1944 LIBERATION / revolutionary issue COURCELLES DE TOURAINE, c.v.. Mayer 2, 6, 8, 12, 34T, 35T, 36T; overprints R.F., from that 2x DOUBLE, on postage-dues and stamps Petain; VF, exp. Scheller and oths. c.v.. 800€
Starting price: 5 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 5 000 CZK
10 000CZK
1944 LIBERATION / revolutionary issue DECAZEVILLE (AVEYRON), c.v.. Mayer 11M, Mercure 40C with blue overprint, VF, exp. Calves, c.v.. 1.680€
Starting price: 10 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 10 000 CZK
6 000CZK
1944 LIBERATION / revolutionary issue DECAZEVILLE (AVEYRON), c.v.. Mayer 12, Pétain 80C with blue overprint - UNISSUED stamp in perfect quality, exp. Calves, c.v.. 1.080€
Starting price: 6 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 6 000 CZK
6 000CZK
1944 LIBERATION / revolutionary issue DECAZEVILLE (AVEYRON), c.v.. Mayer 6, pair Pétain with blue overprints, at left "Coat of arms" INVERTED; very fine, exp. i.a. Calves, c.v.. 875€++, very rare!
Starting price: 6 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 6 000 CZK
3 600CZK
1944 LIBERATION / revolutionary issue EVIAN, c.v.. Mayer 1, 2; "Trikolora F.T.P." 1,20 Fr on yellow and on white paper; very fine, exp. i.a. Calves, c.v.. 480€
Starting price: 3 600CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 3 600 CZK
5 500CZK
1944 LIBERATION / revolutionary issue GAP, c.v.. Mayer 1-4, Mercure 10C-50C with overprint GAP LIBERÉ 20 AOUT 4; very fine, exp. Calves, c.v.. 720€
Starting price: 5 500CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 5 500 CZK
6 000CZK
1944 LIBERATION / revolutionary issue HAGUENAU, c.v.. Mayer 1-6, A. H. 1Pfg-8Pfg; very fine, exp. Calves, c.v.. 864€
1944 LIBERATION / revolutionary issue MAQUIS ISÉRE DORA, c.v.. Mayer 1, 2; Pétain 20C + Italian RSI 20C with overprints ISERE DORA / UN FRANC / LIRE DUE; very fine, certificate Calves, c.v.. 2.880€
Starting price: 19 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 19 000 CZK
3 400CZK
1944 LIBERATION / revolutionary issue METZ / MOSELLE, c.v.. Mayer 1-8; "Mercure and Iris" 10C-1,50Fr, with overprint ERBA and R.F. METZ DÉLIVRÉE; very fine, c.v.. 480€
Starting price: 3 400CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 3 400 CZK
3 000CZK
1944 LIBERATION / revolutionary issue MONTREUIL BELLAY, c.v.. Mayer 34, "airmail" Pétain 1,50Fr with overprint TRAFIC CLANDESTIN AERIEN; very fine, c.v.. 80€, in addition trial overprint in str-of-5 (!) on contemporary postcard "Franchise Militaire"
Starting price: 3 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 3 000 CZK
---- CZK
1945 LIBERATION / revolutionary issue WURTTEMBERG, c.v.. Mayer 1-12, A. Hitler. 3Pfg-50Pfg , with overprint V / 22.IV.45; very fine, exp. Calves, c.v.. 2.250€
Starting price: 15 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
1929-1937 3 entires sent as Registered, from that 1x C.O.D. R letter-card with CDS CHRTRES 27.7.37 + 1x Reg and airmail letter to Indochina, i.a. franked with 10Fr, Mi.182 with mailing CDS POSTAE AERIENNE/ FRANCE - INDOCHINA 19.2.29 and returned back + 1x Reg letter to Czechoslovakia franked with i.a. surtax stamp Mi.146, 244, 245, CDS PARIS 25.7.30; small tearing and toned
Starting price: 800CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
1 000CZK
1960-1970 SELECTION / ca. 60 stamps mainly from territory of colonies, mostly motive Cosmos; mainly VF, interesting
Starting price: 1 000CZK
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 000 CZK
60 000CZK
1849-1945 [COLLECTIONS] advanced collection on hingeless pages Schaubek in folder, from the first issue Ceres REPUB FRANC incl. 10c, 15c, 1Fr, then complete second issue Napoleon III. incl. 1Fr (minor faults), fine 5 Fr 1869, shades and oths., then issue Allegory, Sower, also Merson 3Fr - 20Fr 1925, complete set Mi.128-135, also Mi.152, 220-221, 239 (marginal **), air-mails 305-311 and 321 superb **, also air-mail 326-327 **, souvenir sheets Bl.1-3 etc..; overall fine, very high catalogue value approximately over 25.000€, we advice viewings!
