Public Auction 78 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1945-1992

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700 CZK
261805 - 1953 VÍCENÁSOBNÉ FRANKATURY / comp. 7 pcs of Reg letters
1953 VÍCENÁSOBNÉ FRANKATURY / comp. 7 pcs of Reg letters franked/paid stamp. Pof.489, 506, 507, 521 (2x), 709 (46x) and 726, + 1x Reg letter in the place with Pof.506, 643 (6x), private also commercial correspondence, 1x format 11x22cm; good condition
Starting price: 700 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 700 CZK
---- CZK
261777 - 1953 VÍCENÁSOBNÉ FRANKATURY / comp. 8 pcs of letters fran
1953 VÍCENÁSOBNÉ FRANKATURY / comp. 8 pcs of letters franked/paid special stamp. Pof.680, 693, 702, 708, 718, 722, 729 and 730, private also commercial correspondence; good condition
Starting price: 700 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
---- CZK
261493 - 1953 VÍCENÁSOBNÉ FRANKATURY / comp. 9 pcs of entires fran
1953 VÍCENÁSOBNÉ FRANKATURY / comp. 9 pcs of entires franked/paid postage stamp. with portrait K. Gottwald, i.a. 1x printed matter with Pof.458 + obch. papers with Pof.666 + postcard Pof.458 + letter Pof.485 + letter Pof.487 + letter Pof.488 + commercial letter Pof.666 + heavier letter Pof.485 + heavier letter Pof.489; good condition
Starting price: 1 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
2 000 CZK
261372 - 1953 AIRMAIL STAMPS FRANKATURY - SLOVAKIA / Reg letter in th
1953 AIRMAIL STAMPS FRANKATURY - SLOVAKIA / Reg letter in the place franked air stamp. Pof.L30+L30KH (2x vertical pair with upper coupon), L34 Spa + Pof.521, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 6.VI.53; from Slovakia sought, envelope open from 3 sides (from exhibit)
Starting price: 2 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 000 CZK
600 CZK
261763 - 1953 AIRMAIL STAMPS FRANKATURY / two letters addressed to to
1953 AIRMAIL STAMPS FRANKATURY / two letters addressed to to Bratislava paid/franked stamp. Pof.L23 and L33, with machine cancel., 1x PRAGUE 025/ Více scrap works .../ 16.VI.53 and 1x Prague 025/ Hoši and girls .../ 17.VI.53, same recipient also sender; good condition
Starting price: 600 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 600 CZK
700 CZK
261764 - 1953 AIRMAIL STAMPS FRANKATURY / two Reg letters addressed t
1953 AIRMAIL STAMPS FRANKATURY / two Reg letters addressed to to Bratislava, 1x franked with. Pof.489 (2x), 507, L21 (2x) with CDS BRNO 2/ 16.VI.53 + 1x Pof.521 (3x), L24, with CDS DUNAJSKÁ STREDA 13.VI.53; good condition
Starting price: 700 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 700 CZK
700 CZK
261367 - 1953 AIRMAIL STAMPS FRANKATURY / commercial letter franked w
1953 AIRMAIL STAMPS FRANKATURY / commercial letter franked with. str-of-4 airmail stmp 7,50/16Kčs, Pof.L28, CDS VRCHLABÍ 1/ 10.VI.53, envelope in the middle lightly horiz. folded and 1 stamp. light overlaps margin letter, otherwise good condition
Starting price: 600 CZK +16,7 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 700 CZK
---- CZK
261375 - 1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / view card with imprinted
1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / view card with imprinted stamp Cheb uprated to right postal-charge meter stmp CHEB 1/ 5.6.53/ 13,50Kčs; usage p.stat Ppc with meter stmp is sporadic, R bend and stain from red stamping ink
Starting price: 800 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
---- CZK
261378 - 1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / folded commercial heading
1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / folded commercial heading letter A4 as printed matter, franked commercial meter stmp PRAGUE 024/ 8.6.53/ Technomat/ 15,oo; unusual, sound condition
Starting price: 800 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
---- CZK
261417 - 1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / Reg letter franked print
1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / Reg letter franked print meter stmp BRATISLAVA 1/ 4.VI.53/ 80,oo, arrival presentation cancel. Kanceláře president republic; cut Reg label, otherwise without defects, superb imprint of meter franking from Slovakia!
