1956-1980 SELECTION /stamps and sets, contains i.a. Mi.28, 44, 45, 53, 57, 78-80 and oths., several duplication; some minor gum faults, otherwise mint never hinged, c.v.. 836€
1914-1970 [COLLECTIONS] SCOUTING / comp. of 7 exhibit sheets ex Pan de Alfaro with 15 various entires, doplněnými stamps, i.a. DEUTSCHERPFANDFINDERBUND, BOYSCOUTS FRANCAISE, SCOUTSPERUANOS, then i.a. Romania (i.a. frankotype), Hungary etc..; all with detailními descriptions
1942 IN MEMORIAMBOHUMILAHEINZE 1940 / important publication about part předního engraver B. Heinz, incl. 34 copy-print gravures and drawings (larger part used for bank note/-s and post. stamps Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia and foreign postal správ), contains also view of his ryteckých work and set other information; copy No. 81 on hand-made paper with filigránem, solid binding, issued K. Kryl, Kroměříž 1942, in 120 numbered výtiscích on hand-made paper and 100 výtiscích on/for ofsetovém paper; complete and perfect condition, on hand-made paper rare occurrence!
1975 TRANSCARPATHIAN UKRAINE / Anmerkungen to Postgeschichte der Karpathen - Ukraine, Volume 1 + 2 Dr. Walter J. Rauch, dvojdílná publication about post. history Transcarpathian Ukraine, total 93 sides; good condition
1945 ŽILINA / selection of Slovak postage-due stamps Sy.D13-D27 with overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, all LL corner blocks of four with plate mark; mint never hinged, several times povolená perf
1945 RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA / letter to Rožňava franked with Hungarian stmps 50f, 70f and 80f with red overprint Czechoslovak Post., CDS RIMASZOMBAT 45.II.27, arrival ROZSNYÓ 45.III.6 and off. notice "Prohibited! Back!; on reverse hints of adjustaci, overall good condition and sought
1944-1945 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of / larger comp. revolutionary overprints mainly on/for Bohemian and Moravian stamp., it contains e.g. Rumburk, Plzeň, Cheb, Frýdek-Místek, České Budějovice, Smečno, Prostějov, Žilina and other, also 4x Rimavská Sobota, Zahraniční post 1944, incl. several p.stat and letters; on 4 on stock-sheets A4 and album sheet, mainly nice quality, offered as jest
1945 Pof.381 production flaw, Moscow 5h violet, marginal Pr with omitted vertical perf in L margin, guide mark in margin; mint never hinged, rare on this value!
1945 Pof.383 production flaw, Moscow 20h, UL corner blk-of-4 with omitted perf in upper margin, plate variety 1/3 - stain L from picture stamp. by/on/at perf; spots, viewing of quality recommended
1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS, MS pos. 1, wide L margin, on reverse print violet special cancel. BANSKÁ BYSTRICA 29.VIII.45; nice quality, rare combination, sought by specialists
1947MINIATURY / Pof.458-459, T. G. Masaryk 1,20Kčs - 4Kčs, complete set miniatures in/at corner blocks of 6 with coupons; very nice quality mint never hinged
1949 Pof.503 production flaw, Vančura 80h, horizontal pair with plate variety 48/1 - long oblique line R from ear; one of most precious plate variety old currency, only on one from reprints, will be katalogizována
1953 Pof.740A+B, 741, Zápotocký 30h and 60h, selection of 16 various expressive shades, 13x 30h and 3x 60h; sporadically minor gum fault, interesting selection of
1961 Pof.1174 ST, Országh 60h as blk-of-4, L upper stamp. with printing error ORSZÁCH on pos. 31/1; mint never hinged, minor gum fault on/for upper 2 stamp.
1961 Pof.1176 plate variety, Hora 60h, horiz. right marginal Pr, L stamp. with plate variety 39/1 - line below character/-s. "O"; mint never hinged, rare and sought plate flaw!
