Public Auction 78 / Philately / Czech Republic / Stamps

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400 CZK
255666 - 1993 Pof.PL5, Contemporary Art 14CZK, whole PB with both c.v
1993 Pof.PL5, Contemporary Art 14CZK, whole PB with both c.v.. plate variety 2/A and 4/A - black and red point; mint never hinged
Starting price: 300 CZK +33,3 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 400 CZK
1 000 CZK
255668 - 1993 Pof.A10 production flaw, miniature sheet Big state coat
1993 Pof.A10 production flaw, miniature sheet Big state coat of arms 8CZK, different cut, imprint of daily postmark PRAGUE 1, original gum; mark Pofis, decorative, c.v.. 4.000CZK
Starting price: 1 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 000 CZK
2 000 CZK
262841 - 1993 Pof.A10 production flaw, miniature sheet Big state coat
1993 Pof.A10 production flaw, miniature sheet Big state coat of arms 8CZK, different cut; mint never hinged, decorative, c.v.. 4.000CZK
Starting price: 2 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 000 CZK
2 400 CZK
261420 - 1995-2006 COUNTER SHEET / selection of 20 complete sheets, f
1995-2006 COUNTER SHEET / selection of 20 complete sheets, for example. Pof.67-69, 91, 226, 282, 323, 492 and oths., some more times, some plate A+B; folded only in perforation, only face-value over 3.000CZK
Starting price: 1 500 CZK +60,0 %
U:A3v– | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 400 CZK
12 000 CZK
263673 - 1995 Pof.88 production flaw, 25 years SOS child's villages 3
1995 Pof.88 production flaw, 25 years SOS child's villages 3CZK, imperforated horizontal pair with extremely wide R margin; superb, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: 9 000 CZK +33,3 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 12 000 CZK
1 100 CZK
251690 - 1997 Pof.140  inverted harrow perforation, Historical Archit
1997 Pof.140 inverted harrow perforation, Historical Architectural Styles 4,60CZK, upper marginal bnd-of-20, inverted frame perf; cat. min. 3.500CZK
Starting price: 600 CZK +83,3 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 100 CZK
---- CZK
251687 - 1998 Pof.179-182 production flaw, Nature Protection, value 8
1998 Pof.179-182 production flaw, Nature Protection, value 8CZK corner blk-of-6 with production flaw on pos. 18 - color point in/at bushes + value 4,60CZK horizontal strip of 3 with production flaw on pos. 49 - line by pecker + value 4,60CZK, horizontal strip of 3 and single stamp., both with production flaw on pos. 9 - blue stains near the head; complete set popular flaws of occurring only part of edition
Starting price: 900 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
20 000 CZK
258494 - 1998 Pof.PL197 production flaw No.2 var., 80th Anniv. of the
1998 Pof.PL197 production flaw No.2 var., 80th Anniv. of the founding of Czechoslovakia 12,60CZK, complete counter sheet with production flaw - significant POSUN ČERNÉ BARVY transport sporadically to to perf stamp. (c.v.. doesn't report, shows only shift up) on pos. 3, 4 and 6 (OT with tiskl nadvakrát); superb, very rare, exceptional usage, c.v.. -,-, only hard repeatable chance!
Starting price: 20 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 20 000 CZK
---- CZK
251954 - 1999 Pof.241 production flaw, Zodiac - Scorpio 5,40CZK, sele
1999 Pof.241 production flaw, Zodiac - Scorpio 5,40CZK, selection of marginal blk-of-10 with shifted perforation downward and marginal pairs with shifted perforation up (povolená perf between stamp.) + shift brown color; unusual
Starting price: 900 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
251643 - 2001 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.300-301 production flaw, Zoo 5,40CZ
2001 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.300-301 production flaw, Zoo 5,40CZK, complete 50 pcs of sheet with production flaw 1 - significant shifted print, in addition sporadically stains black printing color, the most significant on pos. 16 and 26; rare and sought production defect, in/at complete counter sheet quite exceptional usage!
