Public Auction 78 / Philately / Most interesting by clients

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---- CZK
260762 - 1918 POSTAGE-DUE / larger part Austrian post. order where fe
1918 POSTAGE-DUE / larger part Austrian post. order where fee after/behind delivery are paid Austrian Postage due stamp to exhaustion-issue 10/24h blue, Mi.P86 with nationalized CDS HORNÍ ČERNOŠICE 11.XI.18 + delivering card with fee paid Postage due stamp Small numerals 5h, Mi.P73 with nationalized CDS HORNÍ POČERNICE 20.XI.18; good condition
Starting price: 600 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
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261797 - 1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / odmítnutí takeover pohledávky
1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / odmítnutí takeover pohledávky incurred before/(in front of) 26.2. / cut money dispatch-note addressed to to Budapest (!), CDS NYITRA 919 Feb.22., postal-charge 40h postpaid with stmp Reaper 3x 5f and Hradčany 20h + 5h, refused takeover amount (according to postage to 250K), sent back to Nitra with CDS NYITRA 919 Apr.9., handwritten notice "Zrušené"; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
Starting price: 400 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
261798 - 1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / odmítnutí takeover pohledávky
1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / odmítnutí takeover pohledávky incurred before/(in front of) 26.2. / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 1000 Koruna, CDS FEHÉRHÁLOM 919 Feb.26. (Lysá in Slovakia), postal-charge 1,25K postpaid with stmp Zita 3x 40f and Hradčany 5h, undelivered, recipient declined to take over - handwritten notice "Nepřijme", sent back with CDS FEHÉRHÁLOM 919 Mar.31.; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
Starting price: 1 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
261796 - 1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / odmítnutí takeover pohledávky
1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / odmítnutí takeover pohledávky incurred before/(in front of) 26.2. / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 1000 Koruna, CDS NAGY TOPOLCSÁNY 919 Feb.24. (Velké Topolčany), arrival postmark SZMOLÁNY 919 Mar.8. (Smolenice), postal-charge 1,20 Koruna postpaid with stmp Parliament 1 Koruna and Hradčany 20h, škrtnutý receiver and supplemented with text "Peníze poslané to dist. komisariátu to Trnava" - post obdržela money before/(in front of) zákazem platebních operací platným from 1.3.19, recipient declined amount to take over and post money odeslala to franking and teprve potom payment doručila, day before/(in front of) ukončením kolkovací action; only light fold, see article and illustrated in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
Starting price: 1 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
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261815 - 1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / posting and delivery after/aroun
1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / posting and delivery after/around ending franking / larger part money dispatch-note for amount of 262,10K, CDS BÉSZTERCZEBÁNYA 919 Mar/16, arrival postmark REICHENBERG 1/ 21.3.19, postal-charge 50h paid invalidated stamp. Charles 2x 20f with overprint KÖZTÁRSASÁG and Hradčany 10h on reverse; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
Starting price: 1 600 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
261807 - 1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / posting before/(in front of) poz
1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / posting before/(in front of) pozastavením receiving orders - delivery in/at course franking / larger part money dispatch-note for amount of 767,20K, CDS NAGY TAPOLCSÁNY 919 Feb.27. (Velké Topolčany), arrival postmark NYITRA 919 Mar.1., postal-charge incl. delivery fee 1 Koruna postpaid with stmp Reaper 5f and Charles 2x 10f on face-side and Reaper 2x 35f + Hradčany 5h on reverse; without defects, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
Starting price: 1 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
261806 - 1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / posting before/(in front of) poz
1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / posting before/(in front of) pozastavením receiving orders - delivery in/at course franking / larger part Austrian C.O.D. dispatch-note for amount of 37,60K, CDS SZAKOLCZA 919 Feb.27. (Skalice), arrival postmark KRÁL. VINOHRADY 2.III.19, postal-charge 25h postpaid with stmp Reaper 2f and Hradčany 3h + 20h; without defects, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
Starting price: 700 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
