1918 Pof.NV6ST, Falcon in Flight (issue) 30h brown, L upper corner blk-of-6, 2x combination types, type II on pos. 1 and 2; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
1922 Pof.DL19a IIp, Postage Due - overprint issue Hradcany 50/75h grey-green with violet overprint, bar type, pos. 29/2; mint never hinged, small vertical bend, exp. Vrba
1919 PLATE PROOF Charitable stamps - Lion 1Rbl, comp. 2 pcs of stamp. Pof.PP5, 1x PLATE PROOF in light blue color, big sabre, 1x in blue color, small sabre; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
1918 Pof.SK1, Scout 10h blue, joined printing 4 stamps in horiz. stripe with opracovanými margin, due to smaller tlaku near/in/at print weren't stamps vyraženy from paper; mint never hinged gum, Vrba certificate, ex Pytlíček, ex John Ineson, joined printings scout stamps are very rare and on/for market almost don't occur!
1918SK1, SK2, value 10h blue with opracovanými margin and 20h red L marginal piece with unworked margin, due to smaller tlaku near/in/at print aren't stamps vyraženy from paper; lightly hinged, Vrba certificate, sought, rare occurrence
1918 PLATE PROOF values 10h in brown color; lightly hinged, minor faults - spot and partially allowed near/in/at perf L - viewing of quality recommended, exp. Vrba
1918 comp. 2 pcs of letters franked with. scout stamp., 1x envelope with 10h blue, Pof.SK1, with round cancel. SCOUT MAIL PRAGUE 24/11 1918, supplemented with straight line postmark Letter from scout with signature + 1x with 20h red, Pof.SK2, with round cancel. N.V., supplemented with cancel. SCOUT MAIL PRAGUE 19/11 1918 and straight line postmark Letter from scout with signature; 1x on reverse torn flap, decorative small formats envelopes!
1938 MOBILIZATION - FIELD POST / Reg and Express letter addressed to Headquarters VII. corps/chapel. region in/at Banská Bystrici, sent Supplementary headquarters in/at Ban. Štiavnici, cancel. FIELD POST 39/ 21.XI.38, posted to transport civil post, freedom from postage with on/for express mailing nevztahovalo, paid stamp. Pofis. 307, CDS BANSKÁ ŠTIAVNICA/ 21.XI.38; Reg and Express letters field post are quite exceptional, here for the first time in auction, sound condition, ex Dražan
PLATE PROOF values 140h and 160h, in blue color, for PC and letter card pneumatic-tube post, C.C. on/for white stamp. paper with gum; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba, Gilbert
1918-1958 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / semifinished collection unused / cancel. stamp. on album sheets in spring folder, from issue Hradčany (i.a. Pof.4Na, cancel. gutter 3h), then Legionaire, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 (for example. Pof.67, 90, 92, 105a on cut-square), letterprint (incl. various opposite facing pairs issue Chainbreaker and Pigeon-issue), PLATE PROOF T. G. Masaryk 1920 50h red recess printing, coupons, gutter, souvenir sheets (without Anthem-issue), stamp. newspaper, air-mail, postage-due, military, SO1920 (overprint), then pokračuje basic collection Protectorate and comp. stamp. Slovakia and first years of Czechoslovakia II., supplemented with about/by 24-stránkový stockbook with accumulation Czechoslovakia 1918-1953 (i.a. 2x miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950 and 2x Bratislava 1952) and album first day sheets 1952-1958; various quality, we advice viewings
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / mainly used stamp. various issues, on pages from collection of, in 2 variously full stockbooks, cards etc.., i.a. issue T. G. Masaryk, Prague, Tatras etc..; various quality, we advice viewings
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] PARTIE / used also Un stamp., Hradčany and other letterpress issue, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, stamp. from 30. years, supplemented with exhibition labels, placed in 2 old stockbooks and 2 cover; various quality
19119-1939 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / selection of several hundreds entires, letters private also commercial correspondence, picture p.stat issue "Poznej svoji vlast", with various issues, correspondence inland also abroad, part as Registered, Ex, surtax etc..; various quality, placed in box with lid, interesting set!
