1902 ZDICE - color lithography, overview of town, sugar-factory and railway-station supplemented with květinami, Th. Böhm, long address, Us; only little wrinkled corners
1898 BRNO - open-air restaurant SchöneAussicht (Krásná vyhlídka (Schöne Aussicht)), monochrome collotype, issued W. Burkart, Brünn, print F. Seidl, long address, Us; good condition
1890 ŽIDLOCHOVICE (Gr. Seelowitz) - color lithography, castle, general view, sugar-factory, print K. Schwidernoch, long address, Un; without defects, superb
1898 BŘEZÍ (Bratelsbrunn) - color lithography, vicarage, town-hall, shop with wine, school, pub with hroznem wine révy, issued Joh. Knoth, long address, Us; without defects
1890 FRÝDLANT N. O. (Frýdlant by/on/at Místek) - 2-view color lithography, works, institution Bedřichův, issued K. Schwidernoch, long address, Un; superb condition
1904 VEJPRTY (Weipert) - in/at future, B/W. collage, tram, car, cyklistka and photographer in the street, collotype, Us; written text on picture, otherwise very good condition
1897 JABLONECKÉ PASEKY (Bad Schlag bei Gablonz) - color lithography, bathhouses with railways and by train, print Ed. Strache, long address, Us; little wrinkled corners, very good condition
1898 ČESKÝ TĚŠÍN (Teschen) - color lithography, city coat of arms, castle, square, school, barracks, V. K. Prochazka, long address, Us; very good condition
1899 ČESKÝ TĚŠÍN (Teschen) - two colour lithography, dealer and restauratér Leopold Florianek, issued Vinkler&Voight, long address, Us; light wrinkled corners
1890DOUBRAVA (Dombrová) - color lithography, miner, colliery, church, railway-station, K. Schwidernoch, long address, Un; only wrinkled corners and R margin
1902 KLADNO - colored světlotisková collage, square, town-hall, street, church and standing miner, edition F. Kraus, long address, Us; only slightly toned
1904 SLANÝ - in/at future, collage, balon, tram, horse-drawn vehicle in the square, coloured collotype, issued Č. Chyský, long address, Us; toned in perforation stamp., otherwise very good condition
1890 HOLEŠOV (Holleschau) - color lithography, church, general view, school, square and girl in costume, L. Klabusay, long address, Un; without defects
1899 HULÍN (Hullein) - color lithography, interior railway-station restaurant, general view, railway-station with train, with zátišímlahve wine and pohárů, print L. Klabusay, long address, Us; only oxidation right margins, otherwise without defects
1896 LIBEREC (Reichenberg) - color lithography, town-hall, interior town-hall restaurant M. Schuch by/on/at. C. Ullrich, long address, K. Swidernoch, Us; oxidation in R margin and cut in L margin
1896 LITOMĚŘICE (Leitmeritz) - color lithography, general view, square, memorial with zdravícímturistou, Winkler&Voight, long address, Us; good condition
1890 OPAVA (Troppau) - multicolor lithography, barracks in Opava and scene from of battle of Trutnov 1860, publisher J. Baumgartner, long address, Un; only little wrinkled corners, very good condition
1900 MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA - VRATIMOV (Rattimau) - multi-view color lithography, church, school, pulp-mill, hotel, F. Hoblík Pardubitz, long address, Us; only little wrinkled corners, very good condition
1897 MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA (Mährisch Ostrau.) - lithography permoníci, German House and general view, publ. J. Kittl, long address, Us; small bend in corners
1902 SLEZSKÁ OSTRAVA - HRUŠOV (Oderhort in Hruschau) - single-view color lithography with veslaři on the river Odře, issued R. Papauschek, long address, Us; only little wrinkled corners, very good condition
1899 HRANICE N./M. (Mährisch Weißkirchen) - color lithography, general view, church, town-hall, chapel, print With. Schütz, long address, Us; only wrinkled corners
1898 PŘEROV - color lithography, brewery, hotel, power station and krojovaná pair, issued Společenská printing-works in Přerov, long address, Us; fold in corner, slightly toned
1908 VRCHLABÍ (Hohenelbe) - collage, people in the street, coloured collotype, issued R. Weigend, long address, Us; partially stripped/pull-down stamp., else preserved
1890 BUCHLOVICE - multi-view color lithography, general view, castle, castle Buchlov, knight in/at brnění, K. Schwidernoch, long address, Un; without defects, superb