1830-1950 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / selection of more than 90 various entires, contains postal stationery covers, p.stat PC, franked with return receipt, letter card pneumatic-tube post, p.stat newspaper cover, franked and uprated stamp various issues, stamp of FP, postage-due, air-mail, various postmark also train post etc..; various quality
1935 SCOUTING / Mi.486, 487, imperforated marginal Carl II. 2L and 6+1L, supplemented with 2 entires with this set: Reg letter to Italy and uprated p.stat to Sweden; on exhibit page ex Pan de Alfaro
1918 39 stamps with overprint Trident on Russian stamps issue Coat of arms, contains various types and colors of overprints; stamps hinged also mint never hinged, part on cut-squares, major-part with commercial mark Biermann or Glasewald
1869 letter sent from Callao to Genoa, with Coat of arms 1D, posting and transit pmk LONDON and CALAIS, in the place of arrival burdened with postage-due, franked with. Postage due stamps Numerals 1L and 40C, arrival postmark GENOVA 3.FEB.70; nice letter from rare destination
1880-1940 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAL STATIONERY / SOUTH A CENTRAL AMERICA / larger selection more than 110 various p.stat (postcard, postal stationery cover, letter-cards apod.), i.a. Brazil, Argentina, Honduras, Salvador, Costarica etc..; good condition
1926 OLTRE GUIBA / Sass.28a(2) + 28b, St. Francis 5 Lire, pair with ommited perforation at top and in the middle; lightly hinged at top, with certificate Borelli, c.v.. 11.000€
1869 SG.DO365, MINISTERIAL ISSUE "Manager of Railways", Victoria 2Sh carmine with overprint M.R.; very fine piece, perf 11½ x 12½, with part original gum, certificate RPS of Victoria, c.v.. £1.300
1956-1980 SELECTION /stamps and sets, contains i.a. Mi.28, 44, 45, 53, 57, 78-80 and oths., several duplication; some minor gum faults, otherwise mint never hinged, c.v.. 836€
1914-1970 [COLLECTIONS] SCOUTING / comp. of 7 exhibit sheets ex Pan de Alfaro with 15 various entires, doplněnými stamps, i.a. DEUTSCHERPFANDFINDERBUND, BOYSCOUTS FRANCAISE, SCOUTSPERUANOS, then i.a. Romania (i.a. frankotype), Hungary etc..; all with detailními descriptions
1942 IN MEMORIAMBOHUMILAHEINZE 1940 / important publication about part předního engraver B. Heinz, incl. 34 copy-print gravures and drawings (larger part used for bank note/-s and post. stamps Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia and foreign postal správ), contains also view of his ryteckých work and set other information; copy No. 81 on hand-made paper with filigránem, solid binding, issued K. Kryl, Kroměříž 1942, in 120 numbered výtiscích on hand-made paper and 100 výtiscích on/for ofsetovém paper; complete and perfect condition, on hand-made paper rare occurrence!
1975 TRANSCARPATHIAN UKRAINE / Anmerkungen to Postgeschichte der Karpathen - Ukraine, Volume 1 + 2 Dr. Walter J. Rauch, dvojdílná publication about post. history Transcarpathian Ukraine, total 93 sides; good condition
1944-1945 SELECTION of / ROŽŇAVA / RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA / KHUST / selection stmp with overprint on stock-sheet A4 and A5, various values; mainly mint never hinged, unexamined
1945 ŽILINA / selection of Slovak postage-due stamps Sy.D13-D27 with overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, all LL corner blocks of four with plate mark; mint never hinged, several times povolená perf
1945 MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA, KOSTELEC U HOLEŠOVA, LITOVEL, HRANICE, NOVÉ MĚSTO N./M. /comp. 5 pcs of entires franked with. overprint stamp., from that 3 pcs of as Registered; good condition
1945 RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA / letter to Rožňava franked with Hungarian stmps 50f, 70f and 80f with red overprint Czechoslovak Post., CDS RIMASZOMBAT 45.II.27, arrival ROZSNYÓ 45.III.6 and off. notice "Prohibited! Back!; on reverse hints of adjustaci, overall good condition and sought