1939Sy.32A production flaw, Hlinka 3 Koruna brown, LR corner blk-of-4 with date and plate number, with oblique perf paper crease in lower margin; mint never hinged, small bend on/for upper stamp.
1939Sy33a production flaw, Hlinka 1,30 Koruna violet-blue, L upper corner blk-of-6 with significant shift right vertical perf L to picture of stmp.; mint never hinged, decorative
1939 PLATE PROOF Sy.SK33N, Hlinka 1,30 Koruna blue-green, imperforated blk-of-4 with upper margin (!), plate proof stamps in/at different color with wmk P2; mint never hinged intaktní multiple without marks, certificate Synek, c.v.. 700€++, in blocks of four rare occurrence, rare and sought!
1939Sy.39X production flaw, Murgaš 1,20 Koruna green-gray, LR corner blk-of-6 with perf paper crease in margin; hinge / label only in margin of stmp,. mint never hinged, small spot in perforation, decorative
1940MINIATURY / Sy.46z, Presidential Palace 10 Koruna blue, smooth gum, complete miniature in/at corner blocks of four with plate number A1, wmk P4; mint never hinged
1940Sy.50k plate mark production flaw, Tatra 25h grey-black, carton paper without watermark, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate number A1 and significant perf folded paper in corner; mint never hinged, minor gum fault in margin, decorative
1942Sy.72 production flaw, Postal Congress 70h green, upper marginal stmp with production flaw - joined paper; without gum, after/around odmočení detached single part/-s, exp. Synek, sought by specialists, catalogue -,-
1939-1944 comp. 6 pcs of letters sent abroad, from that 3x R, 2x Reg and Express, 1x Ex, 1 pcs of to France, 2 pcs of to Switzerland, other to Hungary, paid/franked stamp. various issues, from that 1x air 20Ks, passed through censorship; various quality
1940 FISCAL USAGE POSTAL ZNÁMEK / off. document with fee paid stamp. Hlinka 50h and National Motives 2 Koruna, Sy.29 and 40, CDS ZVOLEN 1/ 17.I.40; cross fold, R toned in margin, overall but good condition, exceptional užití postal stamps in fiscal function!
1944-1945 SELECTION of / 7 pcs of various letters franked with. various issues as Castles, sports, Personalities etc.., mainly addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, 6x as Registered, 1x Reg and airmail, various posting and arrival postmark, censorship; nice good condition
1939Sy.NV2 Pp, overprint 5h blue with INVERTED OVERPRINT; of removed hinge, exp. by Sablatura., very interesting, catalogue on this value doesn't report!
1939Sy.NV5 Pp, overprint 10h red-brown, L marginal piece with protective frame and with INVERTED OVERPRINT; lightly hinged only in margin of stmp,. mint never hinged, exp. by Kozak., c.v.. 400€ italic, rare
1939 PLATE NUMBERS / Sy.D8Xx, D8Xy, D9Xx, D10Xx, D10Xy, D12Xy, comp. of 6 various L bottom corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1; mint never hinged, sporadically minor faults and minor gum fault, overall but nice, c.v.. 288€
1942Sy.D27 production flaw, issue 1942, 10 Koruna red, right upper vertical corner str-of-4 with production flaw - joined paper; mint never hinged, exp. Synek, rare occurrence, sought by specialists, catalogue - , -
1944 TRANSPORT ZASTAVENA - ZPÄT! / violet straight line postmark on/for off. envelope Ministry of Finance, CDS BRATISLAVA 6/ 11.X.44 and frame T130, to Kunešova, undelivered from reason probíhajícího Slovak National Uprising; very fine, rare
1945 TRANSPORT ZASTAVENA / violet straight line postmark on/for off. envelope Ministry of Finance, CDS BRATISLAVA 4/ 18.I.45, to Matejovců by/on/at Poprad, undelivered from reason přechodu front through/over region, incl. content; very fine, rare
1939 CDV4, comp. 12 pcs of pictorial post cards Promotional Hlinka 1,20 Koruna brown, contains No. 1, 3, 12, 14, 18b, 21 4 pcs of, 29, 33, 36, CDS BÁNSKÁ BYSTRICA from y. 1939 - 1940, all addressed to to Komárno; good condition
1939 CDV4, selection of 26 pcs of pictorial post cards Promotional Hlinka 1,20 Koruna brown, to complete set missing No. 7, 14, 15, 18a, 19, 22, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, addressed to mainly to Bohemia-Moravia, also to Hungary or Germany (various censorship, off. cancel. apod.), 3x in vnitrostátním contact in/at January and únoru 1945; good condition, c.v.. ca. 400€
1939 CDV4/18a, Hlinka 1,20 Koruna - Smolenice castle - tree L (!), Un with CDS PÚCHOV 25.IV.45; small bend and slightly wrinkled corners, rare pictorial PC!
