1939Sy.L6 production flaw, Airmail 4Ks blue, L the bottom corner blk-of-6 with plate number A1 and production flaw - joined paper; without gum, after/around odmočení detached lower part whole, exp. Synek, viewing of quality recommended, after all rare occurrence, sought by specialists, catalogue -,-
1941DORUČOVACÍKARTAŠEKOVÝCHPOUKÁZEK / from Postal Agency TUŽNA (NEMECKÉ PRAVNO), format A4, on the reverse side franked with. blk-of-50 stamp. Sy.D19 Postage due stmp 1942 1Ks, cancelled by postmark NEMECKÉ PRAVNO 11.X.41; 1x torn, otherwise nice good condition
1940 CDV4/18b, picture PC Hlinka 1,20 Koruna, Smolenice castle - tree R, printing error, CDS BRATISLAVA 2/ 21.X.40, addressed to to Austria, censorship; good condition
1939 CDV5X I, Hlinka 1,20 Koruna, CHYBOTISK in red color, Us I. part PC, used in/at souladu with printed value - addressed to to already Hungary annexed Komárno, CDS BANSKÁ BYSTRICA 26.V.39; good condition, c.v.. 250€, very rare occurrence!
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] SLOVAKIA / BOHEMIA-MORAVIA / selection of two small basic collections in stockbook A4, Slovakia i.a. 2x Blue Štefánik *, overprint issue Blue Štefánik type II., Slavkov in/at red also blue overprint, 5CZK with R coupon, miniature sheet For Children-issue, then BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, several coupons, in addition supplemented with about/by Revolutionary 1945; various quality
1931 Mi.1-23, Yv.1-23, overprint set ½C/1C - 20Fr; complete the first issue mint never hinged (!), cheap 15c and 1Fr minor faults, highest values Mouchon VF, cat. Yvert 2.700€
1919 Sass.29C, 29cbb, corner blk-of-15 provisional overprint "FRANCO 45" on postage-due FIUME 6f; on position 3 - DOUBLE OVERPRINT and pos. 4, 14, 22 OVERPRINT SHIFFTED UPWARDS; very fine and rare block, c.v.. as singles 4.140€
1949 Mi.Klb.851 (Bl.4), complete printing sheet with 10 miniature sheets CITEX; some minor perforation imperfection, otherwise very fine quality, c.v.. 500€
1954 Mi.987-990, Airmail 100F - 1.000F, complete set in corner block of 4 with dates of print; cheap 100Fr minor gum faults, overall very fine quality, c.v.. ca. 1.500€
1925-1932 SG.102-107, George V. 1Sh - £1, complete set, in addition 1Sh Olive and black and shade of value 2Sh6P, wmk Mult Script CA; fine quality, c.v.. £275
1859 GOVERNO PROVVISORIO / Sass.15a, Coat of arms 20C "violetto scuro"; unused piece with original gum, small thin place at upper margin, overall fine, exp. Diena, certificate Zanini, c.v.. 7.000€
1852 Sass.5, Heraldic lily 40c blue; unused piece with large part original gum and complete margins; small thin place, certificate Avi, c.v.. 13.000€, rare stamp!
1854 Sass.10, unissued Victor Emmanuel II. 5c dark olive green (verde oliva scuro); very fine unused piece with original gum, certificate E. Diena, c.v.. * 11.000€, rare stamp
1941 KEFALONIA A ITHAKA / Italian occupation, Sass.81, stamp in form of pair of Greek "Beneficenza" 1Dr+1Dr blue, with hand-made overprint; very fine, certificate Raybaudi, c.v.. 6.000€
1918-1987 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION / of valuable items from of whole period, rare overprints, Chain Breakers, production and printing flaws also modern issue, total 46 certificates of various experts, placed in 1 stockbook for entires in spiral folder; high catalogue value
1858-1951 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / selection of 100 various entires from various period, from pre-philatelic letters, Bosnia and Herzegovina, inter-war period, occupation to 1950s, several Reg letters, commemorative postmarks, air-mail entires, used also Un p.stat Bosnia and Herzegovina etc..; in spiral stockbook
1882-1954 [COLLECTIONS] selection of also better stamps on 7 cards A5, major-part more times, i.a. Mi.56 cancel., 136A ** 16x incl. block of four (!), 256 2x, postage-due 1922 set inblocks of 15, TLG Mi.1-4 30x, several better sets of 1930s and 1950s, mint stamps mostly never hinged; c.v.. as basic stamps 4.700€
1918 letter of small format franked with on reverse Reaper 10f and 5f, CDS PUHÓ (Půchov) with bisected postage-due 10f CDS ÓTURA (Stará Turá); previously part of exhibit, fine
1872 Mi.5, Eagle "small shield" 2Gr greeyultramarine, unused piece with original gum; minor gum fault, small bend, overall very fine piece, 2x certificate BPP, c.v.. ** 14.000€, scarce
1938 STAMP BOOKLETS / Mi.MH.37.2, stamp booklet Hindenburg; complete, minor fault (front cover slightly torn in the place of paperclip), otherwise very fine, c.v.. 350€
1942 FRANCE / Französische Freiwillige Legion Mi.Bl.I, "Polar bear" 100Fr; mint never hinged, minor paper flaw, otherwise very fine, size 93x116mm, c.v.. 800€
1939 MEMEL / German administration, Mi.1II-4II, 15C - 60C with German overprint MEMELLAND IST FREI, all type II.; mint never hinged, minor gum faults, c.v.. 120€
1941 SERBIA / Mi.Bl.1 I, miniature sheet "Semendria" with plate variety - two color spots in numeral "4"; mint never hinged, minor gum skips, rare, c.v.. 1000€
1941-1943 [COLLECTIONS] small collection with complete sets as Mi.31-45, 46-49, 66-70 (blocks of four), 82-85, 86-89, souvenir sheets Bl.1-4 (viewing of quality recommended), Klb. 94-98, also postage-dues, types and variants Mi.54-57 etc..; various quality, overall good to fine, higher catalogue value, we advice examination!
1875-1920 [COLLECTIONS] BAVARIA / collection of ca. 160 p.stat PC and letter cards of various issues, part Us, many double PC mainly unused; various quality
1938 SUDETENLANDFAHRT / 2 airmail letters richly franked with German stamps, both CDS RHEIN MAIN 1.12.38, supplemented with red flight cachet, on reverse arrival postmark REICHENBERG 3/ 2.12.38, 1x supplemented with provisional frame cancel. PÜRSTEIN 4.XII.38; good condition
1850 Ferch.1-5, Coat of arms 1Kr-9Kr, various types and colors, 1 Kr HP with cancel. REICHENBERG, 2 Kreuzer with wmk, 6 Kreuzer with large part of wmk (!), 9 Kreuzer IIC with significantly underlaid middle; chosen quality, c.v.. 485€++
1860 letter to Rožany by Škluknov, franked with patriotic franking of stamps Franz Joseph I. 3 Kreuzer and 2 Kreuzer, I. types, CDS SCHÖNLINDE (Krásná Lípa ) 30/8; very fine and decorative letter