1892 Yv.35, overprint Allegory 10c/1F olive, imperforated stamp with part of CDS; very fine used piece with certificate Scheller, exp. Calves and F.B. Turpin, c.v.. 6.750€, very rare stamp
1904-1910 SG.127-138, Edward VII. 1P - $5, wmk Mult Crown CA, complete set with SG.134b (30c on chalky paper); value £2 minor fault, overall fine, rare end $5 very fine signed Senf, c.v.. £765
1920 SCOUTING / unused overprint scout PC 2s + 3s for local mailing, overprint SCOUT´S FUND, type III (according to Richard Blakeney No. PC 0054); ordinary toned, certificate The Association of Thailand, ex Pan de Alfaro, rare
2023STANLEYGIBBONS - Stamp Catalogue 2024, Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840-1970, prestigious stamp catalogue of Commonwealth, format A4; common lightly hinged užívání, otherwise nice in good condition condition
2023-2024 GERMANY / GENERALGOUVERNMENT 1939-45 / comp. of 2 bulletins, Tag der NSDAP im General Government - DidierJadot + Zollgrenzschutz im Generelgouvernement - HaraldHacker; as new
1945 SVÄTÝ BENEDIK (HronskýBeňadik) / letter with provisory black straight line postmark with by hand dopsanoudatací 11.VI.45, with Bratislava's 2 Koruna blue, handwritten notice and signature censor; very fine
1945 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters with 6 Koruna blue, 1x CDS VOJČICE 4.VIII.45 + 1x envelope with additional-printing hotel "Palace" Nový Smokovec, provisional registry label Nový Smokovec and CDS PIEŠŤANY 28.IV.45, censorship, incl. content; nice good condition
1945 Pof.386 production flaw, Moscow 2 Koruna grey-blue, upper marginal block-of-4 with production flaw - omitted upper horiz. perf, in addition omitted perforation hole in vertical perf; grain in paper on 1 stmp., otherwise mint never hinged
1945 Pof.395 production flaw, London-issue 1CZK, LR corner blk-of-4 with fake gutter in lower margin (one stroke perforation comb in addition); mint never hinged, small spots, very rare!
1945 Pof.396 production flaw, London-issue 1,50CZK, vertical pair with vertical double hair paper crease over both stamp.; mint never hinged, rare usage
1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS, comp. 9 pcs of according to souvenir sheet fields; several single nepatrných minor faults, overall but very nice quality, c.v.. 2.500CZK
1948 Pof.488 production flaw, Gottwald 5Kčs grey-blue, L upper corner horizontal pair, in upper margin 2x nepravý coupon vzniklý perf paper crease; slightly povolená perf in margin, otherwise mint never hinged, rare!
1953 Pof.766-767 plate variety, Transport 60h and 1Kčs, L marginal block-of-4 with part of dates of print, value 1Kčs in addition 2x with plate variety - significant imprint of transfer roll on edge counter sheet; superb
1970 Pof.1824 II, Lada 1Kčs, type II - dark-blue, as blk-of-4; spot and minor gum fault on 1 stmp., including corner blk-of-4 I. type on/for comparison
1970 Pof.1828 plate variety, Lenin 60h, corner Pr with plate variety on pos. 49/1 - double transfer (earlier type II.); mint never hinged, small minor gum fault
1971 Pof.1875, Vernacular Architecture 1Kčs, right corner vertical strip of 5 with 3 omitted perforation hole (in/at right perf pos. 20, 30 and in margin R between těmito pos., occures only part jediného of day print in 1985), also with L the bottom corner str-of-3 with significant flaw print on pos. 91 - big black stain and smudges R from emblem / symbol + corner blk-of-6 with omitted perforation hole in margin above pos. 2 and 3; interesting and obtížněsehnatelné
1972 Pof.1966xb plate variety, Vernacular Architecture 3Kčs, optically cleared paper, comp. of 8 stamp. (1x in/at marginal horiz. str-of-3) with various plate variety; mint never hinged, placed on album sheet with podrobnými descriptions, catalogue only as basic stamp. min. 2.400 CZK
1974 Pof.2111 production flaw, Postal emblems 30h, fluorescing paper 1 (partially strávená fluorescence), horiz. L marginal Pr with significant shift brown OT color downward L-wards; decorative
1978 Pof.A2294, miniature sheet Triumphant February 1Kčs, set of all 12 souvenir sheet fields (incl. very rare fields 2 and 8, jejichž larger part was/were skartována); sporadically usual small production gum flaw, otherwise mint never hinged
1952-1975 PLATE FLAWS A TYPY / selection of chosen stamp. with plate variety and types: Pof.327 3/1; 709 9/10; 771 1/1; 773 1/1; 1222 1/A; 1569 32/1 + 1217 and 1587 II. types; very fine, c.v.. 1.770Kč
1954-1958 comp. of 4 entires with from issue Povolání: 2x airmail letter to Barmy and Turkey, 1x uprated by. FDC sent by air mail to Jemenu, 1x interesting postcard Stalinova monument on/for Letná to China; nice good condition
1980 letter i.a. franked by stmp Pof.2113, Postal emblems - pigeon 60h with production flaw 3 - omitted yellow color, L marginal piece with sheet number, CDS TRENČÍN 16.I.80; nice entire from places presence production flaw