1934 CPO2, pneumatic tube postcard Coat of arms 90h green, type II., sent as express and uprated with stamp 1CZK, Pof.260, CDS TÚS (Technical Services) PRAGUE 12.VII.34-20, arrival PRAGUE 14/ 12.VII.34-21; good condition
1919 CTÚ1A Pa, Telegram on/for bill Hradčany 5h green, yellow-brown paper, Czech text, complete incl. confirmation, on reverse imprint of daily postmark BRNO 1/ 1.III.23; only small tearing in R margin, without obvyklého fold, rare occurrence in good quality without fold!
1921 CTÚ2A, Telegram on/for bill issue Chainbreaker 40h brown, complete telegram with confirmation, Czech variety; oblique fold over the stmp and textovou part, without obvyklého vert. fold, c.v.. 21.000CZK, very rare blank form!
1927 CTÚ4A, telegram with posečkaným account Coat of arms 40h brown, complete incl. confirmation, Czech text, date of printing "193_", perf 5½, lower mark A 1927; only light vertical fold in the middle, perfect condition, very rare usage!
1920 CPP3A, whole Us parcel card Hradčany 10h blue with production flaw - significant shifted print (!) blank form/-s on face-side, uprated with stamp issue Agriculture and Science 300h red, CDS LITOVEL 22.XI.20; without defects, quite rare occurrence!
1920 SLOVAKIA / CPP2C, whole Us dispatch-note with printed stmp Hradčany 10h blue in Slovak variety for parcel in/at price 500CZK, richly franked on both sides 30 pcs of (!) stamp. issue Hradčany 15h, Pof.7A, supplemented with 2 pcs of stamp. 10h red, CDS NAGYMAGYAR 920 Mar.8. (Zlaté Klasy), delivering fee paid by due stmp 10h with arrival CDS NAGYMEGYER 920 Mar.10. (Big Meder); good condition, vertical fold, margins in perforation near/in/at posting, rare Slovak variety post. dispatch-note with quite unique franking Hradcany-issue 15-haléřových stamps!
1921 CPP13, whole international parcel card on/for mailing to Switzerland, with Hradčany 1000h violet Pof.26, CDS BOR U ČESKÉ LÍPY 24.II.21, on reverse arrival postmark MEIRINGEN 9.III.21; without folds, very fine piece, entires with koncovou value Hradčany are sought!
1922-1928 CPP14 + CPP16, comp. 3 pcs of whole Us international dispatch notes addressed to Denmark, 2 pcs of with printed stmp Hradčany 10h franked/paid cash, CDS KARLOVY VARY and JABLONEC N. N. + 1x dispatch note with revenue 50h incl. original customs prohlášky, with CDS DOBKOVICE U PODMOKEL; good condition
1919 CDP1C, whole Us 1. part C.O.D. post. dispatch-note Hradčany 10h with monogram and valuable 12h in Slovak variety, postal-charge 1,60CZK paid tricolor franking stamp. Hradčany 100h+40h + 20h blue-green, CDS KASSA 2/ 919 Máj.26., addressed to to Jelšavy, on reverse only handwritten text "Paid 25/8 19 with signature"; fold and drobní tearing in upper margin, rare occurrence complete Us dispatch-note!
1920 CDP3B, Hradčany 10h blue, 1. part from double C.O.D. dispatch-note, Czech-German variety, browny carton, with Hradčany 300h, CDS HORNÍ ROKETNICE 27.VII.20, 2-lines red cancel. Nelzevyrovnati/ Postal ohlašovna in Prague; only light vertical fold
1920 CDP3C, whole nerozdělená (!) and Us C.O.D. dispatch note Hradčany 10h with monogram and sale price 15h, Slovak text, postal-charge 3,50CZK paid mixed franking Hradčany 50h violet and stamp. issue Agriculture and Science 300h red, CDS DETVA 22.XI.20, on face-side arrival postmark BAŇSKÁ BYSTRICA 23.XI.20; only light bend, very rare whole nerozdělená and Us post. C.O.D. dispatch-note in Slovak variety!
1920 CDP3C, C.O.D. dispatch note part I., Slovak text, Hradčany 10h with monogram and sale price 15h, postal-charge 15,50Kč paid on both sides blank form/-s stamp. Hradčany 15 pieces (!) 100h brown, and 10 pcs of stamp. Pigeon-issue 5h blue, CDS DETVA 31.VIII.20, on reverse mounted Postage due stamp Ornament 30h with CDS HRONSKÁBREŽNICA 1.IX.20, incl. vylepenéhopotvrzovacího card; only small bend, rare whole Us post. C.O.D. dispatch-note in Slovak variety with quite unique franking!
