1965 Pof.PL1439-1443, 20. anniv of liberation, complete set; sporadically several nepatrných minor gum fault and ostřejšíchrovnacích bends, overall but very nice quality
1945 Pof.L20-L24, Air Motifs 10Kčs - 50Kčs, complete set L upper corner blocks of 6 (5. stamp. and 1 coupon), variant VK-2; very nice quality, mint never hinged
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / very interesting, wide and carefully vedená specialized collection with much duplication, zaměřená except general collection especially on/for types, shades, plate variety (for example. Pof.2397 48/1, 2422 40/1...), ST (Pof.1519, 1570, 2452), plate variety, omitted perforation hole, production flaw, then plate mark, plate number (for example. London-issue, Newspaper stamps), coupons, gutter-pair, dates of print from 50. years, souvenir sheets (i.a. 2x ** miniature sheet Bratislava 1952), PB (incl. I. Art also with plate variety "slza"), papers incl. better etc..; mainly very nice quality, on album sheets with podrobnými descriptions, high c.v.., value but spočívá also in one's own research, suitable to other elaboration or to continuation, placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] VÍCEBLOKY / selection of corner blk-of-4 also larger parts of sheets, all sets also single values, can be oddělit 225 corner blk-of-4; placed in full 32-stránkovém stockbook A4, very nice research material, c.v.. single stamp. 3.120Kč, like that value significantly more/larger
1995-2006 COUNTER SHEET / selection of 20 complete sheets, for example. Pof.67-69, 91, 226, 282, 323, 492 and oths., some more times, some plate A+B; folded only in perforation, only face-value over 3.000CZK
1998 Pof.PL197 production flaw No.2 var., 80th Anniv. of the founding of Czechoslovakia 12,60CZK, complete counter sheet with production flaw - significant POSUNČERNÉBARVY transport sporadically to to perf stamp. (c.v.. doesn't report, shows only shift up) on pos. 3, 4 and 6 (OT with tisklnadvakrát); superb, very rare, exceptional usage, c.v.. -,-, only hard repeatable chance!
1994REPREZENTAČNÍ ALBUM / "The first year post. stamps Czech republic 1993", representative neprodejné gift album Czech post with Czech stamp. emitovanými year 1993, issued in/at printing mere 43 pieces intended as gifts for important personality (i.a. V. Havel, V. Klaus, J. Lux, P. Tigrid, J. Tošovský...), this piece with No. 27 was/were věnován O. Motejlovi (1932-2010, Czech lawyer and politician, the first chairman Nejvyššího court Czech Republic and the first Czech veřejnýochránce Rights); very fine, superb gift arrangement, bound in leather, incl. carton kazety, very rare, extraordinary offer!
1995-2005 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / in two stockbooks A4, from year 1995, contains also some PB and souvenir sheets, often more times, in addition part own výzkum plate variety and flaw print; face-value 13.500CZK
1999 PLATE PROOF master die Croatian stamps Haulík 5.00 Kuna from joined slovensko-chorvatského issue (Slovak stamp. below No. Zber.171) in/at black-brown color on chalky paper without gum, MS arrangement, with signature M. Činovský; very fine
Pof.7, 15h bricky red, retouch 5. spiral + subtype II. spiral type, according to Monograph IIf, pos. 36/2; mint never hinged, vertical fold between stamp.
7. TISKOVÁDESKA - PŘÍČKOVÝTYP/ 15h bricky red, Pof.7 IIp, bar type pos. 93/7, fragment nationalized CDS with date 9.VII.19; nice piece bar type from rare 7. printing plate, exp. Škaloud
1919-1920 [COLLECTIONS] SPIRÁLOVÉ, PŘÍČKOVÉ, KOMBINOVANÉ A RÁMEČKOVÉTYPY / collection ca. 700 pcs of stamp. with učenými types, values 5h, 15h, 25h, 75h and 500h, several joined types, plate variety, contains i.a. 500h spiral, bar and 2x frame type, 75h spiral and bar type, 10h green perforated 3x frame type, mainly separate stamp., but also strips and blocks, on 9 stock-sheets A4 in spring folder, part exp. by Karasek., Škaloud, rare offer types on/for used stmp, c.v.. by estimation ca. 30.000CZK, ex Škaloud
Pof.2A inverted comb perforation, 3h violet, the bottom marginal block-of-9 with control-numbers with inverted unofficial perf. comb perforation 13¾ : 13½; mint never hinged, 1x grain in paper and small toned, exp. Vrba, rare, rare usage!