261803 - 1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / posting before/(in front of) ú
1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / posting before/(in front of) účinností order - delivery in/at course franking / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 500K, CDS LOSONCZ 919 Feb.25. (Lučenec), arrival postmark SKRBEŇ 7.III.19, postal-charge 70h postpaid with stmp Parliament 50f and Hradčany 20h, order was not before/(in front of) zastavením all platebních operací doručena and delivery was/were pozastaveno, in front supplemented with CDS OLOMOUC 1/ 7.III.19, delivery fee 20h paid Austrian Postage due stamps Small numerals 4x 5h; good condition, see article and picture in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
Starting price: 1 500 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
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261813 - 1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / posting in time of pozastavení
1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / posting in time of pozastavení plateb - delivery after/around ending franking / larger part Hungarian C.O.D. dispatch-note for amount of 18K, CDS SZENICZE 919 Feb.26., arrival postmark PRAGUE 1/ 28.II.19, postal-charge 1,20 Koruna postpaid with stmp Parliament 80f and Hradčany 40h, delivery wasn't uskutečněno, bank měly pozastaveny payment operation , Postal saving bank převzala amount to 10.3.19, so the first day after/around ending kolkovací action; good condition, see article and picture in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
Starting price: 3 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
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261812 - 1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / posting in time of pozastavení
1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / posting in time of pozastavení plateb - delivery after/around ending franking / larger part Hungarian C.O.D. dispatch-note for amount of 18K, CDS SZENICZE 919 Mar.8., arrival postmark PRAGUE 1/ 11.III.19, postal-charge 25h postpaid with stmp Hradčany 5h and 20h, mailing doručena and amount zaplacena 4.3.19, dispatch-note pozdržena to 8.3.19, then sent to Prague and dorazila 11.3.19 already in time of normal postal transport, on reverse supplemented with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 2.IV.19 as confirmation delivery chosen amount; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
Starting price: 1 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
261793 - 1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / posted before/(in front of) orde
1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / posted before/(in front of) order - delivered in/at day his účinnosti 26.2. / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 660K, CDS LOSZONCZ 919 Feb.21., arrival postmark MÄHR. SCHÖNBERG 25.II.19 - to is in/at day účinnosti law, this amount already mohl recipient odmítnout to take over, but neučinil so, postal-charge 90h with Hradčany 2x 10h, 2x 25h and Charles 20f; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
Starting price: 600 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
261792 - 1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / posted before/(in front of) orde
1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / posted before/(in front of) order - delivered in/at day receiving order 25.2. / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 6,74K, CDS MÁLNAPATAK 919 Feb.21. (Málinec), arrival postmark LOSZONCZ 919 Feb.25. - to is in/at day receiving law about/by order, postal-charge 20h + 5h předplacené delivery fee, with Hradčany 10h and Reaper 15f; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
261794 - 1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / posted in/at day účinnosti ord
1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / posted in/at day účinnosti order - delivered last day 28.2. before/(in front of) pozastavením platebních operací / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 110,65K, CDS NÉMETPRÓNA 919 Feb.26. (German Pravno), arrival postmark PRIVIGYE 919 Feb.28. (Prievidza), postal-charge 35h postpaid with stmp Charles 20f and Reaper 3x 5f, delivering fee paid stamp. Hradčany 5h; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
Starting price: 700 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
261801 - 1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / zastavení delivery and return m
1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / zastavení delivery and return mailing back / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 1.000K, CDS NAGY TOPOLCSÁNY 919 Feb.25. (Velké Topolčany), arrival postmark BRNO 1/ 28.II.19, postal-charge 1,20 Koruna postpaid with stmp Parliament 1 Koruna and Hradčany 20h, handwritten notice "back 28/II", amount already was not doručena, returned to Topolčan with CDS NAGY TOPOLCSÁNY 919 Mar.3. and by hand writen notice "sám odnesl", šlo about/by off. pozastavení delivery and return mailing posting post, supplemented with mailing sheetlet to mailing; good condition, see article and illustrated in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
