1850 Ferch.1HIII, horiz. str-of-6 Coat of arms 1 Kr ochre yellow, type III on hand-made paper, with whole postmarks GRATZ 16. FEB; light production paper crease in paper, very fine multiple with certificates Pfenninger and Dr. Ferchenbauer, c.v.. 5.000€, extraordinary offer!
1850 cover of Reg letter from Roudnice to Prague, with 1 Kr, HP type Ib + 2 Kreuzer, HP type Ia, on reverse 6 Kreuzer, HP type III, CDS RAUDNITZ 25/11, straight line postmark RECOM:, on reverse arrival PRAG 25/11 3U.; fine, certificate Ferchenbauer, exp. Pfenninger and Ferchenbauer, c.v.. 4.500€, attractive letter
1858 letter from Děčín to Česká Kamenice, franked with horiz. str-of-3 Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow, hand-made paper, type III, Mi.1HPIII, CDS TETSCHEN u/ELBE 29/12, on reverse arrival postmark.; in front some minor faults of the paper, overall fine and rare cover, c.v.. 2.300€++
1860 letter to Rožany by Škluknov, franked with patriotic franking of stamps Franz Joseph I. 3 Kreuzer and 2 Kreuzer, I. types, CDS SCHÖNLINDE (Krásná Lípa ) 30/8; very fine and decorative letter
1887-1902 Retour Receipt - reply form,2 blank forms, 1x with mounted stamp Eagle VII. issue 10Kr blue, Mi.47 with CDS HOLEŠOVICE BUBNY 21/12 87 + 1x reply form on mailing to Belgrade with Franz Joseph 25h ultramarine, Mi.76 with CDS PRAGUE 14/ 13/11 02; only vertical fold
1887-1904 REPRINTS / Mercury / issued 1851 and 1856; yellow and rose and pair of vermillion all issued 1887, from that yellow and rose with complete letters of wmk - N, Z; then 4x vermillion issued 1904, 3 stamps **, c.v.. 455€
1867 Ferch.42Ia, 42Ib, 2x Mercure 1,05 Kreuzer the first types, rough print, both "lilabraun"; type Ia with original bend, Ib almost **, wide margins, c.v.. 310€
1863 Newspaper WANDERER - "Abend - Nebenblatt" with Coat of arms 1,05Kr as "Pseudo-Mischfrankatur" with red SIGNETE 1 Kr; cancel. MELNIK; very fine and rare, Ferchenbauer. I, part page 652 and II. part page 567; c.v.. 370€++
1877-1890 3 newspapers with interesting frankings 2x 1kr 1890, 2x 2kr 1890 (rare) and English strip ½P with nnewspaper after delivery on Austrian territory provided with revenue 2 Kreuzer 1877, with red cancel. PRAGUE, "Pseudomischfrankatur" - similar piece in Ferchenbauer II. part page 612; c.v.. 820€
1850 ANK.1HI-5HI without No. 2; Coat of arms 5Cts, pair 15Cts "dunkel zinnober", 30Cts and 45Cts, all I. types, with "dumb" cancel. "V" - VENICE; c.v.. Müller 2000 points (!)
1892-1907 PRAGUE PNEUMATIC TUBE POST / Ferch.PK15a, PK17, PK21, PK27, 4 Un double PC for pneumatic-tube post in Prague; only folded, good condition, c.v.. 140€
1906 PRAGUE PNEUMATIC TUBE POST / Ferch.PK25 Prag Doppelkarte, whole double in both directions used pneumatic tube postcard Franz Joseph I. 20H + 20H brown, CDS PRAGUE/ 13.III.06, VII20, answer part with CDS PRAGUE/ 13.III.06, IX40, all attributes, fine, cat. Ferchenbauer 250€
1907 PRAŽSKÁ PNEUMATIC TUBE POST / Ferch.PK27 Doppelkarte, whole in both directions Us double PC for pneumatic-tube post Franz Joseph I. 25H +25H light ultramarine, posting part without uprating with CDS PRAGUE/ 17.IV.07, XII40, answer part addressed to to Germany (!), uprated with stamp 5h, CDS PRAGUE/ 17.IV.07 XII40 and arrival postmark STUTTGART No. 1/ 18.IV,B3; without defects, c.v.. 500€, rare usage double neoddělených PC, in addition answer part uprated and sent abroad!
1908 PNEUMATIC TUBE POST - PRAGUE / KB7, letter-card for Prague pneumatic-tube post 30H issue 1900, uprated after change of rate with stamp 5h on face-side, CDS PRAGUE 10/ 7/2 08; good condition, c.v.. 300€
1917 PRIVATE P. STAT. / whole 1. part of C.O.D. post. dispatch-note with imprinted stamp 10h and privately printed stamp issue 1916 Coat of arms 80h red-brown, uprated with stamp of same issue Crown 10h, CDS WIEN 12.III.17; good condition
1918 whole and used C.O.D. dispatch note with revenue 10h and with eagle, with value 12h, postal-charge 90h paid with stamp Coat of arms 90h violet, CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY 19/2 18, on reverse arrival postmark VYSOKÉ N. J. 21/2 18; good condition
1919 Mng.J10, identification document, invoice with 3 Austrian revenues, 2x 4H + 10h issue 1910, all with perfin "J.H./S." f. J. Hückels sons, Neutitschein, hat factory, used in Czechoslovakia, dated 9.1.1919; extraordinary document, rare
1918 ANK.227X, FLUGPOST 4 Koruna on postcard 8h Charles, uprated from Lviv to Vienna, cancel. LEMBERG 15.V. 18 and WIEN 16.V. 18; exact franking, very fine quality and rare p.stat!
1935 SCOUTING / Mi.486, 487, imperforated marginal Carl II. 2L and 6+1L, supplemented with 2 entires with this set: Reg letter to Italy and uprated p.stat to Sweden; on exhibit page ex Pan de Alfaro
1852 Swiss confederation / Mi.10, 11, Rayon III small number 15Rp and 15Cts; both stamps with small thin place, blue and red cancel. " Eidgenossische Raute", c.v.. 1.600€
1916 SG.231-233, George V. WAR TAX 2c+1c, DIE I, perf 12, set of all three catalogued shaeds: rose red; bright carmine and scarlet; very fine, c.v.. £175
1916 SG.235-236, George V. WAR TAX 2c+1c, DIE I, perf 12x8, selection of both catalogued shades with this perforation: carmine red and bright rose-red; very fine, c.v.. £88
1916 SG.241, 243, George V. WAR TAX 2c+1c, coil- with vertical perf 8, selection of both shades "brown" DIE I and "deep brown" DIE II; very fine, c.v.. £185
1936 ZEPPELIN / 1. NORDAMERIKAFAHRT, Sie.409, p.stat airmail envelope 6c sent from USA to Germany, uprated with airmail stamps 15c + 20c, CDS BROOKLYN May.10.1936, violet flight cachet LAKEHURST - FRANKFURT AM MAIN and on reverse arrival postmarkl FRANKFURT AM MAIN 14.5.36; envelope opened from two sides