1867 postal stationery cover Franz Joseph I. 10Kr blue from Vienna to London, uprated with stamps 3+3+10Kr rough print; very fine and very rare franking, cat. min. 2.500€
1877 Ferch.11 / Mi.P26b, PC 2 Kreuzer Franz Joseph brown, German. - Czech text, sent as Reg from Plzeň to Vienna, uprated with stamp 10Kr VI. issue, CDS PLZEŇ 6/6 77, additional cancel. RECOM: + hand-made "28", on reverse arrival WIEN RECOMAND 7/6 77; very fine and decorative piece, ex Hauzner
1892-1907 PRAGUE PNEUMATIC TUBE POST / Ferch.PK15a, PK17, PK21, PK27, 4 Un double PC for pneumatic-tube post in Prague; only folded, good condition, c.v.. 140€
1900 PRAGUE PNEUMATIC TUBE POST / Ferch.PK17 Doppelkarte, whole Us double PC for pneumatic-tube post Franz Joseph I. 10Kr + 10Kr ultramarine, CDS PRAGUE 10/ 17/1 00; without defects, c.v.. 150€
1906 Ferch.143F+A, double PC Franz Joseph. 5+5h, one way Us as Registered from Poběžovice to Prague, uprated with 3 stamps FJI.10H, Mi.89, posting line CDS RONSPERG 5.2.06, arrival CDS PRAGUE 8/ 6/2 06; only light bend
1906 PRAGUE PNEUMATIC TUBE POST / Ferch.PK25 Prag Doppelkarte, whole double in both directions used pneumatic tube postcard Franz Joseph I. 20H + 20H brown, CDS PRAGUE/ 13.III.06, VII20, answer part with CDS PRAGUE/ 13.III.06, IX40, all attributes, fine, cat. Ferchenbauer 250€
1907 PRAŽSKÁ PNEUMATIC TUBE POST / Ferch.PK27 Doppelkarte, whole in both directions Us double PC for pneumatic-tube post Franz Joseph I. 25H +25H light ultramarine, posting part without uprating with CDS PRAGUE/ 17.IV.07, XII40, answer part addressed to to Germany (!), uprated with stamp 5h, CDS PRAGUE/ 17.IV.07 XII40 and arrival postmark STUTTGART No. 1/ 18.IV,B3; without defects, c.v.. 500€, rare usage double neoddělených PC, in addition answer part uprated and sent abroad!
1908 PRAGUE PNEUMATIC TUBE POST / Ferch.PK25 Prag Doppelkarte, whole double in both directions used pneumatic tube postcard Franz Joseph I. 20H +20H brown, uprated, private additional-printing stamp 5h Franz Joseph the first issue 1908, CDS PRAGUE 10/ 23/12 08, answer part with CDS PRAGUE 2/ 23/12 08, all attributes, fibe condition, cat. Ferchenbauer 650€
1908 PRAGUE PNEUMATIC TUBE POST / Ferch.PK25 Prag Doppelkarte, complete double in both directions used pneumatic tube postcard Franz Joseph I. 20H+ 20H brown, uprated with stamp 5h, CDS PRAGUE 2/ 14/3 08, answer part uprated with stamp 5h, CDS PRAGUE 10/ 14/3 08; fine, cat. Ferchenbauer 650€, rare
1908-1918 PNEUMATIC TUBE POST - PRAGUE / 7 Us postal stationery covers and letter cards of various issues, i.a. Ferchenbauer, UM14, UM15, KB7, KB10, KB11, KB12; good condition, c.v.. 850€
1908 PNEUMATIC TUBE POST - PRAGUE / KB7, letter-card for Prague pneumatic-tube post 30H issue 1900, uprated after change of rate with stamp 5h on face-side, CDS PRAGUE 10/ 7/2 08; good condition, c.v.. 300€
1908 PNEUMATIC TUBE POST - PRAGUE / UM12, envelope for Prague pneumatic-tube post 30H issue 1902, uprated after change of rate 15H on reverse with stamp issue 1908 12+2+1H, CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY 1/1 08; good condition, c.v.. 400€
1912 PRAGUE PNEUMATIC TUBE POST / Ferch.PK30 Doppelkarte, whole oneway used double PC for pneumatic-tube post Franz Joseph I. 25H+25H blue, CDS PRAGUE TGF/ 9.III.12 and arrival postmark KRÁL. VINOHRADY 1/ 9/3 12; fine, c.v.. 300€, rare
1917 PRIVATE P. STAT. / whole 1. part of C.O.D. post. dispatch-note with imprinted stamp 10h and privately printed stamp issue 1916 Coat of arms 80h red-brown, uprated with stamp of same issue Crown 10h, CDS WIEN 12.III.17; good condition
1918 whole and used C.O.D. dispatch note with revenue 10h and with eagle, with value 12h, postal-charge 90h paid with stamp Coat of arms 90h violet, CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY 19/2 18, on reverse arrival postmark VYSOKÉ N. J. 21/2 18; good condition
