1952-1992 [COLLECTIONS] DATATISKU / collection in/at 16-stránkovém stockbook A4, total 120 date, mostly in blocks, any other one, from that 35 date on/for postage stmp (from postal transport, much sought reprints) and 6 date on/for postage-due (mostly dotisky), contains i.a. also Pof.680, Jirásek 2Kčs, surplus print 25.XI.52 with changed location date, or Pof.2938, John Paul II. with big also small perforation hole (small perforation hole only part one of day); cat. only single stamp. without date 3.790Kč, like that value multiply more/larger
Starting price: 2 000CZK+10,0 %
U:Z | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 200 CZK
5 000CZK
1953-1964 [COLLECTIONS] DVOJPÁSKY / collection of stamps from uvedeného period, mostly in pairs, often marginal or corner, contains also various shades, dates of print and oths., incl. some miniature sheets, stamp. postage-due, official, air-mail etc..; placed in full 24-stránkovém stockbook A4, mainly very nice quality, cat. only as single stamp. according to owner 12.686Kč
Starting price: 4 000CZK+25,0 %
U:Z | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 5 000 CZK
1 700CZK
1965-1992 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of PB, ARŠÍKŮ, BLOKŮ A ZNÁMKOVÝCHSEŠITKŮ / selection of lot of PB issue Art, Prague castle, souvenir sheets, blocks of stamps various issue, then several pieces private stamp booklets from y. 1990 - 1992 as World Exhibition dogs Brno 90, 150 years post. stamps Brno 1990, Námětová philately Brno 1991 etc.., supplemented with příměsí stamps and miniature sheets abroad with various motives; detached/free placed in box with lid, suitable to other elaboration, estate
Starting price: 1 000CZK+70,0 %
U:K | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 700 CZK
6 000CZK
1968-1992 COLLECTIONS] PŘEPÁŽKOVÉ SHEETS / selection unused PB in 4 stockbooks, i.a. I. art, part more times, supplemented with about/by souvenir sheets (i.a. 1x Bratislava ´52), special commemorative print etc..; minor faults, overall good quality
Starting price: 3 000CZK+100,0 %
U:Z | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 6 000 CZK
[COLLECTIONS] FOREIGN DISPATCH NOTES / 28 pcs of dispatch-notes to zásilkám to Czechoslovakia with customs deklarací and fee paid Czechosl. postage stamp., mailing from countries as Switzerland, Syria, Italy, Germany, Bulgaria, Lybie, Israel, Argentina, New Zealand, Kuba etc..; placed in transparent covers A4 in spiral folder
Starting price: 500CZK+20,0 %
U:Z | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 600 CZK
2 200CZK
1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / collection of ca. 100 pcs of various entires, contains i.a. provisory from year 1945, 2x letter franked with. Košice stamp. from that 1x R, entires addressed to to prisons, special postmark in red color SVOBODNÁ SUŠICE 5.V.45, railway pmk., machine slogan pmk, letter franked with. cut-squares from CDV Novotný 30h, blank form/-s, dispatch-note, supplemented with first day sheets from year 1953 etc..; various quality, estate, interesting
Starting price: 1 000CZK+120,0 %
U:K | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 200 CZK
3 600CZK
1945-2020 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI, FDC / selection of several hundreds entires, contains from larger part FDC from 50. and 60. years, private also commercial correspondence, part as Registered, part mailing abroad, surtax, part correspondence from period of Czech Republic etc..; various quality, total 4kg of material, placed in box with lid