1918 whole Austrian postal order on/for mailing 20K from Plzeň to Bukoviny, franked with Austrian stmp Charles 20h + Crown 5h, CDS PLZEŇ 6/ 2.XII.18, recipient not found and mailing with after/around 5 měsícíchvrátila back, arrival nationalized CDS PLZEŇ 29.IV.19, lot of by hand written notices; fold, interesting document of postal traffic!
1919 whole Us Hungarian parcel card with imprinted stamp 10f, small format, postal-charge 2,50CZK postpaid with stmp Hradčany 200h + 2x 25h blue, posting single circle CDS POPRÁD919/Már/24, on reverse arrival nationalized CDS BUDĚJOVICE 1/ 27.III.19; good condition, without folds, decorative piece complete used Hungarian dispatch-note!
1922 whole Us postal order with emblem and valuable 20h for amount of 500CZK, postal-charge 5,50CZK postpaid with stmp Hav 300h + issue Chainbreaker 100h and 50h and on reverse issue Chainbreaker 100h, posting MC PRAGUE 1/ 23.V.22, arrival postmark TRNOVEC 24.V.22, supplemented with red round cancel. BOHEMIA Czechoslovak foreign bank in Prague, on reverse straight line postmark Bank of Europe, New York; only fold, rare whole blank form bank credit notes!
1922 whole Us passport order to order telegraph with monogram Czechoslovakia (letters from themselves) with imprint Tisk.166 Czech. (IV.-20.), for poukázání amount 1.000CZK from Budňan to Bratislava, with mixed franking postage-due stamp. used as postage, 4x 5h and on reverse stamp. issue Chainbreaker 185h + 2x 50h and stamp. Pigeon-issue 10h and 5h, posting nationalized CDS BUDŇANY 12/6 22, arrival postmark BRATISLAVA 1/ 14.VI.22; fold, rare whole blank form with Hradčany franking!
1922 whole Us blank form Průkazná order to order telegraph, with monogram Czechoslovakia and imprint TTisk. 166 čes. VII.-1919., , for amount of 500 CZK, postal-charge postpaid with stmp issue Chainbreaker 250h + 50h green, fee for blank form paid by due stmp Ornament 2x 10h, CDS LIBÁŇ 19.VI.22, on reverse arrival postmark SADSKÁ 21.VI.22; only 1x vertical fold, rare occurrence of whole Us blank form/-s!
1929 off. bilingual envelope Přednostovi telegraph office (Printed matter 830 No.. (I-1926)), addressed to to Germany with notification receiving mailing, with 2CZK, Pof.245, CDS TŘEBÍČ 1/ 30.X.29; on reverse torn off flap, fold and tearing in margins, after all rare post. document/attribut!
1935-1937 comp. 2 pcs of Un decorative telegrams, Lx 10 incl. envelope/-s, Lx 9 without envelope/-s, Lx1 envelope, lX 6 envelope, supplemented with 2 pcs of envelopes for telegram from year 1951 and 1968; good condition
1920 larger part forerunner official post. dispatch-note for financial guard on/for mailing service oděvu on/for detachment/section financial guard in/at Podvlku in/at Oravskéžupě - in/at that period plebiscitary territory, post Prague 1 PODAVNÁPOVOZNÁ, with Hradčany 300+40h with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 15.V.20, arrival postmark PODVLK 18.V.20, good condition
1938 Us blank form Passport to telegraph order (A 1924) on/for 5.000CZK, with Pof.313, 312, 331, CDS PRAGUE 6/ 28.I.38, on reverse arrival CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 29.I.38; good condition
1920 larger part Austrian off. parcel dispatch-note with imprint 1907, I (d b.) in/at německo-české variety used in 4 postal rate (!) for parcel, with issue Agriculture and Science 300h red with CDS TŘEBOŇ 19.VIII.21, arrival postmark MNICHOVICE 21.VIII.21, interesting content also recipient; light bend, exp. and ex Škaloud, single known document/attribut used to in 1920!
