Pof.23, 300h green-gray as blk-of-4; mint never hinged, vert. fold between stamp., in blocks of four sought
Starting price: 1 000CZK+20,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 1 200 CZK
1 900CZK
Pof.23, 300h green-gray as blk-of-4; mint never hinged, in blocks of four sought
Starting price: 1 000CZK+90,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 1 900 CZK
3 000CZK
Pof.23, 300h green-gray, block of four with lower margin with control-numbers; mint never hinged, chip of wood in paper, in blocks of four sought
Starting price: 2 000CZK+50,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 3 000 CZK
2 200CZK
Pof.23, 300h green-gray, block of four with upper margin; mint never hinged, in blocks of four sought
Starting price: 1 200CZK+83,3 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 2 200 CZK
3 400CZK
Pof.23, 300h green-gray, block of four with R margin; mint never hinged, vertical bend in margin, in blocks of four sought
Starting price: 1 200CZK+183,3 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 3 400 CZK
1 200CZK
Pof.23, 300h green-gray, block of four, upper pair stmp hinged
Starting price: 800CZK+50,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 1 200 CZK
7 000CZK
Pof.23, 300h green-gray, LR corner blk-of-4 with control-numbers; mint never hinged, only vertical bend in margin, rare block of four
Starting price: 3 000CZK+133,3 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 7 000 CZK
2 000CZK
Pof.24, 400h blue-violet as blk-of-4; mint never hinged, horiz. bend through/over upper stamp.
Starting price: 1 000CZK+100,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 2 000 CZK
4 500CZK
Pof.25, 500h brown as blk-of-4, plate 1; 1x small chip of wood in paper, otherwise very nice quality mint never hinged, in blocks of four sought!
Starting price: 2 000CZK+125,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 4 500 CZK
1 300CZK
Pof.25, 500h brown, L the bottom corner piece with control-numbers; of removed hinge
Starting price: 500CZK+160,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 1 300 CZK
Pof.25, 500h brown, pos. 35 from plate 1, netvoří combination types; hinged, marked printing plate 1 + also with value 500h with offset on gum
Starting price: 500CZK+20,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 600 CZK
---- CZK
SPIRÁLOVÝTYP / Pof.25 Is, 500h brown, spiral type from joined types, pos. 32/2, fragment CDS KOSTELEC; very fine piece, exp. Škaloud, rare spiral type from other printing plate!
SPIRÁLOVÝTYP / Pof.25 Is, 500h brown, spiral type from joined types, pos. 35/2, fragment CDS FREUDENTHAL 23.II.21; very fine piece, exp. Škaloud, rare spiral type from other printing plate!
Starting price: 3 000CZK+6,7 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 3 200 CZK
4 000CZK
1920REKONSTRUKCE plate 2 HODNOTY 500h / reconstruction 2. printing plate stamp. 500h brown, imperforated, Pof.25, total 60 pcs of intended pos. with uzavřenou spiral; prevails chosen quality, wide margins
Starting price: 3 000CZK+33,3 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 4 000 CZK
1 300CZK
Pof.26, 1000h violet with L margin; mint never hinged
Starting price: 600CZK+116,7 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 1 300 CZK
6 500CZK
Pof.26, 1000h violet as blk-of-4; mint never hinged, several nepatrných dots, exp. Vrba, overall nice block sought Hradčany highest values!
Starting price: 2 000CZK+225,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 6 500 CZK
1 100CZK
Pof.26, 1000h violet, upper marginal piece; hinge / label only in margin of stmp,. mint never hinged, prohnutí paper
7. TISKOVÁDESKA / Pof.7vz Pp, 15h bricky red from 7. printing plate, pos. 50 with inverted opt VZOREC; lightly hinged, exp. Škaloud, rare!
Starting price: 2 000CZK+100,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 4 000 CZK
42 000CZK
VEJPRTSKÉ FORGERY / Pof.F22, value 200h blue, exceedingly nice piece with big part/-s CDS VEJPRTY 2/ 27.1.21; Vrba certificate, popular and sought forgery to defraud the post in perfect quality!