Starting price: 800 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
261829 - 1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / comp. 2 pcs of window env
1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / comp. 2 pcs of window envelopes franked/paid commercial print meter stmp, 1x commercial papers with meter stmp BRATISLAVA 1/ 15.6.53 / Hutný odbytový fold/ 10,oo and 1x printed matter with meter stmp BRATISLAVA 1/ 10.6.53/ GUMON n.p./ 20,oo, thin/light but well readable print; format 11x22cm, good condition
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
---- CZK
261416 - 1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / comp. 3 pcs of letters fr
1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / comp. 3 pcs of letters franked/paid commercial print meter stmp, 1x letter franked as letter in the place, meter stmp PRAGUE 1/ 6.6.53 / Chemapol/ 20,00 + 1x letter in the place franked as letter in/at other transport, meter stmp Prague 1/ 10.6.53/ Elektroodbyt/ 30,00 Koruna + 1x letter in/at other transport, meter stmp OSTRAVA 1/ 10.6.53/ 30,00; window envelopes, good condition
Starting price: 800 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
261414 - 1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / comp. 3 pcs of letters fr
1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / comp. 3 pcs of letters franked/paid print meter stmp, 1x printed matter with meter stmp PRAGUE 13/ 11.6.53 / 10,00; 1x postcard with meter stmp BANSKÁ BYSTRICA/ 8.6.53; 1x letter with meter stmp NÁCHOD 1/ 8.VI..53/ 30,00; quality print, 1 pcs of from Slovakia, sound condition
Starting price: 1 200 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
261415 - 1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / comp. 3 pcs of mailing fr
1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / comp. 3 pcs of mailing franked/paid print meter stmp, 1x postcard, meter stmp BRNO 12/ 8.6.53 / 15,00 + 1x commercial letter, meter stmp GOTTWALDOV 2/ 13.VI..53/ 30,00 + 1x Reg letter, meter stmp KRNOV 1/ 8.6.53; light but well readable print, 1x torn flap, good condition
Starting price: 800 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
261508 - 1953 POSTAL STATIONERY / envelope COB5, Gottwald 3Kčs reces
1953 POSTAL STATIONERY / envelope COB5, Gottwald 3Kčs recess printing to Mošnova, uprated by. Pofis. 721 (10x), CDS ŠTRAMBERK 5.VI.53, p.stat stamp. 3Kčs was not to postage započítána; good condition
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
261495 - 1953 DOPISNICE / comp. 5 pcs of, 1x without additional frank
1953 DOPISNICE / comp. 5 pcs of, 1x without additional franking + nezatížena postage-due + chybějících 27h paid cash + insufficiently paid/franked + right paid/franked + with multiple franking 15Kčs - printed stamp. nezapočítána; interesting set; good condition
Starting price: 900 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
261496 - 1953 DOPISNICE / comp. 5 pcs of, 1x without additional frank
1953 DOPISNICE / comp. 5 pcs of, 1x without additional franking + nezatížena postage-due + insufficiently paid/franked + right paid/franked + with multiple franking 15Kčs + overfranked about/by 2,50Kčs; good condition
Starting price: 700 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
261497 - 1953 DOPISNICE / comp. 9 pcs of with various mixed frankings
1953 DOPISNICE / comp. 9 pcs of with various mixed frankings postage and special stamps; interesting, sound condition
