36, all with red cachet DEUTSCHE LUFTPOST / EUROPA - SÜDAMERIKA; good condition
1939 BIELEFELDFAHRT / air-mail card to Stuttgart, with 50Pf with CDS FRANKFURT 23.7.39, supplemented with red flight cachet and arrival black special postmark BLIEFELD 23.7.1939; good condition
1939 C.C. DACHAU 3 K / preprinted postcard to Protectorate, with Hindenburg 6Pf, MUNICH 4.10.39, censor framed pmk Postzensurstelle K.L.D. with signature; vertical fold with tearing in upper margin
1940 C.C. BUCHENWALD / part of credit note sent from Protectorate to C.C., franked with Bohemian and Moravian stamp 4 K, CDS PRAGUE 33/ 21.XII.40, arrival postmark WEIMAR-BUCHENWALD/ 23.12.40 supplemented with straight line postmark GELDVERWALTUNG/ BUCHENWALD; good condition
1944 C.C. DACHAU / larger part of parcel card on valuable (!) parcel sent from Protectorate to Czech prisoner in C.C., franked with A. H., i.a. value 20K, Pof.97, CDS LIBUŠ 3.I.44, returned back with on reverse by hand writen notice "valuable parcel is forbidden" with date stamp 6.Jan. 1944 and arrival CDS LIBUŠ 11.I.44; good condition
1913 SCOUTING / PADVINDERS KAMP / two lined black cancel. on Ppc sent to Haag, with Numerals 2½c, CDS IJMUIDEN 24.7.13; bend, after all very rare scout entire
1932 ZEPPELIN / FAHRT NACH DEN NIEDERLANDEN, sent by airmail, uprated PC to Germany, CDS ROTTERDAM 15.VI.32, supplemented with MC FRIEDRICHSHAFEM 19.6.32 and blue flight cachet; good condition
1918 whole forerunner telegraph credit note Austrian origin addressed to to Czechoslovakia, franked with Austrian issue 1916, Crown 3h, Coat of arms 80h and special-delivery 2h used as postage stmp, CDS LODYGOWICE 30.XI.18, supplemented with orange blank form Confirmation to order telegraph; good condition, only filling holes and fold, complete forerunner dispatch-note are sought
1918-1936 SELECTION of / 11 Us p.stat, from that 1x postal stationery cover (Fischer No. 6), i.a. 2x overprint provisional overprint Warsaw issue, 5x uprated etc.., mainly sent to Czechoslovakia; good condition
1920 PLEBISCITARY TERRITORY / MARIENWERDER (KWIDZYN) / 6 various entires, from that 2x Reg, franked with various plebiscitary stamps, various CDS MARIENWERDER, DEUTSCH EYLAU, KRÖXEN, RENHOF; good condition
1823-1848 CZECH LANDS / selection of 10 letters from various military units, some better postmark i.a. OLMUTZ frame, V. GITSCHIN Vot.č.1; then interesting returned letter from Jihlava etc.., very fine set from important collection, catalogue Votoček. 730P
1838 CZECH LANDS / letter with rare cancel. MAEHR NEUSTADT, additional date 12/12, sent to Janovice, note. "In causa criminali", very fine, catalogue Votoček. 200P
1839 CZECH LANDS / folded letter addressed to Slavkov (Austerlitz), with arc cancel. MAEHR: / NEUSTADT (catalogue Votoček. 1340/2a. II =200b!), sought cancel. (!), supplemented with date "27/8", note by ruddle, on reverse torn paper seal; very fine
1850 Ferch.1-5, Coat of arms 1Kr-9Kr, various types and colors, 1 Kr on cut-square, 2 Kreuzer Ia Erstdruck silbergrau, 6 Kreuzer with plate variety "damaged upper left corner", 9 Kreuzer IIa; chosen quality, c.v.. 1.080€
1861 RETOUR RECEPISSE / franked on back side with stamp Franz Joseph I. 10Kr for sending the recepisse and part of the same value for reccomendation charge, CDS ODRAU 2/11 supplemented with cancel. WAGSTADT; good condition, only fold
1874 TELEGRAPH / ANK-catalogue 10+17, PLATE PROOF for 5 Kreuzer and 2Gld in blocks of four, copperprint "Bogenproben" in black color; very fine, cat. ANK only as single stamps 300€, ex Wiener Postarchiv
1912 POSTAGE-DUE LARGE NUMERALS / official letter sent in the place without franking to court, CDS KUTNÁ HORA 1/ 14.VII.12, postal-charge paid by Postage due stamps 2x 10h + 20h, Mi.P38, P40, cancelled by postmark KUTNÁ HORA 15/7 12; good condition
1912 ANK.61-63, Landscape 12h, 60h, 72h, corner blocks of four from imprimatur sheets, in definitive colors on stamp paper, complete sheet margins with print plate, 60h with gum; very fine and rare!