1872-1975 13 used PC and letter cards, 9 pcs with additional frankings, from that 2x Express and certificate of mailing + dispatch note, post. address pass and in addition envelope 5Soldi MiU10, all unused; good condition
1860-1870 FREIGHT LETTERS FOR RAILROAD, FRACHTBRIEF, DISPATACH-NOTES / selection of 18 various blank forms, some with mounted revenues, 1 Kr and 5 Kreuzer issues 1866, 1870, part cash paid, various cancel. as blue LEIPNIK, SCHÖNAU, PRAG ALTSTADT, AUSCHA, JUNGBUNZLAU, BRÜNN, MILTSCHIN, CARLSBAD etc..; good condition
1870-1880 FREIGHT LETTERS FOR RAILROAD, FRACHTBRIEF / selection of 13 freight letters for railroad with additionally printed or mounted revenues issue 1871 and 1875, cancel. as LEITMERITZ, REICHENBERG, SCHLAPPANITZ, BRÜNN, PRAG STATION, NOVÝ BYDŽOV, AUSSIG etc..; good condition
1812-1900 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 50 pcs of various blank forms, from that 3x MALLE-POST, 34 pcs of various receipts, several certificates of mailing and other various blank forms, line postmarks as WODNIAN, PRAG/ STATION, PRAG etc..; good condition
1896-1915 CZECH LANDS / 4 identification entires with perfins, 1x letter in the place from 1896 with Mng.W11 "W.B.V" f. Wiener Bank association, Prag + PC from y 1908 with Mng.S52 "S.S.S." f. S. Schulhof, Prague + advertising PC from y 1914 with Mng.V21 "V.v.J." joint-stock insurance company Danubius, Prague + advertising PC f. Emil Stern, Troppau (Opava) with Austrian perfin "N.S." used on Czechosl. territory in y 1915; all fine
1884 invoice from 1884 company Math. Salcher & sons Wien with mounted revenue 1 Kreuzer/ issue 1883 with perfin "M.S.S./WIEN"; rare very early usage if revenue with perfin (!), good condition
1896 Mng.A22 + W11, 1x commercial identification letter Assicurazioni Generali in Trieste, with Franz Joseph I. 5 Kreuzer with perfin "AG" with CDS PRAGUE 30/12 96 + selection of 3 identification envelopes Wiener Bank - association, branch office Prag, 2x franked with Franz Joseph I. 3 Kreuzer and 1x two pieces stamps of 3 Kreuzer, from that 1x with perfin "W.B.V.", all with CDS PRAGUE 15, 16. and 22. 4. 1896; good condition
1919 Mng.J10, identification document, invoice with 3 Austrian revenues, 2x 4H + 10h issue 1910, all with perfin "J.H./S." f. J. Hückels sons, Neutitschein, hat factory, used in Czechoslovakia, dated 9.1.1919; extraordinary document, rare
1912 CZECH LANDS / Mng. J29, identification entire, commercial envelope f. Jäkels Hufeisenfabrik, Freistadt with advertising horseshoe, with 10h Franz Joseph with perfin "J.F.", CDS FREISTADT in SCHLESIEN 10.XI.12; minor faults, otherwise sound condition
1914 CZECH LANDS / Mng.V1, identification entire, commercial envelope with advertising publ. J. R. Vilímek in Prague, with 10h Franz Joseph with perfin "V", CDS PRAGUE 3/ 13.1.14; on reverse commercial stick-on label, sound condition
1898 CZECH LANDS / Mng.W34, identification entire, commercial PC with color advertising in picture side, with Mi.51 with perfin "W.S./P." CDS PRAGUE 1/ 29.XII.98; sound condition
1911 Mng.W19, whole dispatch note issue 1907 with imprinted stamp 10h, with 2 Koruna Mi.154 addressed to Switzerland, stamp also blank form (!) are provided with perfin "WK" f. Waldes & Ko., CDS VRŠOVICE 9.XII.11; good condition
1901 BOXER REBELLION / S.M. SCHIFF KAISERIN & KÖNIGIN MARIA THERESIA, postcard sent from Hongkong to Bohemia, black ship postmark with date 17/6 01, arrival postmark JILEMNICE 23/7 01; good condition
1914 K.u.K. KRIEGS MARINE / LLOYDDAMPFER X, violet circular pmk with Coat of arms on Ppc, supplemented with MC POLA 19.XII.14, straight line postmark K.u.K.. Feldpost and red censorship cancel., addressed to Bohemia; minor faults
1915 K.u.K.. MARINEDETACHEMENT IN BEIJING, 3 prints of black CDS on Ppc Beijing, franked on front side with stamps FP Franz Joseph. 2x 1h + war 3h, K.u.K.. MARINEDETACHEMENT IN BEIJING 14.III.15, used censorship with straight line postmark "Geprüft" with signature, to Bohemia; good condition
