1971 Mi.1327A var., Apollo 11 10B with additional-printing APOLLO 15 (see note. by Mi.1010), perforated stamp used on golden plastic film, 0,6 g Au, printing only 5.000 pcs, placed in original numbered cards; good condition
Starting price: 800CZK
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Current price: : 800 CZK
8 500CZK
1923-1924 SG.1-15, overprint George V. ½A - 10R, complete first issue with shades: SG.1c, 4a, 12a + stamp 2A with inverted opt; very fine, value 2Rs signed F.B. Turpin, c.v.. ca. £720, rare
2023STANLEYGIBBONS - Stamp Catalogue 2024, Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840-1970, prestigious stamp catalogue of Commonwealth, format A4; common lightly hinged užívání, otherwise nice in good condition condition
2023-2024 GERMANY / GENERALGOUVERNMENT 1939-45 / comp. of 2 bulletins, Tag der NSDAP im General Government - DidierJadot + Zollgrenzschutz im Generelgouvernement - HaraldHacker; as new
1895 ST. VINCENT - F.H. Napier, E.D. Bacon, issued. Stanley Gibbons, London 1895; perfectly in good condition catalogue with podrobným description all classic issues, kontexty and price/-s and picture; fine work from of pen two celebrit classic Brit. philately; dedication from y 1915; today very rare publication!
1945 comp. of 2 Reg and Express letters, 1x franked with. complete issues Košice-issue, special postmark KOŠICE - NÁVRATPREZIDENTAREPUBLIKY plate variety VLASTI 27.IV.45, provisional registry label, censorship + 1x mixed franking issues Košice-issue, Bratislava's and Moscow, CDS KOŠICE 1/ 6.IX.45, provisional Reg cancel, incl. content; good condition
Starting price: 700CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Current price: : 1 600 CZK
1945 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters, 1x franked with. str-of-3 stamp. 2 Koruna with CDS BÁNSKÁ BYSTRICA 17.VII.45 + Reg letter sent to Poverenictvo SNR for post and telegraphs in Bratislava, franked with pair of stamps 2 Koruna with lower margin with CDS KOŠICE 1/ 18.X.45 and violet Reg cancel; good condition, 1x lightly toned
1945 Pof.397 production flaw, London-issue 2CZK light blue, UR and LL corner blk-of-4 with perf paper creases in margin; mint never hinged, spots, viewing of quality recommended
1948ALEXYJanko, author design/sketch stamp. 100. Anniv annulment serfdom, Pof.474, 3x paper slip with mounted stamp. with signature from that 1x with date of printing 28. III. 1969
1953 Pof.766-767 plate variety, Transport 60h and 1Kčs, L marginal block-of-4 with part of dates of print, value 1Kčs in addition 2x with plate variety - significant imprint of transfer roll on edge counter sheet; superb
1966 Pof.1567 production flaw, Jezevec 30h, smudge print especially lower in value and inscription "Czechoslovakia"; mint never hinged, interesting, also with common stamp. on/for comparison
1970 Pof.1824 II, Lada 1Kčs, type II - dark-blue, as blk-of-4; spot and minor gum fault on 1 stmp., including corner blk-of-4 I. type on/for comparison
1972 Pof.1966xb plate variety, Vernacular Architecture 3Kčs, optically cleared paper, comp. of 8 stamp. (1x in/at marginal horiz. str-of-3) with various plate variety; mint never hinged, placed on album sheet with podrobnými descriptions, catalogue only as basic stamp. min. 2.400 CZK
1974 Pof.2111 production flaw, Postal emblems 30h, fluorescing paper 1 (partially strávená fluorescence), horiz. L marginal Pr with significant shift brown OT color downward L-wards; decorative
1978 Pof.2323 production flaw, Prague Astronomical Clock 1Kčs, LR corner blk-of-4 with significant shift black OT color up; unusual, on/for comparison including common piece