Starting price: 3 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
261802 - 1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / zastavení delivery and return m
1919 KOLKOVÁNÍ BANKOVEK / zastavení delivery and return mailing back / larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note for amount of 1.000K, CDS NAGY TOPOLCSÁNY 919 Feb.26. (Velké Topolčany), arrival postmark UHERSKÝ BROD 1.III.19, postal-charge 1,20 Koruna postpaid with stmp Parliament 1 Koruna and Hradčany 20h, handwritten notice "back", amount already was not doručena, returned to Topolčan 4.3.19. with by hand writen notice, that si amount sender sám odnesl, šlo about/by off. pozastavení delivery and return mailing posting post + supplemented with cut credit notes franked with. Austrian (!) parallel stamp. Coat of arms 1 Koruna and Hradčany 20h with CDS TERENCSÉNTEPLICZ 919 Feb.26., arrival postmark BRNO 1/ 28.II.19, rare usage Austrian postage stmp in Slovakia; good condition, see article in/at Mercure Revue 6/2005, ex Škaloud
Starting price: 2 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
262211 -  COUNTER SHEET / Pof.3, 5h light green, complete 100 stamps
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.3, 5h light green, complete 100 stamps sheet, plate 2; mint never hinged, small tearing in margins, vertical fold
Starting price: 600 CZK
U:A3v– | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
262032 -  Pof.18, 75h grey-green, block of four, pos. 29, 30, 39, 40/
Pof.18, 75h grey-green, block of four, pos. 29, 30, 39, 40/1; mint never hinged
Starting price: 300 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
259832 -  Pof.18 joined frame types, 75h grey-green, vertical pair wi
Pof.18 joined frame types, 75h grey-green, vertical pair with joined frame type, pos. 1-11/1, fragment CDS ROKYCANY; exp. by Skaloud
Starting price: 400 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
259008 -  Pof.22, 200h ultramarine as blk-of-4; mint never hinged, ve
Pof.22, 200h ultramarine as blk-of-4; mint never hinged, vertical fold between stamp., in blocks sought
Starting price: 800 CZK
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---- CZK
259000 -  Pof.22, 200h ultramarine as blk-of-4; mint never hinged, in
Pof.22, 200h ultramarine as blk-of-4; mint never hinged, in blocks sought
Starting price: 800 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
258997 -  Pof.22, 200h ultramarine, block of 6 with L margin; mint ne
Pof.22, 200h ultramarine, block of 6 with L margin; mint never hinged, in blocks sought
Starting price: 1 500 CZK
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---- CZK
258988 -  Pof.22, 200h ultramarine, UR corner blk-of-4; mint never hi
Pof.22, 200h ultramarine, UR corner blk-of-4; mint never hinged, in blocks of four sought
Starting price: 1 200 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
259036 -  Pof.23, 300h green-gray as blk-of-4; mint never hinged, ver
Pof.23, 300h green-gray as blk-of-4; mint never hinged, vert. fold between stamp., in blocks of four sought
Starting price: 1 000 CZK
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---- CZK
259018 -  Pof.23, 300h green-gray, block of four with upper margin; m
Pof.23, 300h green-gray, block of four with upper margin; mint never hinged, in blocks of four sought
Starting price: 1 200 CZK
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---- CZK
260715 -  Pof.26, 1000h violet, vertical pair; light label on/for upp
Pof.26, 1000h violet, vertical pair; light label on/for upper stamp.
Starting price: 800 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
258288 -  UNISSUED MEZIARŠÍ / Pof.7Nd, 15h vermilion, vertical stri
UNISSUED MEZIARŠÍ / Pof.7Nd, 15h vermilion, vertical strip with two-sided print, in front double with vertical gutter with control-numbers, plate 5 + 6, on gum offset with gutter; lightly hinged, grain in paper, certificate and exp. Vrba
Starting price: 6 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
262001 -  Pof.3D flaw print, 5h light green with line perforation 11
Pof.3D flaw print, 5h light green with line perforation 11½, block of four and single stamp. with production flaw "airship" - both light variant printing defects, block of four on/for pos. 27/2 and single stamp. on pos. 46/1; stamp. hinged, block of four mint never hinged
Starting price: 300 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
260948 -  Pof.4B joined bar types, 5h blue-green, UR corner blk-of-12
Pof.4B joined bar types, 5h blue-green, UR corner blk-of-12 with comb perforation 11¾, with joined bar types, bar type II on pos. 18/3; mint never hinged, small notice by pencil in margin, exp. Vrba
