1949 postal-agency MEDZIBROD (ONDREJ above H.) (Gebauer. 2216), cancel. No. 4. - airmail letter from USA franked with. 2x 15c, CDS TACOMA11.APR.49, CDS HÁJNIKY 27.IV.1949 and postal agency pmk Medzibrod above H. / (St. Ondrej above H.) as arrival - light imprint, open customs control, on reverse cancel. "D. K. / Bratislava 2", redirected to Bohemia, arrival postmark DUBÍ in/at Krušných H./ 29.IV.49; rare entire with postal agency pmk.!, signs of usage
1948FISKÁL / bill issued in 1948 company Intercontinentale Inc., Prague I. with mounted revenue 50h issue 1947 (year uvedený on/for revenue 1938), with perfin Var.2 (anchor); rare occurrence revenue with perfin after/around year 1945!, only in/at the bottom třetině thin/light fold, otherwise perfect condition
1968SUEZ / letter to Bratislava from Egypt from Czechosl. ship M/S LEDNICE uvízlé in/at Suezském canal, mounted advertising ship label, franked with. egyptskými stamp., print lodních postmarks, CDS PORT TAWFIQ18.MA.68; good condition
1946-1949 RETURN - ODESÍLATELI FOR NEDOVOLENÝVÝVOZ / comp. 3 pcs of entires addressed abroad, officially otevřených and returned back, 1x as Registered, 2x Flight, mounted card, stick-on label with official postmarks or label; good condition
1947-1992 [COLLECTIONS] solidně contains collection Czechoslovakia, incl. FDC from good 50. and 60. years, much hundreds pieces; various quality, mainly but nice, part Us, placed in filled box
1953 1. DAY / commercial letter above 20 g, right franked according to rate platného from 1.6.53 multiple franking 20 pcs of special stmp Pof.713 on front also back side, CDS ZÁBŘEH 1/ 1.VI.53, format 16x22,5cm; good condition, sought rate 60Kčs!
1953 1. DAY / Registered and Express letter franked with. 30 pcs of stamp. Gottwald 5Kčs Pof.488 and 20 pcs of stamp. Wolker 4Kčs, Pof.506, CDS PRAGUE 022/ 1.VI.53; good condition, Ex and registered letters from 1. of day are rare!
1953 postcard to abroad philatelically influenced postcard addressed to Brit. zone of Germany, with mixed franking Pofis. L22, 505, 539, 608, 636, 704 and 514 (4 years neplatná!), postal-charge 30Kčs, CDS OSTRAVA 1/ 18.VI.53, control cancel. from same of day + signature; interesting destination, sound condition, ex J. Dvořák
1953 LETTER plate variety CIZINY / letter to 20g addressed to to Austria, franked cash (!), hand-made "Cash paid No. 173", CDS CHOTĚBOŘ 8.VI.53 and signature + cancel. Austrian censorship; good condition, usage letters abroad franked/paid cash is rather rare!
1953 LETTER plate variety CIZINY / airmail letter to Bulgaria franked 26 pcs of postage and special stmp on both sides, CDS MARIÁNSKÉ LÁZNĚ 8.VI.53, arrival postmarkl SOFIA on reverse badly readable, postal-charge 61,50Kčs is not equal rate; signs of usage, after all interesting, sought evropská destination!