1978 Pof.2323 production flaw, Prague Astronomical Clock 3,60Kčs, UL corner blk-of-4 with date of print 30.V.78 and with significant shift ochre and tyrkysové color transport; unusual, on/for comparison including common piece
1981 Pof.2493 ST, Atomic Power Station 2Kčs, selection of horiz. right upper corner block of 6 and blk-of-5 and vert. block of 6, total contains joined types: horiz. I+II+I, 2x I+III+I, 2x II + I, III+I and IV+I, also with 2x cut square dispatch-note franked with. total 3 vert. Pr with ST; mint never hinged
1982 Pof.2548 production flaw, Castle Nitra 3Kčs, corner blk-of-4 with significant shift gravure colors downward; interesting, including common block of four on/for comparison
1984 Pof.2678ya, Zápotocký 50h, fluorescing paper 1, L the bottom corner horizontal strip of 3 from reprint with date 20.XI.84; preserved luminiscence, cat. only separate stamp. 1.500CZK
1975 Pof.2152 production flaw, 5. BIB 60h, stamp. with R coupon with significant shifted perforation transport up to to picture of stmp., used on/for cut parcel dispatch-note, CDS RATKOVSKÉ BYSTRÉ 6.XI.75; interesting, non-philatelic usage
1949 postal-agency MEDZIBROD (ONDREJ above H.) (Gebauer. 2216), cancel. No. 4. - airmail letter from USA franked with. 2x 15c, CDS TACOMA11.APR.49, CDS HÁJNIKY 27.IV.1949 and postal agency pmk Medzibrod above H. / (St. Ondrej above H.) as arrival - light imprint, open customs control, on reverse cancel. "D. K. / Bratislava 2", redirected to Bohemia, arrival postmark DUBÍ in/at Krušných H./ 29.IV.49; rare entire with postal agency pmk.!, signs of usage
1950zakládací postage stmp strip values 2000Kčs to pay machine Francotyp, used; good condition, quite rare and rare
Starting price: 3 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Current price: : 3 000 CZK
---- CZK
1953 1. DAY / Registered and Express letter franked with. 30 pcs of stamp. Gottwald 5Kčs Pof.488 and 20 pcs of stamp. Wolker 4Kčs, Pof.506, CDS PRAGUE 022/ 1.VI.53; good condition, Ex and registered letters from 1. of day are rare!
1953 LETTER plate variety CIZINY / letter to 20g addressed to to Austria, franked cash (!), hand-made "Cash paid No. 173", CDS CHOTĚBOŘ 8.VI.53 and signature + cancel. Austrian censorship; good condition, usage letters abroad franked/paid cash is rather rare!
1953CENNÉPSANÍ / with stated valuable 2.062,60Kč in new currency, form/blank envelope, in/at rozporu with regulations paid on reverse krajovým10-blokem(!) and str-of-3 airmail stamps Pofis. L21 + Pofis. 646 and 666, CDS STRÁŽNICE/ 12.VI.53, postal-charge 220Kčs, on reverse 4 complete seal and 2-lines cancel. "Look! on/for škůdce forest/ 3400/7973/12468"; money letter with like that unusual stated valuable is exceptional!, rare rate, sound condition, on request exp. by Drazan
1953NEDOSTATEČNĚVYPLACENÁ MAILING / commercial window envelope with Pof.705, CDS PÍSEK 3.VI.53, delivering post burdened by postage-due 54 Koruna, place postage-due stamp. was/were paid/franked meter stmp BRATISLAVA 1/ 54,oo/ 5.VI.53 - thin/light, but well readable print; format 11x22cm, quite exceptional way inkasování postage-due!, sought by specialists, good condition
1953 POSTE RESTANTE / letter sent to post off. Prague Jindřišská street., franked stamp. Pof.489, 521, 672, posting MC PRAGUE 025/ 8.VI.53, on reverse arrival PRAGUE 1/ 9.VI.53, mailing in stanovenélhůtěnevyzvednuta, label "Unclaimed", date stamp 25.VI.1953, other CDS PRAGUE 1/ 26.VI. on reverse and 13.VII. in front; good condition, mailing poste restante from period of monetary reform are rare!
