1970 Pof.1828 plate variety, Lenin 60h, corner Pr with plate variety on pos. 49/1 - double transfer (earlier type II.); mint never hinged, small minor gum fault
1971 Pof.1875, Vernacular Architecture 1Kčs, right corner vertical strip of 5 with 3 omitted perforation hole (in/at right perf pos. 20, 30 and in margin R between těmito pos., occures only part jediného of day print in 1985), also with L the bottom corner str-of-3 with significant flaw print on pos. 91 - big black stain and smudges R from emblem / symbol + corner blk-of-6 with omitted perforation hole in margin above pos. 2 and 3; interesting and obtížněsehnatelné
1972 Pof.1966xb plate variety, Vernacular Architecture 3Kčs, optically cleared paper, comp. of 8 stamp. (1x in/at marginal horiz. str-of-3) with various plate variety; mint never hinged, placed on album sheet with podrobnými descriptions, catalogue only as basic stamp. min. 2.400 CZK
1974 Pof.2111 production flaw, Postal emblems 30h, fluorescing paper 1 (partially strávená fluorescence), horiz. L marginal Pr with significant shift brown OT color downward L-wards; decorative
1978 Pof.A2294, miniature sheet Triumphant February 1Kčs, set of all 12 souvenir sheet fields (incl. very rare fields 2 and 8, jejichž larger part was/were skartována); sporadically usual small production gum flaw, otherwise mint never hinged
1952-1975 PLATE FLAWS A TYPY / selection of chosen stamp. with plate variety and types: Pof.327 3/1; 709 9/10; 771 1/1; 773 1/1; 1222 1/A; 1569 32/1 + 1217 and 1587 II. types; very fine, c.v.. 1.770Kč
1954-1958 comp. of 4 entires with from issue Povolání: 2x airmail letter to Barmy and Turkey, 1x uprated by. FDC sent by air mail to Jemenu, 1x interesting postcard Stalinova monument on/for Letná to China; nice good condition
1980 letter i.a. franked by stmp Pof.2113, Postal emblems - pigeon 60h with production flaw 3 - omitted yellow color, L marginal piece with sheet number, CDS TRENČÍN 16.I.80; nice entire from places presence production flaw
1946-1949 RETURN - ODESÍLATELI FOR NEDOVOLENÝVÝVOZ / comp. 3 pcs of entires addressed abroad, officially otevřených and returned back, 1x as Registered, 2x Flight, mounted card, stick-on label with official postmarks or label; good condition
1953 1. DAY / Registered and Express letter franked with. 30 pcs of stamp. Gottwald 5Kčs Pof.488 and 20 pcs of stamp. Wolker 4Kčs, Pof.506, CDS PRAGUE 022/ 1.VI.53; good condition, Ex and registered letters from 1. of day are rare!
1953POŠTOVNÉPAUŠALOVÁNO / two commercial letters, both wasn't allowed paušalované postal-charge, again paid mnohonásobnými frankings, 1x stamp. Pof.717 4x in front and 16x on reverse, CDS ČESKÝ TĚŠÍN/ 2.VI.53, common format + 1x letter with Pof.679 (20x) on reverse, CDS ŠUMNÁ 9.VI.53, format 22x11 cm; during 1. days neměly post offices no instruction as these mailing posuzovat, after/around more than 5 days mistake post; good condition, window envelopes, interesting
1953POŠTOVNÉZAPLACENO V HOTOVOSTI / comp. 3 pcs of entires, 1x postcard with atypical cancel. PAID/ 15.VI., used only on/for p. ú. KLÁNOVICE + 1x postcard with sought special postmark FRANTIŠKOVY LÁZNĚ/ Labour Union Recreation/ Radostnýoddechpracujících, with wrong set up date 8.IV.53 + 1x letter franked valid stamp. Pof.713 (2x), franking disallowed and consequently akceptována (!), CDS JABLONEC above N. 11.VI.53, framed pmk "Taxe percue", hand-made 48 (hellers) + signature - quite rare; good condition
1953SCHODOVITÁFRANKATURA / Reg letter to Humpolec franked on both sides special stamp. Pofis. 707, 708, 720 and 724 in 6 lines schodovitých frankings (!) + Pof.489 (3x), with incomplete print posting CDS PÍSEK 1/ 4.VI.53; lightly but well readable address, light wrinkled envelope; quite exceptional offer, in/at this variant first-time in/at jakékoliv auction, good condition, on request exp. Dražan
1953VÍCENÁSOBNÉFRANKATURY / comp. 10 pcs of letters, from that 4x as Registered, franked/paid among others. stamp. Pof.488(16x), 505(15), 506(18), 507(10), 666(10), 666(15), 696(20) and 705(10), from that 9 pcs of commercial correspondence, part oblong and more/larger envelope/-s; good condition
1953 NOVA MĚNA / 1. DAY, letter addressed to Bratislava franked on reverse already invalidated stamp Pof.713 (10x), CDS LIPTOVSKÝ SVÄTÝ MIKULÁŠ 19.VI.53, postal-charge was/were akceptováno (!), thin/light print CDS; good condition
1950 MIKULOV N./M. / envelope incl. pre-printed letter paper Trestní institution in/at Mikulově in Moravia, with 3Kčs with CDS MIKULOV N./M. 11.XII.50; good condition
