1931-1937 SELECTION of / 12 pcs of PC abroad addressed to Germany and Austria, CDV41/6, 46/1 (2x), 2, 3, 4, 5 (2x), 7 (2x), 8 and censored PC to Vienna CDV67/1 with CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 7.XI.38!; various color shades and paper also places usage, sound condition
1938 SELECTION of / CDV72, comp. 11 pcs of pictorial post cards Beneš 50h, contains No. 7, 15, 55, 61, 75, 129, 143, 170, 220, 221; mainly good condition, only 129 and blue special postmark
1921 CTÚ2A, Telegram on/for bill issue Chainbreaker 40h brown, complete telegram with confirmation, Czech variety; oblique fold over the stmp and textovou part, without obvyklého vert. fold, c.v.. 21.000CZK, very rare blank form!
1927 CTÚ4A, telegram with posečkaným account Coat of arms 40h brown, complete incl. confirmation, Czech text, date of printing "193_", perf 5½, lower mark A 1927; only light vertical fold in the middle, perfect condition, very rare usage!
1920 SLOVAKIA / CPP2C, whole Us dispatch-note with printed stmp Hradčany 10h blue in Slovak variety for parcel in/at price 500CZK, richly franked on both sides 30 pcs of (!) stamp. issue Hradčany 15h, Pof.7A, supplemented with 2 pcs of stamp. 10h red, CDS NAGYMAGYAR 920 Mar.8. (Zlaté Klasy), delivering fee paid by due stmp 10h with arrival CDS NAGYMEGYER 920 Mar.10. (Big Meder); good condition, vertical fold, margins in perforation near/in/at posting, rare Slovak variety post. dispatch-note with quite unique franking Hradcany-issue 15-haléřových stamps!
1922-1928 CPP14 + CPP16, comp. 3 pcs of whole Us international dispatch notes addressed to Denmark, 2 pcs of with printed stmp Hradčany 10h franked/paid cash, CDS KARLOVY VARY and JABLONEC N. N. + 1x dispatch note with revenue 50h incl. original customs prohlášky, with CDS DOBKOVICE U PODMOKEL; good condition
1920 larger part forerunner official post. dispatch-note for financial guard on/for mailing service oděvu on/for detachment/section financial guard in/at Podvlku in/at Oravskéžupě - in/at that period plebiscitary territory, post Prague 1 PODAVNÁPOVOZNÁ, with Hradčany 300+40h with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 15.V.20, arrival postmark PODVLK 18.V.20, good condition
1938 RUMBURG / Mi.6 plate number, Comenius 40h blue with overprint "Wir sind frei!", LL corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1; mint never hinged, povolená perf in margin, konzultováno with expert
1938-1944 [COLLECTIONS] FREIWALDAU, GEORGSWALDE, ZNAIM, WURZELSDORF, LANDSKRON, BRÜX, STAAB, STEINSCHÖNAU, FRIEDEK, HENNERSDORF, RETTENDORF, WICHAU / selection of 69 pcs of letters, cards and p.stat PC with provisory and definitive postmarks annexed post offices, 1x with with overprint Wir sind frei!, commercial and commercial correspondence; mainly good condition
1943 AS1, London MS, 2 pcs of, 1x with guide line L (superb) + 1x with 3 print special green cancel. CZECHOSLOVAK FIELD POST and with guide line L and lower (minor gum fault in corner)
1940 AS9a, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1940, green pavilion on coupon, black text and black emblem, 2 pcs of, 1x blue special postmark exhibition AIRMAIL PRAGA 1938 + 1x orange special postmark exhibition MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) PRAGA 1938; mint never hinged
1945AS14+15, Lidice miniature sheet Belgium, both language variety, Walloon + Flemish text; mint never hinged, 1x nevýrazná minor gum fault, overall fine
1939 Pof.5 Ob, Coat of arms 30h violet, blk-of-10 with full sheet offset overprint on all stamps.; mint never hinged, usual small production omission/-s in gum, unusual
1940 PLATE PROOF Pof.41, Jindřichův Hradec 50h green, print nedohotovené gravure in/at green color on/for pokřídovaném card paper without gum; very fine, certificate Brunel, minimum usage Bohemian and Moravian plate proofs in the Czech market!
