Public Auction 78 / Autographs

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21 000 CZK
261918 - 1853 FERDINAND I. DOBROTIVÝ (1793-1875), to  year 1848 Aust
1853 FERDINAND I. DOBROTIVÝ (1793-1875), to year 1848 Austrian emperor, handwritten signed order to issue 100 fl. name his wife (Mary Ann Savojská) and 200 fl. name one's own from treasury, as present církevnímu order in/at Coblenzi, caused by in Prague 13. November 1853, signatures "Ferdinand" and "Mary Ann"; only horiz. folded, overall very sound condition, ganging signatures imperial pair is rare!
Starting price: 20 000 CZK +5,0 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 21 000 CZK
---- CZK
261837 - 1633 FERDINAND II. HABSBURG (1578–1637), Holy Roman Empero
1633 FERDINAND II. HABSBURG (1578–1637), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia, Hungarian, chorvatský and archduke Austrian, imperial folded letter (missiv) in German with autograph, sent military courier on/for field maršála Heinrich von Holck, countersigned Henry IV. Šlik, count from Holíče and Pasounu (1580-1650), president Dvorské of war council; in/at text part/-s letter toned, overall but nice in good condition condition, signature "Ferdinand" is bright readable, imperial document/-s from period of třicetileté war are very rare!
Starting price: 15 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
---- CZK
263069 - 1910 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president
1910 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister, handwritten 2-page letter with whole signature "Dr. Edward Beneš"; in good condition condition, rukopisy from early period E. Beneš are rare
Starting price: 4 500 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
700 CZK
257045 -  BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and
BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister, autograph on memorial sheet; signs of storage
Starting price: 700 CZK
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 700 CZK
3 000 CZK
260809 - 1939 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president
1939 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister, autograph in special booklet "Free Czechoslovakia in free Europe, New York 1939" with mounted stmp 50h; unusual, interesting
Starting price: 1 500 CZK +100,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 3 000 CZK
1 000 CZK
261118 - 1867 BOBULA Ján Nepomuk (1844-1903), important Slovak publi
1867 BOBULA Ján Nepomuk (1844-1903), important Slovak publisher and spoluzakladatel "Nové Slovak school"; handwritten letter in slovenštině with signature, only folded, good condition, important osobnost Slovak kulturních history other middle 19. century!
Starting price: 1 000 CZK
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 000 CZK
---- CZK
263066 - 1909 BRÁF Albín (1851-1912), Czech lawyer, vysokoškolský
1909 BRÁF Albín (1851-1912), Czech lawyer, vysokoškolský Professor, národohospodář, politician and journalist, handwritten 2-page letter with signature; perfect condition, sought
Starting price: 1 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
1 300 CZK
261107 -  HUSÁK Otakar (1885-1964), important Czechoslovak General,
HUSÁK Otakar (1885-1964), important Czechoslovak General, legionnaire and defence minister in years 1920–1921, signature on portrait photo postcard in uniform; good condition and decorative
Starting price: 1 000 CZK +30,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 300 CZK
1 300 CZK
261439 - 1930 MEDEK Rudolf (1890–1940), Czech writer, General and p
1930 MEDEK Rudolf (1890–1940), Czech writer, General and politician, autograph with dedication and datací on/for titulu author book/-s "Z legionaire epopeje", supplemented with about/by photograph Medka near/in/at play šachů; very sound condition
Starting price: 1 000 CZK +30,0 %
U:O5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 300 CZK
6 000 CZK
260813 - 1945 commemorative sheet 1. schůze National Assembly with s
1945 commemorative sheet 1. schůze National Assembly with signatures important politiků: Clement GOTTWALD, Hubert RIPKA, Jaroslav STRÁNSKÝ, Edward BENEŠ, John MASARYK, Ferdinand PEROUTKA, Fráňa ZEMÍNOVÁ, Peter ZENKL, Lewis SVOBODA and other; very fine, extraordinary contemporary document/attribut, exceptional souběhy signatures personalities also with regard to their/its vzájemným budoucím vztahům and osudům on single document!
Starting price: 5 000 CZK +20,0 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 6 000 CZK
2 000 CZK
259921 - 1928 POINCARÉ Raymond (1860-1934), important French politic
1928 POINCARÉ Raymond (1860-1934), important French politician, prime minister and French president in time WWI (1913-1920); handwritten text with signature two-sided on card with heading "Presidence du Conseile", in/at němž with omlouvá for nemoc from večeře by/on/at ambassador Š. Osuského, conversion including; very fine, interesting
