1920-1923 [COLLECTIONS] PIGEON-issue, issue Chainbreaker, issue Agriculture and Science - 100 pcs of BALÍČKY / box with several tisíci used stamp. typography issues in 100 pcs of packets and several paper bags, various values; placed in original little-box
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / collection of ca. 100 pcs of various entires, letters, p.stat PC, private also commercial correspondence, various franking from Hradčany, through/over issue Chainbreaker, Pigeon-issue, T. G. Masaryk 1920, postage-due, perfins, railway postmark, special postmark, 1x order letter, FP cards etc..; various quality, it is worth seeing, estate
1939AS2d, Newspaper miniature sheet 1937, exhibition NY 1939, black text and blue emblem, black special postmark exhibition; overall fine mint never hinged, incl. cover
1939AS2e, BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister, autograph on miniature sheet newspaper stmp Bratislava 1937, exhibition NY 1939, black text and golden emblem; hinged, very decorative and sought
1939 AS3a, miniature sheet Bratislava 1937, exhibition NY 1939, black text and black emblem, 2x print blue exhibition special postmark CZECHOSLOVAK DAY NEW YORK; mint never hinged
1942 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister, autograph on portrait photograph with on both sides mounted Brit. stamp. with red special postmark CZECHOSLOVAK FIELD POST 28.MAY 1942 (day after/around assassination on/for Heydricha!); very fine, decorative and sought
1939ČESKO-SLOVENSKO / Pof.L15 plate number, Airmail 30h, complete set 4 pcs of corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1-4, plate number 4 from 50 pcs of counter sheet, plate number 1-3 from 100 pcs of counter sheet; mint never hinged, sought
1943-1944 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.102, 116-117, selection of čtyř complete 100 pcs of archů: Day of Stamp 60h + complete set of 55. birthday A. Hitler.; horiz. folded in perforation, minor faults and minor gum fault, overall fine
1939 [COLLECTIONS] BLOKY / PÁSY / KUPÓNY / collection various blocks and bands issues Landscape, Linden Leaves A. Hitler, Postage due stmp, contains i.a. bands Zlín 3 Koruna plate mark **, Ostrava 4 Koruna plate mark *** also +++, horseshoe coupons, 2x complete 50 pcs of sheet Pof.43, Postage due stmp bnd-of-20 with plate number etc..; various quality, bands with labels in margins, placed in transparent covers in 2 cover A4, we advice viewings
1939 SELECTION of / STROJOVÉOBTISKY / Sy.3, 6-10 SOP, comp. 6 pcs of pairs, partially marginal or corner, with machine offsets overprints on gum; mint never hinged, exp. Synek
1939Sy.6 production flaw, Coat of arms 30h violet, UL corner blk-of-4 with print nastavovací ledge above PPo1-2 and significant overprint folded paper L margins; label, signs of storage on gum, after all unusual and interesting, exp. Synek
1939 Sy.11, Štefánik 60h blue as blk-of-4, L the bottom stamp. with plate variety overprint on pos. 143 - vert. line below "39"; mint never hinged, exp. Synek
1939Sy.NZ23B, Hlinka 50h green ČESKO-SLOVENSKO in 4-BLOKU (!), without overprint "Slovak Rep.", line perforation 10½; mint never hinged, intaktní without marks, certificate Synek, in blocks of four quite rare occurrence, very sought!
1939 Sy.23A, Hlinka 50h with overprint, line perforation 12½, vertical pair, the bottom stamp. with plate variety overprint - significant line below "SLOVAK REP." on pos. 80 (is evidently about/by následek repair cracked overprint folder, where roztavená liteřina protekla from above through prasklinu and vytvořila výstupek, jenž with shortly otiskoval on stmp then with odlomil, see Monograph Földes I 2023, page. 162-164); mint never hinged, rare occurrence
1939Sy.30YA, Hlinka 1Ks red, UL corner blk-of-4 with vertical grid (!); mint never hinged, only print fingers, exp. by Synek., in/at corner block of four rare occurrence, rare!
1939Sy.SK31N, Hlinka 2,50 Koruna in/at different blue color (for value 5h), imperforated block of four with L margin; intaktní with svěžím gum, certificate Synek, čtyřblok in this quality is exceedingly rare!
1939 commercial Reg letter to Žilina franked with. funeral stamp. issue Štefánik 1Ks (upper marginal piece) and 2 Koruna, Sy.36, 37, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 4.V.39, right value franking for Reg letter in/at other transport; good condition, exp. Tribuna, R and right franked letters stamps this issue are very rare!