Starting price: 20 000CZK+110,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 42 000 CZK
1 900CZK
Pof.3Mp(2), 5h light green, opposite facing 2-stamps gutter with margin; mint never hinged, light shadow of fold, exp. Vrba, Mrňák
Starting price: 1 000CZK+90,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 1 900 CZK
Pof.3Mp(2), 5h light green, vertical 2-stamps. opposite facing gutter, folded; hinged, without marks
Starting price: 700CZK+28,6 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 900 CZK
3 200CZK
Pof.5Mp(2), 10h red, vertical 2-stamps. opposite facing unfolded gutter with plate variety - "clock in tower"; light hinged, overall nice piece, exp. Pofis-Beneš, mark Kosina
Starting price: 2 000CZK+60,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 3 200 CZK
1 000CZK
FORGERY / 10h red, vertical 2-stamps. same facing gutter stamp. (Pof.5Ms), general forgery on common paper without gum; marked mark Padělek
Starting price: 1 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 1 000 CZK
6 000CZK
UNISSUED MEZIARŠÍ / Pof.7Nd, 15h vermilion, vertical strip with two-sided print, in front double with vertical gutter with control-numbers, plate 5 + 6, on gum offset with gutter; lightly hinged, grain in paper, certificate and exp. Vrba
Starting price: 6 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 6 000 CZK
13 000CZK
[COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / used also unused stamp. in 2 stockbooks + several pages and spiral album, various values, perf, shades, postmark etc..; as multiple definitely interesting
Starting price: 3 000CZK+333,3 %
U:K | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 13 000 CZK
6 500CZK
[COLLECTIONS] PARITE / unused stamp. values 1h - 1000h (without Pof.6, 9N, 13N) on 2 cards A4, various shades, i.a. 6x value 1000h etc..; all hinged
Starting price: 1 000CZK+550,0 %
U:O4 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 6 500 CZK
20 000CZK
[COLLECTIONS] selection of variants and duplication values 1h - 400h issue Hradčany, single stamp., strips and blocks, imperforated also with perf, production and printing defects; mainly mint never hinged, on 4 pages stockbook A4
Starting price: 3 000CZK+566,7 %
U:Z | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 20 000 CZK
18 000CZK
1919-1920 [COLLECTIONS] SPIRÁLOVÉ, PŘÍČKOVÉ, KOMBINOVANÉ A RÁMEČKOVÉTYPY / collection ca. 700 pcs of stamp. with učenými types, values 5h, 15h, 25h, 75h and 500h, several joined types, plate variety, contains i.a. 500h spiral, bar and 2x frame type, 75h spiral and bar type, 10h green perforated 3x frame type, mainly separate stamp., but also strips and blocks, on 9 stock-sheets A4 in spring folder, part exp. by Karasek., Škaloud, rare offer types on/for used stmp, c.v.. by estimation ca. 30.000CZK, ex Škaloud
Starting price: 9 000CZK+100,0 %
U:Z | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 18 000 CZK
3 600CZK
[COLLECTIONS] TISKAŘSKÉŠTOČKY / comp. 4 pcs of cliché with picture Hradčany stamp. values 120h, 300h, 400h and 500h for print literature, size 17x23mm + cliché circular imprint - postmark for Legionaire stamp., diameter 31mm; cancelled against zneužití oblique vrypem
Starting price: 1 000CZK+260,0 %
U:O5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 3 600 CZK
2 200CZK
Pof.1D-26D, complete set of 15 pcs of values 1h - 1000h with nepřepážkovou line perforation 11½; mainly hinged, cheap 30h nevýrazně stripped paper on/for front face, exp. Štolfa and Vrba
Starting price: 1 500CZK+46,7 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 2 200 CZK
3 800CZK
VÍCEBLOKY / POČÍTADLA / selection of various values on stock-sheet A4 two-sided, contains mainly blocks, often marginal or corner, with control-numbers and plate mark, contains i.a. krajovou ** pair Pof.9A (exp. Vrba), krajovou imperforated ** Pof.24 and much other; mainly mint never hinged, sporadically several minor faults, overall but nice quality, interesting selection of
Starting price: 1 000CZK+280,0 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 3 800 CZK
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.1C, 1h brown, complete 100 stamps sheet, line perforation 13¾, plate 2; mint never hinged, only folds in perforation
Starting price: 300CZK+200,0 %
U:A3v– | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 900 CZK
9 500CZK
Pof.2A inverted comb perforation, 3h violet, the bottom marginal block-of-9 with control-numbers with inverted unofficial perf. comb perforation 13¾ : 13½; mint never hinged, 1x grain in paper and small toned, exp. Vrba, rare, rare usage!
Starting price: 3 000CZK+216,7 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 9 500 CZK
Pof.3D flaw print, 5h light green with line perforation 11½, block of four and single stamp. with production flaw "airship" - both light variant printing defects, block of four on/for pos. 27/2 and single stamp. on pos. 46/1; stamp. hinged, block of four mint never hinged
Starting price: 300CZK+100,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 600 CZK
Pof.3D production flaw, 5h light green, perf line perforation 11½, vertical block of 6 with L krajem and production flaw - omitted 2 perf. holes in horiz. perf; 1x stmp hinged., other mint never hinged
Starting price: 300CZK+100,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 600 CZK
Pof.3E, light green, L upper corner blk-of-20, perf line perforation 11½ : 10¾; mint never hinged, little povolená perf in margin
Starting price: 600CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 600 CZK
Pof.4A, 5h blue-green, horiz. blk-of-10 with R margin, perf comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, plate variety - interrupted tie-on label on pos. 40/3; mint never hinged
Starting price: 500CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 500 CZK
---- CZK
Pof.4Aa, 5h dark blue-green, comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, R marginal blk-of-9, zavřené spiral; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
OBRÁCENÉHŘEBENOVÉZOUBKOVÁNÍ / Pof.4Ab inverted comb perforation, 5h dark green with inverted comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, plate 5, pos. 85, with common full offset on gum; superb, exp. Vrba, in catalogue very underprized, rare occurrence!