1953DOPORUČENÉ LETTERS - SLOVAKIA / comp. 3 pcs of Reg letters from Slovakia with multiple frankings Pof.488, CDS ŠAFÁRIKOVO 8.VI.53, Pof.489 + CDS KYSUCKÉ NOVÉ MESTO 12.VI.53 + Pof.726 with CDS LUČENEC 6.VI.53, 2 pcs of addressed to Kanceláři president republic; 2x partially torn off R nálepka
1953DOPORUČENÉ LETTERS - SLOVAKIA / comp. 3 pcs of Reg letters from Slovakia, private also commercial correspondence, various mixed franking, CDS BRATISLAVA, ČADCA and RAJEC N. RAJČANKOU; good condition
1953POŠTOVNÉ 30Kčs - SLOVAKIA / Reg letter franked stamp. Pof.507 according to rate platného to 31.5., CDS KOŠICE 4/ 2.VI.53, chybělo72Kčs!, postage due isn't marked and evidently in relation to name addressee wasn't neither chosen, cancel. Kanceláře president 6.6.53; from Slovakia rare, incomplete imprint of daily postmark, otherwise sound condition
1953CENNÉPSANÍ / with stated valuable 2.062,60Kč in new currency, form/blank envelope, in/at rozporu with regulations paid on reverse krajovým10-blokem(!) and str-of-3 airmail stamps Pofis. L21 + Pofis. 646 and 666, CDS STRÁŽNICE/ 12.VI.53, postal-charge 220Kčs, on reverse 4 complete seal and 2-lines cancel. "Look! on/for škůdce forest/ 3400/7973/12468"; money letter with like that unusual stated valuable is exceptional!, rare rate, sound condition, on request exp. by Drazan
1953 DOPLATNÉ (due) 54 Koruna / letter addressed to to Prague franked else/yet according to rate before/(in front of) money reform stamp. Gottwald 3Kčs, Pof.487II, CDS ZNOJMO 2.VI.53, chybělo27Kčs, avizované postage due "T 1.08" (= 54 Koruna) paid/franked 27x stamp. Postage due stmp 2Kčs, Pof.D77, on both sides, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 4.VI.53; good condition
1953DOPORUČENÉ LETTERS / comp. 10 pcs of Reg letters, various mixed franking special and postage stmp, commercial also private correspondence, among others. 1x from small community Tichá; good condition
1953NEDOSTATEČNĚVYPLACENÁ MAILING / commercial window envelope with Pof.705, CDS PÍSEK 3.VI.53, delivering post burdened by postage-due 54 Koruna, place postage-due stamp. was/were paid/franked meter stmp BRATISLAVA 1/ 54,oo/ 5.VI.53 - thin/light, but well readable print; format 11x22cm, quite exceptional way inkasování postage-due!, sought by specialists, good condition
1953 POSTE RESTANTE / letter sent to post off. Prague Jindřišská street., franked stamp. Pof.489, 521, 672, posting MC PRAGUE 025/ 8.VI.53, on reverse arrival PRAGUE 1/ 9.VI.53, mailing in stanovenélhůtěnevyzvednuta, label "Unclaimed", date stamp 25.VI.1953, other CDS PRAGUE 1/ 26.VI. on reverse and 13.VII. in front; good condition, mailing poste restante from period of monetary reform are rare!
1953POŠTOVNÉPAUŠALOVÁNO / two commercial letters, both wasn't allowed paušalované postal-charge, again paid mnohonásobnými frankings, 1x stamp. Pof.717 4x in front and 16x on reverse, CDS ČESKÝ TĚŠÍN/ 2.VI.53, common format + 1x letter with Pof.679 (20x) on reverse, CDS ŠUMNÁ 9.VI.53, format 22x11 cm; during 1. days neměly post offices no instruction as these mailing posuzovat, after/around more than 5 days mistake post; good condition, window envelopes, interesting
1953POŠTOVNÉPAUŠALOVÁNO / larger part of parcel card in/at rose color with sale price 10h and with pre-printed text "Postage averaged", CDS PRAGUE 022/ 11.VI.53, additional cancel. "P". Without vyplněného data about/by price mailing, weight/scale 1kg, statement "Charges near/in/at delivery" with dopsanou amount 60h, on reverse 2x arrival postmark VACOV/ 12.VI.53, sender Publikační institution ministry of Internal Affairs; good condition, usage larger parts parcel cards with averaged postage exceptional!
1953POŠTOVNÉÚVĚROVÁNO / Reg letter, window commercial envelope with additional-printing Postage credited, which/what posting post wasn't akceptováno, mailing again paid, hand-made "franked/paid in/at hot./ No. 3/ 1,60Kčs" + signature, CDS KUTNÁ HORA 3/ 12.VI.53!, on reverse arrival OSTRAVA 10/ 13.VI.53; minor faults in margin, good condition and definitely interesting, rare usage!
1953UKÁZKA ZBOŽÍ / sáčková envelope paid/franked on reverse Pof.488 + corner blk-of-10 Pof.716, MC PRAGUE 025/ 8.VI.53; envelope light wrinkled, otherwise good condition, quite exceptional mailing, here for the first time in auction!