1930 order letter, formulářová envelope, Czech variety from year 1921, selling price 15h, sent as Reg letter, with Brno 3CZK, Pof.254, CDS JIHLAVA 1/ 17.IX.30, by hand notice "Refused"; only small toned
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / interesting accumulation mainly unused stamp. in 4 stockbooks, detached/free on pages and spiral stockbook, from issue Hradčany, letterprint, T. G. Masaryk, issue 20. and 30. years, air-mail, postage-due, newspaper, also line plate numbers, blocks of four etc..; various quality, we advice důkladnou examination, suitable to other elaboration, attractive ticket!
1918-1938 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / used also Un stamp., Hradčany and other letterpress issue, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, stamp. from 30. years, cut-squares with special postmark, placed in 2 stockbooks A4; various quality
1918-1938 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / used also Un stamp., prevail stamp. Hradčany and other letterpress issue, part stamp. from 30. years, PLATE PROOF and maculature, placed in 2 stockbooks A4; various quality
1918-1958 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / semifinished collection unused / cancel. stamp. on album sheets in spring folder, from issue Hradčany (i.a. Pof.4Na, cancel. gutter 3h), then Legionaire, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 (for example. Pof.67, 90, 92, 105a on cut-square), letterprint (incl. various opposite facing pairs issue Chainbreaker and Pigeon-issue), PLATE PROOF T. G. Masaryk 1920 50h red recess printing, coupons, gutter, souvenir sheets (without Anthem-issue), stamp. newspaper, air-mail, postage-due, military, SO1920 (overprint), then pokračuje basic collection Protectorate and comp. stamp. Slovakia and first years of Czechoslovakia II., supplemented with about/by 24-stránkový stockbook with accumulation Czechoslovakia 1918-1953 (i.a. 2x miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950 and 2x Bratislava 1952) and album first day sheets 1952-1958; various quality, we advice viewings
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / mainly used stamp. various issues, on pages from collection of, in 2 variously full stockbooks, cards etc.., i.a. issue T. G. Masaryk, Prague, Tatras etc..; various quality, we advice viewings
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] PARTIE / used also Un stamp., Hradčany and other letterpress issue, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, stamp. from 30. years, supplemented with exhibition labels, placed in 2 old stockbooks and 2 cover; various quality
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] PARTIE / stamp. on 19 pages A4, from issue Hradčany (i.a. 2x 1000h, much shades, obtisky...), Legionaire (incl. for example. commemorative sheets), POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, letterprint (incl. some opposite facing pairs issue Chainbreaker and Pigeon-issue), cancel. T. G. Masaryk 125h with plate variety short bar, cancel. Festival, coupons, gutter, Airmail 1920, blocks FP - Silhouette, much plate number, PLATE PROOF, designs Rijáčka, maculature, also comp. of entires, p.stat etc.. and collection mainly cancel. stamp. (prevails letterprint); various quality, we advice viewings, part stamp. examined
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] basic cancel. / unused collection in stockbook A4, from issue Hradčany, without more valuable stamp., letterprint, Congress, Festival, SO1920 (overprint), postage-due, air-mail, several plate number etc.. + supplemented with about/by small/rare stockbook mainly with cancel. stamp. Hradčany; various quality
1918 [COLLECTIONS] HRADČANY-issue - BALÍČKY / box with several tisíci postmarked stamps issue Hradčany, sorted to parcels according to values incl. printers waste, various values also printings; all in/at original little-box
1918-1920 [COLLECTIONS] HRADČANY-issue - SYPANÉ STAMPS / box with several tisíci used scattered stamps issue Hradčany, sorted to envelopes, various values also printings; all in/at original paper bags and little-box
1920-1923 [COLLECTIONS] PIGEON-issue, issue Chainbreaker, issue Agriculture and Science - 100 pcs of BALÍČKY / box with several tisíci used stamp. typography issues in 100 pcs of packets and several paper bags, various values; placed in original little-box
19119-1939 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / selection of several hundreds entires, letters private also commercial correspondence, picture p.stat issue "Poznej svoji vlast", with various issues, correspondence inland also abroad, part as Registered, Ex, surtax etc..; various quality, placed in box with lid, interesting set!
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / collection of ca. 100 pcs of various entires, letters, p.stat PC, private also commercial correspondence, various franking from Hradčany, through/over issue Chainbreaker, Pigeon-issue, T. G. Masaryk 1920, postage-due, perfins, railway postmark, special postmark, 1x order letter, FP cards etc..; various quality, it is worth seeing, estate