Starting price: 4 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
260946 -  Pof.4E, 5h blue-green with line perforation 11½ : 10¾, up
Pof.4E, 5h blue-green with line perforation 11½ : 10¾, upper marginal block-of-6; mint never hinged, note by pencil in margin, marked Vrba
Starting price: 500 CZK
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---- CZK
261021 -  Pof.4E, 5h blue-green with line perforation 11½ : 10¾, L
Pof.4E, 5h blue-green with line perforation 11½ : 10¾, L upper corner blk-of-18; mint never hinged, at top small vráska in paper and notice by pencil in margin
Starting price: 1 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
262029 -  SELECTION of / Pof.4, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5h blue-green, selection
SELECTION of / Pof.4, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5h blue-green, selection of for specialist - přetažené spiral IIs, according to Monograph subtype IIg, contains horiz. pair with lower margin Pof.4A, pos. 97, 98/4 + block of 6 with R margin, Pof.4C, pos. 68-70, 78-80/4 + stamp. Pof.4B, pos. 89/4 + stamp. Pof.4, pos. 79/4; single stamp. hinged, strip and block mint never hinged
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
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262548 -  Pof.6B, 10h green with comb perforation 11¾; mint never hi
Pof.6B, 10h green with comb perforation 11¾; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
Starting price: 500 CZK
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259737 -  Pof.7Ad, 15h vermilion with comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, b
Pof.7Ad, 15h vermilion with comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, block of four, plate 3, pos. 29-30 / 39-40; right the bottom stamp. mint never hinged, exp. Škaloud
Starting price: 900 CZK
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---- CZK
263396 -  Pof.7Bd, 15h vermilion, comb perforation 11¾, carton paper
Pof.7Bd, 15h vermilion, comb perforation 11¾, carton paper (!); mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
Starting price: 1 500 CZK
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---- CZK
261979 -  Pof.8D plate variety, 20h blue-green with line perforation
Pof.8D plate variety, 20h blue-green with line perforation 11½, LR blk-of-12, plate variety dot after/behind numeral on pos. 78, plate 2 + shifts horiz. perf in/at bottom two lines; stamp. with plate variety mint never hinged, hinges in margins and upper corner stmp
Starting price: 400 CZK
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260918 -  Pof.9C plate mark, 20h carmine, carton paper (!), LR corner
Pof.9C plate mark, 20h carmine, carton paper (!), LR corner blk-of-4 with plate mark - interrupted pomlka in/at control-numbers 20.-, plate 1, line perforation 13¾; mint never hinged, exp. and marked Vrba, sought
Starting price: 3 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
260957 -  Pof.12C, 30h yellow, LR corner blk-of-9 with control-number
Pof.12C, 30h yellow, LR corner blk-of-9 with control-numbers, nepřepážková perf line perforation 13¾, hint of sticking in LR corner in margin of stmp,. mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
Starting price: 800 CZK
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---- CZK
260964 -  Pof.15C, 50h violet with ministerial perf line perforation
Pof.15C, 50h violet with ministerial perf line perforation 13¾, LR corner blk-of-12; hint of sticking in LR corner in margin of stmp,. mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
Starting price: 900 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
262555 -  Pof.17A, 60h yellow-orange, comb perforation 13¾ : 13½; m
Pof.17A, 60h yellow-orange, comb perforation 13¾ : 13½; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, exp. by Mrnak., Vrba
Starting price: 500 CZK
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260914 -  Pof.21C, 120h grey, horiz. right marginal Pr with ministeri
Pof.21C, 120h grey, horiz. right marginal Pr with ministerial perf line perforation 13¾; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
Starting price: 500 CZK
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262077 -  Pof.23, 25, comp. of stamps 300h green and 500h brown, with
Pof.23, 25, comp. of stamps 300h green and 500h brown, with pin hole; mint never hinged
Starting price: 700 CZK
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---- CZK
257013 -  PLATE PROOF /  partial print sheet values 5h I. printings i
PLATE PROOF / partial print sheet values 5h I. printings in/at red-brown color, the first two column with part of třetího, on chalky paper without gum, it is later print - reprint připravený to exhibition PRAGA 1950; very nice quality, Vrba certificate, it is unique rarity!
