PLATE PROOF values 125h in black color, Pof.140 ST, LR corner blk-of-4 with 2x joined types, neopracovaná plate, print on chalky paper; hint, exp. Vrba
PLATE PROOF values 500h grey, Pof.141, horizontal pair with L margin, letterprint plate proof in original color on greeny paper with gum; label, fold in paper, exp. Vrba, mark Tribuna
PLATE PROOF palte proof of the value 500h in/at grey-blue color on stamp paper with gum, letterprint in/at miniature sheet arrangement, format 98x76mm; hinged, thin place in UR corner, exp. Vrba
PLATE PROOF values 500h grey + 1000h brown, Pof.141/142 in/at joined printing one above the other, L upper corner blk-of-6 + block of four on/for ordinary brown paper; hint, exp. Vrba, rare block plate proofs!
PLATE PROOF without value, imperforated blk-of-4 in/at ultramarine color, type I., on stamp paper with gum; mint never hinged, small vráska in paper, very wide margins, exp. + Vrba certificate
PLATE PROOF values 5h violet, LL corner blk-of-4 with control-numbers with plate mark - cut notch to frame, on/for ordinary greeny paper without gum; hinged, exp. Vrba
PLATE PROOF values 15h brown, block of four with lower margin and control-numbers and with plate mark - 2x interrupted dash in/at "3,-", print on/for white smooth paper without gum; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba, Gilbert
PLATE PROOF values 60h in black color, the bottom marginal block-of-4 with control-numbers, C.C. on stamp paper with gum; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba, nice marginal block black print on stamp paper with gum!
PLATE PROOF values 50h green, Pof.156, 2x LL corner blk-of-4 with plate mark, print on/for grey and rose paper without gum, from that 1x print bottom frame; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
PLATE PROOF values 60h blue, Pof.157, 2x LL corner blk-of-4 with plate mark, 1x print on grey paper and 1x on yellowy paper; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
Pof.163, comp. of points of interest and production flaws values 90h: i.a. 7x PLATE PROOF in various colors, offset on gum (1x on/for imperforated zn.), thin/light print, double impression, offset on gum without vlastního print on/for front face etc..; mainly mint never hinged, part exp. Vrba, interesting selection of
Pof.162N production flaw, 80h violet imperforated, horizontal strip of 3 with R margin on stamp paper with gum, production flaw - production folds and paper crease in paper; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
PLATE PROOF added-print A in red color on stmp issue Chainbreaker 40h brown + inverted additional printing A in red color on stmp issue Chainbreaker 60h blue; hinged, 60h faded shade added-print, exp. by Karasek and Vrba
PLATE PROOF added-print A in red and black color color on stmp issue Chainbreaker 60h blue; hinged, black additional printing short teeth, exp. by Karasek., Fischmeister and Vrba
PLATE PROOF added-print A in/at black and added-print C in red color on/for cards obyčejného paper, from that additional printing A on/for already imprinted paper and additional printing C with full offset; hinged, exp. Vrba
Pof.174A, 200h blue, type II., line perforation 13¾, right upper corner stamp.; label only in margin of stmp,. mint never hinged, horiz. bend in upper margin, exp. Vrba
1925 Pof.190AI-193AI, Gravure 1CZK - 5CZK, type I., vertical wmk, 2x 1CZK wmk P1 and P3, 5x 2CZK (4x P1, 1x P3), 3CZK with P3 (!) and 5CZK with P2; all marked, 6 pcs of exp. Vrba, c.v.. 1.520Kč
1934 Pof.276, 20. anniv of Czechosl. military force, value 50h, 2x L the bottom corner piece without bands in gum + plate number 1 and 1A; mint never hinged, 1x bend in corner, exp. Vrba, rare occurrence with plate numbers!
