1920 CPP3A, whole Us parcel card Hradčany 10h blue with production flaw - significant shifted print (!) blank form/-s on face-side, uprated with stamp issue Agriculture and Science 300h red, CDS LITOVEL 22.XI.20; without defects, quite rare occurrence!
1920 SLOVAKIA / CPP2C, whole Us dispatch-note with printed stmp Hradčany 10h blue in Slovak variety for parcel in/at price 500CZK, richly franked on both sides 30 pcs of (!) stamp. issue Hradčany 15h, Pof.7A, supplemented with 2 pcs of stamp. 10h red, CDS NAGYMAGYAR 920 Mar.8. (Zlaté Klasy), delivering fee paid by due stmp 10h with arrival CDS NAGYMEGYER 920 Mar.10. (Big Meder); good condition, vertical fold, margins in perforation near/in/at posting, rare Slovak variety post. dispatch-note with quite unique franking Hradcany-issue 15-haléřových stamps!
1921 CPP13, whole international parcel card on/for mailing to Switzerland, with Hradčany 1000h violet Pof.26, CDS BOR U ČESKÉ LÍPY 24.II.21, on reverse arrival postmark MEIRINGEN 9.III.21; without folds, very fine piece, entires with koncovou value Hradčany are sought!
1922-1928 CPP14 + CPP16, comp. 3 pcs of whole Us international dispatch notes addressed to Denmark, 2 pcs of with printed stmp Hradčany 10h franked/paid cash, CDS KARLOVY VARY and JABLONEC N. N. + 1x dispatch note with revenue 50h incl. original customs prohlášky, with CDS DOBKOVICE U PODMOKEL; good condition