Starting price: 3 000 CZK
U:A3v– | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
252025 - 2001 Pof.302/303 production flaw, Nature Protection 5,40CZK,
2001 Pof.302/303 production flaw, Nature Protection 5,40CZK, marginal vertical bnd-of-10 with date of print, on/for several stamp. significant black stains (bad stěr color); folded in perforation, sought
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
251896 - 2003 Pof.382 production flaw No.1, Klaus 6,50CZK, marginal b
2003 Pof.382 production flaw No.1, Klaus 6,50CZK, marginal block-of-6 with production flaw - significant shifted print nominal value; mint never hinged, also with common stamp. for comparison
Starting price: 600 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
251565 - 2005 Pof.421 production flaw, Traditions Czechosl. stamp pro
2005 Pof.421 production flaw, Traditions Czechosl. stamp production 6,50CZK, right the bottom corner horizontal strip of 5 with production flaw - significant black vlnité lines in the picture all stamp. (defect scrap); mint never hinged
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
251567 - 2005 Pof.443 production flaw, European Championships in base
2005 Pof.443 production flaw, European Championships in baseballu 9CZK, upper marginal bnd-of-10 with production flaw - significant stains black printing color in the picture major-part stamp. (defect scrap); only vert. fold in perforation, interesting
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
1 900 CZK
263679 - 2007 Pof.539 production flaw, PRAGA 2008 18CZK, the bottom m
2007 Pof.539 production flaw, PRAGA 2008 18CZK, the bottom marginal block-of-8 (4 přesahující perforation hole), on all stamps production flaw "zalité CZK", in addition 3x between pane position significant light stains; very rare, exp. labour, newly katalogizováno
Starting price: 1 200 CZK +58,3 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 900 CZK
600 CZK
263671 - 2010 Pof.630 production flaw, Fifinka value A, complete book
2010 Pof.630 production flaw, Fifinka value A, complete booklet variants A with production flaw 6/6A - red stain below 1. "also" (Fifinka); sought defect
Starting price: 600 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 600 CZK
1 700 CZK
263676 - 2010 Pof.640, Prague tower clock 21CZK, 2x UL corner blk-of-
2010 Pof.640, Prague tower clock 21CZK, 2x UL corner blk-of-4, 1x with production flaw on pos. 7/P - violet circle above "21", 1x significantly darker color (very rare, in old c.v.. underprized)
Starting price: 1 000 CZK +70,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 700 CZK
1 300 CZK
263159 - 2010 Pof.664 production flaw, Christmas 10CZK, horizontal pa
2010 Pof.664 production flaw, Christmas 10CZK, horizontal pair with R margin, with significant shifted perforation L downward to picture of stmp; mint never hinged
Starting price: 1 000 CZK +30,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 300 CZK
1 300 CZK
263682 - 2012 Pof.711 production flaw, 150. Anniv Sokol 14CZK, 2 marg
2012 Pof.711 production flaw, 150. Anniv Sokol 14CZK, 2 marginal block-of-4 with production flaw 8/4B - yellow stain by L leg falcon and production flaw 46/4B - yellow circle in LL corner, surplus print with nezdvojenými perforation hole in margin sheet; sought
Starting price: 700 CZK +85,7 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 300 CZK
3 400 CZK
263685 - 2012 Pof.711 production flaw, 150. Anniv Sokol 14CZK, horiz.