Starting price: 1 200 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
700 CZK
261811 - 1953 DOPISNICE / comp. 3 pcs of CDV Gottwald 1,50Kčs: 1x po
1953 DOPISNICE / comp. 3 pcs of CDV Gottwald 1,50Kčs: 1x podfrankovaná, CDS BOLETICE U ČESKÉHO KRUMLOVA 2.VI.53, 1x overfranked, CDS CHOTĚBOŘ 9.VI.53 and 1x used after validity, CDS LUŽE 25.VI.53, avizované postage due 60h wasn't chosen; good condition
Starting price: 600 CZK +16,7 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 700 CZK
---- CZK
261382 - 1953 FILATELISTICKÁ MAILING / Reg letter franked in front s
1953 FILATELISTICKÁ MAILING / Reg letter franked in front stamp. Pofis. 489KL, L31KH, L34(2x), 680(2x), on reverse DR3 and other 8 stamps, CDS PRAGUE 193/ 8.VI.53; good condition
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
261381 - 1953 PHILATELIC MAILING / comp. 5 pcs of dopisů: Reg letter
1953 PHILATELIC MAILING / comp. 5 pcs of dopisů: Reg letter, Sunday 7.VI., train post DĚČÍN-PRAHA, 7-barevná franking and 1x among others. with A719; usual quality
Starting price: 700 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
261384 - 1953 CURIOSITY / letter franked 5 years invalidated stamps P
1953 CURIOSITY / letter franked 5 years invalidated stamps Pof.422, 424 (3x), 427 + Pof.485 (2x), CDS BRATISLAVA 2/ 8.VI.53, delivering post burdened with postage-due, hand-made "Postage due 1.08Kčs/ paid cash" + signature, CDS PODĚBRADY 9.VI.53; fold, quite rare occurrence!
Starting price: 1 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
261768 - 1953 NOVA MĚNA / 1. DAY, letter addressed to Bratislava fra
1953 NOVA MĚNA / 1. DAY, letter addressed to Bratislava franked on reverse already invalidated stamp Pof.713 (10x), CDS LIPTOVSKÝ SVÄTÝ MIKULÁŠ 19.VI.53, postal-charge was/were akceptováno (!), thin/light print CDS; good condition
Starting price: 400 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
500 CZK
263131 - 1953 perforation hole MĚNOVÉ REFORMĚ / comp. 2 pcs of ent
1953 perforation hole MĚNOVÉ REFORMĚ / comp. 2 pcs of entires with multiple frankings posted after monetary reform, 1x letter with CDS TŘINEC 29.VI.53 - disallowed and burdened with postage-due + 1x postcard with CDS POLNÁ 14.?.53, franked with 3 pcs of stamp. 5Kčs in schodovité franking, Pof.483; good condition
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 500 CZK
800 CZK
261486 - 1953 PARCEL BILL / larger part of parcel card to parcel abou
1953 PARCEL BILL / larger part of parcel card to parcel about/by weight 5kg with stated valuable 1.000Kčs, multiple franking airmail stamps Pofis. L21, 2x in front and 8x on reverse, CDS BRNO 11/ 6.11.3, on reverse arrival HNOJNÍK 8.VI.53 + off. cancel. "Central school in/at Hnojníku"; thin/light print CDS Brno, otherwise sound condition
Starting price: 800 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 800 CZK
---- CZK
261373 - 1953 PARCEL BILL / larger part of parcel card for parcel wit
1953 PARCEL BILL / larger part of parcel card for parcel without udané price/-s, weight/scale 1,60kg, postal-charge 110Kčs, multiple franking stamp. Pof.521, 8x in front with CDS UHLÍŘSKÉ JANOVICE/ 1.VI.53 (!) and 3x on reverse without CDS, arrival postmark VACOV/ 3.VI.53; usage dispatch-notes from 1. of day is rare, good condition
Starting price: 900 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
1 600 CZK
260117 - 1953 PARCEL BILL / larger part of parcel card on/for valuabl