1939AS2d, Newspaper miniature sheet 1937, exhibition NY 1939, black text and blue emblem, black special postmark exhibition; overall fine mint never hinged, incl. cover
1939AS2e, Newspaper miniature sheet 1937, exhibition NY 1939, black text and golden emblem; mint never hinged, usual warping paper of storage in/at original cellophane cover, otherwise nice quality, incl. cover, rare usage
1940 AS9c production flaw, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1940, green pavilion on coupon, black text and green emblem, production flaw - nedotištěná right nib "W" in the word "World´s"; mint never hinged, slightly toned in margin, incl. cover
1940 Reg letter sent in USA with mounted trial printing advertising miniature sheet PLATE PROOF AS8 (!), miniature sheet Bratislava 1937, additional printing exhibition NY 1940, green text (!) and blue emblem (catalogue this variety doesn't report), blue special postmark OPENING DAY II.V.1940, franked/paid 8 pcs of stamp. USA, CDS NEW YORK 5.13.40; without vady
1942 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister, autograph on portrait photograph with on both sides mounted Brit. stamp. with red special postmark CZECHOSLOVAK FIELD POST 28.MAY 1942 (day after/around assassination on/for Heydricha!); very fine, decorative and sought
1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.28, 29, 30, comp. of 4 complete 100 pcs of PA: 40h with plate number 1 and 1A, 50h with plate number 2 and 60h with plate number 1; 50h allowed in perforation through/over 4 stamp., several minor faults, otherwise but nice quality
1940 Pof.51 production flaw, Red Cross I. 1,20K+80h, LR corner blk-of-4 (2 stamp. + 2 coupons), on/for upper coupon significant double violet line (so-called. „kolejnička“) horiz. through/over Czech inscription; label only lower in margin of stmp,. mint never hinged, rare usage production flaws on/for Bohemian and Moravian stmp!
1943-1944 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.102, 116-117, selection of čtyř complete 100 pcs of archů: Day of Stamp 60h + complete set of 55. birthday A. Hitler.; horiz. folded in perforation, minor faults and minor gum fault, overall fine
1942KARTE MAX / FDC drawn postcard A. Hitler. with mounted stamp. Pof.77, red special postmark PRAG FÜHRERSGEBURTSTAG/ 20.IV.1942, large format postcard; on reverse cancel. "SlužbaNiederlovyročenky", otherwise very fine, sought
1939-1941 [COLLECTIONS] KRAJINY, HRADY A MĚSTA / exceedingly objemná semifinished collection this issue all 3 issue on hingeless sheets in folder, contains i.a. blocks, plate number, plate mark, coupons (sbíráno on/for all possible variants), gutter-pair, horseshoe, bands, parts of sheets, miniatures, shades, plate variety etc..; various, mainly but nice quality, high catalogue value, it is worth seeing
1942 [COLLECTIONS] HITLER 1942 / semifinished collection this issue in glassine envelopes on album sheets, contains i.a. blocks, coupons (sbíráno on/for all possible variants), gutter-pair, horseshoe, bands, miniatures, shades, plate variety etc.., významně contains high values 10K - 50K; various, mainly but nice quality, high catalogue value, it is worth seeing
1943 Pof.NV14, 10h red, issue II., lower bnd-of-20 with 1x broken frame and plate number 2-43 (!); mint never hinged, c.v.. 3.500CZK italic, in/at whole bnd-of-20 quite rare occurrence, missing in most collections!
1943 PLATE PROOF Pof.IV B, imperforated plate proof in dark green color, different printing - thin/light mraky; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, exp. by Gilbert., rare usage, rare!
1920-1970 [COLLECTIONS] JIHLAVA - REGIONÁLNÍ COLLECTION CELISTVOSTÍ / collection 290 pcs of entires with postmarks town Jihlava, from period of CZECHOSLOVAKIA, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, and CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., prevail entires from Protectorate, contains CDS, postmark train post, provisory etc.., part as Registered, Ex, various franking, placed in transparent pages in/at pořadačových cover; various quality, market price ca. 6.000CZK
1939AUTONOMNÍ SLOVAKIA / Sy.1, Pof.350, Opening Slovak congress 300h/10Kč blue, overprint type I., 26-blok with 4 lower coupons and margin; mint never hinged
1939 SELECTION of / STROJOVÉOBTISKY / Sy.3, 6-10 SOP, comp. 6 pcs of pairs, partially marginal or corner, with machine offsets overprints on gum; mint never hinged, exp. Synek
1939Sy.6 production flaw, Coat of arms 30h violet, UL corner blk-of-4 with print nastavovací ledge above PPo1-2 and significant overprint folded paper L margins; label, signs of storage on gum, after all unusual and interesting, exp. Synek
1939 Sy.11, Štefánik 60h blue as blk-of-4, L the bottom stamp. with plate variety overprint on pos. 143 - vert. line below "39"; mint never hinged, exp. Synek
1939Sy.11 ST production flaw, Štefánik 60h blue, the bottom marginal block-of-4, right the bottom stamp. with II. type overprint, in addition significant vertical red line along L margins (defect wiping equipment); usual production gum skips on 1 stmp., otherwise mint never hinged block, exp. Synek
1939 FIRST DAY OF VALIDITY / letter to Protectorate, with Štefánik 50h green, Sy.9 + parallel Czechosl. For Children-issue 50h green, Pof.333, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 21.III.39 (FDC!); very fine, rare, still are known only 4 podobná FDC, entire suitable for exhibit