1939 [COLLECTIONS] DVACETIPÁSY / Pof.DL1-14, nominálově complete set Postage due stmp 5h - 20K in/at cut bottom bnd-of-20 with various plate number, contains i.a. 30h plate number 1-39, variant x-y, 50h plate number 1-39, variant y-x and oths.; overall fine, high catalogue value, it is worth seeing!
1939 [COLLECTIONS] MEZIARŠÍ S DESKOVÝMIČÍSLY / Pof.DL1-14, nice contains set Postage due stmp 5h - 20K in/at bottom marginal gutters with plate number, contains various 2-stamps. detached gutter also blocks two 2-stamps gutter with also without řezaného upper margins; only several minor faults and jednotlivin with label, overall but nice quality, high catalogue value, it is worth seeing!
1939PRAČ1A, PRAGUE / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) 15.III.39/ 1e, 38. jarní Prague sample fair, print forerunner postmark on/for Un Czechosl. PC mobile post-office (on a bus), 1. day Protectorate; superb print, very fine
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] OFFICIAL POST, FIELD-POST, CENSORSHIP / small collection entires German official post in/at Protectorate, supplemented with entires with Czechosl., Bohemian and Moravian and German censorship on entires; all placed on pages in screw folder Schaubek, originates from abroad
1939 1. DAY OF USAGE / CDV72/206, Czechosl. pictorial PC Beneš 50h Brno, postmark 1. of day Protectorate FRÝDEK 2/ 15.III.39, supplemented with propagandistic cancel. Wir sind frei!/ Friedek with swastika; very fine, superb postal imprints on/for Czechosl. PC from first of day!
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of / 31 pcs of PC, pictorial post cards, letter cards and other blank forms, i.a. contains i.a. complete picture issue CDV6/1-12, address card CAZ1, certificate of mailing CPL1 etc..; c.v.. ca. 1.500CZK
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / collection of ca. 40 pcs of various entires, i.a. 1x Ex sent postcard, 1x CDS PÍSEK 15.III.39 - 1. day Protectorate, uprated by. and sent as Reg PC Linden Leaves 60h, Reg letter with A. Hitler 4,20 Koruna, parallel Czechosl. PC Coat of arms 50h II. part, from that ca. 15 pcs of entires from Sudetenland, part as Registered, train post, provisional etc..; good condition
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] almost 100 pcs of various entires, part as Registered, Ex C.O.D., special postmark, frankotypes, with various issues incl. overprint, part personal correspondence, letter-card/-s, CDV etc..; various quality
1939 commercial envelope with additional-printing franked on front side by 2x stamp. Hlinka 10h olive, Sy.26, and 8x parallel Coat of arms 10h brown, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 17.IV.39; nice good condition, decorative
1939 comp. of 2 Reg letters from one sender, franked with. mixed Czechosl. and overprint stamp., i.a. 1x mounted For Children-issue 1938 50h and 1CZK (50h with L kupónem!), Pof.333-334, and 1x Blue Štefánik with overprint, Sy.11, CDS ZVOLENSKÁ SLATINA 4.V.39 and 17.V.39; nice good condition, interesting frankings
1939 SELECTION of / Sy.4, 5, 9, 11, 14, 17 and 20, comp. 7 pcs of stamp. with overprint II. type incl. blue Štefánik 60h and Poděbrady 4CZK; mint never hinged, exp. Synek, Novotný
1939Sy.2 plate variety, Coat of arms 5h blue, block of four with plate variety on pos. 94/1A - shift roll embossing about/by 1mm; mint never hinged, spot and minor gum fault on 1 stmp., exp. by Synek
1939Sy.3 FP, Coat of arms 10h brown, horizontal pair with inverted opt; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, exp. by Kozak., Synek and Slovak philatelist
1939Sy.4SOP, Coat of arms 20h orange, LR corner horiz. block of 6 with machine offset on gum 3 stamp., contains 2x ST I. + II.; browny hinged on/for upper middle stamp., exp. Synek
