1906 PRAGUE PNEUMATIC TUBE POST / Ferch.PK25 Prag Doppelkarte, whole double in both directions used pneumatic tube postcard Franz Joseph I. 20H + 20H brown, CDS PRAGUE/ 13.III.06, VII20, answer part with CDS PRAGUE/ 13.III.06, IX40, all attributes, fine, cat. Ferchenbauer 250€
1907 PRAŽSKÁ PNEUMATIC TUBE POST / Ferch.PK27 Doppelkarte, whole in both directions Us double PC for pneumatic-tube post Franz Joseph I. 25H +25H light ultramarine, posting part without uprating with CDS PRAGUE/ 17.IV.07, XII40, answer part addressed to to Germany (!), uprated with stamp 5h, CDS PRAGUE/ 17.IV.07 XII40 and arrival postmark STUTTGART No. 1/ 18.IV,B3; without defects, c.v.. 500€, rare usage double neoddělených PC, in addition answer part uprated and sent abroad!
1908 PRAGUE PNEUMATIC TUBE POST / Ferch.PK25 Prag Doppelkarte, whole double in both directions used pneumatic tube postcard Franz Joseph I. 20H +20H brown, uprated, private additional-printing stamp 5h Franz Joseph the first issue 1908, CDS PRAGUE 10/ 23/12 08, answer part with CDS PRAGUE 2/ 23/12 08, all attributes, fibe condition, cat. Ferchenbauer 650€
1908 PNEUMATIC TUBE POST - PRAGUE / KB7, letter-card for Prague pneumatic-tube post 30H issue 1900, uprated after change of rate with stamp 5h on face-side, CDS PRAGUE 10/ 7/2 08; good condition, c.v.. 300€
1918 [COLLECTIONS] SHEET / FP ITALY / occupation Friuli - Veneto / Sass. 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 15 - 6 values Charles I., with overprints in CENTESIMI, all ca. 100x in half sheet, then Espressi, Sass.1 - Bosnian special-delivery 2H with overprint 3Cts, 25- block and 3x blk-of-10; very fine, c.v.. as single stamps 34.000€
1918 ANK.227X, FLUGPOST 4 Koruna on postcard 8h Charles, uprated from Lviv to Vienna, cancel. LEMBERG 15.V. 18 and WIEN 16.V. 18; exact franking, very fine quality and rare p.stat!
1830-1950 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / selection of more than 90 various entires, contains postal stationery covers, p.stat PC, franked with return receipt, letter card pneumatic-tube post, p.stat newspaper cover, franked and uprated stamp various issues, stamp of FP, postage-due, air-mail, various postmark also train post etc..; various quality
1935 SCOUTING / Mi.486, 487, imperforated marginal Carl II. 2L and 6+1L, supplemented with 2 entires with this set: Reg letter to Italy and uprated p.stat to Sweden; on exhibit page ex Pan de Alfaro
1918 39 stamps with overprint Trident on Russian stamps issue Coat of arms, contains various types and colors of overprints; stamps hinged also mint never hinged, part on cut-squares, major-part with commercial mark Biermann or Glasewald
1880-1940 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAL STATIONERY / SOUTH A CENTRAL AMERICA / larger selection more than 110 various p.stat (postcard, postal stationery cover, letter-cards apod.), i.a. Brazil, Argentina, Honduras, Salvador, Costarica etc..; good condition
1873 PLATE PROOF for SG.64, Britannia 5Sh, imperforated plate proof in black color, on stronger paper without gum; very fine piece, ex. Perkins Bacon Archives
1883 SG.30-36, Victoria ½P - 1Sh, complete set of 7 stamps with wmk Crown CA + 5 tete-beche pairs values ½P, 2½P, 4P, 6P and 8P; several minor faults, overall fine, c.v.. £385
1938-1950 SG.152-163b, George VI., Motives, set of values ¼P - 10Sh, perf 12½, 3P cheaper 13½:12½, 5Sh ditto and 10Sh perforation. 14, "slate-blue and bright carmine"; very fine, c.v.. £415
1891 SG.26, Provisorium MOMBASA, 4 Ann with hand-made transcription 1 Ann "AB" - Archibald Brown; very nice piece, in UL corner small thin place, certificate PFEC, c.v.. £12.000, scarce
1938-1954 SG.131-150, George VI. 1c - £1, selection of 51 (!) stamps, aimed on types perforation and shades, on 3 pages from old collection incl. description (part according to older listing), contains i.a. rare perf 14 on 10c and 30c, 13¼ on 2Sh and 10Sh and 11¾:13 on £1 etc..; overall very fine, c.v.. ca. £2.400 (!), rare offer!
1894 Reg letter to England with rare franking of SG.2b, 3a - 2x bisected Victoria 1P and 2P + SG.3 and 46, CDS "SP II 94", transit pmk REGISTERED LIVERPOOL and on reverse arrival LUTONOC. 26/94; very fine, certificate Brandon, cat. Gibbons only for stamps 2b and 3a on letter £4.000, very rare letter