1929 1. AMERIKAFAHRT 1929, airmail letter addressed to Chicaga, Sie.26A, with multicolor franking of air-mail and postage stamps, i.a. Zeppelin 2RM, Mi.423, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 15.Mai.29, red straight line postmark of delayed flight "Beförderung verzögert...", blue flight cachet and on reverse arrival postmark NEW YORK Aug.5. 1929; very fine
1929 1. AMERIKAFAHRT 1929, airmail letter addressed to Chicago, Sie.26A, with Zeppelin 4RM, Mi.424, posting MC FRIDRICHSHAFEN 15.5.29, red straight line postmark of delayed flight "Beförderung verzögert...", blue flight cachet and on reverse arrival postmark NEW YORK Aug.5. 1929; very fine
1929 MITTELMEERFAHRT / Sie.24Bd, card to USA, franked with airmail stamp 1RM, Mi.382, deck cancel. GRAF ZEPPELIN 22.4.1929, red flight cachet, addressed to Chicago, arrival postmark SAN REMO 25.4.29; without defects, cat. min. 200€
1929 WELTRUNDFAHRT 1929 / Sie. 30.Aa, photo postcard Zeppelin LZ 127 addressed to Japan, with Mi.423, Zeppelin 2RM, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 15.Aug.29, red flight cachet and red straight line postmark FRIEDRICHSHAFEN - TOKIO, supplemented with arrival MC TOKIO 19/Aug 1929; good condition, exp. + photo-certificate BPP Dieter
1931 2. SÜD AMERICA FAHRT / Sie.129D - postcard (count von Zeppelin) franked with rare mixed franking 2x 1RM POLARFAHRT + zeppelin brasilian stamps, so franking "there also back"; very fine, cat. min. 650€, rare
1932 6 .SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT / Sie.177, airmail letter to Brazil, franked with 3x 50Pf+5Pf, CDS HAMBURG 9.9.32, supplemented with CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 12.9.32, green flight cachet, on reverse arrival postmark RIO DE JANIERO 16.Set.932; vertical fold
1932 7. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT / Reg and airmail letter to Brazil, franked with Zeppelin stamp 1RM, Mi.455 and airmail stamps 15+15+50Pf, CDS BAD ALZELMEN 19.9.32, red round cancel. connecting flight STUTTGART - FRIEDRICHSHAFEN and olive zeppelin cachet, on reverse arrival postmark PERNAMBUCO 29.IX.32; ligtly toned
1933 5. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT / airmail letter to Buenos Aires, franked with stamps 100+25+50Pf, CDS FRIEDRICHSFAFEN 19.8.33, red flight cachet; good condition
1933 CHICAGOFAHRT WELTAUSSTELLUNG / air mail sent card to New York, franked with Zeppelin stamp 2RM CHICAGOFAHRT, Mi.497 and postage stamp 65Pf, posting deck cancel. LUFTPOST GRAF ZEPPELIN 16.10.33, red trigonal flight cachet, arrival postmark AKRON Oct.25. 1933; good condition, rare
1933 CHICAGOFAHRT WELTAUSSTELLUNG / Sie.238Aba, airmail sent letter to New York through Pernambuco, franked with Zeppelin stamp 1RM CHICAGOFAHRT, Mi.496 and airmail stamp 50Pf, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 14.10.33, red trigonal flight cachet, mounted private label Zeppelin, on reverse transit Districto Federal 18.Out.1933; fine, rare, c.v.. 925€
1933 CHICAGOFAHRT WELTAUSSTELLUNG / Sie.238Aab, airmail letter to Jena through Rio de Janeiro, franked with Zeppelin stamps 1RM CHICAGOFAHRT, Mi.496 and postage stamps Hindenburg, CDS BERLIN 14.10.33, red trigonal flight cachet and red cachet of connecting flight Berlin - Friedrichschafen, on reverse transit Districto Federal 18.Out.1933 and arrival postmark BERLIN 5.11.33; without defects, rare, c.v.. 925€
1934-1936 CATAPULT FLIGHT / selection of 3 airmail letters sent to Argentina, multicolor frankings of airmail and postage stamps, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 13.10.34 and 30.11.34, BERIN 9.3.36, all with red cachet DEUTSCHE LUFTPOST / EUROPA - SÜDAMERIKA; good condition
1936 NORDAMERIKAFAHRT / 5 airmail entires sent to USA, from that 3x as Registered, multicolor frankings, CDS BERLIN, STUTTGART, GÖTTINGEN, FRANKFURT, S date 2.5. - 8.5.36, incl. arrival postmarks; toned
1936 OLYMPIAFAHRT / Sie.427, selection of 3 airmail entires sent inland, multicolor frankings, CDS LUFTSCHIFFHAFEN FRANKFURT RHEIN MAIN 1.8.36, arrival BERLIN ZENTRALFLUGHAFEN 1.8.36, all with red flight cachet Luftschiff Hindenburg; good condition
1938 SUDETENLANDFAHRT / 2 airmail letters richly franked with German stamps, both CDS RHEIN MAIN 1.12.38, supplemented with red flight cachet, on reverse arrival postmark REICHENBERG 3/ 2.12.38, 1x supplemented with provisional frame cancel. PÜRSTEIN 4.XII.38; good condition
1938 SUDETENLANDFAHRT / 5 airmails entires sent inland, multicolor frankings of postage stamps, 1x on reverse mounted miniature sheet Mi.Bl.8, CDS RHEIN MAIN 1.12.38, supplemented with red flight cachet, on reverse 3x arrival postmarkl REICHENBERG 3/ 2.12.38; good condition
1939 BIELEFELDFAHRT / air-mail card to Stuttgart, with 50Pf with CDS FRANKFURT 23.7.39, supplemented with red flight cachet and arrival black special postmark BLIEFELD 23.7.1939; good condition