2012 Pof.711 production flaw, 150. Anniv Sokol 14CZK, horiz. upper bnd-of-10, L to R with měnící color from red-brown L to/at carmine R; in/at c.v.. price struck through, exp. labour
Starting price: 3 400 CZK
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 3 400 CZK
---- CZK
252574 - 2012 Pof.724 production flaw, St. Wenceslaus value A, R marg
2012 Pof.724 production flaw, St. Wenceslaus value A, R marginal blk-of-4 with double násekem all stamp. also pin hole between stamp.; c.v.. 3.600CZK
Starting price: 1 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
1 800 CZK
263664 - 2014 Pof.809 production flaw, Jů and Hele value A, complete
2014 Pof.809 production flaw, and Hele value A, complete booklet (field 2) with significantly imperfect joined printing colors (rozostřené name Hele on/for tričku on all zn.); still unpublished, decorative and rare
Starting price: 1 500 CZK +20,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 800 CZK
1 600 CZK
263668 - 2014 Pof.809 production flaw, Jů and Hele value A, complete
2014 Pof.809 production flaw, and Hele value A, complete booklet (field 6), double pin hole and násek (closely by/on/at themselves, nejzřetelnější on pos. 2 and 7); c.v.. 2.500CZK
Starting price: 1 500 CZK +6,7 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 600 CZK
1 000 CZK
263256 - 2014 Pof.830, Jára Cimrman value Z, complete 25-kusový cou
2014 Pof.830, Jára Cimrman value Z, complete 25-kusový counter sheet; very fine
Starting price: 700 CZK +42,9 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 000 CZK
700 CZK
261087 - 2015 Pof.840+840a, Večerníček value A, comp. of 2 LR corn
2015 Pof.840+840a, Večerníček value A, comp. of 2 LR corner blk-of-4, 1x shade light blue, 1x common shade, but with slightly smykovým print blue; c.v.. 1.136Kč
Starting price: 600 CZK +16,7 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 700 CZK
1 500 CZK
257011 - 2020 Pof.1102, 900 years order premonstrátů value B, four
2020 Pof.1102, 900 years order premonstrátů value B, four right marginal block-of-4, significantly different color shades (yellow, yellow-orange, orange and dark orange with strong print black and dark value B), quite different also other color, decorative and very obtížně zkompletovatelné, two z odstínů absolutely minimum usage, nejspíš last possibility získat podobnou group of as blk-of-4, will be katalogizováno
Starting price: 1 500 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 500 CZK
500 CZK
263695 - 2024 Pof.A1243/1245 production flaw, miniature sheet Smetana
2024 Pof.A1243/1245 production flaw, miniature sheet Smetana, field B, miniature sheet with production flaw 3 - on stmp values Z white circle in middle part/-s stonku; sought c.v.. defect
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 500 CZK
---- CZK
263697 - Cancelled

Starting price: 0 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
900 CZK
263700 - 2024 Pof.A1243/1245 production flaw, miniature sheet Smetana
2024 Pof.A1243/1245 production flaw, miniature sheet Smetana, field D, miniature sheet with production flaw - on stmp values Z white circle in R part upper flower; c.v.. defect
Starting price: 400 CZK +125,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 900 CZK
2 200 CZK
263688 - 2024 Pof.A1262/1263 production flaw, miniature sheet Ridinge
2024 Pof.A1262/1263 production flaw, miniature sheet Ridinger with shift ofsetového background stamp. R downward ; nice and unusual
Starting price: 1 200 CZK +83,3 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 200 CZK
2 400 CZK
263692 - 2024 Pof.A1262/1263 production flaw, miniature sheet Ridinge
2024 Pof.A1262/1263 production flaw, miniature sheet Ridinger, comp. 2 pcs of with odlišnou color background stamp., 1x significantly rarer brown-red
Starting price: 500 CZK +380,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 400 CZK
---- CZK
261430 - 1993-2007 PLATE FLAWS / comp. of stamps with c.v.. plate var
1993-2007 PLATE FLAWS / comp. of stamps with c.v.. plate variety and VV: Pof.1 with plate variety 6/1 and 16/1, Pof.116 with plate variety 45/1, Pof.219 with plate variety 1/2 and 8/2 and Pof.A519 with production flaw No.4, outside miniature sheet all in/at marginal bands with common stamp.; 2x band only folded in perforation
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
4 500 CZK
263219 - 2012 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ 0001, Časopis Philately 2012,
2012 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ 0001, Časopis Philately 2012, complete counter sheet about/by 25 stmp values A and E; superb condition, complete the first printing sheet own stamps is rare
Starting price: 3 000 CZK +50,0 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 4 500 CZK
1 600 CZK
263258 - 2013-2014 PERSONALISED STAMP / comp. of 3 complete 25 pcs of
2013-2014 PERSONALISED STAMP / comp. of 3 complete 25 pcs of printing sheet - Primátorky, Tennis and Christmas; very fine
Starting price: 1 500 CZK +6,7 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 600 CZK
---- CZK
263609 - 2020 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ printing sheet 0109, Poklady wo
2020 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ printing sheet 0109, "Poklady world philately" - Biennale 2020; superb condition, very rare; major part of edition 450 sheets was/were from reason vysokého zájmu from side/party collectors roztrhána on/for str-of-5 and prodána; dochoval with only small number neroztrhaných sheets!