Starting price: 2 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 000 CZK
2 400 CZK
263064 - 1939 PRCHALA Lion (1892-1963), legionnaire, Czechoslovak mil
1939 PRCHALA Lion (1892-1963), legionnaire, Czechoslovak military General and exile politician; signature as minister Carpathian Ukraine with very interesting datací Khust, 25.II.39; very fine and rare!
Starting price: 1 500 CZK +60,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 400 CZK
1 100 CZK
255525 - 1963 SIHANUK Norodom (1922-2012), kambodžský politician, i
1963 SIHANUK Norodom (1922-2012), kambodžský politician, in years 1941–1955 and 1993–2004 King Kambodže; autograph on heading paper "chairman governance", good condition and interesting
Starting price: 700 CZK +57,1 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 100 CZK
600 CZK
261103 - 1934 STANĚK Francis (1867-1936), Czech politician agrární
1934 STANĚK Francis (1867-1936), Czech politician agrární side/party, předlitavský also Czechosl. member of parliament, in years 1919-1920 Postmaster General, 1921-1922 minister agriculture, portrait B/W photo postcard with signature and datací, atelier Langhans; decorative
Starting price: 500 CZK +20,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 600 CZK
1 800 CZK
261966 - 1943 STANO Július (1900 - 1971), Slovak politician and mini
1943 STANO Július (1900 - 1971), Slovak politician and minister transport in vládách independent Slovakia, two-piece commemorative sheet to opening railways Prešov - Strážské with blue commemorative postmark and autograph with datací; good condition
Starting price: 1 800 CZK
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 800 CZK
1 100 CZK
263063 - 1905 STOJAN Anthony Cyril (1851-1923), Moravian R.C. duchovn
1905 STOJAN Anthony Cyril (1851-1923), Moravian R.C. duchovní and politician, archbishop Olomouc and metropolita Moravian; handwritten letter with signature and datací
Starting price: 1 000 CZK +10,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 100 CZK
900 CZK
263049 - 1937 ŠNEJDÁREK Joseph (1875–1945), Czechoslovak General,
1937 ŠNEJDÁREK Joseph (1875–1945), Czechoslovak General, commander fight for Teschen Silesia, legionnaire, handwritten greeting with signature addressed to from Paris to Prague; pulled-down stamp, overall but good condition and sought
Starting price: 800 CZK +12,5 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 900 CZK
---- CZK
261105 - 1920 TUSAR Vlastimil (1880–1924), important Czechoslovak p
1920 TUSAR Vlastimil (1880–1924), important Czechoslovak prvorepublikový sociálnědemokratický politician, the second Czechoslovak prime minister, handwritten greeting with signature sent to Anthony Svěceného (1871-1941), journalist and politician (member of parliament, senator); in good condition condition, rare and on/for market with practically nevyskytující manuscript
Starting price: 2 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation requestAsk about item
1 400 CZK
261395 - 1982 HUSÁK Gustav (1913–1991), Czechoslovak communist pol
1982 HUSÁK Gustav (1913–1991), Czechoslovak communist politician, president, representative of so-called normalization.; 2x autograph on cover set photograph "Gustav Husák"; good condition
Starting price: 1 000 CZK +40,0 %
U:O4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 400 CZK
6 500 CZK
261116 - 1847 JUNGMANN Joseph (1773–1847), Czech filolog, writer an
1847 JUNGMANN Joseph (1773–1847), Czech filolog, writer and translator, nejvýznamnější representative Czech national obrození, tog. with Josefem Dobrovským is považován after/behind creator of modern češtiny + FRIČ Joseph Francis (1804-1876), advokát, politician and Professor Charle's university, from year 1842 pokladník of Foundation "Matice česká"; signatures on/for confirmation of Foundation "Matice česká" concerning obdržení books issued Maticí Czech; hints staří, after all interesting and rare!
Starting price: 5 000 CZK +30,0 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 6 500 CZK
1 800 CZK
263058 - 1863 ŠEMBERA Alois Vojtěch (1807–1882), important Czech
1863 ŠEMBERA Alois Vojtěch (1807–1882), important Czech jazykovědec, literary historian and translator, Professor češtiny on/for Olomouc univerzitě and Viennese univerzitě; handwritten letter with signature and datací; nice in good condition condition, rather rare manuscript
Starting price: 1 500 CZK +20,0 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 800 CZK
700 CZK
263093 -  ŠUSTA Joseph (1874-1945), one from best known Czech histor