1953 PARCEL BILL / larger part of parcel card on/for valuable parcel C.O.D. (!), weight/scale 28,2kg, C.O.D. 300Kčs !, CDS RYCHNOV by/on/at JABLONCE n. N. 6.VI.53, arrival postmark VACOV 7.VI.53 (neděle!); usage dispatch-notes C.O.D. is quite rare, here for the first time in auction, sound condition
Starting price: 1 600 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 600 CZK
---- CZK
261374 - 1953 PARCEL BILL / larger part of parcel card on/for valuabl
1953 PARCEL BILL / larger part of parcel card on/for valuable parcel with valuable 500Kčs, weight/scale 2,50kg, postal-charge 160Kčs, multiple franking stamp. Pofis. 507, 6x in front and 14x on reverse, CDS VINAŘICE by/on/at KLADNA/ 9.VI.53, on reverse arrival Č. BUDĚJOVICE/ 10.VI.53 + straight line postmark "Posádková administration 26/ Č. Budějovice"; common condition
Starting price: 900 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
---- CZK
261482 - 1953 PRŮVODKY / two more/larger parts dispatch notes on/for
1953 PRŮVODKY / two more/larger parts dispatch notes on/for valuable parcel, 1x price 1.000CZK, weight/scale 15,8kg, CDS ŠLUKNOV 11.VI.53, cash paid, arrival postmark VACOV 12.VI.53 + 1x price 800CZK, weight/scale 2,40kg, with multiple franking Pof.521, 1x in front and 15x on reverse, CDS PETŘVALD in S. 11.VI.53; good condition
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
261485 - 1953 PRŮVODKY / comp. 2 pcs of smaller cut-squares from dis
1953 PRŮVODKY / comp. 2 pcs of smaller cut-squares from dispatch-notes from Slovenska: 1x for parcel without udané price/-s, franked Pof.489, 521 in front + 4x 489 on reverse, CDS BÁNOVCE above BEBRAVOU 4.VI.53 + 1x on/for valuable parcel with valuable 1.300Kčs, multiple franking Pof.489, 3x in front and 8x on reverse, CDS NOVÉ ZÁMKY 5.VI.53, 1 stamp. over margin; good condition
Starting price: 400 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
261484 - 1953 PRŮVODKY / comp. 5 pcs of variously franked/paid dispa
1953 PRŮVODKY / comp. 5 pcs of variously franked/paid dispatch-notes, 1x quite nevyplacena and nezatížena postage-due + 1x nevyplacena, avizované postage due "T" 3,20Kčs + 3,80 fee + 1x postal-charge 3.80Kčs paid cash + 1x postal-charge 2,20Kčs paid cash, redirected parcel + 1x paid stamp. Pof.489, 505, 507 in front + 10x 507 on reverse; good condition
Starting price: 700 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
261383 - 1953 SELECTION of /  comp. of 3 mailing from Slovakia, 1x po
1953 SELECTION of / comp. of 3 mailing from Slovakia, 1x postcard paid/franked krajovým blk-of-10 Pof.485, CDS BRATISLAVA 2/ 18.VI + 1x letter with Pof.721 (10x), CDS SENEC 18.VI.53 + 1x insufficiently franked letter from 1. of day, 4-coloured franking, CDS KOŠICE 2/ 1.VI.53, in the middle very vert. fold; good condition
Starting price: 700 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
261770 - 1953 SELECTION of / 10 pcs of entires  with mixed frankings
1953 SELECTION of / 10 pcs of entires with mixed frankings postage and special stmp., from that 1x Reg letter and 1x PC; small formats, good condition
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
500 CZK
261771 - 1953 SELECTION of / 11 pcs of letters with mixed frankings p
1953 SELECTION of / 11 pcs of letters with mixed frankings postage and special stmp., from that 1x Reg from small community STÁNÍ, 1x letter franked after/around 19.6. invalidated stamp. with railway pmk Košice - Žilina/ 967/ 24.VI.53 - without postage-due, 1x window envelope 11x22cm; good condition
