Pof.RV43-57, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint), almost complete basic set Crown, Charles and Coat of arms (without values 60h and 90h); various quality, part mint never hinged, sporadically defects, viewing of quality recommended, all exp. Vrba
Pof.3 flaw print, 5h light green, comp. 3 pcs of stamp. with production flaw "airship" - stain after/around cizímtělísku on/for plate + light and dark variant printing defects on pos. 46/1; mint never hinged
Pof.3 flaw print, 5h light green, selection of horiz. pairs and vertical str-of-3 with margin and with production flaw "airship" - light and dark variant flaw print on pos. 27/2; mint never hinged, only str-of-3 hinged in margin
SELECTION of / imperforated stmp 5h light green (horizontal pair), 5h blue-green and 10h red, all on thick paper (all exp. Vrba) + also with 75h grey-green on thin paper; part mint never hinged
Pof.4Na, 5h dark blue-green with lower margin with control-numbers; label on/for upper pair stamps, exp. Vrba, rare usage bloks of four with control-numbers this shade
Pof.7, 15h bricky red, retouch 5. spiral + subtype II. spiral type, according to Monograph IIf, pos. 36/2; mint never hinged, vertical fold between stamp.
Pof.7, 15h bricky red, selection of for specialisty: blk-of-9 with retouch right spojnicerámců on pos. 49/2 + přetažené spiral IIs, according to Monograph subtype IIg, on pos. 50/2 + single stamp. from pos. 50/1; mint never hinged, only blk-of-9 with fold between stamps
7. TISKOVÁDESKA - PŘÍČKOVÝTYP/ 15h bricky red, Pof.7 IIp, bar type pos. 93/7, fragment nationalized CDS with date 9.VII.19; nice piece bar type from rare 7. printing plate, exp. Škaloud
7. TISKOVÁDESKA - SPIRÁLOVÝTYP/ 15h bricky red, Pof.7 IIs, spiral type pos. 49/7, only fragment CDS; partially propitá color from border dispatch-note, rare spiral type 7. printing plate, exp. Škaloud
7. TISKOVÁDESKA - SPIRÁLOVÝTYP/ 15h bricky red, Pof.7 IIs, spiral type pos. 96/7, single circle cancel JOHANNISBAD 13/9 19; L close margin, rare spiral type 7. printing plate, exp. Škaloud
Pof.7d, 15h vermilion, horiz. block of four, pos. 63-64 / 73-74, plate 6, on reverse with light offset on gum; superb intaktní multiple mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, in larger blocks rare and sought!
Pof.8 production flaw, 20h blue-green, block of four with production flaw - print on gummed side also on face-side + printing paper crease; lightly hinged on face-side, exp. Vrba, decorative block
Pof.11, 25h violet, selection of for specialist, 5 pcs of stamp. and 1 cut with nedotaženou spiral IIs, according to Monograph subtype IIh, cut with str-of-3 pos. 770, 80, 90/2, stamps pos. 80, 90/2, 87, 89 and 100/1; only 1x hinged
Pof.18, 75h grey-green, comp. 4 pcs of stamp. for specialties, přetažené spiral IIs, according to Monograph subtype IIg, pos. 39/1, 96/1 + double closing/conclusion spiral IIs, according to Monograph subtype IIe, 2x stamp. pos. 22/2 from that 1x with flaw print - white stain next to card; 2x stamp. hinged, 2 pcs of mint never hinged