1916 K.u.K.. Seeflugstation Pola, round red postmark with Coat of arms, supplemented with cancel. MFP POLA/ 7.XII.16, sent to Moravia; good condition, decorative
1918 [COLLECTIONS] SHEET / FP ITALY / occupation Friuli - Veneto / Sass. 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 15 - 6 values Charles I., with overprints in CENTESIMI, all ca. 100x in half sheet, then Espressi, Sass.1 - Bosnian special-delivery 2H with overprint 3Cts, 25- block and 3x blk-of-10; very fine, c.v.. as single stamps 34.000€
1914-1918 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION / 40 FP cards and prisoner cards, all addressed to Bohemia, contains i.a. 2x card with FP 1064/a, Etappenpostamt HRUBLESZOW, framed pmk K.u.K. Kmdo. der Lfa. Battn. des K. H. Pola, district cancel. IX/464 with propagandistic cancel. Gott Strafe England!, Gottes Fluch über das treulose Italy!, prisoner cards from Italy also Russia etc..; various quality
1916-1917 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION / 30 various cards, contains i.a. 1x returned back, 6x patriotic additional printing, various unit postmarks., CDS Etappenpostamt etc..; fine condition
1918 ANK.227X, FLUGPOST 4 Koruna on postcard 8h Charles, uprated from Lviv to Vienna, cancel. LEMBERG 15.V. 18 and WIEN 16.V. 18; exact franking, very fine quality and rare p.stat!
1934 ZEPPELIN /SCHWEIZFAHRT, Sie.259, airmail sent card to Czechoslovakia, with multicolor franking i.a. airmail stamps 1S+6g+2x 8g, CDS WIEN 8.VII.34, green flight cachet, transit pmk FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 10.7.34 and CDS ZÜRICH FLUGPATZ 10.VII.34; good condition
1850-1938 [COLLECTIONS] collection on pages in spiral stockbook Lindner, from the first issue, i.a. Jubilee 1908, Composers, Poets, Rotary, Painters, Generals etc.., stamps newspaper, postage-due, air-mail etc..; various quality, we advice viewings
1850-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection in stockbook A4, from the first issue., Franz Joseph I., anniv. 1908 cancel., newspaper, postage-due, Lombardy-Veneto, FP, Bosnia etc..; various quality, we advice viewings
1850-1918 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAL HISTORY OF PLZEŇ / selection of 60 entires with various postmarks PLZEŇ, from prephilatelic letters, through letters with the first issue and other issues, p.stat PC incl. 1 pcs of "Yellow" PC with printing error 5 Kreuzer, posting cards, reg letters, money letter, cut-squares with newspaper revenues, private also commercial correspondence; various quality, ex Hauzner
1885-1918 [COLLECTIONS] DISPATCH NOTES / selection of more than 100 pcs of larger parts of dispatch notes, from that several pieces complete, supplemented with cuts, various blank forms, frankings, several perfins, postmark mainly from Czech lands; various quality
1830-1950 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / selection of more than 90 various entires, contains postal stationery covers, p.stat PC, franked with return receipt, letter card pneumatic-tube post, p.stat newspaper cover, franked and uprated stamp various issues, stamp of FP, postage-due, air-mail, various postmark also train post etc..; various quality
1934 SCOUTING / Mi.468, 470, overprint scout 25B + 25B blue-green, horiz. used pair with INVERTED overprint MAMAIA / 1934, fragment CDS CONSTANTA (allowed in perforation, certificate RPSL - very rare printing error) + comp. of 2 bloks of four of this values + block of four Mi.470 + 2 pcs of plate proofs overprints in blocks of four; on exhibit page, ex Pan de Alfaro, rare offer!
1935 SCOUTING / Mi.486, 487, imperforated marginal Carl II. 2L and 6+1L, supplemented with 2 entires with this set: Reg letter to Italy and uprated p.stat to Sweden; on exhibit page ex Pan de Alfaro