ŠUSTA Joseph (1874-1945), one from best known Czech historiků, disciple Gollovy school, writer, politician, minister education in years 1920-1921, působil in/at kulturním circuit T.G.M., Beneš, Karel Čapek etc.., handwritten text with signature
Starting price: 600 CZK +16,7 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 700 CZK
2 000 CZK
261113 - 1885 TOMEK Wenceslas Vladivoj knight (1818-1905), Czech hist
1885 TOMEK Wenceslas Vladivoj knight (1818-1905), Czech historian, archivář, politician, rektor Univerzity Charle's + RANDA Anthony knight (1834-1914), rektor Univerzity Charle's, Professor občanského law, member of parliament; handwritten signatures on/for univerzitním confirmation; good condition and rare
Starting price: 2 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 000 CZK
1 500 CZK
259939 - 1927-1928 BEZRUČ Peter (1867-1958), one's own name Vladimí
1927-1928 BEZRUČ Peter (1867-1958), one's own name Vladimír Vašek, important Czech poet, comp. of 5 handwritten written letters and Ppc with signatures, incl. 1 original envelope/-s; sound condition, sought
Starting price: 1 500 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 500 CZK
1 100 CZK
263103 - 1928 HERMANN Ignat (1854-1935), important Czech writer, humo
1928 HERMANN Ignat (1854-1935), important Czech writer, humorist and editor, handwritten 2-page text with signature, incl. envelope/-s; good condition
Starting price: 600 CZK +83,3 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 100 CZK
4 500 CZK
263473 - 1985 HRABAL Bohumil (1914-1997), important Czech prose-write
1985 HRABAL Bohumil (1914-1997), important Czech prose-writer, writer, autograph with datací on/for titulním sheet author book/-s "Ostře sledované trains"; nice good condition
Starting price: 1 000 CZK +350,0 %
U:O5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 4 500 CZK
10 000 CZK
263075 -  JESENSKÝ Janko (1874-1945), important Slovak politician, p
JESENSKÝ Janko (1874-1945), important Slovak politician, poet, spisovatel-prozaik; handwritten written poem "Bola by neděla" with signature; rare
Starting price: 1 500 CZK +566,7 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 10 000 CZK
39 000 CZK
261100 - 1846 KOLLÁR Ján (1793 - 1852), poet, jazykovědec, histori
1846 KOLLÁR Ján (1793 - 1852), poet, jazykovědec, historian and evangelic priest Slovak origin píšící Czech language, one of important personalities Czech and Slovak national obrození, i.a. author product Slávy daughter; handwritten folded letter with signature, sent to important Czech jazykovědce Alois Vojtěch Šemberu (1807-1882), interesting text; good condition and exceedingly rare and sought manuscript one from best known personalities national obrození!
Starting price: 7 000 CZK +457,1 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 39 000 CZK
37 000 CZK
263080 - 1922 KUKUČÍN Martin (one's own name Matej Bencúr, 1860-19
1922 KUKUČÍN Martin (one's own name Matej Bencúr, 1860-1928), Slovak spisovatel-prozaik, dramatist and publicist, nejvýznamnější representative Slovak literárního realismu, founder modern Slovak prózy; handwritten 10-řádkový prozaický text with signature and datací; rare
Starting price: 2 000 CZK +1 750,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 37 000 CZK
1 000 CZK
257177 - 1900 MRŠTÍK William (1863-1912), important Czech writer, d
1900 MRŠTÍK William (1863-1912), important Czech writer, dramatist (Maryša), translator; handwritten 6-řádkový letter with signature; Mrštíkovy rukopisy are sought
Starting price: 1 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 000 CZK
1 700 CZK
263060 - 1970 SEIFERT Jaroslav (1901–1986), Czech poet, writer, jou
1970 SEIFERT Jaroslav (1901–1986), Czech poet, writer, journalist and translator, Nobel laureate after/behind literature (1984); autograph on portrait B/W photograph; decorative
Starting price: 1 000 CZK +70,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 700 CZK
3 400 CZK
261394 - 1978 SEIFERT Jaroslav (1901–1986), Czech poet, writer, jou
1978 SEIFERT Jaroslav (1901–1986), Czech poet, writer, journalist and translator, Nobel laureate after/behind literature (1984); autograph with dedication and datací in/at author collection poems "Maminka"; very nice good condition
Starting price: 800 CZK +325,0 %
U:O5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 3 400 CZK
900 CZK
261110 -  SIMENON Georges (1903–1989), belgický writer detektivní
SIMENON Georges (1903–1989), belgický writer detektivních novels, creator of commissioner Maigreta, photo postcard format with dedication and signature; good condition
Starting price: 900 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 900 CZK
1 500 CZK
261120 - 1882 SLÁDEK Joseph Wenceslas (1845-1908), important Czech p
1882 SLÁDEK Joseph Wenceslas (1845-1908), important Czech poet, handwritten 2-page letter with signature; good condition