Starting price: 800CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Current price: : 800 CZK
1953POŠTOVNÉPAUŠALOVÁNO / two commercial letters, both wasn't allowed paušalované postal-charge, again paid mnohonásobnými frankings, 1x stamp. Pof.717 4x in front and 16x on reverse, CDS ČESKÝ TĚŠÍN/ 2.VI.53, common format + 1x letter with Pof.679 (20x) on reverse, CDS ŠUMNÁ 9.VI.53, format 22x11 cm; during 1. days neměly post offices no instruction as these mailing posuzovat, after/around more than 5 days mistake post; good condition, window envelopes, interesting
1953POŠTOVNÉZAPLACENO V HOTOVOSTI / comp. 3 pcs of entires, 1x postcard with atypical cancel. PAID/ 15.VI., used only on/for p. ú. KLÁNOVICE + 1x postcard with sought special postmark FRANTIŠKOVY LÁZNĚ/ Labour Union Recreation/ Radostnýoddechpracujících, with wrong set up date 8.IV.53 + 1x letter franked valid stamp. Pof.713 (2x), franking disallowed and consequently akceptována (!), CDS JABLONEC above N. 11.VI.53, framed pmk "Taxe percue", hand-made 48 (hellers) + signature - quite rare; good condition
1953SCHODOVITÁFRANKATURA / Reg letter to Humpolec franked on both sides special stamp. Pofis. 707, 708, 720 and 724 in 6 lines schodovitých frankings (!) + Pof.489 (3x), with incomplete print posting CDS PÍSEK 1/ 4.VI.53; lightly but well readable address, light wrinkled envelope; quite exceptional offer, in/at this variant first-time in/at jakékoliv auction, good condition, on request exp. Dražan
1953VÍCENÁSOBNÉFRANKATURY / comp. 10 pcs of letters, from that 4x as Registered, franked/paid among others. stamp. Pof.488(16x), 505(15), 506(18), 507(10), 666(10), 666(15), 696(20) and 705(10), from that 9 pcs of commercial correspondence, part oblong and more/larger envelope/-s; good condition
1953VÍCENÁSOBNÉFRANKATURY / comp. 2 pcs of entires right franked/paid postage stamp. Pof.521, 1x Express letter, CDS LOMNICE by/on/at RÝMAŘOVA 5.VI.53, express mailing are rare + 1x Reg letter, CDS BŘECLAV 2/ 6.VI.53, recipient Závodní organization Communist Party of Czechoslovakia/ Rolnicko-vinařská school Valtice, sender Aparát OV Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in/at Břeclav; interesting contemporary document, good condition
1953 AIRMAIL STAMPS FRANKATURY - SLOVAKIA / Reg letter in the place franked air stamp. Pof.L30+L30KH (2x vertical pair with upper coupon), L34 Spa + Pof.521, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 6.VI.53; from Slovakia sought, envelope open from 3 sides (from exhibit)
1953OTISKYVÝPLATNÍCHSTROJŮ / Reg letter franked print meter stmp BRATISLAVA 1/ 4.VI.53/ 80,oo, arrival presentation cancel. Kanceláře president republic; cut Reg label, otherwise without defects, superb imprint of meter franking from Slovakia!