1953ZAJÍMAVÉ MAILING / comp. of 3 letters, 1x right franked letter stamp. Pof.485 (20x) on reverse, place CDS cancelled red color, on face-side double imprint of daily postmark ŘÍČANY by/on/at PRAHY 1/ 10.VI.53, wrong avizované postage due 1,20Kčs + 1x commercial Reg letter, hand-made "fee paid cash" 1.60Kčs and signature, CDS VEŘOVICE 5.VI.53, provisional registry label, (on/for mailings from monetary reform are rare) + 1x right franked letter sent to Krajské military headquarters in Plzen, window envelope with mixed franking Pofis. L23, 722 (2x), worse clear pmk ROKYCANY 15.VI.53, letter again paid, straight line postmark "Paid cash" and hand-made "60", envelope L cut; as multiple good condition
1953POŠTOVNÉZAPLACENO V HOTOVOSTI / comp. 3 pcs of entires, 1x postcard with atypical cancel. PAID/ 15.VI., used only on/for p. ú. KLÁNOVICE + 1x postcard with sought special postmark FRANTIŠKOVY LÁZNĚ/ Labour Union Recreation/ Radostnýoddechpracujících, with wrong set up date 8.IV.53 + 1x letter franked valid stamp. Pof.713 (2x), franking disallowed and consequently akceptována (!), CDS JABLONEC above N. 11.VI.53, framed pmk "Taxe percue", hand-made 48 (hellers) + signature - quite rare; good condition
1953 MAILING VYPLACENÉ V HOTOVOSTI / comp. 10 pcs of entires with various variants přídavných postmarks, 5x postcard, 2x letter, 2x Reg letter and Express letter from Sunday 14.VI.53, private correspondence; good condition
1953 MAILING VYPLACENÉ V HOTOVOSTI / comp. of 5 various sorts zásilek: postcard, letter and larger part of parcel card with rukopisnými notices "Paid in cash", "Zapl. 60" and "franked/paid cash 1.60Kčs", Express letter "V cash 2.20/ p. No. 128" and Reg letter with cancel. "TAXE PERCUE/ Koruna ....." and district raz."246/32 (cut envelope); good condition
1953MNOHONÁSOBNÁFRANKATURA / front side express mailing paid/franked 16 pcs of overprint airmail stamps Pof.L30, pair + 6- and block of 8, CDS PRAGUE 022/ 16.VI.53, size ca. 16x23cm; exceptional franking!
1953SCHODOVITÁFRANKATURA / Reg letter to Humpolec franked on both sides special stamp. Pofis. 707, 708, 720 and 724 in 6 lines schodovitých frankings (!) + Pof.489 (3x), with incomplete print posting CDS PÍSEK 1/ 4.VI.53; lightly but well readable address, light wrinkled envelope; quite exceptional offer, in/at this variant first-time in/at jakékoliv auction, good condition, on request exp. Dražan
1953SMÍŠENÉFRANKATURY / comp. 9 pcs of various zásilek: printed matter, obch. papers, PC, pictorial PC, postcard, letter in the place, letter in/at other transport, Reg letter and Express letter; right paid/franked mailing with common postage and special stamp.; good condition
1953VÍCENÁSOBNÉFRANKATURY / comp. 10 pcs of letters franked/paid stamp. Pofis. 485(2x), 487II.(2x), 488, 502!, 521, 666(2x) and 718, private also commercial correspondence, from that 1x Printed matter, 1x letter returned sender; well zachovalé
1953VÍCENÁSOBNÉFRANKATURY / comp. 10 pcs of letters, from that 4x as Registered, franked/paid among others. stamp. Pof.488(16x), 505(15), 506(18), 507(10), 666(10), 666(15), 696(20) and 705(10), from that 9 pcs of commercial correspondence, part oblong and more/larger envelope/-s; good condition
1953VÍCENÁSOBNÉFRANKATURY / comp. 2 pcs of entires right franked/paid postage stamp. Pof.521, 1x Express letter, CDS LOMNICE by/on/at RÝMAŘOVA 5.VI.53, express mailing are rare + 1x Reg letter, CDS BŘECLAV 2/ 6.VI.53, recipient Závodní organization Communist Party of Czechoslovakia/ Rolnicko-vinařská school Valtice, sender Aparát OV Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in/at Břeclav; interesting contemporary document, good condition