Starting price: 35 000 CZK
U:DR | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
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263357 -  PLATE PROOF  values 10h, V. printing, in black color on cha
PLATE PROOF values 10h, V. printing, in black color on chalky paper, uncleared plate; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
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263326 -  7. DESKA / trial print 15h bricky red, Pof.7, block of four
7. DESKA / trial print 15h bricky red, Pof.7, block of four on/for ordinary browny paper without gum, zavřené spiral II. type, plate 7, pos. 41,42/51,52; lightly hinged, exp. Vrba
Starting price: 4 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
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256987 -  SPOJENÉ TYPY SPIRÁL / PLATE PROOF  values 20h carmine, ma
SPOJENÉ TYPY SPIRÁL / PLATE PROOF values 20h carmine, maculature proof joined printing values 20h carmine and Lion Breaking its Chains 25h, in/at right upper corner block of four with joined spiral types, plate 1, spiral type I on pos. 9; very nice quality, exp. Karásek, Pofis-Beneš and Vrba
Starting price: 5 000 CZK
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263329 -  PLATE PROOF  values 300h green, vertical strip of 4 on/for
PLATE PROOF values 300h green, vertical strip of 4 on/for yellow ordinary paper; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
Starting price: 500 CZK
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262624 -  PLATE PROOF  values 500h in/at carmine color, block of four
PLATE PROOF values 500h in/at carmine color, block of four with lower margin without control-numbers for airmail issue (!), spiral type I., plate 1, in/at joined printing with value 200h in original color on stamp paper with gum (!); mint never hinged, exp. Vrba, rare palte proof of the value 500h for airmail issue on stamp paper!
Starting price: 3 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
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262616 -  PLATE PROOF  values 500h, V. printing, open spiral, plate 1
PLATE PROOF values 500h, V. printing, open spiral, plate 1, block of four, plate proof in red color on/for lightly browny paper without gum; hinged, exp. Vrba, in čtyřbloku rare occurrence!
Starting price: 3 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
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263331 -  PLATE PROOF  values 500h, plate proof in/at original brown
PLATE PROOF values 500h, plate proof in/at original brown color on greeny paper, open spiral, plate 1; small hint, exp. Vrba
Starting price: 400 CZK
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259663 - 1920 PŘÍČKOVÝ TYP / international post card Hradčany 10
1920 PŘÍČKOVÝ TYP / international post card Hradčany 10h sent in III. postal rate inland, on/for postal-charge 20h uprated by. 2 pcs of stamp. 5h blue-green, Pof.4A, comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, 1x bar type on pos. 37, plate 1, posting MC BRNO 23.IV.20; slightly toned, exp. and ex Škaloud
Starting price: 300 CZK
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260737 -  SPOJENÉ A KOMBINOVANÉ TYPY / cut square dispatch-note fra
SPOJENÉ A KOMBINOVANÉ TYPY / cut square dispatch-note franked with. i.a. pair stamp. 15h bricky red with comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, pos. 91-92/1, L stamp. Is/IIp, right Is/Ip, CDS BABICE 13.II.20; good condition, exp. Vrba
Starting price: 400 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
261718 - 1919-1920 SPOJENÉ TYPY / comp. 3 pcs of cuts and 1 cut-squa
1919-1920 SPOJENÉ TYPY / comp. 3 pcs of cuts and 1 cut-square dispatch-notes, all with Hradčany 15h bricky red, 2x nezobkované ST bar pos. 4, 14/1 and pos. 77, 78/2 + 2x combined ST with line perforation 13¾ : 11½, Pof.7F STk, pos. 1,2/1 and pos. 2, 12/1, various CDS; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Škaloud
Starting price: 900 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
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261720 - 1920 SPOJENÉ TYPY / comp. 4 pcs of parcel dispatch card seg