Starting price: 50 000CZK+20,0 %
U:Z | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 60 000 CZK
9 000CZK
1849-1959 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 12 pages from stockbook, mostly middle and better stamps, Ceres, Napoleon, Allegory, special issue, air-mail, postage-due, i.a. also rare specialties for example. Allegory 10 type II., "Paix" 1932 40C type II ** block of four, atypical postmarks etc.; cat. min. 12.500€
Starting price: 9 000CZK
U:Z | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 9 000 CZK
8 500CZK
1886 SG.1-7, stamps of BERMUDA QV 1/2P-1Sh with overprint GIBRALTAR, wmk Crown CA; complete set, minor faults, c.v.. £1.200, rare
Starting price: 8 500CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 8 500 CZK
6 000CZK
1886-1887 SG.8-14, Victoria ½P - 1Sh, wmk CA; rare set, value 1Sh exp. Senf a Richter, cheap 1P new gum, c.v.. £600
1889-1896 SG.22-33, Victoria 5C - 5Pta, complete set, in addition with shade 25C deep ultramarine, wmk Crown CA; cheap 10C toned, otherwise fine, c.v.. £290
Starting price: 2 600CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 600 CZK
---- CZK
1898 SG.39-45, Victoria ½P - 1Sh, complete set of 7 stamps, wmk Crown CA; very fine, c.v.. £200
Starting price: 2 400CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
16 000CZK
1904-1908 SG.56-64, Edward VII., ½P - £1, complete set of 9 stamps with wmk multiple Crown CA; F-VF, c.v.. £1.200, rare set
Starting price: 14 000CZK+14,3 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 16 000 CZK
3 800CZK
1912-1924 SG.76-85, George V. ½P - £1; complete set hinged + shade of value 1Sh, c.v.. ca. £380
Starting price: 3 800CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 3 800 CZK
---- CZK
1912-1924 SG.85, 3x George V. £1, 3 various shades (!); very fine, c.v.. £450
Starting price: 6 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
4 000CZK
1921-1927 SG.89-101, George V., ½P - 8Sh, complete set of 11 stamps + shades SG.91a, 95a, 97a and 99a, 2Sh on blue paper, wmk Mult Script CA; overall fine, c.v.. £410
Starting price: 4 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 4 000 CZK
2 800CZK
1925-1932 SG.102-107, George V. 1Sh - £1, complete set, in addition 1Sh Olive and black and shade of value 2Sh6P, wmk Mult Script CA; fine quality, c.v.. £275
Starting price: 2 600CZK+7,7 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 800 CZK
---- CZK
1925-1932 SG.108, George V. £5 violet; VF, ligtly hinged, c.v.. £1.600, rare
Starting price: 25 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
6 500CZK
1938 SG.121-131, George VI. Motives ½P - £1, incl. variants - color and perf, SG.122a-d,ab, 124a-c, 125b,ba,c, 126-126c, 128-128b, 129a,b, 130, 130a; very fine, c.v.. £990
Starting price: 6 000CZK+8,3 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 6 500 CZK
1 800CZK
1953-1959 SG.145-158, Elizabeth II. - Motives ½P - £1, complete long set, supplemented with shades: SG.15a, 152b, 153a, 154b; hinged, c.v.. ca. £200
Starting price: 1 700CZK+5,9 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 800 CZK
1967-1969 SG.200-213, Elizabeth II. - Ships ½P - £1; complete set mint never hinged, popular motive
Starting price: 500CZK+20,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 600 CZK
21 000CZK
1941 Mi.40E printing sheet, Golden overprint 4+3Din, complete printing sheet with line perforation 11½ (!); mint never hinged, minor faults, certificate Zrinjscak, c.v.. 3.200€ only stamps
Starting price: 20 000CZK+5,0 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 21 000 CZK
25 000CZK
1943 Mi.Bl5B, Legion, joined printing of 4 imperforated miniature sheets; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, rare