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 500 CZK
800 CZK
256185 - 1953 SELECTION of / 7 pcs of letters, from that 3x as Regist
1953 SELECTION of / 7 pcs of letters, from that 3x as Registered, multiple franking stamp. Pof.487, 521, 666 and 725 with cancel. 2x from 1. VI. (!), 2x 3.VI. and 5.VI., 1x Reg letter with new also old currency, 2 pcs of philatelically ovlivněné letters; 1x more/larger envelope, good condition
Starting price: 800 CZK
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 800 CZK
1 300 CZK
261830 - 1953 [COLLECTIONS]  VELKÉ FORMÁTY /  selection of 25 pcs o
1953 [COLLECTIONS] VELKÉ FORMÁTY / selection of 25 pcs of letters with various combinations vícenásobných also mixed frankings postage and special stamps, from that 13x as Reg letter, major-part format 17x25cm, several less usual tarifů + supplemented with several pieces envelopes in worse quality; various quality
Starting price: 600 CZK +116,7 %
U:O4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 300 CZK
500 CZK
263130 - 1950 MIKULOV N./M. / envelope incl. pre-printed letter paper
1950 MIKULOV N./M. / envelope incl. pre-printed letter paper Trestní institution in/at Mikulově in Moravia, with 3Kčs with CDS MIKULOV N./M. 11.XII.50; good condition
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 500 CZK
---- CZK
1948 CHESS / XX. JUBILEJNÝ SJAZD ČS. ŠACHISTOV BRATISLAVA, Un official postcard with mounted stamp. and 2 advertising labels and 2 print special postmark BRATISLAVA 16.VIII.48 in/at orange color; bend in corner, otherwise nice good condition
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
600 CZK
256895 - 1968 POSTERS / PRAGA 1968 / comp. of 2 promotional posters t
1968 POSTERS / PRAGA 1968 / comp. of 2 promotional posters to/at World philatelic exhibition PRAGA ´68, size 82x58cm; small tearing, overall but good condition, interesting
Starting price: 500 CZK +20,0 %
U:A3s| | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 600 CZK
600 CZK
262012 - 1945 CDV73, Košice-issue light green, posting special postm
1945 CDV73, Košice-issue light green, posting special postmark KOŠICE - NÁVRAT PREZIDENTA REPUBLIKY plate variety VLASTI 3.IV.45 + certificate of mailing for telegram CPL4, Košice-issue, CDS SPIŠSKÉ POHRADIE 10.XI.45; CPL folded and slightly pulled up margin, otherwise well preserved
Starting price: 600 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 600 CZK
600 CZK
262308 - 1946 UPRCHLICKÝ TÁBOR  EL-SHATT / CDV73, Košice-issue lig
1946 UPRCHLICKÝ TÁBOR EL-SHATT / CDV73, Košice-issue light green, uprated with stamp London-issue and Portraits on/for 9,60Kčs, sent by air mail to Egypt on/for obyvatele refugee camp el-Shatt on/for Sinaji (zřízen Brity for uprchlíky especially from occupied Croatia), CDS PARDUBICE 2/ 7.I.46, on reverse arrival postmarkl CAIRO 18.JAN.1945, recipient not found and sent back; good condition, interesting destination
Starting price: 600 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 600 CZK
800 CZK
259633 - 1949 CDV95/A(3), PC 30. years Czechosl. post. stamp. with of
1949 CDV95/A(3), PC 30. years Czechosl. post. stamp. with official additional-printing exhibition PRAGA 1950, French variety 1. issue, addressed to to Finland, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 19.VIII.49; without defects, rare usage esp. really Us PC abroad!