1939 Reg letter with multicolor franking 4 pcs of stamp., i.a. nepřetisková stamp. 60h Blue Štefánik, Sy.1, stmp with overprint 60h Blue Štefánik, Sy.11, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 10.IV.39, on reverse arrival postmark TOPOĽČANY 11.IV.39; very fine
1939Sy.L6 production flaw, Airmail 4Ks blue, L the bottom corner blk-of-6 with plate number A1 and production flaw - joined paper; without gum, after/around odmočení detached lower part whole, exp. Synek, viewing of quality recommended, after all rare occurrence, sought by specialists, catalogue -,-
1941DORUČOVACÍKARTAŠEKOVÝCHPOUKÁZEK / from Postal Agency TUŽNA (NEMECKÉ PRAVNO), format A4, on the reverse side franked with. blk-of-50 stamp. Sy.D19 Postage due stmp 1942 1Ks, cancelled by postmark NEMECKÉ PRAVNO 11.X.41; 1x torn, otherwise nice good condition
1940 CDV4/18b, picture PC Hlinka 1,20 Koruna, Smolenice castle - tree R, printing error, CDS BRATISLAVA 2/ 21.X.40, addressed to to Austria, censorship; good condition
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / collection on pages MIKADA, contains i.a. Blue Štefánik, complete overprint issue (exp. Dr. Dub */**), miniature sheet For Children-issue, gutter Tiso, postage-due with vertical grid etc..; part hinged
1919 Sass.29C, 29cbb, corner blk-of-15 provisional overprint "FRANCO 45" on postage-due FIUME 6f; on position 3 - DOUBLE OVERPRINT and pos. 4, 14, 22 OVERPRINT SHIFFTED UPWARDS; very fine and rare block, c.v.. as singles 4.140€
1925-1932 SG.102-107, George V. 1Sh - £1, complete set, in addition 1Sh Olive and black and shade of value 2Sh6P, wmk Mult Script CA; fine quality, c.v.. £275
1868-1871 SELECTION / 10 classic letters, mainly franking with stamps Viktor Emanuelle II., i.a. 1x letter 1871 to Marianopole with 10C and 15C, 1x underpaid letter with 15C, 1x letter with 20C perforated etc.; overall fine
1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT / Mi.117-119, A. H. 12Gr+1Zl - 84Gr+1Zl, complete set in whole 25 counter sheets with decorative margin; some minor perforation imperfections, small production gum flaw, otherwise fine
1919 Reg letter to Switzerland, franked with overprint stamp Emperor´s Yacht C.E.F. 3Pf - 20Pf in mixed franking with NIGERIA George V. ½P, CDS BUEA / CAMEROON / 13.3.19, provisional registration label, on reverse arrival postmark.; very fine
1916-1919 Mi.25BI, complete sheet 20 of stamps Emperor´s Yacht 5RM; on one stamp production paper flaw, and some minor gum fault at bottom, otherwise very fine and rare, cat. only as single stamps 3.000€
1938 SUDETENLANDFAHRT / 2 airmail letters richly franked with German stamps, both CDS RHEIN MAIN 1.12.38, supplemented with red flight cachet, on reverse arrival postmark REICHENBERG 3/ 2.12.38, 1x supplemented with provisional frame cancel. PÜRSTEIN 4.XII.38; good condition
1802-1838 CZECH LANDS / 2 interesting letters with hand-made posting data "BUDWEIS" nota bene to Vienna on Main post off. + money letter 134 fl.. from Želetava (SCHELLETAU) to Olomouc; very fine, rare occurrence!
1850 Ferch.1HIII, horiz. str-of-6 Coat of arms 1 Kr ochre yellow, type III on hand-made paper, with whole postmarks GRATZ 16. FEB; light production paper crease in paper, very fine multiple with certificates Pfenninger and Dr. Ferchenbauer, c.v.. 5.000€, extraordinary offer!
1850 Ferch.1-5, Coat of arms 1Kr-9Kr, various types and colors, 1 Kr HP with cancel. REICHENBERG, 2 Kreuzer with wmk, 6 Kreuzer with large part of wmk (!), 9 Kreuzer IIC with significantly underlaid middle; chosen quality, c.v.. 485€++
1850 cover of Reg letter from Roudnice to Prague, with 1 Kr, HP type Ib + 2 Kreuzer, HP type Ia, on reverse 6 Kreuzer, HP type III, CDS RAUDNITZ 25/11, straight line postmark RECOM:, on reverse arrival PRAG 25/11 3U.; fine, certificate Ferchenbauer, exp. Pfenninger and Ferchenbauer, c.v.. 4.500€, attractive letter
1855 letter to Vienna with Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer, MPIII + 2 Kreuzer black, HPIIIa + 1 Kr ochre yellow, MPIb, CDS SCHÖNLINDE (Krásná Lípa ) 2/1; in good condition and rare letter with tricolour franking, copy of certificate Ferchenbauer
1858 letter from Děčín to Česká Kamenice, franked with horiz. str-of-3 Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow, hand-made paper, type III, Mi.1HPIII, CDS TETSCHEN u/ELBE 29/12, on reverse arrival postmark.; in front some minor faults of the paper, overall fine and rare cover, c.v.. 2.300€++
1860 letter to Rožany by Škluknov, franked with patriotic franking of stamps Franz Joseph I. 3 Kreuzer and 2 Kreuzer, I. types, CDS SCHÖNLINDE (Krásná Lípa ) 30/8; very fine and decorative letter
1864-1865 4x heavier Reg letter from Trieste to Bordeaux with high franking 121Kr (100Kr for letter + 21r for Reg fee); with block of 6 (!) 15 Kreuzer + 10Kr in front and 15 Kreuzer + pair 3 Kreuzer on reverse, cancel. TRIESTE RECOMMANDIRT 12.1., additional and other cancel. red and blue, arrival BORDEAUX 17 JANV. 67; very nice letter with certificate Diena "date la sua rarità", cat. min. 3.000€, scarce