1921 PRAGUE - ŠTRASBURK, Reg and airmail letter addressed to to France, franked airmail stamp Pof.L1A and stamp. Hradčany 200h and 50h blue, right value franking for IV. postal rate, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 30.III.21/ 4d, mounted years. direction label, Reg label No. 30, supplemented with violet cancel. company CFRNA, sender F. Šašek, without attributes of air forwarding; good condition
1927 PRAGUE - NÜRENBERG + 1. FLIGHT PRAGUE - BERLIN, comp. 3 pcs of air-mail entires, 1x Reg and airmail letter PRAGUE - NORIMBERK, franked with. air stamp. Pof.L4-L6, CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 1.IV.27, supplemented with framed pmk same post and arrival red Mit Luftpost befördert (air mail)/ NÜNBERG 2, on reverse arrival postmark NÜRNBERK 1/Apr, + 2x Flight sent card first flight PRAGUE - BERLIN, franked with. air stamp. Pof.L4, L5, CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 21.III.27, arrival red framed pmk air-mail and arrival postmark 21.3.27, all attributes of air forwarding.; good condition
1927 Reg and airmail letter to Poland, franked with. airmail stamp Pof.L4-L6 and postage Castles 1,20CZK and 30h, CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 1.IV.27 and framed pmk., on reverse worse readable arrival postmark WARZSAWA1/; on reverse hints of adjustaci, otherwise nice good condition, sender F. Šašek
1927 comp. of 3 airmail letters with various mixed frankings 2. air-mail issue, all CDS KŘEŠICE, 2x transit postmark PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT and red frame AIRMAIL, 1x Reg letter without attributes of air forwarding, on reverse with příchodemLENTILLY and LYON; good condition
1936 ZEPPELIN / 10. Nordamerikafahrt, Reg and airmail letter to USA franked with. Czechosl. airmail stamp 50h, 2CZK, 10CZK, CDS MIMOŇ 2.X.36 and violet flight cachet and CDS FRANKFURT (MAIN) 5.10.36, on reverse years. framed pmk PRAGUE 7/ 2.X.36 and arrival postmark NEW YORK Oct.8.36; nice good condition, decorative piece forwarded by airship Hindenburg
1918 Pof.NV6N production flaw, unissued Falcon in Flight (issue) 30h yellow-olive, block of four with production flaw - double impression, at top horiz. fold, otherwise mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
1922 Pof.DL20 plate mark, Postage Due - overprint issue Hradcany 60/50h violet, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate mark; mint never hinged, production folds, exp. Vrba
1919 Pof.PP4B production flaw, Charitable stamps - Silhouette 1Rbl brown, line perforation 13¾, horiz. block of 6 with shift L perf L-wards to to picture adjacent stamp.; mint never hinged
Pof.SK1-SK2, 10h blue and 20h red, two complete set hinged + 2x 10h and 1x 20h with cancel. N.V. + 1x 20h * (thin place); minor faults, 5 pcs of exp. Vrba
1920Mng.E28, E33, T7, comp. 3 pcs of cuts dispatch-note with Hradčany with perfin, 1x perfin "T. G." in blank form (!) and stamp. Hradčany 2x 10h (incl. plate variety clock in tower on pos. 91) and 120h with CDS LOVOSICE + 1x perfin "E.L.&C." in str-of-4 stamp. Hradčany 500h and issue Agriculture and Science 100h green with CDS OPAVA + perfin "E.N.E." on/for 6-barevné franking stamp. 100h, 80h, 75h, 2x 50h violet, 15h Pof.7E, 200h with single-circle CDS DEUTSCH (GERMAN) NEUDEK; good condition, 2 pcs of exp. Škaloud
1919 POSTA MILITARE 52, 2 pcs of certificates of mailing on/for rekomandačních mailings, sent through/over 7. REGGIMENTOGENIO/ 144. COMPAGNIATELEGRAFISTI in time of action in Czechoslovakia, 2x imprint of daily postmark FP with date 13.2.19 on/for mailings to Italy; good condition
1938KVĚTNOVÁČÁSTEČNÁ MOBILIZATION / 2 pcs of franked with. Ppc sent members units in/at borderland, Bílina and Šaštín, 1x odesíletelPPL. 33 Doss Alto, techn. troop, Šaštín, CDS BÍLINA 25.V.38 and ŠAŠTÍN 24.V.38; good condition, rare usage!
