1904 ALEŠ Mikoláš (1852–1913), important Czech painter and illustrator, handwritten written congratulation on reverse his/her/its visiting cards with signature and datací; sound condition, sought
1900FIBICH Zdeněk (1850-1900), one from greatest Czech musical skladatelů, after/around Smetanovi and Dvořákovinejvýznamnější Czech composer other middle 19. century, representative romantismu; autograph "Zd. Fibich" on/for invoice for release honoráře after/behind arrangement operety "Fatinica"; very fine, Fibichovy signatures are rare and on/for market occur only rarely!
1926 KALVODA Alois (1875-1934), important Czech impresionistický painter, disciple JuliaMařáka, handwritten text with whole signature and datací, uvedený handwritten signed perokresbou country with břízami; nice good condition, decorative
1968 LHOTÁK Kamil (1912–1990), Czech painter, graphic artist and illustrator, one from zakládajících members Skupiny 42, autograph on author grafice with emblematickým motive míče and kuželu; very fine, decorative
1938MARTINŮ Bohuslav (1890-1959), světověproslulý composer, representative moderny, autograph with part of partitury and datací on card on/for autographs; exceedingly decorative, very rare and hard dostupný manuscript, often missing in collections!
1936 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), světoznámý Czech painter, autograph on postcard sent from Paris to Prague, with text written Muchovou wife MariíUchytilovou-Muchovou; overall good condition and sought
1907NEDBAL Oscar (1874-1930), světoznámý Czech composer, conductor and violista, handwritten 4-page letter with signature (interesting text) + supplemented with about/by B/W portrait photo postcard without signature; good condition, sought
1911SUK Joseph (1874-1935), important Czech composer, violinist and pedagogue, disciple and zeť Anthony Dvořáka, congratulatory card with 2-lines přípisem and signature with datací; decorative
1900SUK Joseph (1874-1935), important Czech composer, violinist and pedagogue, disciple and zeť Anthony Dvořáka; handwritten celostránkový text with whole signature; good condition, decorative and rare
1917 ŠIMON Francis Tavík (1877-1942), important Czech painter, graphic artist, dřevorytec, pedagogue on/for Academy creative art in Prague, handwritten letter with signature; only folded
1927ŠPÁLA Wenceslas (1885–1946), important Czech painter, graphic artist and illustrator, handwritten 3-stránkový letter with signature, incl. envelope/-s; nice good condition
1944 ŠVABINSKÝ Max (1873–1962), Czech painter and illustrator, handwritten text on/for Un author postcard, on/for front face autograph with printings two motýlů; on the reverse side hint of adjustaci, otherwise very fine, decorative