Starting price: 15 000 CZK
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
500 CZK
261386 - 2022 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ stamp-booklet 0154, ČSOB - Co
2022 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ stamp-booklet 0154, ČSOB - Co on/for srdci, to on/for jazyku, complete booklet with 8 stamps values B; slightly allowed in/at pin hole, light hinged manipulace, sought, booklet nebyl in volném sale, was/were určen for new klienty insurance company only in/at January and únoru 2023
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 500 CZK
10 000 CZK
261437 - 2023 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ 0163, Babička, complete counte
2023 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ 0163, Babička, complete counter sheet about/by 25 stmp values B, with autograph authoress designes M. Fürstové; printing only 520ks, very fine
Starting price: 3 800 CZK +163,2 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 10 000 CZK
---- CZK
263610 - 2023 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ printing sheet 0173, Poklady wo
2023 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ printing sheet 0173, "Poklady world philately" - Biennale 2023; superb condition, very rare; major part of edition 450 sheets was/were from reason vysokého zájmu from side/party collectors roztrhána on/for str-of-5 and prodána; dochoval with only small number neroztrhaných sheets!
Starting price: 15 000 CZK
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
26 000 CZK
263525 - 1994 REPREZENTAČNÍ ALBUM / The first year post. stamps Cze
1994 REPREZENTAČNÍ ALBUM / "The first year post. stamps Czech republic 1993", representative neprodejné gift album Czech post with Czech stamp. emitovanými year 1993, issued in/at printing mere 43 pieces intended as gifts for important personality (i.a. V. Havel, V. Klaus, J. Lux, P. Tigrid, J. Tošovský...), this piece with No. 27 was/were věnován O. Motejlovi (1932-2010, Czech lawyer and politician, the first chairman Nejvyššího court Czech Republic and the first Czech veřejný ochránce Rights); very fine, superb gift arrangement, bound in leather, incl. carton kazety, very rare, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: 20 000 CZK +30,0 %
U:K | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 26 000 CZK
700 CZK
263107 - 1995-1999 FORGERY / comp. 3 pcs of letters franked with. for
1995-1999 FORGERY / comp. 3 pcs of letters franked with. forgeries stamp. to defraud the post, 1x with Brno 3CZK, Pof.P35 with CDS PRAGUE 025/ 20.3.95 + 2x letter with Rococo 4,60CZK, Pof.P140b on paper fluorescent paper, MC NOVÝ JIČÍN and PRAGUE; without defects
Starting price: 600 CZK +16,7 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 700 CZK
1 600 CZK
263100 - 1997 letter with Rococo 4,60CZK, Pof.140, with significant f
1997 letter with Rococo 4,60CZK, Pof.140, with significant flaw print - large incomplete-printing violet color overlapping to to nominal value, MC PRAGUE 025/ 11.11.97; good condition, rare!
Starting price: 1 000 CZK +60,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 600 CZK
500 CZK
263105 - 1999 FORGERY / comp. 3 pcs of letters franked with. forgerie
1999 FORGERY / comp. 3 pcs of letters franked with. forgeries stamp. Rococo 4,60CZK to defraud the post, Pof.P140a on paper without opticaly clearing agent, MC and CDS NOVÝ JIČÍN, PRAGUE and TÝNEC N. S.; without defects
Starting price: 400 CZK +25,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 500 CZK
2 600 CZK
261092 - 2016 Reg letter franked with. 2x stamp. Regionální motive
2016 Reg letter franked with. 2x stamp. Regionální motive value A 2. variants (type) – author's name and year issue no next to themselves, as all dosavadních editions, but wrong below sebou and without zarovnání!! (see article in Philately 8/2016), CDS STRAŠICE 30.VI.16, uprated by. value label APOST; with těmito stamp. sent only several Reg letters (still předloženy 4), major-part stamp. orazítkována from favor on/for postcards, all attributes, incl. certificate of mailing
Starting price: 2 400 CZK +8,3 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 600 CZK