1939 C.C. DACHAU 3 K / preprinted postcard to Protectorate, with Hindenburg 6Pf, MUNICH 4.10.39, censor framed pmk Postzensurstelle K.L.D. with signature; vertical fold with tearing in upper margin
1940 C.C. BUCHENWALD / part of credit note sent from Protectorate to C.C., franked with Bohemian and Moravian stamp 4 K, CDS PRAGUE 33/ 21.XII.40, arrival postmark WEIMAR-BUCHENWALD/ 23.12.40 supplemented with straight line postmark GELDVERWALTUNG/ BUCHENWALD; good condition
1944 C.C. DACHAU / larger part of parcel card on valuable (!) parcel sent from Protectorate to Czech prisoner in C.C., franked with A. H., i.a. value 20K, Pof.97, CDS LIBUŠ 3.I.44, returned back with on reverse by hand writen notice "valuable parcel is forbidden" with date stamp 6.Jan. 1944 and arrival CDS LIBUŠ 11.I.44; good condition
1944 C.C. MAUTHAUSEN / preprinted folded letter addressed to Vienna, with A. H. 12Pf, CDS MAUTHAUSEN 3.4.44, line censorship mark with signature, hand-made corrected instructions; fine
1940 C.C. SACHSENHAUSEN - ORANIENBURG pre-printed envelope green color with pre-printed content to Protectorate, with Hindenburg 12Pf, CDS ORANIENBURG 23.3.40, line censorship mark Konzentrationslager / Postzenzurstelle with signature also on content; some faults
1941-1945 [COLLECTIONS] STORY / C.C. BUCHENWALD / collection of documents of Francis Ponec (1902-1945), arrested and inprisoned in Pankrác, Kladno, Gollnow etc.., died inat C.C. Buchenwald, contains i.a. blank forms about arresting, then letter: 10x Gollnow, 2x München, 2x Landsberg, 1x Dresden and 7x Buchenwald, then posting cards, cards with instructions, personal documents, photos etc..; various condition, interesting
1918-1945 ENTIRES/ selection of 42 entires, from that 31 Reg, Ex, several airmail or COD letters, Reg letter from occupied Rumania, Netherlands, Austria, multicolor frankings, special postmarks i.a. Summer Olympic Games 1936 etc..; mainly good condition
1923 [COLLECTIONS] INFLATION / selection of 31 entires mainly addressed to Czechoslovakia (from that major on J. Šula) with multicolor franking of stamps from period of inflation in Germany, from that 5x as Registered letter, 1x commercial PC with with perfin, Printed matter etc..; good condition
1913 SCOUTING / PADVINDERS KAMP / two lined black cancel. on Ppc sent to Haag, with Numerals 2½c, CDS IJMUIDEN 24.7.13; bend, after all very rare scout entire
1932 ZEPPELIN / FAHRT NACH DEN NIEDERLANDEN, sent by airmail, uprated PC to Germany, CDS ROTTERDAM 15.VI.32, supplemented with MC FRIEDRICHSHAFEM 19.6.32 and blue flight cachet; good condition
1928 SCOUTING / LANDSLEIREN ROMSDALEN 1928 / round scout postmark on Ppc sent from scout camp, with Coat of arms 15Ore; very fine, first official scout postmark of Norway
1945 CAMP POST / DACHAU miniature sheet c.v.. Fischer Bl.1A+B 2 pcs of perf and imperforated + Bl.2B perf (page. 239), issued by Polish committee for the benefit of The Red Cross; fine
1858 letter franked with Russian stamp Coat of arms 10Kop with perf 15:14½, Mi.2, round numeral pmk "1" (Warsaw), to Dziewiatkowic (Slonim, Belorussia), circular red cancel. WARSAW; extraordinary quality, rare classic letter with used Russian stamp Mi.2 on Polish territory (valid only between April and October 1858), catalogue Fischer min. 12.000Zl, rare offer!
1918 whole forerunner telegraph credit note Austrian origin addressed to to Czechoslovakia, franked with Austrian issue 1916, Crown 3h, Coat of arms 80h and special-delivery 2h used as postage stmp, CDS LODYGOWICE 30.XI.18, supplemented with orange blank form Confirmation to order telegraph; good condition, only filling holes and fold, complete forerunner dispatch-note are sought
1918-1936 SELECTION of / 11 Us p.stat, from that 1x postal stationery cover (Fischer No. 6), i.a. 2x overprint provisional overprint Warsaw issue, 5x uprated etc.., mainly sent to Czechoslovakia; good condition
1919-1920 3 PC addressed to Prague, i.a. 1x overprint POCZTA POLSKA 15h, 2x Austria-Hungary Crown 10h with postage-due 10+2H + postage stamp 3H, various CDS
1920 PLEBISCITARY TERRITORY / MARIENWERDER (KWIDZYN) / 6 various entires, from that 2x Reg, franked with various plebiscitary stamps, various CDS MARIENWERDER, DEUTSCH EYLAU, KRÖXEN, RENHOF; good condition
1802-1838 CZECH LANDS / 2 interesting letters with hand-made posting data "BUDWEIS" nota bene to Vienna on Main post off. + money letter 134 fl.. from Želetava (SCHELLETAU) to Olomouc; very fine, rare occurrence!
1823-1848 CZECH LANDS / selection of 10 letters from various military units, some better postmark i.a. OLMUTZ frame, V. GITSCHIN Vot.č.1; then interesting returned letter from Jihlava etc.., very fine set from important collection, catalogue Votoček. 730P