Starting price: 700 CZK +14,3 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 800 CZK
---- CZK
260815 - 1949 CDV95A/(1), off. additional printing to stamp exhibitio
1949 CDV95A/(1), off. additional printing to stamp exhibition PRAGA 1950, 1. issue, English text, comp. 3 pcs of; very fine
Starting price: 1 300 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
700 CZK
262849 - 1982-1986 CSO2, 3Pa, 4, comp. 3 pcs of Un off. envelopes + 2
1982-1986 CSO2, 3Pa, 4, comp. 3 pcs of Un off. envelopes + 2x incl. P.F. with signatures Chalupa; c.v.. 7.500CZK
Starting price: 700 CZK
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 700 CZK
5 500 CZK
261388 - 1945 CPL4a production flaw, Košice-issue, dark olivovově g
1945 CPL4a production flaw, Košice-issue, dark olivovově green, card with production flaw - significant incomplete-printing part/-s picture overlapping also through/over ¼ stamp., způsobený vniknutím foreign tělesa (evidently paper) on/for print válec near/in/at print; very fine, very interesting and decorative, published in/at časopise Slovak philatelist 6/1947 (article including), on reverse mark Hoza (discoverer printing error), exceptional!
Starting price: 3 400 CZK +61,8 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 5 500 CZK
600 CZK
262681 - 1945 CPA2.2B, Hlinka 50h, hand-made violet overprint ČESKOS
1945 CPA2.2B, Hlinka 50h, hand-made violet overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, unused, undetached, folded in perforation; good condition
Starting price: 600 CZK
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 600 CZK
---- CZK
262680 - 1945 CPA2.3B, Hlinka 50h, hand-made red Opt ČESKOSLOVENSKO,
1945 CPA2.3B, Hlinka 50h, hand-made red Opt ČESKOSLOVENSKO, unused, undetached, folded in perforation; good condition
Starting price: 700 CZK
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
---- CZK
262678 - 1945 CPV13.3Aa, Hlinka 80h, black machine overprint ČESKOSL
1945 CPV13.3Aa, Hlinka 80h, black machine overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, undetached, folded, pin hole printed on reverse; without defects
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
---- CZK
262677 - 1945 CPV13.3Bb, Hlinka 80h, violet hand overprint ČESKOSLOV
1945 CPV13.3Bb, Hlinka 80h, violet hand overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, complete, undetached and in/at pin hole unfolded, pin hole printed on face-side; without defects
Starting price: 700 CZK
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
---- CZK
261225 - 1953 CPV20b, Numerals in/at ornament 2,80Kčs, date of print
1953 CPV20b, Numerals in/at ornament 2,80Kčs, date of printing 19..., complete UPOTŘEBENÁ order card, light imprint of daily postmark PROSEČ U SKUTČE 16.X.67; good condition, very rare, complete upotřebené piece occur quite exceptionally!
Starting price: 1 000 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
---- CZK
261584 - 1946 CMO8a, two international odpovědky 5 Koruna, both Czec
1946 CMO8a, two international odpovědky 5 Koruna, both Czech text, various shade blue color, both with CDS PLZEŇ 1; without fold and damage
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
---- CZK
261231 - 1945 CDV76, PC Linden Leaves 60h blue, comp. 4 pcs of Un PC
1945 CDV76, PC Linden Leaves 60h blue, comp. 4 pcs of Un PC with added-print, 1945/9 2 pcs of, 1945/11, 1945/15, all with special postmark; good condition
Starting price: 500 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
400 CZK
256616 - 1945 CDV76, comp. 3 pcs of PC Linden Leaves 60h blue with pr
1945 CDV76, comp. 3 pcs of PC Linden Leaves 60h blue with private additional-printing 2 pcs of Visit Gen. D. D. Eisenhower in Prague, 1945/9, 1 pcs of Memory Czechosl. pilots 1945/10, all Un with special postmark; good condition
Starting price: 400 CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 400 CZK
1 000 CZK
260867 - 1945 OVERPRINT ČESKOSLOVENSKO / comp. 13 pcs of mainly Un p
1945 OVERPRINT ČESKOSLOVENSKO / comp. 13 pcs of mainly Un p.stat, especially PC, all with red or blue overprint; very nice quality
Starting price: 500 CZK +100,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 000 CZK
---- CZK
261393 - 1945-1950 [COLLECTIONS]  SELECTION of / contains complete CD