1920 ATTACHED TERRITORY / HLUČÍN (Hultschin), Reg letter with mixed česko-německou franking, Hradčany 50h blue + German stamp. Germania 10+7½+7½Pf, posting Czechosl. CDS HLUČÍN 5.II.20, sent to F. Šašek; on reverse hinged, philatelically motivated, good condition
1919 SOKOL FESTIVAL VE ZNOJMO 24.VIII.1919 print special cancel. on/for Un festival postcard, with Hradčany 15h and supplemented with sletovou label same motive; good condition, good condition
1930-1945 [COLLECTIONS] MEMORIAL POSTMARKS A SHEETS / početná selection of various commemorative sheets, Ppc, letters etc.. from uvedeného period, mainly from Czechoslovakia I., with various print special postmark, often interesting motives, also with selection of various postal věstníků from 30. years; mainly very fine, as multiple interesting
1919UHRY / whole international Hungarian dispatch note for amount of 40CZK, paid stamp. Hradčany 2x 10h+5h, CDS POZSONY 919 Apr.1., sent back for death addressee - by hand written notice and label Meghalt/ Décédé, on reverse CDS VEDRÖD (Voderady) and RÓSZAHEGY 919 Apr.16.; rare document/attribut postal transport!
1919UHRY / whole Hungarian p.stat dispatch note big format for amount of 9K, paid Hungarian stamp. Charles 20f + Reaper 5f, CDS VELEJTE 919 Jan.2. (Velaty), addressed to to Košice, here přesměrováno - red framed pmk Dodatečně came and arrival postmark BODZÁSULJAK 919 Mar.26. (Novosad); only light folds, interesting document of postal traffic!
1919 CPŘ36, Hungarian PC 10f red, uprated with stamp Hradčany 5h with perforation and Spěšnou stamp. 2h, posting Hungarian CDS ZAYUGROCZ 919 JUL.18. (Uhrovec), addressed to to Prague; good condition
1919-1920 CDV2a, CDV5a, CDV19, comp. of 3 Un PC: Large Monogram - Charles 10/8h, double PC (in addition 1x with overprint offset) + Small Monogram Charles 8h, private additional printing "Electric companies main town Prague" on reverse + double PC Hradčany 20h; very fine
1919 PLATE PROOF CDV16A, plate proof p.stat PC to USA, in black color, additionally printed stamp. Hradčany 20h, Czech - English text; without defects, very rare to rare piece!
1929-1937 CDV39, Jubilee, comp. 10 pcs of postally Us PC CDV39/2, 4, 6, 7 (2x), 12, 13, 14, 17, 18 addressed to Germany (9x) and Italy, from that 7 pcs of with supplementary postage and 3 pcs of as Printed matter, 6 pcs of with special postmark, 1x sender Dr. Rix; good condition
1931-1937 SELECTION of / 12 pcs of PC abroad addressed to Germany and Austria, CDV41/6, 46/1 (2x), 2, 3, 4, 5 (2x), 7 (2x), 8 and censored PC to Vienna CDV67/1 with CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 7.XI.38!; various color shades and paper also places usage, sound condition
1938 SELECTION of / CDV72, comp. 11 pcs of pictorial post cards Beneš 50h, contains No. 7, 15, 55, 61, 75, 129, 143, 170, 220, 221; mainly good condition, only 129 and blue special postmark
1921 CTÚ2A, Telegram on/for bill issue Chainbreaker 40h brown, complete telegram with confirmation, Czech variety; oblique fold over the stmp and textovou part, without obvyklého vert. fold, c.v.. 21.000CZK, very rare blank form!
1927 CTÚ4A, telegram with posečkaným account Coat of arms 40h brown, complete incl. confirmation, Czech text, date of printing "193_", perf 5½, lower mark A 1927; only light vertical fold in the middle, perfect condition, very rare usage!