Starting price: 800 CZK +87,5 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 500 CZK
7 500 CZK
261112 - 1871 SVĚTLÁ Karolína (one's own name Johana Rottová) (18
1871 SVĚTLÁ Karolína (one's own name Johana Rottová) (1830-1899), Czech authoress, představitelka generace májovců považována after/behind zakladatelku Czech vesnického románu, handwritten pages letter with signature "Mužáková"; supplemented with about/by cabinet card, rare and sought!
Starting price: 3 000 CZK +150,0 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 7 500 CZK
1 400 CZK
263088 -  VANČURA Vladislav (1891-1942), important Czech writer and
VANČURA Vladislav (1891-1942), important Czech writer and dramatist, handwritten text with signature; interesting and sought
Starting price: 1 200 CZK +16,7 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 400 CZK
2 200 CZK
263087 - 1900 VRCHLICKÝ Jaroslav (one's own name Emil Bohuslav Fríd
1900 VRCHLICKÝ Jaroslav (one's own name Emil Bohuslav Frída, 1853–1912), slavný Czech writer, poet, translator, politician; handwritten 2-page letter with signature and datací
Starting price: 1 000 CZK +120,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 200 CZK
800 CZK
263096 - 1955 ZÁVADA William (1905-1982), important Czech poet, writ
1955 ZÁVADA William (1905-1982), important Czech poet, writer and translator; handwritten 2-page letter with signature and datací; interesting
Starting price: 800 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 800 CZK
2 000 CZK
263056 - 1904 ALEŠ Mikoláš (1852–1913), important Czech painter
1904 ALEŠ Mikoláš (1852–1913), important Czech painter and illustrator, handwritten written congratulation on reverse his/her/its visiting cards with signature and datací; sound condition, sought
Starting price: 1 500 CZK +33,3 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 000 CZK
7 000 CZK
263074 - 1900 FIBICH Zdeněk (1850-1900), one from greatest Czech mus
1900 FIBICH Zdeněk (1850-1900), one from greatest Czech musical skladatelů, after/around Smetanovi and Dvořákovi nejvýznamnější Czech composer other middle 19. century, representative romantismu; autograph "Zd. Fibich" on/for invoice for release honoráře after/behind arrangement operety "Fatinica"; very fine, Fibichovy signatures are rare and on/for market occur only rarely!
Starting price: 3 000 CZK +133,3 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 7 000 CZK
800 CZK
259931 - 1926 KALVODA Alois (1875-1934), important Czech impresionist
1926 KALVODA Alois (1875-1934), important Czech impresionistický painter, disciple Julia Mařáka, handwritten 10-řádkový text with whole signature; folded, interesting
Starting price: 800 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 800 CZK
1 600 CZK
259930 - 1926 KALVODA Alois (1875-1934), important Czech impresionist
1926 KALVODA Alois (1875-1934), important Czech impresionistický painter, disciple Julia Mařáka, handwritten text with whole signature and datací, uvedený handwritten signed perokresbou country with břízami; nice good condition, decorative
Starting price: 1 500 CZK +6,7 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 600 CZK
5 000 CZK
261574 - 1968 LHOTÁK Kamil (1912–1990), Czech painter, graphic art
1968 LHOTÁK Kamil (1912–1990), Czech painter, graphic artist and illustrator, one from zakládajících members Skupiny 42, autograph on author grafice with emblematickým motive míče and kuželu; very fine, decorative
Starting price: 1 000 CZK +400,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 5 000 CZK
11 000 CZK
263047 - 1938 MARTINŮ Bohuslav (1890-1959), světově proslulý comp
1938 MARTINŮ Bohuslav (1890-1959), světově proslulý composer, representative moderny, autograph with part of partitury and datací on card on/for autographs; exceedingly decorative, very rare and hard dostupný manuscript, often missing in collections!
Starting price: 6 000 CZK +83,3 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 11 000 CZK
4 500 CZK
259886 - 1936 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), světoznámý Czech painter
1936 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), světoznámý Czech painter, autograph on postcard sent from Paris to Prague, with text written Muchovou wife Marií Uchytilovou-Muchovou; overall good condition and sought
Starting price: 2 600 CZK +73,1 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 4 500 CZK
2 000 CZK
259260 - 1907 NEDBAL Oscar (1874-1930), světoznámý Czech composer,
1907 NEDBAL Oscar (1874-1930), světoznámý Czech composer, conductor and violista, handwritten 4-page letter with signature (interesting text) + supplemented with about/by B/W portrait photo postcard without signature; good condition, sought
Starting price: 1 900 CZK +5,3 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 000 CZK