1939Sy.4 production flaw, Coat of arms 20h red, vertical strip of 3 with downward transport shifted overprint, on/for the bottom stamp. in addition expressive paper crease; label on/for upper stamp., middle stamp. minor faults, unusual ganging two production flaws in/at one whole
1939Sy.9 production flaw, Štefánik 50h green, the bottom marginal block-of-4 with production flaw - significant double red vertical line (so-called. „kolejnička“) in margin; mint never hinged, exp. by Müller., decorative
1939 SELECTION of / 2x Reg letter to Protectorate and here redirected, with mixed frankings issues Overprint issue and Hlinka, 1x also parallel Czechosl. stamp., CDS NOVÁKY 15.V.39 and POPRAD 2/ 22.IV.39, exchange control, 1x with off. stick-on label; 1x detached upper lapel, else preserved
1939Sy.S23A production flaw, Hlinka 50h green, horiz. 5-stmp. gutter with omitted vertical perf between L pair stamp.; mint never hinged, 2x oblique bend
1939Sy.24C, Hlinka 1 Koruna red with overprint, line perforation 12¾ : 10½, vertical the bottom marginal Pr, combination C2; minor gum fault, finger-print, exp. Synek
1939Sy.25A production flaw, Hlinka 5h blue, upper marginal block-of-4 with significantly shifted vertical perf transport to picture of stmp; mint never hinged
1939Sy.29A production flaw, Hlinka 50h green, right marginal horizontal strip of 3 with production flaw - joined paper; on gum signs of storage, small spots, viewing of quality recommended, after all rare production defect, c.v.. -,-
1939Sy.29AZVZ, Hlinka 50h green with line perforation 12½, the bottom marginal horizontal pair with omitted vertical perf between stamp.; propité hinged in margin of stmp,. mint never hinged, nevýrazné signs of storage, rare occurrence omitted perf on this value!
1939Sy.30YA production flaw, Hlinka 1Ks red with wmk, R marginal horiz. block of 8 with production flaw - shift centre horiz. perf downward to picture of stmp.; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, decorative
1939Sy.31A production flaw, Hlinka 2,50 Koruna blue, LR corner blk-of-4 with date and plate number, with oblique perf paper crease in lower margin; mint never hinged, defect gum on/for UR stamp.
1939Sy.31YA production flaw, Hlinka 2,50 Koruna blue with wmk, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate number and with oblique perf paper crease in lower margin; mint never hinged, 1x povolená perf in L margin
1939Sy.36 production flaw, Štefánik 1Ks violet, R marginal vertical block of 6, 1x significant shift horiz. perf up to to picture of stmp.; mint never hinged, several minor gum fault, on this issue unusual and decorative
1940Sy.50k plate mark production flaw, Tatra 25h grey-black, carton paper without watermark, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate number A1 and significant perf folded paper in corner; mint never hinged, minor gum fault in margin, decorative
1939 commercial letter greater format addressed to to Brno, with Hlinka 50h and 2,50 Koruna with line perforation 12½ : 10½ (!), Sy.31C, worse clear pmk BRATISLAVA; nice good condition, exp. by Novotny., rare, c.v.. 380€
1939 airmail letter addressed to to Palestine, with Hlinka, Sy.23, 24, 31, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 2.V.39, supplemented with frame violet cancel. LETECKOU POST; toned in perforation stamp. + fold, rare destination
1939 comp. 3 pcs of entires, all franked with. i.a. gutter Hlinka, 1x Reg letter to Austria, 1x postcard and 1x two joined 4-stamp gutter on letter to Bohemia-Moravia; good condition
1939-1944 comp. 6 pcs of letters sent abroad, from that 3x R, 2x Reg and Express, 1x Ex, 1 pcs of to France, 2 pcs of to Switzerland, other to Hungary, paid/franked stamp. various issues, from that 1x air 20Ks, passed through censorship; various quality
1941-1943 comp. 5 pcs of vnitrostátních Reg letters, with issue Railway, For Children-issue 1941, Cultural, Předohnivým wyvern, CDS PREŠOV, BRATISLAVA, PRIEVIDZA, MICHALOVCE, from that 2 pcs of as FDC; good condition