Pof.7 joined bar types, 15h bricky red as blk-of-4 with private pin hole, bar type and subtype, pos. 16, 17, plate 1; mint never hinged, grain in paper, exp. Vrba
Pof.7D, 15h bricky red, block of four with line perforation 11½, pos. 19, 20/29,30, plate 1, on pos. 20 and 29 prolonged the bottom part right bar; mint never hinged, without marks
1920RÁMEČKOVÝTYP / parcel dispatch card segment i.a. franked by stmp 500h brown with lower margin with control-numbers, with II. type frame, pos. 93/1, CDS KRÁLOVSKÉ VINOHRADY 14.VIII.20; very fine, exp. Vrba
1920BANKOVNÍCENNÉPSANÍ / money letter addressed to to Tachov with value 60.000CZK on/for printed matter envelope with monogram Czechoslovakia, franked with. on both sides stamp. Hradčany, 4x 1000h violet, 4x 500h brown, 80h and 40h, CDS CHEB 29.IV.20, supplemented with commercial cancel. bank BöhmischeEscompte Bank and CreditAnstalt/ branch office in Eger; envelope open from 3 sides, decorative
Pof.28N, Lion Breaking its Chains 25h brown imperforated, right the bottom corner horizontal pair with control-numbers; mint never hinged, small prohnutí paper, exp. Vrba
PLATE PROOF without value, comp. 2 pcs of typography imperforated plate proofs in/at modrošedé and ultramarine color without value, on stamp paper with gum; hinged, exp. Vrba
PLATE PROOF values 50h, small format also numeral(s), recess printing in blue color, str-of-3 with unworked margin, from joined printing, on stamp paper with gum; hinge / label, exp. Vrba
1925 Pof.191B plate number, Gravure 2CZK blue, L the bottom corner piece with plate number 51.II., type I, wmk P7; lightly hinged in margin, small spot, exp. Vrba
1926 Pof.229x, Prague 2CZK blue without watermark, transparent (parchment paper); mint never hinged, certificate and exp. Vrba, rather rare stamp with small výskytem, in catalogue always underprized!
Pof.L4 Pp, II. provisional air mail stmp. 50h/100h green, INVERTED overprint; mint never hinged, certificate Káňa, exp. by Gilbert., Káňa and Fischmeister, nice piece
1927 airmail letter to New York franked with. air stamp. 250/400h and 100/200h + Tatras 5CZK, posting MC PRAGUE 25/ 4.VI.27, on reverse arrival NEW YORK JUN.5/1927; nice good condition
1934 ZEPPELIN / SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT WEIHNACHTEN 1934, JABLONEC N. N. - BAHIA, airmail letter to Brazil, with mixed franking years. issue, total 28,50Kč, CDS JABLONEC N. N. 3.XII.34, on reverse framed pmk PRAGUE 7/ 3.XII.34, CDS BERLIN 8.12.34, SERVICO AEREO TRANSOCEANICO and MC BAHIA 12.12.34; stuck together part/-s front and back side/party after/around adjustaci in exhibit
1918 Pof.NV6ST, Falcon in Flight (issue) 30h brown, L upper corner blk-of-6, 2x combination types, type II on pos. 1 and 2; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
1926 Pof.DL46A ST, Postage Due - overprint issue Agriculture and Science 60/400h brown, L marginal block-of-4 with line perforation 13¾, 2x ST II + I; mint never hinged, grain in paper on 1 stmp., exp. Vrba
Pof.SO7Pp, 20h carmine imperforated with inverted opt SO1920 (overprint), stamp field 80/1, field overprint 21/A; lightly hinged, Vrba certificate, expertized Gilbert, Karásek and Mahr, very rare and only rarely occurring stmp in very nice quality!