800 CZK
263070 -  PISKÁČEK Adolf (1873-1919), important Czech composer, wri
PISKÁČEK Adolf (1873-1919), important Czech composer, writer; handwritten pages letter with signature, interesting text; cross underglued, sought
Starting price: 800 CZK
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 800 CZK
1 500 CZK
259894 -  STRAUSS Johann (1866–1939), Austrian composer, autograph
STRAUSS Johann (1866–1939), Austrian composer, autograph on portrait B/W postcard; very fine
Starting price: 500 CZK +200,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 500 CZK
1 400 CZK
257224 - 1911 SUK Joseph (1874-1935), important Czech composer, violi
1911 SUK Joseph (1874-1935), important Czech composer, violinist and pedagogue, disciple and zeť Anthony Dvořáka, congratulatory card with 2-lines přípisem and signature with datací; decorative
Starting price: 1 000 CZK +40,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 400 CZK
2 000 CZK
263072 - 1900 SUK Joseph (1874-1935), important Czech composer, violi
1900 SUK Joseph (1874-1935), important Czech composer, violinist and pedagogue, disciple and zeť Anthony Dvořáka; handwritten celostránkový text with whole signature; good condition, decorative and rare
Starting price: 2 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 000 CZK
900 CZK
261572 - 1917 ŠIMON Francis Tavík (1877-1942), important Czech pain
1917 ŠIMON Francis Tavík (1877-1942), important Czech painter, graphic artist, dřevorytec, pedagogue on/for Academy creative art in Prague, handwritten letter with signature; only folded
Starting price: 900 CZK
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 900 CZK
2 400 CZK
259934 - 1927 ŠPÁLA Wenceslas (1885–1946), important Czech painte
1927 ŠPÁLA Wenceslas (1885–1946), important Czech painter, graphic artist and illustrator, handwritten 3-stránkový letter with signature, incl. envelope/-s; nice good condition
Starting price: 1 300 CZK +84,6 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 400 CZK
3 200 CZK
261258 - 1944 ŠVABINSKÝ Max (1873–1962), Czech painter and illust
1944 ŠVABINSKÝ Max (1873–1962), Czech painter and illustrator, handwritten text on/for Un author postcard, on/for front face autograph with printings two motýlů; on the reverse side hint of adjustaci, otherwise very fine, decorative
Starting price: 1 000 CZK +220,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 3 200 CZK
7 000 CZK
263101 -  BAAROVÁ Lída (1914-2000), one of nejslavnějších Czech
BAAROVÁ Lída (1914-2000), one of nejslavnějších Czech hereček, B/W portrait photo format A4 with whole signature; decorative and rare
Starting price: 2 000 CZK +250,0 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 7 000 CZK
2 000 CZK
247077 -  BAAROVÁ Lída (1914-2000), one of nejslavnějších Czech
BAAROVÁ Lída (1914-2000), one of nejslavnějších Czech hereček, B/W portrait photo postcard with whole signature, atelier Ströminger; nice in good condition condition, sought
Starting price: 1 500 CZK +33,3 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 000 CZK
9 000 CZK
263055 -  DESTINNOVÁ Emma (1878–1930) (Emilie Kittlová), světozn
DESTINNOVÁ Emma (1878–1930) (Emilie Kittlová), světoznámá Czech opera singer; autograph on portrait postcard from roll "Carmen"; very fine, decorative and sought
Starting price: 2 000 CZK +350,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 9 000 CZK
1 700 CZK
263097 - 1934 HAŠLER Charles (1879–1941), known Czech písničká
1934 HAŠLER Charles (1879–1941), known Czech písničkář, actor, textař, composer; autograph on B/W photograph format A4; decorative and sought
Starting price: 1 500 CZK +13,3 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 700 CZK
3 200 CZK
259235 - 1940 HAŠLER Charles (1879–1941), known Czech písničká
1940 HAŠLER Charles (1879–1941), known Czech písničkář, actor, textař, composer; autograph with datací on/for portrait photo postcard, decorative and sought
Starting price: 1 000 CZK +220,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 3 200 CZK
1 300 CZK
256312 -  ACTORS / selection of portrait Ppc, photos and cards with s
ACTORS / selection of portrait Ppc, photos and cards with signatures important Czech of actors and hereček: J. Plachta, J. Štěpničková, V. Vydra, B. Karen, D. Medřická and G. Fröhlich, J. Steimar, E. Vojan, V. Matulová; sound condition, as multiple definitely interesting
Starting price: 800 CZK +62,5 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 300 CZK
900 CZK
263083 - 1951 HÖGER Charles + MEDŘICKÁ Dana, signatures important
1951 HÖGER Charles + MEDŘICKÁ Dana, signatures important Czech of actors on/for B/W photograph from film Mikoláš Aleš (1951); sound condition, decorative
Starting price: 800 CZK +12,5 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 900 CZK