1877 Ferch.11 / Mi.P26b, PC 2 Kreuzer Franz Joseph brown, German. - Czech text, sent as Reg from Plzeň to Vienna, uprated with stamp 10Kr VI. issue, CDS PLZEŇ 6/6 77, additional cancel. RECOM: + hand-made "28", on reverse arrival WIEN RECOMAND 7/6 77; very fine and decorative piece, ex Hauzner
1906 Ferch.143F+A, double PC Franz Joseph. 5+5h, one way Us as Registered from Poběžovice to Prague, uprated with 3 stamps FJI.10H, Mi.89, posting line CDS RONSPERG 5.2.06, arrival CDS PRAGUE 8/ 6/2 06; only light bend
1912 PRAGUE PNEUMATIC TUBE POST / Ferch.PK30 Doppelkarte, whole oneway used double PC for pneumatic-tube post Franz Joseph I. 25H+25H blue, CDS PRAGUE TGF/ 9.III.12 and arrival postmark KRÁL. VINOHRADY 1/ 9/3 12; fine, c.v.. 300€, rare
1872-1975 13 used PC and letter cards, 9 pcs with additional frankings, from that 2x Express and certificate of mailing + dispatch note, post. address pass and in addition envelope 5Soldi MiU10, all unused; good condition
1860-1870 FREIGHT LETTERS FOR RAILROAD, FRACHTBRIEF, DISPATACH-NOTES / selection of 18 various blank forms, some with mounted revenues, 1 Kr and 5 Kreuzer issues 1866, 1870, part cash paid, various cancel. as blue LEIPNIK, SCHÖNAU, PRAG ALTSTADT, AUSCHA, JUNGBUNZLAU, BRÜNN, MILTSCHIN, CARLSBAD etc..; good condition
1870-1880 FREIGHT LETTERS FOR RAILROAD, FRACHTBRIEF / selection of 13 freight letters for railroad with additionally printed or mounted revenues issue 1871 and 1875, cancel. as LEITMERITZ, REICHENBERG, SCHLAPPANITZ, BRÜNN, PRAG STATION, NOVÝ BYDŽOV, AUSSIG etc..; good condition
1896-1915 CZECH LANDS / 4 identification entires with perfins, 1x letter in the place from 1896 with Mng.W11 "W.B.V" f. Wiener Bank association, Prag + PC from y 1908 with Mng.S52 "S.S.S." f. S. Schulhof, Prague + advertising PC from y 1914 with Mng.V21 "V.v.J." joint-stock insurance company Danubius, Prague + advertising PC f. Emil Stern, Troppau (Opava) with Austrian perfin "N.S." used on Czechosl. territory in y 1915; all fine
1884 invoice from 1884 company Math. Salcher & sons Wien with mounted revenue 1 Kreuzer/ issue 1883 with perfin "M.S.S./WIEN"; rare very early usage if revenue with perfin (!), good condition
1896 Mng.A22 + W11, 1x commercial identification letter Assicurazioni Generali in Trieste, with Franz Joseph I. 5 Kreuzer with perfin "AG" with CDS PRAGUE 30/12 96 + selection of 3 identification envelopes Wiener Bank - association, branch office Prag, 2x franked with Franz Joseph I. 3 Kreuzer and 1x two pieces stamps of 3 Kreuzer, from that 1x with perfin "W.B.V.", all with CDS PRAGUE 15, 16. and 22. 4. 1896; good condition
1914 CZECH LANDS / Mng.V1, identification entire, commercial envelope with advertising publ. J. R. Vilímek in Prague, with 10h Franz Joseph with perfin "V", CDS PRAGUE 3/ 13.1.14; on reverse commercial stick-on label, sound condition
1898 CZECH LANDS / Mng.W34, identification entire, commercial PC with color advertising in picture side, with Mi.51 with perfin "W.S./P." CDS PRAGUE 1/ 29.XII.98; sound condition
1911 Mng.W19, whole dispatch note issue 1907 with imprinted stamp 10h, with 2 Koruna Mi.154 addressed to Switzerland, stamp also blank form (!) are provided with perfin "WK" f. Waldes & Ko., CDS VRŠOVICE 9.XII.11; good condition
1914 K.u.K. KRIEGS MARINE / LLOYDDAMPFER X, violet circular pmk with Coat of arms on Ppc, supplemented with MC POLA 19.XII.14, straight line postmark K.u.K.. Feldpost and red censorship cancel., addressed to Bohemia; minor faults