1939 CDV5X I, Hlinka 1,20 Koruna, CHYBOTISK in red color, Us I. part PC, used in/at souladu with printed value - addressed to to already Hungary annexed Komárno, CDS BANSKÁ BYSTRICA 19.VI.39; good condition, c.v.. 250€, very rare occurrence!
1939 CDV5X I, Hlinka 1,20 Koruna, CHYBOTISK in red color, Us II. response part PC, used in/at souladu with printed value - addressed to to already Hungary annexed Komárno, CDS BANSKÁ BYSTRICA 2.VI.39; good condition, c.v.. 250€, very rare occurrence!
1939 JASIŇA / local overprint Ukrajinskéhotrojzubce in black color on/for MS For Children-issue and Republic, Pof.A335, A347, overprint stamp. in/at also upper margin, type I.; mint never hinged, private spekulační issue without postal usage, according to c.v.. Staiden date issue 14.3.1939, piece à 100€, existenci these overprints shows also catalogues Verleg and Carrigan
1939 JASIŇA / local overprint big Ukrajinskéhotrojzubce in black color on/for Czechosl. stamp. with coupons issue Fügner, Pof.339-341KL, from that value 50h and 1CZK LL corner pieces with 2 overprints in lower margin; 50h with label, 1CZK mint never hinged, 2CZK minor gum fault, private spekulační issue without postal usage, according to c.v.. Staiden date issue 14.3.1939, piece à 100€, existenci these overprints shows also catalogues Verleg and Carrigan
1920BEREGSOM - ŠOM / whole used dispatch-note Hradčany 10h blue, CPP1C in Slovak variety, on/for mailing valuable parcel with embroideries addressed to Javoriny in Slovakia, with Hradčany 25h violet and 3x 100h brown ( from that 2x on reverse) Pof.11A, posting big straight line postmark BEREGSOM on front also back side, catalogue Votoček. 63./1. 70b (most valuable forerunner cncl from Carpathian Ruthenia), delivering fee paid by due stmp 2x 5h, Pof.DL1 on face-side dispatch-note with CDS JAVORINA 13.IV.20; very good condition, quite rare whole Hradcany dispatch note used in Carpathian Ruthenia with provisory Hungarian type postmark small postal office!
1945 Majer PLATE PROOF 3e, Pěst 200 brown, different form/shape and placing numeral(s) 200, plate proof in brown color on paper without printing, production flaw - incomplete-printing - nit in the picture + full print on reverse, paper without gum; without defects
1945 Majer 8A, II. definitive issue, Hvězda 100 blue, perf LR block of 8 with lower margin and inscription printing-plant Lithography "LAM" 1945 and shift lower horiz. perf downward to below this commercial inscription; mint never hinged
1870 PAR BALLON MONTÉ / letter sent from besieged Paris to Calais, with Ceres REPUB FRANC 20c, round cancel. PARIS MINISTERE DES FINANCES 7.DEC.70, on reverse arrival postmark CALAIS; very fine
1954 Mi.987-990, Airmail 100F - 1.000F, complete set in corner block of 4 with dates of print; cheap 100Fr minor gum faults, overall very fine quality, c.v.. ca. 1.500€
1929-1937 3 entires sent as Registered, from that 1x C.O.D. R letter-card with CDS CHRTRES 27.7.37 + 1x Reg and airmail letter to Indochina, i.a. franked with 10Fr, Mi.182 with mailing CDS POSTAE AERIENNE/ FRANCE - INDOCHINA 19.2.29 and returned back + 1x Reg letter to Czechoslovakia franked with i.a. surtax stamp Mi.146, 244, 245, CDS PARIS 25.7.30; small tearing and toned
1941 Mi.40E printing sheet, Golden overprint 4+3Din, complete printing sheet with line perforation 11½ (!); mint never hinged, minor faults, certificate Zrinjscak, c.v.. 3.200€ only stamps
1934 ZEPPELIN / DEUTSCHLANDFAHRT, Sie.246, photo postcard (Zeppelin above Schaffhausen) sent by air mail to Switzerland, franked with airmail stamps 2x 15Rp+50Rp, Mi.108 2x, 102, CDS TRIESENBERG 17.V.34, supplemented with red flight cachet, arrival postmark FRIEDRICHSHAFEN and BERLIN 19.5.34; good condition
1919-1960 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of / 40 entires, part addressed to abroad, some to Czechoslovakia and war Slovakia, 14x Reg, 4x as Reg+Let, 1x Ex, 1x Flight various franking, CDS, censorship and customs control etc.; mainly very fine
1933 Zeppelin / CHICAGOFAHRT 1933, Sie.238, Zuleitung LATVIA, REG CARD franked with 2x Coat of arms 2 Lati, cancel. OF connecting flight from Berlin, trigonal cachet, to Chicago and back with cancel. INCONNU; filled upper left corner, overallfine and rare, c.v.. 950€ (see. Sieger page 348)