1945 CDV73, Košice-issue light green, posting special postmark KOŠICE - NÁVRATPREZIDENTAREPUBLIKY plate variety VLASTI 3.IV.45 + certificate of mailing for telegram CPL4, Košice-issue, CDS SPIŠSKÉ POHRADIE 10.XI.45; CPL folded and slightly pulled up margin, otherwise well preserved
1946UPRCHLICKÝ TÁBOR EL-SHATT / CDV73, Košice-issue light green, uprated with stamp London-issue and Portraits on/for 9,60Kčs, sent by air mail to Egypt on/for obyvatele refugee camp el-Shatt on/for Sinaji (zřízenBrity for uprchlíky especially from occupied Croatia), CDS PARDUBICE 2/ 7.I.46, on reverse arrival postmarkl CAIRO 18.JAN.1945, recipient not found and sent back; good condition, interesting destination
1949CDV95/A(3), PC 30. years Czechosl. post. stamp. with official additional-printing exhibition PRAGA 1950, French variety 1. issue, addressed to to Finland, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 19.VIII.49; without defects, rare usage esp. really Us PC abroad!
1945 CPL4a production flaw, Košice-issue, dark olivovově green, card with production flaw - significant incomplete-printing part/-s picture overlapping also through/over ¼ stamp., způsobenývniknutím foreign tělesa (evidently paper) on/for print válec near/in/at print; very fine, very interesting and decorative, published in/at časopise Slovak philatelist 6/1947 (article including), on reverse mark Hoza (discoverer printing error), exceptional!
1953CPV20b, Numerals in/at ornament 2,80Kčs, date of printing 19..., complete UPOTŘEBENÁ order card, light imprint of daily postmark PROSEČ U SKUTČE 16.X.67; good condition, very rare, complete upotřebené piece occur quite exceptionally!
1945 CDV76, PC Linden Leaves 60h blue, comp. 4 pcs of Un PC with added-print, 1945/9 2 pcs of, 1945/11, 1945/15, all with special postmark; good condition
1945 CDV76, comp. 3 pcs of PC Linden Leaves 60h blue with private additional-printing 2 pcs of Visit Gen. D. D. Eisenhower in Prague, 1945/9, 1 pcs of Memory Czechosl. pilots 1945/10, all Un with special postmark; good condition