Starting price: 10 000CZK+150,0 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 25 000 CZK
2 400CZK
1945 Unifil N.BF9, miniature sheet "Sturmdivision", reprint "For Vitime di Guerra", printing only 400 pcs, very fine, certificate Raybaudi
Starting price: 2 000CZK+20,0 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 400 CZK
1 300CZK
1922 SG.30-43, overprint George V. ½P - 1Sh, value 2P DIE I and II; 1x minor faults, overall fine quality, c.v.. £130
Starting price: 1 100CZK+18,2 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 300 CZK
1922 SG.47-51, overprint George V. ½P - 1Sh; complete set, c.v.. £60
Starting price: 700CZK+14,3 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 800 CZK
3 200CZK
1851-1868 SELECTION of / 7 classic letters, i.a. Tuscany letter with Sass.7 (2.000€), then letter with Sass.20 (1.200€), then for example letter with mixed franking Sardinia Victor Emmanuel II. 5c and Italian 15c, 3x Papal State; overall G-F
Starting price: 2 600CZK+23,1 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 3 200 CZK
---- CZK
1852 Sass.10, Coat of arms 50Baj, rhombic cancel.; close margins and minor faults, overall good, exp. Thier and Schlesinger, c.v.. 3.500€
Starting price: 5 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
1859 GOVERNO PROVVISORIO / Sass.15a, Coat of arms 20C "violetto scuro"; unused piece with original gum, small thin place at upper margin, overall fine, exp. Diena, certificate Zanini, c.v.. 7.000€
Starting price: 10 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
21 000CZK
1852 Sass.5, Heraldic lily 40c blue; unused piece with large part original gum and complete margins; small thin place, certificate Avi, c.v.. 13.000€, rare stamp!
Starting price: 20 000CZK+5,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 21 000 CZK
16 000CZK
1854 Sass.10, unissued Victor Emmanuel II. 5c dark olive green (verde oliva scuro); very fine unused piece with original gum, certificate E. Diena, c.v.. * 11.000€, rare stamp
Starting price: 15 000CZK+6,7 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 16 000 CZK
19 000CZK
1854 small letter from Florence to USA, franked with vertical str-of-3 Heraldic Lion 9Cr bruno violaceo su azzurro, Sass.8b + Sass.4d, 1Cr carminio su grigio, transit and arrival postmark.; certificate Colla, c.v.. str-of-3 Sass.8b ca. 19.000€, very fine and rare
Starting price: 19 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 19 000 CZK
2 600CZK
1868-1871 SELECTION / 10 classic letters, mainly franking with stamps Viktor Emanuelle II., i.a. 1x letter 1871 to Marianopole with 10C and 15C, 1x underpaid letter with 15C, 1x letter with 20C perforated etc.; overall fine
Starting price: 1 000CZK+160,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 600 CZK
5 000CZK
1933 ZEPPELIN / ITALIENFAHRT Sie.208A,B, letter franked with i.a. Zeppelin stamps Sass. Aerea 45+ 45, 3 +5 Lire, then postage stamp 2,75 Lire Sass.339, return flight from Rome to Germany and then by airmail to Switzerland; very fine, cat. min. 650€
Starting price: 5 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 5 000 CZK
---- CZK
1933 ZEPPELIN / ITALIENFAHRT Sie.208A, postcard franked with i.a. Zeppelin stamp Sass. Aerea 45, 3 Lire, return flight from Rome to Germany; very fine, c.v.. 400€
Starting price: 3 200CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
1933 ZEPPELIN / ITALIENFAHRT Sie.208C, postcard franked with i.a. zeppelin stamp Sass. Aerea 47, 10 Lire, addressed to Brazil, return flight from Rome to Germany + connecting 2. SUDAMERIKAFAHRT 33; c.v.. 1.300€, rare!
