1925-1932 SG.102-107, George V. 1Sh - £1, complete set, in addition 1Sh Olive and black and shade of value 2Sh6P, wmk Mult Script CA; fine quality, c.v.. £275
1868-1871 SELECTION / 10 classic letters, mainly franking with stamps Viktor Emanuelle II., i.a. 1x letter 1871 to Marianopole with 10C and 15C, 1x underpaid letter with 15C, 1x letter with 20C perforated etc.; overall fine
1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT / Mi.117-119, A. H. 12Gr+1Zl - 84Gr+1Zl, complete set in whole 25 counter sheets with decorative margin; some minor perforation imperfections, small production gum flaw, otherwise fine
1919 Reg letter to Switzerland, franked with overprint stamp Emperor´s Yacht C.E.F. 3Pf - 20Pf in mixed franking with NIGERIA George V. ½P, CDS BUEA / CAMEROON / 13.3.19, provisional registration label, on reverse arrival postmark.; very fine
1916-1919 Mi.25BI, complete sheet 20 of stamps Emperor´s Yacht 5RM; on one stamp production paper flaw, and some minor gum fault at bottom, otherwise very fine and rare, cat. only as single stamps 3.000€
1875-1920 [COLLECTIONS] BAVARIA / collection of ca. 160 p.stat PC and letter cards of various issues, part Us, many double PC mainly unused; various quality
1938 SUDETENLANDFAHRT / 2 airmail letters richly franked with German stamps, both CDS RHEIN MAIN 1.12.38, supplemented with red flight cachet, on reverse arrival postmark REICHENBERG 3/ 2.12.38, 1x supplemented with provisional frame cancel. PÜRSTEIN 4.XII.38; good condition
1802-1838 CZECH LANDS / 2 interesting letters with hand-made posting data "BUDWEIS" nota bene to Vienna on Main post off. + money letter 134 fl.. from Želetava (SCHELLETAU) to Olomouc; very fine, rare occurrence!
1850 Ferch.1HIII, horiz. str-of-6 Coat of arms 1 Kr ochre yellow, type III on hand-made paper, with whole postmarks GRATZ 16. FEB; light production paper crease in paper, very fine multiple with certificates Pfenninger and Dr. Ferchenbauer, c.v.. 5.000€, extraordinary offer!
1850 Ferch.1-5, Coat of arms 1Kr-9Kr, various types and colors, 1 Kr HP with cancel. REICHENBERG, 2 Kreuzer with wmk, 6 Kreuzer with large part of wmk (!), 9 Kreuzer IIC with significantly underlaid middle; chosen quality, c.v.. 485€++
1850 cover of Reg letter from Roudnice to Prague, with 1 Kr, HP type Ib + 2 Kreuzer, HP type Ia, on reverse 6 Kreuzer, HP type III, CDS RAUDNITZ 25/11, straight line postmark RECOM:, on reverse arrival PRAG 25/11 3U.; fine, certificate Ferchenbauer, exp. Pfenninger and Ferchenbauer, c.v.. 4.500€, attractive letter
1855 letter to Vienna with Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer, MPIII + 2 Kreuzer black, HPIIIa + 1 Kr ochre yellow, MPIb, CDS SCHÖNLINDE (Krásná Lípa ) 2/1; in good condition and rare letter with tricolour franking, copy of certificate Ferchenbauer
1858 letter from Děčín to Česká Kamenice, franked with horiz. str-of-3 Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow, hand-made paper, type III, Mi.1HPIII, CDS TETSCHEN u/ELBE 29/12, on reverse arrival postmark.; in front some minor faults of the paper, overall fine and rare cover, c.v.. 2.300€++
1860 letter to Rožany by Škluknov, franked with patriotic franking of stamps Franz Joseph I. 3 Kreuzer and 2 Kreuzer, I. types, CDS SCHÖNLINDE (Krásná Lípa ) 30/8; very fine and decorative letter
1864-1865 4x heavier Reg letter from Trieste to Bordeaux with high franking 121Kr (100Kr for letter + 21r for Reg fee); with block of 6 (!) 15 Kreuzer + 10Kr in front and 15 Kreuzer + pair 3 Kreuzer on reverse, cancel. TRIESTE RECOMMANDIRT 12.1., additional and other cancel. red and blue, arrival BORDEAUX 17 JANV. 67; very nice letter with certificate Diena "date la sua rarità", cat. min. 3.000€, scarce
1887-1902 Retour Receipt - reply form,2 blank forms, 1x with mounted stamp Eagle VII. issue 10Kr blue, Mi.47 with CDS HOLEŠOVICE BUBNY 21/12 87 + 1x reply form on mailing to Belgrade with Franz Joseph 25h ultramarine, Mi.76 with CDS PRAGUE 14/ 13/11 02; only vertical fold
1945 [COLLECTIONS] COUNTER SHEET / ANK.660, 661, 662, 668II, 669, 671, selection of 7 sheets of 100 stamps with overprint A. H., supplemented with stamp ANK.663 in half of sheet; mint never hinged, placed in box, c.v.. 800€
1906 ANK.29U-44U, Landscape 1H - 5 K, complete imperforated set in blocks of four (!), values 1H - 50H marginal - hinged in margin only; overall very fine quality, c.v.. for ** ca. 2.500€, rare
1906 PRAGUE PNEUMATIC TUBE POST / Ferch.PK25 Prag Doppelkarte, whole double in both directions used pneumatic tube postcard Franz Joseph I. 20H + 20H brown, CDS PRAGUE/ 13.III.06, VII20, answer part with CDS PRAGUE/ 13.III.06, IX40, all attributes, fine, cat. Ferchenbauer 250€
1907 PRAŽSKÁ PNEUMATIC TUBE POST / Ferch.PK27 Doppelkarte, whole in both directions Us double PC for pneumatic-tube post Franz Joseph I. 25H +25H light ultramarine, posting part without uprating with CDS PRAGUE/ 17.IV.07, XII40, answer part addressed to to Germany (!), uprated with stamp 5h, CDS PRAGUE/ 17.IV.07 XII40 and arrival postmark STUTTGART No. 1/ 18.IV,B3; without defects, c.v.. 500€, rare usage double neoddělených PC, in addition answer part uprated and sent abroad!
1908 PRAGUE PNEUMATIC TUBE POST / Ferch.PK25 Prag Doppelkarte, whole double in both directions used pneumatic tube postcard Franz Joseph I. 20H +20H brown, uprated, private additional-printing stamp 5h Franz Joseph the first issue 1908, CDS PRAGUE 10/ 23/12 08, answer part with CDS PRAGUE 2/ 23/12 08, all attributes, fibe condition, cat. Ferchenbauer 650€
1908 PNEUMATIC TUBE POST - PRAGUE / KB7, letter-card for Prague pneumatic-tube post 30H issue 1900, uprated after change of rate with stamp 5h on face-side, CDS PRAGUE 10/ 7/2 08; good condition, c.v.. 300€
1918 whole and used C.O.D. dispatch note with revenue 10h and with eagle, with value 12h, postal-charge 90h paid with stamp Coat of arms 90h violet, CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY 19/2 18, on reverse arrival postmark VYSOKÉ N. J. 21/2 18; good condition
1935 SCOUTING / Mi.486, 487, imperforated marginal Carl II. 2L and 6+1L, supplemented with 2 entires with this set: Reg letter to Italy and uprated p.stat to Sweden; on exhibit page ex Pan de Alfaro
1918 39 stamps with overprint Trident on Russian stamps issue Coat of arms, contains various types and colors of overprints; stamps hinged also mint never hinged, part on cut-squares, major-part with commercial mark Biermann or Glasewald