Public Auction 78 / Autographs - Information

Autogramy a rukopisy

Sběratelství rukopisů velikánů začalo už v antice, velkého rozkvětu dosáhlo v renesanci a v 17. století se rozšířilo po celé Evropě. V českých zemích patřil k největším sběratelům národní buditel Václav Hanka, který pracoval jako správce literárních sbírek Vlasteneckého muzea. Mezi velké sběratele se dále řadil architekt a podnikatel Josef Hlávka, zakladatel a redaktor Moderní revue Arnošt Procházka, dekadentní básník Jiří Karásek ze Lvovic nebo spisovatel Emanuel Lešehrad.

Autogram je vlastnoruční originální podpis osobnosti.

Autograf neboli rukopis, který znamená vlastnoruční text napsaný osobností, který může, ale nemusí být podepsaný. Pochází z řečtiny.

Parafa je zkrácený čili zjednodušený vlastnoruční podpis osobnosti, který se považuje za autogram. Parafa je označována také jako podpisová značka.

Autopen je termín pro počítačem provedený podpis osobnosti podle naprogramovaného vzoru, jak se osobnost podepisuje. Autopeny jsou běžné v USA, kdy osobnosti dostávají mnoho žádostí o autogram, zejména astronauti, filmové hvězdy nebo američtí prezidenti, kteří začali autopen používat od padesátých let 20. století.

Tištěný podpis je termín pro rozmnožené kopie originálně podepsané fotografie.

Sekretářský podpis  je termín pro autogramy, které sice vypadají jako originálně podepsané osobností, ale podepsala se za ni jeho asistentka či jiná osoba.

Zájemci o sběratelství autogramů a autografů v ČR se mohou sdružovat v Klubu sběratelů autogramů - KSA.