1939-1942 comp. 4 pcs of identification entires with perfins, Mng.K19, letter from y 1939 with mixed franking with perfin "KBD" f. Charles Bohdan David, Prague + Mng.A12, PC from y 1941 with perfin "A. D." f. Co-operation Manager (original owner A. Dadák), Milotice on/for B. + Mng.M18, letter from y 1941 with perfin "MFS" f. M. Fischla sons + Mng.Ř1, letter from y 1942 with perfin "Ř-Š" f. Řivnáč & Šula, Prague; good stav
Starting price: 700 CZK +14,3 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday