1911 Reg letter addressed to Germany, with issue 1901, 5Pf and 3Pf as block-of-4 from that 3h with lower margin with part of inscription Marsha.., Mi.13, 14 and 1x stamp 10Pf, Mi.15, CDS JALUIT 4.10.11, on reverse arrival postmark WALDORF 25.11.11; slightly toned
1929 WELTRUNDFAHRT 1929 / Sie. 30.Aa, photo postcard Zeppelin LZ 127 addressed to Japan, with Mi.423, Zeppelin 2RM, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 15.Aug.29, red flight cachet and red straight line postmark FRIEDRICHSHAFEN - TOKIO, supplemented with arrival MC TOKIO 19/Aug 1929; good condition, exp. + photo-certificate BPP Dieter
1932 7. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT / Reg and airmail letter to Brazil, franked with Zeppelin stamp 1RM, Mi.455 and airmail stamps 15+15+50Pf, CDS BAD ALZELMEN 19.9.32, red round cancel. connecting flight STUTTGART - FRIEDRICHSHAFEN and olive zeppelin cachet, on reverse arrival postmark PERNAMBUCO 29.IX.32; ligtly toned
1938 SUDETENLANDFAHRT / 5 airmails entires sent inland, multicolor frankings of postage stamps, 1x on reverse mounted miniature sheet Mi.Bl.8, CDS RHEIN MAIN 1.12.38, supplemented with red flight cachet, on reverse 3x arrival postmarkl REICHENBERG 3/ 2.12.38; good condition
1944 C.C. MAUTHAUSEN / preprinted folded letter addressed to Vienna, with A. H. 12Pf, CDS MAUTHAUSEN 3.4.44, line censorship mark with signature, hand-made corrected instructions; fine
1940 C.C. SACHSENHAUSEN - ORANIENBURG pre-printed envelope green color with pre-printed content to Protectorate, with Hindenburg 12Pf, CDS ORANIENBURG 23.3.40, line censorship mark Konzentrationslager / Postzenzurstelle with signature also on content; some faults
1945 CAMP POST / DACHAU miniature sheet c.v.. Fischer Bl.1A+B 2 pcs of perf and imperforated + Bl.2B perf (page. 239), issued by Polish committee for the benefit of The Red Cross; fine
1850 Ferch.1HIII, Coat of arms 1 Kr kadmiumgelb type III., hand-made paper, vertical pair on cut-square with CDS KISS JENÖ; upper stamp cut to margin at top, c.v.. ca. 500€
1867 Ferch.42 III, 79-blok Mercure 1,05 Kreuzer with upper also bottom margin with marginal ledges, with letters of wmk "TUNGS", in addition 1x type IIIa, cancel. REICHENBERG STATION 24/5 96; minor faults, rare multiple, cat. min. 650€
1867 Ferch.42IIb, Mercure 1,05 Kreuzer in block of 15, rare type IIb; 1x thin place and light original bends between stamps, overall fine and rare multiple with fine postmarks Prague expedition, c.v.. 2625€
1863 Newspaper WANDERER - "Abend - Nebenblatt" with Coat of arms 1,05Kr as "Pseudo-Mischfrankatur" with red SIGNETE 1 Kr; cancel. MELNIK; very fine and rare, Ferchenbauer. I, part page 652 and II. part page 567; c.v.. 370€++
1877-1890 3 newspapers with interesting frankings 2x 1kr 1890, 2x 2kr 1890 (rare) and English strip ½P with nnewspaper after delivery on Austrian territory provided with revenue 2 Kreuzer 1877, with red cancel. PRAGUE, "Pseudomischfrankatur" - similar piece in Ferchenbauer II. part page 612; c.v.. 820€
1900 PRAGUE PNEUMATIC TUBE POST / Ferch.PK17 Doppelkarte, whole Us double PC for pneumatic-tube post Franz Joseph I. 10Kr + 10Kr ultramarine, CDS PRAGUE 10/ 17/1 00; without defects, c.v.. 150€
1917 PRIVATE P. STAT. / whole 1. part of C.O.D. post. dispatch-note with imprinted stamp 10h and privately printed stamp issue 1916 Coat of arms 80h red-brown, uprated with stamp of same issue Crown 10h, CDS WIEN 12.III.17; good condition
1919 Mng.J10, identification document, invoice with 3 Austrian revenues, 2x 4H + 10h issue 1910, all with perfin "J.H./S." f. J. Hückels sons, Neutitschein, hat factory, used in Czechoslovakia, dated 9.1.1919; extraordinary document, rare
1901 BOXER REBELLION / S.M. SCHIFF KAISERIN & KÖNIGIN MARIA THERESIA, postcard sent from Hongkong to Bohemia, black ship postmark with date 17/6 01, arrival postmark JILEMNICE 23/7 01; good condition
1915 K.u.K.. MARINEDETACHEMENT IN BEIJING, 3 prints of black CDS on Ppc Beijing, franked on front side with stamps FP Franz Joseph. 2x 1h + war 3h, K.u.K.. MARINEDETACHEMENT IN BEIJING 14.III.15, used censorship with straight line postmark "Geprüft" with signature, to Bohemia; good condition
1914-1918 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION / 40 FP cards and prisoner cards, all addressed to Bohemia, contains i.a. 2x card with FP 1064/a, Etappenpostamt HRUBLESZOW, framed pmk K.u.K. Kmdo. der Lfa. Battn. des K. H. Pola, district cancel. IX/464 with propagandistic cancel. Gott Strafe England!, Gottes Fluch über das treulose Italy!, prisoner cards from Italy also Russia etc..; various quality
1941-1944 selection of chosen sets: Mi.825A, 892-894, 895-898, 899-900, 932B-936B, 937-938 atc.; several minor faults, overall F-VF, mint never hinged, c.v.. 193€
1852 Swiss confederation / Mi.10, 11, Rayon III small number 15Rp and 15Cts; both stamps with small thin place, blue and red cancel. " Eidgenossische Raute", c.v.. 1.600€
1932-1951 SELECTION / 19 mainly Reg and airmail entires addressed to Czechoslovakia, various frankings of air-mail and postage stamps, i.a. with MI.258 etc.., various CDS etc..; good condition, interesting set