Starting price: 4 000CZK+200,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 12 000 CZK
23 000CZK
OBRÁCENÉHŘEBENOVÉZOUBKOVÁNÍ / Pof.4Ab inverted comb perforation, 5h dark green, block of four with inverted comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, plate 5, pos. 55-56, 65-66, with common full offset on gum; only horiz. folded in perforation, otherwise mint never hinged, certificate and exp. Vrba, in catalogue very underprized, as blk-of-4 only rare and rare occurrence!
Starting price: 15 000CZK+53,3 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 23 000 CZK
4 000CZK
Pof.4B joined bar types, 5h blue-green, UR corner blk-of-12 with comb perforation 11¾, with joined bar types, bar type II on pos. 18/3; mint never hinged, small notice by pencil in margin, exp. Vrba
Starting price: 4 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 4 000 CZK
1 300CZK
Pof.4D IIs, 5h blue-green with line perforation 11½; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba, Gilbert
Starting price: 600CZK+116,7 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 1 300 CZK
Pof.4D, 5h blue-green with line perforation 11½; hinged, 2x grain in paper, exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák and Pofis
Starting price: 400CZK+75,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 700 CZK
1 400CZK
Pof.4E plate mark, 5h blue-green with line perforation 11½ : 10¾, LR corner blk-of-4 with plate mark - vyštípnutá numeral(s) "5" in/at control-numbers 5.-, plate 2, vert. perf shifted R to to picture of stmp.; mint never hinged, small production bend in paper, exp. Vrba
Starting price: 500CZK+180,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 1 400 CZK
31 000CZK
Pof.4E joined spiral types, 5h blue-green, LL corner blk-of-4 with control-numbers with line perforation 11½ : 10¾ and with joined spiral types, stmp field 81-82, 91-92, printing plate 2, spiral type I on pos. 91; L in margin contemporary notice, otherwise mint never hinged without marks, Vrba certificate, decorative corner block with joined spiral types!
Starting price: 22 000CZK+40,9 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 31 000 CZK
Pof.4E, 5h blue-green with line perforation 11½ : 10¾, upper marginal block-of-6; mint never hinged, note by pencil in margin, marked Vrba
Starting price: 500CZK+80,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 900 CZK
1 300CZK
Pof.4E, 5h blue-green with line perforation 11½ : 10¾, L upper corner blk-of-18; mint never hinged, at top small vráska in paper and notice by pencil in margin
Starting price: 1 000CZK+30,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 1 300 CZK
8 500CZK
Pof.4G Nb, 5h dark green, stamp. with ministerial perf line perforation 11½ : 13¾, plate 5; mint never hinged, usual light bands in gum, exp. Vrba, very rare usage!
Starting price: 3 000CZK+183,3 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 8 500 CZK
2 600CZK
Pof.4L production flaw + plate mark, 5h blue-green, nepřepážková perf line perforation 11½, right the bottom corner Pr with control-numbers, production flaw - omitted the bottom horiz. perf + plate mark - vyštípnutá "5" in/at control-numbers for plate 2 + plate variety - chipped right/genuine frame on pos. 100; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
Starting price: 1 000CZK+160,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 2 600 CZK
SELECTION of / Pof.4, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5h blue-green, selection of for specialist - přetažené spiral IIs, according to Monograph subtype IIg, contains horiz. pair with lower margin Pof.4A, pos. 97, 98/4 + block of 6 with R margin, Pof.4C, pos. 68-70, 78-80/4 + stamp. Pof.4B, pos. 89/4 + stamp. Pof.4, pos. 79/4; single stamp. hinged, strip and block mint never hinged
Starting price: 500CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 500 CZK
1 300CZK
SELECTION of / Pof.4A, 5h blue-green, the bottom marginal block-of-6 with control-numbers and UR corner blk-of-6 + Pof.4Ba, 5h dark blue-green, L marginal block-of-4 with plate variety - dot in value tablet on pos. 71/3 (thin place hinged in margin) + Pof.4C, upper marginal block-of-4, plate 5 (bands in gum of storage) + Pof.4E, vertical pair with significant shift horiz. perf between stamp. to to picture upper stamp. and with sheet offset on gum; mint never hinged, interesting selection of
Starting price: 800CZK+62,5 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 1 300 CZK
1 800CZK
SELECTION of / Pof.4A, 6A, 3D, 10D production flaw, comp. 3 pcs of pairs and 2 pcs of marginal stmp with perf errors/flaws, shifts and double perf; stamp. mint never hinged, only 1x hinge in margin, 1 pcs of exp. by Karasek., 2 pcs of exp. Škaloud
Starting price: 800CZK+125,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 1 800 CZK
Pof.5A, 10h red, L the bottom corner piece with ministerial perf comb perforation 13¾ : 13½ + plate variety - clock in towers, pos. 91/1; lightly hinged
Starting price: 300CZK+133,3 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Sunday
Sold: 700 CZK
1 100CZK
Pof.6A plate mark, 10h green, LR corner piece with comb perforation 13¾ : 13½ with plate mark, plate 2; mint never hinged, exp. Škaloud