1965 Pof.1482, Nitra 20h, selection of corner 4-pásek and pairs with various shades blue also brown color, 3x date of print from 26.V.70 and 23.V.70, 1x corner stamp. with nehomogenním print blue color; mint never hinged
1967 Pof.PL1649 production flaw, Art - Grund 1Kčs, complete counter sheet with production flaw - on pos. 3 smudge brown-black color in LL corner through/over value; unusual and interesting
1974 Pof.2112ya production flaw, Postal emblems 40h, selection of vert. and horiz. right bottom corner block of 6, both with significant blue double vert. lines (so-called. „kolejnička“) in margin also over stmp.; unusual, decorative
1981 Pof.2493 ST, Atomic Power Station 2Kčs, UR corner blk-of-8, contains joined types: horiz. II. + I.., III.+I. and IV.+I., vertical II.+III.+IV.; mint never hinged
1981 Pof.2500 production flaw, 30 years Svazarmu 1Kčs, L marginal vertical pair with date of print 25.V.81 and with production flaw - significant red line (so-called. „kolejnička“) vertical over both stamp.; unusual
1988 gravure M. Činovského according to design/sketch A. Brunovského with motive of head young women and Tatra, motive after/around arrangement used on stmp 125. Anniv of Foundation "Matice slovenská", Pof.2841, printed on/for pruhusilnějšího paper, signed Brunovský and Činovský; very nice good condition
1951 Pof.PL574, Fučík 5Kčs, blk-of-12, normal perf rámec; minor gum fault, R at top bend in corner, in margin usual holes after stapler, overall but nice quality
1953 1. DAY / commercial letter above 20 g, right franked according to rate platného from 1.6.53 multiple franking 20 pcs of special stmp Pof.713 on front also back side, CDS ZÁBŘEH 1/ 1.VI.53, format 16x22,5cm; good condition, sought rate 60Kčs!
1945 CPL4a production flaw, Košice-issue, dark olivovově green, card with production flaw - significant incomplete-printing part/-s picture overlapping also through/over ¼ stamp., způsobenývniknutím foreign tělesa (evidently paper) on/for print válec near/in/at print; very fine, very interesting and decorative, published in/at časopise Slovak philatelist 6/1947 (article including), on reverse mark Hoza (discoverer printing error), exceptional!
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] PARTIE / stamp. from uvedeného period, contains collection to year 1954 on/for labels in spring folder (for example. coupons St. Vojtěch), následujcí period on hingeless sheets and from year 1970 annual volumes scattered stamp. in/at envelopes + selection of various bloks of four from beginning 50. years and příslušných FDC on stock-sheets, contains i.a. souvenir sheets Kosice - "paw", 2x PRAGA 1950, cancel. Bratislava 1952, PRAGA 1962 - "linen" (viewing of quality recommended), Pof.545 plate variety 17/, 543 plate variety 41 and 543 with 2x omitted perforation hole, miniature sheet A2667 according to MS pos., 7 complete counter sheet advertising labels PRAGA 1978, supplemented with about/by group of first day sheets Czechoslovakia 1949-1992; various quality, we advice důkladnou examination
1945-2000 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / basic collection in 8 stockbooks A4, i.a. vertical 2-stamps. Košice gutter, coupons, souvenir sheets etc.., supplemented with about/by duplication in 3 various stockbooks, first day and commemorative sheets and stockbook A4 with cancel. also several neupotřebenými stamp. Czech Republic and Slovakia after/around year 1993; various quality, viewing of quality recommended (signs of storage), all in middle box
1995 Pof.88 production flaw, 25 years SOS child's villages 3CZK, imperforated horizontal pair with extremely wide R margin; superb, extraordinary offer!
2023 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ printing sheet 0173, "Poklady world philately" - Biennale 2023; superb condition, very rare; major part of edition 450 sheets was/were from reason vysokéhozájmu from side/party collectors roztrhána on/for str-of-5 and prodána; dochoval with only small number neroztrhaných sheets!