1945-1950 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of / contains complete CDV87, 88, 89, 90B, 97, + CPH1, 2; in/at original distribučních envelopes, envelope/-s damaged, cards but very fine, c.v.. ca. 1.800CZK
Starting price: 400 CZK
U:K | LiveBidding: Saturday | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
37 000 CZK
262494 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  SPECIALIZACE / very interesting, wi
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / very interesting, wide and carefully vedená specialized collection with much duplication, zaměřená except general collection especially on/for types, shades, plate variety (for example. Pof.2397 48/1, 2422 40/1...), ST (Pof.1519, 1570, 2452), plate variety, omitted perforation hole, production flaw, then plate mark, plate number (for example. London-issue, Newspaper stamps), coupons, gutter-pair, dates of print from 50. years, souvenir sheets (i.a. 2x ** miniature sheet Bratislava 1952), PB (incl. I. Art also with plate variety "slza"), papers incl. better etc..; mainly very nice quality, on album sheets with podrobnými descriptions, high c.v.., value but spočívá also in one's own research, suitable to other elaboration or to continuation, placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
Starting price: 25 000 CZK +48,0 %
U:IK | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 37 000 CZK
3 200 CZK
260834 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  PARTIE / stamp. from uvedeného per
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] PARTIE / stamp. from uvedeného period, contains collection to year 1954 on/for labels in spring folder (for example. coupons St. Vojtěch), následujcí period on hingeless sheets and from year 1970 annual volumes scattered stamp. in/at envelopes + selection of various bloks of four from beginning 50. years and příslušných FDC on stock-sheets, contains i.a. souvenir sheets Kosice - "paw", 2x PRAGA 1950, cancel. Bratislava 1952, PRAGA 1962 - "linen" (viewing of quality recommended), Pof.545 plate variety 17/, 543 plate variety 41 and 543 with 2x omitted perforation hole, miniature sheet A2667 according to MS pos., 7 complete counter sheet advertising labels PRAGA 1978, supplemented with about/by group of first day sheets Czechoslovakia 1949-1992; various quality, we advice důkladnou examination
Starting price: 3 000 CZK +6,7 %
U:K | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 3 200 CZK
3 200 CZK
260804 - 1945-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  GENERAL / basic collection in 8 sto
1945-2000 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / basic collection in 8 stockbooks A4, i.a. vertical 2-stamps. Košice gutter, coupons, souvenir sheets etc.., supplemented with about/by duplication in 3 various stockbooks, first day and commemorative sheets and stockbook A4 with cancel. also several neupotřebenými stamp. Czech Republic and Slovakia after/around year 1993; various quality, viewing of quality recommended (signs of storage), all in middle box
Starting price: 1 500 CZK +113,3 %
U:K | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 3 200 CZK
6 500 CZK
259851 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  DESKOVÉ A TISKOVÉ VADY / speciali
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] DESKOVÉ A TISKOVÉ VADY / specialized collection in/at 32-stránkovém stockbook A4, contains c.v.. also uncatalogued plate variety, plate variety, flaw print, color shades, various editions etc.., all carefully described, zahrnuje own výzkum, included to sum only c.v.. item/-s, other without ohledu on/for curiosity only after/behind price normálních stamp., suitable to continuation or other sale, c.v. 16.445Kč
Starting price: 4 000 CZK +62,5 %
U:Z | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 6 500 CZK
2 200 CZK
263710 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  VÍCEBLOKY / selection of corner bl
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] VÍCEBLOKY / selection of corner blk-of-4 also larger parts of sheets, all sets also single values, can be oddělit 225 corner blk-of-4; placed in full 32-stránkovém stockbook A4, very nice research material, c.v.. single stamp. 3.120Kč, like that value significantly more/larger
Starting price: 1 400 CZK +57,1 %
U:Z | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 200 CZK