2007 Pof.539 production flaw, PRAGA 2008 18CZK, the bottom marginal block-of-8 (4 přesahující perforation hole), on all stamps production flaw "zalité CZK", in addition 3x between pane position significant light stains; very rare, exp. labour, newly katalogizováno
2010 Pof.664 production flaw, Christmas 10CZK, horizontal pair with R margin, with significant shifted perforation L downward to picture of stmp; mint never hinged
2014 Pof.809 production flaw, Jů and Hele value A, complete booklet (field 6), double pin hole and násek (closely by/on/at themselves, nejzřetelnější on pos. 2 and 7); c.v.. 2.500CZK
2020 Pof.1102, 900 years order premonstrátů value B, four right marginal block-of-4, significantly different color shades (yellow, yellow-orange, orange and dark orange with strong print black and dark value B), quite different also other color, decorative and very obtížnězkompletovatelné, two z odstínů absolutely minimum usage, nejspíš last possibility získatpodobnou group of as blk-of-4, will be katalogizováno
1999 PLATE PROOF Zber.198, Brunovský5Sk, plate proof original design/sketch stamp. and coupon in/at zelenošedé color on/for chalky carton; small spot in upper margin, signature M. Činovský and slepotiskový initials of author
2002 PLATE PROOF Zber.279, Spišská kapitula22Sk, proof print barevného joined printing definitive gravures on chalky paper without gum, with signature Horniak; very fine
2010 PLATE PROOF Zber.472 H, miniature sheet 400. Anniv Žilina synody, print definitive gravure miniature sheet in black color on/for stronger paper without gum, adjusted in passe-partout, signature Činovský; very fine, decorative
2016ZZ083a, MC in/at Rade EU, advertising sheet with 1 samolepicí stamp. Zber.614B determined členům Council EU; covers minor faults, otherwise very fine, low edition
2001-2002OPL1+18 VCH, Castles and castles in Slovakia, comp. of 2 cards Beckovský castle and Red kameň with INVERTED wmk; Red kameň on reverse hints of adjustaci, otherwise very fine, rare, c.v.. -,-
2003PT39avar., Terasy in/at Handan and Zbojnický castle, special commemorative print as member premium with slepotiskem "ZSF", but without numbering (!); very fine interesting
1997-2000 comp. 5 pcs of author prints gravures for FDC to/at stamp. Zber.123, 127, 165, 170, 207 on chalky paper with signatures engravers, 4x Cigánik, 1x Horniak; good condition
1918 1. day of Czechoslovakia / selection of 17 stamp. with various CDS from Czech region, for example. TĚŠÍN, ZNOJMO, KLATOVY, SVITAVY, all with date 28. October 1918 - day origin Czechoslovakia (!); several minor faults, interesting, obtížně zkompletovatelná selection of
1918 SELECTION of / forerunner Austrian stamps, i.a. Charles incl. 20h light, 2K-10K on granite paper, War 1915 2x, postage-due 1908 on chalky paper set (hinged), str-of-3 express, pair 10K unclear print , 2x air-mail FLUGPOSTA; only postage-due 1908 hinged, otherwise all mint never hinged, c.v.. 12000 CZK
1919 FORERUNNER FRANKATURY / comp. 4 pcs of commercial letters from I. postal rate, 1x Reg and Express with Coat of arms 90h + Charles 15h with CDS PAVLOVICE U OLOMOUCE 23.II.19, 1x Ex letter franked with. pair stamp. Coat of arms 40h with CDS ZNOJMO 1/ 24/2 19, 1x ordinary letter with Charles 20h with nationalized CDS ROŽNOV P. R. 22.I.19 and 1x commercial window envelope franked with Hungarian stmp Reaper 20f with CDS SISSO 919 Mar.18. (today Šišov); good condition
1919 PARALLEL / comp. 4 pcs of parcel dispatch card segments with parallel franking Austrian stamp. Charles 15h, Coat of arms 1k, Large Emblem 3 Koruna from that 2x on granite paper with stamp. Hradčany values 5, 10, 20h, CDS CHVOJNO, KARBITZ, BRNO, BYSTŘICE P. H.; very fine, sought combination, ex Škaloud
1918 POSTAGE-DUE / larger part Austrian post. order where fee after/behind delivery are paid Austrian Postage due stamp to exhaustion-issue 10/24h blue, Mi.P86 with nationalized CDS HORNÍ ČERNOŠICE 11.XI.18 + delivering card with fee paid Postage due stamp Small numerals 5h, Mi.P73 with nationalized CDS HORNÍ POČERNICE 20.XI.18; good condition
1918 COUNTER SHEET / Mi.190, 191, 193, Reaper 2f yellow, 3f violet and 6f green-blue, complete sheets of 100, all with black overprint Porto, value 2f with plate mark "crescent" in R margin at top; mint never hinged, stains, viewing of quality recommended
1918 COUNTER SHEET / Mi.213-218, Charles and Zita 10f - 50f, complete sheets of 100, value 25f divided on/for 1/2, value 15f with plate mark "crescent"; cross fold, small spots, cat. only as single stamps 800€, rare occurrence!
