1934 ZEPPELIN /SCHWEIZFAHRT, Sie.259, airmail sent card to Czechoslovakia, with multicolor franking i.a. airmail stamps 1S+6g+2x 8g, CDS WIEN 8.VII.34, green flight cachet, transit pmk FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 10.7.34 and CDS ZÜRICH FLUGPATZ 10.VII.34; good condition
1944-1948 BLOCKS OF FOUR / Mi.922-924, 992-993, 1246-1249, selection of complete sets of Heroes USSR III., Birthday Engelse and Sport II. in marginal blocks of four; only Engels 60k hinge in margin, otherwise very fine quality mint never hinged, c.v.. Zverev $240+
1944-1948 selection of chosen sets: Mi.922-924, 1111A-1113A, 1111B-1113B, 1125-1130, 1298A-1300A, 1298B-1300B, some marginal pieces; very fine quality, mint never hinged, c.v.. 154€
1946-1947 Mi.1074A-1075A+1074B-1075B+Bl.9, miniature sheet 29th Anniv. of Revolution + also with basic perforated also imperforated set (imperforated in marginal pcs.); mint never hinged, miniature sheet usual minor gum faults, c.v.. 214€
1948 Mi.1298B-1300B, Sverdlovsk 30k-1R, complete imperforated set in blocks of four, highest value 1R left bottom corner; mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. 250€+
1951 selection of chosen sets: Mi.1552-1554, 1555-1556, 1559, 1560-1561, 1562-1565 etc.; very fine quality, mint never hinged, several pieces marginal, c.v.. 379€
1951-1952 selection of chosen sets: Mi.1597-1598, 1664, 1665, 1666, 1667, 1668; several minor gum faults, otherwise very fine quality, mint never hinged, c.v.. 240€
1955 selection of chosen sets: Mi.1748, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1752-1755, 1756-1758, 1759, 1760-1762, 1763, 1780-1781, 1782, 1783, 1784-1785, 1786-1788; several minor gum fault, overall very fine quality mint never hinged, c.v.. 140€
1955-1956 BLOCKS OF FOUR / Mi.1748, 1751, 1782, 1783, 1794, 1808, 1822, 1830, 1831-1832, 1833, 1840, 1867, selection of single stamps also complete sets in marginal or corner blocks of four; VF, mint never hinged, c.v.. Zverev $299+
1949-1958 MINIATURE SHEETS / Mi.Bl.12, 14, 15a, 16-18, 21, 22-23, 26, 27 III, selection of 11 miniature sheets, i.a. Pushkin and North Pole according to Zverev rarest type III; only Bl.12 and 15a hinged, some minor faults, overall fine, c.v.. Zverev $470
1956 Mi.1829, 86. anniv of birth Lenin 40k, LR corner blk-of-4 (mint never hinged, small production gum flaw) + also with right marginal MNH stamp with production flaw - significant shifted print blue color L-wards; interesting
1923-1938 10Ppc, 6x addressed to Czechoslovakia, 2x to Germany, 1x to Netherlands, various frankings, various CDS KIJEV, JALTA, LENINGRAD, MOSCOW; good condition
1927 2 air-mail letters sent to Czechoslovakia, 1x franked with airmail stamps Mi.267, 326, 327, both CDS MOSCOW, 1x arrival postmark PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 3.X.27; fold, toned, but good condition
1930 2 Reg letters, 1x addressed to Estonia and 1x to Czechoslovakia, CDS MOSCOW, various frankings, on reverse on letter addressed to Czechoslovakia surtax stamp for international exchange Mi.15, arrival postmarks; good condition
1908 postal stationery cover Coat of arms 14Kop sent as Reg from Warsaw to Prague, uprated with stamps 2x Coat of arms 3Kop, CDS VARŠAVA in/at Russian alphabet, French Reg label, on reverse arrival postmark PRAGUE 1/ 14.6.08; good condition
1933 ZEPPELIN / ITALIENFAHRT Sie.209IB, letter franked with i.a. zeppelin stamp Sass. Aerea No. 12 , 5 Lire, return flight from Rome to Germany and then to Switzerland; very fine, c.v.. 500€
1930 ZEPPELIN / SPANIENFAHRT, Sie.53A, postcard sent by airmail to Germany, franked with spanish stamp in value 1,85Pta, posting air-mail cancel. COREO AERO SEVILLA 5.Jun.30, supplemented with oval red cachet and arrival cancel. FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 6.6.30; good condition, c.v.. 120€
1933 commercial air-mail letter to Germany, franked with meter stamp STOCKHOLM 3.VIII.33, supplemented with red airmail cancel. MIT LUFTPOST BEFÖRDERT BERLIN, on reverse arrival postmark BERLIN FLUGHAFEN 3.8.33; good condition
1992-1994 [COLLECTIONS] PROVISIONAL / selection of 24 envelopes with provisional frankings, mainly as Registered, frankotypes, cash paid etc..; good condition
2008 SMILERS SHEETS FOR KIDS / SG.LS50, LS51, LS52, LS53, selection of 4 complete PB: Beatrix Potter - Peter Rabbit, Flower Fairies Friends, Mr. Men and Noddy and Friends; very fine, c.v.. £360
2003-2008 [COLLECTIONS] SMILERS SHEETS / selection of 17 complete PB, various motives as Beauty of Britain, Birthday prince Charles, Harry Potter etc.; very fine, high catalogue value
1846 NEW YORK / Local provisional Sc.20L4, Boyd´s City Express 2C black / green on cover with hand-made cancellation, red additional postmarks; nice quality, c.v.. $250, rare
1899-1906 3 entires sent to Bohemia, i.a. 1x Reg with Sc.306 and 307; 1x postcard with Trans-Mississippi 1c; 1x letter i.a. franked by stamp Columbus 1c and 2c; good condition