1920 SPOJENÉ TYPY / comp. 4 pcs of parcel dispatch card segments, all with Hradčany 15h bricky red perforated, 2 pcs of with perf comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, Pof.7A STk pos. 2, 12/1 and joined spiral types pos. 21, 31/1 + 2 pcs of joined spiral types with line perforation 11½ pos. 93, 94/1 and pos. 11, 21, 31/1, various postmark; good condition, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek
Starting price: 1 200 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
259754 - 1920 SPOJENÉ PŘÍČKOVÉ TYPY / comp. 2 pcs of entires, 1x
1920 SPOJENÉ PŘÍČKOVÉ TYPY / comp. 2 pcs of entires, 1x commercial express letter sent in II. postal rate, postal-charge 85h postpaid with stmp 10h red + 5x 15h bricky red with line perforation 13¾ : 11½, from that on/for str-of-4 bar type, Pof.7F joined bar types, pos. 17/1, posting nationalized CDS KRAVSKO 11/2 20 (torn flap) + postcard sent in III. postal rate, postal-charge 30h paid pair stamp. 15h bricky red with joined bar type Pof.7 joined bar types, posting nationalized CDS KUNŠTÁT MOR. 11.VII.20; exp. and ex Škaloud
Starting price: 600 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
259873 - 1920 SPOJENÝ PŘÍČKOVÝ TYP + PŘÍČKOVÝ TYP / comp. 3
1920 SPOJENÝ PŘÍČKOVÝ TYP + PŘÍČKOVÝ TYP / comp. 3 pcs of entires sent in IV. postal rate, 1x PC 20h uprated with stamp 20h carmine with bar type and perf comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, Pof.9A IIp, pos. 66/1, CDS VELKÉ MEZIŘÍČÍ 13.X.20 + 1x heavier Reg letter, where postal-charge 205h was/were postpaid with stmp 2x 80h + 25h + 20h carmine with bar type and line perforation 13¾, Pof.9C IIp, pos. 66/1, CDS PŘELOUČ 15.X.20 + 1x postcard franked with. pair stamp. 20h carmine with joined type bar with line perforation 13¾, Pof.9C joined bar types, pos. 66/1, CDS LUHAČOVICE 26.VIII.20; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Škaloud
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
1919 KOMBINOVANÝ SPOJENÝ TYP 25h ČERNOFIALOVÁ / parcel dispatch card segment sent in II. postal rate franked with. i.a. vertical pair Hradčany 25h black-violet with joined combined type, Pof.11a STk, pos. 21, 31/2, CDS PETERSDORF b. TRAUTENAU 7.X.19; good condition, very rare, exp. by Karasek., ex Škaloud
Starting price: 4 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
261733 - 1919 SPOJENÉ TYPY 25h / comp. 3 pcs of parcel dispatch card
1919 SPOJENÉ TYPY 25h / comp. 3 pcs of parcel dispatch card segments, all i.a. franked by stmp 25h violet imperforated with joined spiral types, 1x joined spiral types pos. 2, 12, 22, 32/1 + 1x STk pos. 1, 11, 21, 31/2 + 1x joined spiral types pos. 59, 69/2, CDS PŘEROV, OHNIŠOV, POSTELBERG; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Škaloud
Starting price: 1 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
261732 - 1919-1920 KOMBINOVANÉ SPOJENÉ TYPY / selection of cut-squa
1919-1920 KOMBINOVANÉ SPOJENÉ TYPY / selection of cut-square and cut dispatch-note i.a. franked by stmp Hradčany 25h violet imperforated also perforated with combined joined type on pos. 2, 12/1, Pof.11 STk and Pof.11F STk; good condition, exp. Kraus and Škaloud
Starting price: 300 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
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261734 - 1919-1920 PŘÍČKOVÉ SPOJENÉ TYPY 25h + 20h / comp. 4 pcs
1919-1920 PŘÍČKOVÉ SPOJENÉ TYPY 25h + 20h / comp. 4 pcs of parcel dispatch card segments with joined bar types, 3x on stmp Hradčany 25h violet pos. 48-50/1 + pos. 8-38/2 + pos. 64,65/2 + 20h carmine Pof.9C joined bar types, pos. 51, 61/1, various CDS; good condition, exp. + ex Škaloud
Starting price: 600 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
259899 - 1919 SPOJENÝ PŘÍČKOVÝ TYP + PŘÍČKOVÝ TYP/ comp. 2 p
1919 SPOJENÝ PŘÍČKOVÝ TYP + PŘÍČKOVÝ TYP/ comp. 2 pcs of entire sent as Registered in II. postal rate, 1x Reg letter franked with. str-of-3 stamp. 25h violet with joined bar type, Pof.11 joined bar types, pos. 50/1, CDS MANĚTÍN 3/12 19 + 1x PC 10h uprated by. i.a. 2 pcs of stamp. 25h violet from that 1 pcs of with bar type, Pof.11 IIp, pos. 20/1, CDS BÍLOVICE N. S. 12.XI.19; only letter with fold, exp. and ex Škaloud
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item