1919VÁLEČNÉ, ZITA, PARLAMENT / comp. 5 pcs of cuts Hungarian dispatch-notes with mixed frankings parallel Hungarian stamp. and stamp. Hradčany, 1x last day CDS GALGOCZ 919 Feb.28. (Hlohovec) Zita 40f + Hradčany 5h, 1x War 10f + Hradčany 5h, 3x Parliament values 50f, 75f and 1 Koruna with stamp. Hradčany 5h, 10h and 20h with CDS SZAKOLCZA, ZSOLNA, MALACZKA; good condition, ex Škaloud
1919 POSTAGE-DUE / comp. 2 pcs of entires with usage Postage due stamp issue Red numerals, 1x larger part dispatch-note with fee paid Postage due stamp 20h, Mi.P43 with CDS POZSONYNADAS 919 Jul.13. and 1x parcel dispatch card segment with mixed franking Hungarian Postage due stamp 10f, Mi.P40 used as postage stmp (!) with stamp. Hradčany 20h, CDS PÉNZUTALVÁNY POPRAD 25/Feb 19; good condition, 1 pcs of exp. by Karasek., ex Škaloud
1919 LAST DAY OF VALIDITY + AFTER VALIDITY / comp. 6 pcs of cuts Hungarian dispatch-notes with mixed frankings parallel Hungarian stamp. Reaper and stamp. Hradčany, 2x date last of day usage 28.2.1919 HOLICS and NYITRA, 2x after validity CDS BESZTÉRCZEBÁNYA Már/919/26 and CDS PELKA 919 Már.29.; good condition, nice sought combination, ex Škaloud
1919 HUNGARY + AUSTRIA + CZECHOSL. FRANKING / larger part Hungarian dispatch-note franked on front side by Hungarian stamp. Parliament 75f + Hradčany 5h + on reverse Austrian stamp. Coat of arms 40h, CDS SAZAKOLCZA 919 Feb.20. (Skalice); good condition, exp. by Karasek., Škaloud, exceedingly rare usage Hungarian, Austrian and Czechosl. stamps to payment postage in Slovakia in time of validity parallel stamps!
1919KOLKOVÁNÍBANKOVEK / odmítnutí takeover pohledávky incurred before/(in front of) 26.2. /larger part money dispatch-note for amount of 1.000K, CDS POZSONY 919 Feb.28., postal-charge 1,20 Koruna postpaid with stmp Reaper 4x 5f and Hradčany 5x 20h, arrival postmark STERNBERG MÄHR. 4.III.19, refused takeover, handwritten notice on face-side, sent back to Bratislava with CDS POZSONY 919 Mar.10. - předáno after/around ending franking; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
1919KOLKOVÁNÍBANKOVEK / posting last day 28.2. before/(in front of) pozastavením receiving orders - delivery in/at course franking / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 449,75K, CDS NAGY TAPOLCSÁNY 919 Feb.28. (Velké Topolčany), arrival postmark NAGY LAPÁS 919 Mar.3. (Big Lapáš), postal-charge 70h postpaid with stmp Parliament 50f, Charles 10f and Hradčany 5h, on reverse supplemented with official cancel. community Big Lapáš with signature as confirmation registrace money, on/for this base was/were possible their/its payment in/at course franking with CDS NAGY LAPÁS 919 Mar.7.; fold, see article and picture in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
1919KOLKOVÁNÍBANKOVEK / posted before/(in front of) pozastavenímplateb - delivered in/at day pozastavení 1.3./ larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 134,40K, CDS SZAKOLCZA 919 Feb.27. (Skalice), arrival nationalized CDS BRNO 1/ 1.III.19, postal-charge 35h postpaid with stmp Hradčany 20h and 10h, 2x Hungarian express stamp. Sürgós 2f used as postage stmp (!), missing 1h; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud, rare usage two pieces express Hungarian stamps 2f used as postage stmp!