1927-1928 BEZRUČ Peter (1867-1958), one's own name Vladimír Vašek, important Czech poet, comp. of 5 handwritten written letters and Ppc with signatures, incl. 1 original envelope/-s; sound condition, sought
1846KOLLÁR Ján (1793 - 1852), poet, jazykovědec, historian and evangelic priest Slovak origin píšící Czech language, one of important personalities Czech and Slovak national obrození, i.a. author product Slávy daughter; handwritten folded letter with signature, sent to important Czech jazykovědce Alois Vojtěch Šemberu (1807-1882), interesting text; good condition and exceedingly rare and sought manuscript one from best known personalities national obrození!
1922KUKUČÍN Martin (one's own name MatejBencúr, 1860-1928), Slovak spisovatel-prozaik, dramatist and publicist, nejvýznamnější representative Slovak literárníhorealismu, founder modern Slovak prózy; handwritten 10-řádkovýprozaický text with signature and datací; rare
1900MRŠTÍK William (1863-1912), important Czech writer, dramatist (Maryša), translator; handwritten 6-řádkový letter with signature; Mrštíkovyrukopisy are sought
1970 SEIFERT Jaroslav (1901–1986), Czech poet, writer, journalist and translator, Nobel laureate after/behind literature (1984); autograph on portrait B/W photograph; decorative
1978 SEIFERT Jaroslav (1901–1986), Czech poet, writer, journalist and translator, Nobel laureate after/behind literature (1984); autograph with dedication and datací in/at author collection poems "Maminka"; very nice good condition
SIMENONGeorges (1903–1989), belgický writer detektivních novels, creator of commissioner Maigreta, photo postcard format with dedication and signature; good condition
1871 SVĚTLÁ Karolína (one's own name JohanaRottová) (1830-1899), Czech authoress, představitelkageneracemájovcůpovažována after/behind zakladatelku Czech vesnickéhorománu, handwritten pages letter with signature "Mužáková"; supplemented with about/by cabinet card, rare and sought!
1900 VRCHLICKÝ Jaroslav (one's own name Emil Bohuslav Frída, 1853–1912), slavný Czech writer, poet, translator, politician; handwritten 2-page letter with signature and datací