1953 NOVA MĚNA / 1. DAY, letter addressed to Bratislava franked on reverse already invalidated stamp Pof.713 (10x), CDS LIPTOVSKÝ SVÄTÝ MIKULÁŠ 19.VI.53, postal-charge was/were akceptováno (!), thin/light print CDS; good condition
1953 PARCEL BILL / larger part of parcel card on/for valuable parcel C.O.D. (!), weight/scale 28,2kg, C.O.D. 300Kčs !, CDS RYCHNOV by/on/at JABLONCE n. N. 6.VI.53, arrival postmark VACOV 7.VI.53 (neděle!); usage dispatch-notes C.O.D. is quite rare, here for the first time in auction, sound condition
1953 SELECTION of / 11 pcs of letters with mixed frankings postage and special stmp., from that 1x Reg from small community STÁNÍ, 1x letter franked after/around 19.6. invalidated stamp. with railway pmk Košice - Žilina/ 967/ 24.VI.53 - without postage-due, 1x window envelope 11x22cm; good condition
1953 SELECTION of / 7 pcs of letters, from that 3x as Registered, multiple franking stamp. Pof.487, 521, 666 and 725 with cancel. 2x from 1. VI. (!), 2x 3.VI. and 5.VI., 1x Reg letter with new also old currency, 2 pcs of philatelically ovlivněné letters; 1x more/larger envelope, good condition
1953 [COLLECTIONS] VELKÉ FORMÁTY / selection of 25 pcs of letters with various combinations vícenásobných also mixed frankings postage and special stamps, from that 13x as Reg letter, major-part format 17x25cm, several less usual tarifů + supplemented with several pieces envelopes in worse quality; various quality
2010 Pof.630 production flaw, Fifinka value A, complete booklet variants A with production flaw 6/6A - red stain below 1. "also" (Fifinka); sought defect
2014 Pof.809 production flaw, Jů and Hele value A, complete booklet (field 2) with significantly imperfect joined printing colors (rozostřené name Hele on/for tričku on all zn.); still unpublished, decorative and rare
2014 Pof.809 production flaw, Jů and Hele value A, complete booklet (field 6), double pin hole and násek (closely by/on/at themselves, nejzřetelnější on pos. 2 and 7); c.v.. 2.500CZK
2020 Pof.1102, 900 years order premonstrátů value B, four right marginal block-of-4, significantly different color shades (yellow, yellow-orange, orange and dark orange with strong print black and dark value B), quite different also other color, decorative and very obtížnězkompletovatelné, two z odstínů absolutely minimum usage, nejspíš last possibility získatpodobnou group of as blk-of-4, will be katalogizováno
2024 Pof.A1243/1245 production flaw, miniature sheet Smetana, field B, miniature sheet with production flaw 3 - on stmp values Z white circle in middle part/-s stonku; sought c.v.. defect
2024 Pof.A1243/1245 production flaw, miniature sheet Smetana, field B, miniature sheet with production flaw 5 - on stmp values Z white circle in stonku by/on/at překřížení with upper sheet; sought c.v.. defect
2024 Pof.A1243/1245 production flaw, miniature sheet Smetana, field D, miniature sheet with production flaw - on stmp values Z white circle in R part upper flower; c.v.. defect
1999 FORGERY / comp. 3 pcs of letters franked with. forgeries stamp. Rococo 4,60CZK to defraud the post, Pof.P140a on paper without opticaly clearing agent, MC and CDS NOVÝ JIČÍN, PRAGUE and TÝNEC N. S.; without defects
2000 Pof.AT1 production flaw, Veveří (castle), variant I, DVOJITÝFIALOVÝ print values 14.40CZK without asterisk, stamp. with violet value was/were připraveny for PAL6; mint never hinged, very rare, rarely occur very fine stamp. nenalepené on/for PB, usage stamp. with production flaw values is exceptional!
Starting price: 2 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Current price: : 2 000 CZK
2002 Pof.AT2 production flaw, Zvíkov, comp. of 8 stamp. with various VV:násobný print values, various values, double impression stamp., inverted print, "reed" etc..; interesting selection of
2002-2008 Pof.AT2, AT4 production flaw, stamp. Zvíkov with triple print various values + Průhonice, stamp. with double print various values and str-of-3 with upper stamp. normal, middle without value and lower with significantly shifted value out of stmp on/for silikonový paper