Starting price: 10 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
1946 POLISH FIELD POST - "Corpo Polacco" / letter franked with 5 stamps 15c - 80c, red oval pmk COMMANDING OFFICER 15.MAY.1946 + blue censor cancel.; good condition
Starting price: 500CZK+20,0 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 600 CZK
3 600CZK
1910-1950 [COLLECTIONS] selection of unused stamps on 9 cards, incl. also more interesting sets as Zeppelin etc.., some more times, part of better sets etc.; various quality, mainly hinged, part minor faults, we advice viewings
Starting price: 2 000CZK+80,0 %
U:Z | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 3 600 CZK
---- CZK
1941 KEFALONIA A ITHAKA / Italian occupation, issue ITACA, Sass.14, 10Dr brown with hand-made overprint; VF, certificate Raybaudi, c.v.. 12.000€, rare
Starting price: 48 000CZK
U:DR | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
1941 KEFALONIA A ITHAKA / Italian occupation, Sass.81, stamp in form of pair of Greek "Beneficenza" 1Dr+1Dr blue, with hand-made overprint; very fine, certificate Raybaudi, c.v.. 6.000€
Starting price: 30 000CZK
U:DR | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
1918 PLATE PROOF issue for Croatia SHS, proof of overprints Reaper 10 and 15f, Mi.64, 65 in black color; hinged, certificate Šedivý
Starting price: 20 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
3 200CZK
1935 SCOUTING / III. TABOR SKAUTA / 10. IX.35 / BELGRADE 21 / scout postcard to Osijek with 75D; very fine and rare
Starting price: 3 000CZK+6,7 %
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 3 200 CZK
7 500CZK
1918-1920 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamp with overprint SHS, Chain Breaker and other early issues, contains unissued and inverted overprints, color variants, various varieties of papers, blocks, several cut-squares with mixed frankings etc..; all in 8-spages stockbook
Starting price: 5 000CZK+50,0 %
U:Z | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 7 500 CZK
---- CZK
1918-1987 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION / of valuable items from of whole period, rare overprints, Chain Breakers, production and printing flaws also modern issue, total 46 certificates of various experts, placed in 1 stockbook for entires in spiral folder; high catalogue value
Starting price: 25 000CZK
U:Z | LiveBidding: Saturday
---- CZK
1858-1951 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / selection of 100 various entires from various period, from pre-philatelic letters, Bosnia and Herzegovina, inter-war period, occupation to 1950s, several Reg letters, commemorative postmarks, air-mail entires, used also Un p.stat Bosnia and Herzegovina etc..; in spiral stockbook
Starting price: 5 000CZK
U:Z | LiveBidding: Saturday
1 000CZK
1914-1935 SELECTION of / 10 various entires, it contains e.g. p.stat, letter-cards, letters, dispatch-notes, various frankings, cancel. etc..; good condition
Starting price: 900CZK+11,1 %
U:A4 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 1 000 CZK
---- CZK
1881 SG.14, Victoria 4Pia pale olive-green, wmk Crown CC; new gum, c.v.. £950
Starting price: 8 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
2 000CZK
1886 SG.22, Victoria 12Pia orange brown, wmk Crown CA; hinged, very fine piece, c.v.. £200
Starting price: 2 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 2 000 CZK
6 000CZK
1892-1894 SG.31-37, Victoria ½Pi - 12Pi, complete set of 7 stamps, DIE II, wmk Crown CA; fine set, c.v.. £500
Starting price: 6 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
Sold: 6 000 CZK
---- CZK
1902-1904 SG.50-59, Edward VII., ½Pi - 45Pi, complete set of 10 stamps + shade 30Pa Mauve and green, wmk Crown CA; overall fine, c.v.. £650
Starting price: 7 000CZK
U:A5 | LiveBidding: Saturday
3 200CZK
1904-1910 SG.60-71, Edward VII. 5Pa - 45Pi, complete set of, wmk Mult Crown CA; cheap ½Pia toned, c.v.. £350