Public Auction 78 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia / Forerunners

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700 CZK
262976 - 1939 1. DAY / response letter Directory state tracks in Prag
1939 1. DAY / response letter Directory state tracks in Prague with CDS first of day (!) Protectorate, JIHLAVA 1/ 15.III.39 + last day Czechoslovakia - I. part from double Czechosl. PC Coat of arms with CDS JIHLAVA 1/ 14.III.39; nice print, envelope with folds
Starting price: 700 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 700 CZK
1 100 CZK
261248 - 1939 1. DAY / comp. 9 pcs of entires with forerunner and par
1939 1. DAY / comp. 9 pcs of entires with forerunner and parallel franking Czechosl. stamp., 1x off. Reg letter with CDS first of day Protectorate TŘEBOŇ 15.III.39, censorship 2x violet cancel. Devisová control / MOR. OSTRAVA 3, 1x black straight line postmark Examined dev. control, 2x letter addressed to to England, 1x CDV Coat of arms 50h etc..; good condition
Starting price: 1 000 CZK +10,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 1 100 CZK
---- CZK
262987 - 1939 CUSTOMS CONTROL - OSTRAVA/ Reg letter addressed to to G
1939 CUSTOMS CONTROL - OSTRAVA/ Reg letter addressed to to Germany, franked with. Czechosl. forerunner stamp. ZNak 20h + Štefánik 50h + Allegory 3CZK with CDS MOR. OSTRAVA 10 (VÍTKOVICE ŽELEZÁRNY) 16.V.39, on reverse violet censorship mark Devisová control / MOR. OSTRAVA 3, supplemented with CDS MOR. OSTRAVA 3 17.V.39 and arrival CDS BERLIN 15.5.39; good condition, rare censorship mark!
Starting price: 800 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
1 300 CZK
255662 - 1939 Reg, express and airmail letter to Wien (Vienna), frank
1939 Reg, express and airmail letter to Wien (Vienna), franked with. airmail stamp 20Kčs, Pof.L14, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 14.IV.39, on reverse air-mail framed pmk PRAGUE 7/ 14.IV.39 and various arrival postmark WIEN 15.IV.39; slightly toned, repaired in margin, else preserved
Starting price: 1 200 CZK +8,3 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 1 300 CZK
2 200 CZK
260855 - 1939 Reg and airmail PC Coat of arms (over splice) to German
1939 Reg and airmail PC Coat of arms (over splice) to Germany, with multicolor franking forerunner Bohemian and Moravian stamp., i.a. 1. Congress Carpathian Ukrajiny(!!) and Opening 1. Slovak congress, Pof.351, 350, L7 2x, L8, L9, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 18.III.39, on reverse frame air-mail cancel. PRAGUE 7/ 18.III.39, sent back with label "Firma in Berlin ubekannt" with CDS BERLIN 11/ BRIEF - AUFKLARUNGSTELLE 19.3.39, quite rare franking from transitional period stmp 1. Sněmu Carpathian Ukraine on/for Us entires, absolutely rare!
Starting price: 2 000 CZK +10,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 2 200 CZK
1 100 CZK
262665 - 1939 Reg and airmail letter greater format sent from Prague
1939 Reg and airmail letter greater format sent from Prague to Zastávky near Brno, franked with. i.a. air stamp., Pof.L13, L12, L10, L7, 309, 302, CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 27.V.39, on reverse arrival postmark ZBRASLAV U./B. 29.V.39; good condition, přefrankovaný, but by land transported letter franked Czechosl. air stamps with rare mailing postmark Prague airport!
Starting price: 1 000 CZK +10,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 1 100 CZK
---- CZK
259672 - 1939 heavier Reg letter to Wien (Vienna), right franked on f
1939 heavier Reg letter to Wien (Vienna), right franked on front side by stamp. Pof.300, Comenius 40h 12x + on reverse 2x and 4x Coat of arms 5h, Pof.248, CDS TÁBOR 1.VI.39; vert. fold, otherwise very fine, interesting and exact franking
Starting price: 700 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request

Public Auction 78 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia / Forerunners - Information

Předběžné a souběžné čs. poštovní známky

Československé poštovní známky platné do 15. 3. 1939 na budoucím území protektorátu Čechy a Morava platily po jeho vzniku jako předběžné

-pro výplatní poštovní známky do 14. 7. 1939

-pro novinové poštovní známky do 24. 8. 1939

-pro poštovní známky pro obchodní tiskopisy do 30. 11. 1939

-pro doruční poštovní známky do 30. 11. 1939

-pro doplatní poštovní známky do 30. 11. 1939

Po datu vydání příslušné emise označujeme poštovní známky bývalého československa za souběžné a to do ukončení platnosti všech čs. známek 15. 12. 1939.