1942 FRANCE / Französische Freiwillige Legion Mi.Bl.I, "Polar bear" 100Fr; mint never hinged, minor paper flaw, otherwise very fine, size 93x116mm, c.v.. 800€
1939 MEMEL / German administration, Mi.1II-4II, 15C - 60C with German overprint MEMELLAND IST FREI, all type II.; mint never hinged, minor gum faults, c.v.. 120€
1941-1943 [COLLECTIONS] small collection with complete sets as Mi.31-45, 46-49, 66-70 (blocks of four), 82-85, 86-89, souvenir sheets Bl.1-4 (viewing of quality recommended), Klb. 94-98, also postage-dues, types and variants Mi.54-57 etc..; various quality, overall good to fine, higher catalogue value, we advice examination!
1911 Reg letter addressed to Germany, with issue 1901, 5Pf and 3Pf as block-of-4 from that 3h with lower margin with part of inscription Marsha.., Mi.13, 14 and 1x stamp 10Pf, Mi.15, CDS JALUIT 4.10.11, on reverse arrival postmark WALDORF 25.11.11; slightly toned
1944 C.C. MAUTHAUSEN / preprinted folded letter addressed to Vienna, with A. H. 12Pf, CDS MAUTHAUSEN 3.4.44, line censorship mark with signature, hand-made corrected instructions; fine
1940 C.C. SACHSENHAUSEN - ORANIENBURG pre-printed envelope green color with pre-printed content to Protectorate, with Hindenburg 12Pf, CDS ORANIENBURG 23.3.40, line censorship mark Konzentrationslager / Postzenzurstelle with signature also on content; some faults
1850 Ferch.1HIII, Coat of arms 1 Kr kadmiumgelb type III., hand-made paper, vertical pair on cut-square with CDS KISS JENÖ; upper stamp cut to margin at top, c.v.. ca. 500€
1887-1904 REPRINTS / Mercury / issued 1851 and 1856; yellow and rose and pair of vermillion all issued 1887, from that yellow and rose with complete letters of wmk - N, Z; then 4x vermillion issued 1904, 3 stamps **, c.v.. 455€
1867 Ferch.42Ia, 42Ib, 2x Mercure 1,05 Kreuzer the first types, rough print, both "lilabraun"; type Ia with original bend, Ib almost **, wide margins, c.v.. 310€
1867 Ferch.42IIb, Mercure 1,05 Kreuzer in block of 15, rare type IIb; 1x thin place and light original bends between stamps, overall fine and rare multiple with fine postmarks Prague expedition, c.v.. 2625€
1863 Newspaper WANDERER - "Abend - Nebenblatt" with Coat of arms 1,05Kr as "Pseudo-Mischfrankatur" with red SIGNETE 1 Kr; cancel. MELNIK; very fine and rare, Ferchenbauer. I, part page 652 and II. part page 567; c.v.. 370€++
1877-1890 3 newspapers with interesting frankings 2x 1kr 1890, 2x 2kr 1890 (rare) and English strip ½P with nnewspaper after delivery on Austrian territory provided with revenue 2 Kreuzer 1877, with red cancel. PRAGUE, "Pseudomischfrankatur" - similar piece in Ferchenbauer II. part page 612; c.v.. 820€
1850 ANK.1HI-5HI without No. 2; Coat of arms 5Cts, pair 15Cts "dunkel zinnober", 30Cts and 45Cts, all I. types, with "dumb" cancel. "V" - VENICE; c.v.. Müller 2000 points (!)
1850 Ferch.5HIII, Sass.12, block of four Coat of arms 45Cts type III on hand-made paper with cancel. PADUA 12 MARZO; certificate A. Diena and Dr. Ferchenbauer: "... links oben etwas tangiert .... rel. Prachtstück", c.v.. 13.000€, Sass. 35.000€, VF and scarce
1900 PRAGUE PNEUMATIC TUBE POST / Ferch.PK17 Doppelkarte, whole Us double PC for pneumatic-tube post Franz Joseph I. 10Kr + 10Kr ultramarine, CDS PRAGUE 10/ 17/1 00; without defects, c.v.. 150€
1917 PRIVATE P. STAT. / whole 1. part of C.O.D. post. dispatch-note with imprinted stamp 10h and privately printed stamp issue 1916 Coat of arms 80h red-brown, uprated with stamp of same issue Crown 10h, CDS WIEN 12.III.17; good condition
1919 Mng.J10, identification document, invoice with 3 Austrian revenues, 2x 4H + 10h issue 1910, all with perfin "J.H./S." f. J. Hückels sons, Neutitschein, hat factory, used in Czechoslovakia, dated 9.1.1919; extraordinary document, rare
1901 BOXER REBELLION / S.M. SCHIFF KAISERIN & KÖNIGIN MARIA THERESIA, postcard sent from Hongkong to Bohemia, black ship postmark with date 17/6 01, arrival postmark JILEMNICE 23/7 01; good condition
1915 K.u.K.. MARINEDETACHEMENT IN BEIJING, 3 prints of black CDS on Ppc Beijing, franked on front side with stamps FP Franz Joseph. 2x 1h + war 3h, K.u.K.. MARINEDETACHEMENT IN BEIJING 14.III.15, used censorship with straight line postmark "Geprüft" with signature, to Bohemia; good condition
1918 [COLLECTIONS] SHEET / FP ITALY / occupation Friuli - Veneto / Sass. 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 15 - 6 values Charles I., with overprints in CENTESIMI, all ca. 100x in half sheet, then Espressi, Sass.1 - Bosnian special-delivery 2H with overprint 3Cts, 25- block and 3x blk-of-10; very fine, c.v.. as single stamps 34.000€
1914-1918 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION / 40 FP cards and prisoner cards, all addressed to Bohemia, contains i.a. 2x card with FP 1064/a, Etappenpostamt HRUBLESZOW, framed pmk K.u.K. Kmdo. der Lfa. Battn. des K. H. Pola, district cancel. IX/464 with propagandistic cancel. Gott Strafe England!, Gottes Fluch über das treulose Italy!, prisoner cards from Italy also Russia etc..; various quality
1918 ANK.227X, FLUGPOST 4 Koruna on postcard 8h Charles, uprated from Lviv to Vienna, cancel. LEMBERG 15.V. 18 and WIEN 16.V. 18; exact franking, very fine quality and rare p.stat!
1852 Swiss confederation / Mi.10, 11, Rayon III small number 15Rp and 15Cts; both stamps with small thin place, blue and red cancel. " Eidgenossische Raute", c.v.. 1.600€