1840 SG.2, PENNY BLACK black, horizontal mint strip of 7 with right margin and part of wmk with, large part original gum, plate 2, letters QF-QL, very fine full margins, only on stamp Q-H minor cutting in margin, two stamps mint never hinged (!), stamp Q-L with variant "partially double upper frame"; some usual light bends, overall very fine, certificate Karl Louis, ex. Adams 1956, Ernest Dale 1969 and Chartwell Collection, important rarity, the largest recorded strip from plate 2!
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] 1. DAY INCLUDING "CALENDAR! / collection 22 pcs of entires, complete calendar first days after issue issue Hradčany from 18.12. 1918 - to 1.1. 1919, contains Reg letter with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 18.XII.1918 (!!), 2 pcs of Reg letters from 2. of day validity with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 19.XII.18 (!) and PRAGUE 12/ 19/12 18 (!), date 24., 26., 30. XII. are 2, 31.XII.18 total 3x, from that 4 pcs of with mixed frankings with Austria-Hungary stamp., incl. kompletního blank form/-s "Nachfrageschreiben" from 31.12.18, placed in transparent pages in spiral stockbook; good condition, Reg letter from 1. of day certificate + exp. Vrba, quite rare collection entires with R-dopisem from 1. of day usage Hradcany-issue stamps 18.12.1918!
1884-1918 [COLLECTIONS] MARSHALL INSELN, MARIANA ISL., D. SOUTH-WEST AFRICA, D. NEU GUINEA, CAMEROON, CAROLINE ISLANDS, CHINA, MOROCCO, D. EAST AFRICA, TURKEY / collection on old pages in glassine envelopes, all except Toga and Samoa, complete sets, better values, included to sum as basic variants without types and colors and plate varieties; fine, c.v.. 4600€ ++
1975 Pof.PL2164 plate variety, Space Exploration 5Kčs, PB with single roll embossing (!), paper without optical brightener; very fine, exp. labour, extraordinary offer, rare occurrence, one of most sought items CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., missing in most collections!
1849-1959 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 12 pages from stockbook, mostly middle and better stamps, Ceres, Napoleon, Allegory, special issue, air-mail, postage-due, i.a. also rare specialties for example. Allegory 10 type II., "Paix" 1932 40C type II ** block of four, atypical postmarks etc.; cat. min. 12.500€
1840 SG.2, PENNY BLACK black, plate 4, letters N-F; mint with new gum, wide margins, interesting paper crease in paper (in this issue rare), certificate K. Louis, ex Corinphila 1959, c.v.. * £13.000
1853 Mi.17b, Maury 18b, Napoleon III. 1Fr dark carmine, block-of-5 + 1 stamp (!) on cut-square with numeral pmk "3256" (ST. QUENTIN); signs of age, tearing in margin, significant color, unique multiple, c.v.. Maury for block of four and 2 stamps 53.000€, scarce!
1934 SG.142a, Jubilee George V. 1Sh, stamp with rare plate variety - extra flagstaff; mint never hinged, very fine piece ex Prappas and Gross, certificate RPSL, c.v.. £3.500
2020 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ printing sheet 0109, "Poklady world philately" - Biennale 2020; superb condition, very rare; major part of edition 450 sheets was/were from reason vysokéhozájmu from side/party collectors roztrhána on/for str-of-5 and prodána; dochoval with only small number neroztrhaných sheets!
2023 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ printing sheet 0173, "Poklady world philately" - Biennale 2023; superb condition, very rare; major part of edition 450 sheets was/were from reason vysokéhozájmu from side/party collectors roztrhána on/for str-of-5 and prodána; dochoval with only small number neroztrhaných sheets!
1900-1940 [COLLECTIONS] ADVERTISING ZÁLEPKY / big collection ca. 800 pcs of advertising labels with various theme from y. 1900 - 1940, prevails commercial, then charitable, military, státně advertising, Rijáček etc.., from Germany, Rakousko-Uherska and Czechoslovakia I.; various quality, in 12-sheet stockbook
1920-1940 [COLLECTIONS] ADVERTISING CARDS + MATCHBOX LABELS / collection 144 pcs of promotional cards Czech firm as Helada, Šotek, Saponia, J. Schicht - Ústí n. Labem, Alois Pelz - Prague, A. Maršner - Prague, Radlickémáslo, Francovka, B. Klöckner - Prague, F. Otta - Rakovník, J. Čelada - Opava, Cosmos - Čáslav etc.., supplemented with advertising labels, congratulation and stockbook match labels Sweden + Czechoslovakia; various quality, placed in 2 spiral cover in/at transparent covers
SPIRÁLOVÝTYP / Pof.25 Is, 500h brown, spiral type from joined types, pos. 32/2, fragment CDS KOSTELEC; very fine piece, exp. Škaloud, rare spiral type from other printing plate!
1918HRADČANSKÝ CALENDAR / collection 5 pcs of Ppc sent inland, franked with. multiple franking stamp. Hradčany 5h light green with CDS with date 23.12, 24.12., 26.12., 28.12. and 31.12. 1918, 3x out of Prague CDS; quite rare occurrence, ex Škaloud
1942 [COLLECTIONS] HITLER 1942 / semifinished collection this issue in glassine envelopes on album sheets, contains i.a. blocks, coupons (sbíráno on/for all possible variants), gutter-pair, horseshoe, bands, miniatures, shades, plate variety etc.., významně contains high values 10K - 50K; various, mainly but nice quality, high catalogue value, it is worth seeing
1943 PLATE PROOF Pof.IV B, imperforated plate proof in dark green color, different printing - thin/light mraky; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, exp. by Gilbert., rare usage, rare!
1872-1920 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting small collection on 5 pages, Small and large shield incl. better values 2 Kreuzer, 9 Kreuzer and 18Kr, then for example Mi.30, issue Scenes REICHSPOST incl. 5M etc..; chosen quality incl. postmarks, high catalogue value, we advice viewings!
1855 letter to Vienna with Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer, MPIII + 2 Kreuzer black, HPIIIa + 1 Kr ochre yellow, MPIb, CDS SCHÖNLINDE (Krásná Lípa ) 2/1; in good condition and rare letter with tricolour franking, copy of certificate Ferchenbauer
1887-1904 REPRINTS / Mercury / issued 1851 and 1856; yellow and rose and pair of vermillion all issued 1887, from that yellow and rose with complete letters of wmk - N, Z; then 4x vermillion issued 1904, 3 stamps **, c.v.. 455€
1918 [COLLECTIONS] SHEET / FP ITALY / occupation Friuli - Veneto / Sass. 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 15 - 6 values Charles I., with overprints in CENTESIMI, all ca. 100x in half sheet, then Espressi, Sass.1 - Bosnian special-delivery 2H with overprint 3Cts, 25- block and 3x blk-of-10; very fine, c.v.. as single stamps 34.000€
1891 SG.26, Provisorium MOMBASA, 4 Ann with hand-made transcription 1 Ann "AB" - Archibald Brown; very nice piece, in UL corner small thin place, certificate PFEC, c.v.. £12.000, scarce
1926 OLTRE GUIBA / Sass.28a(2) + 28b, St. Francis 5 Lire, pair with ommited perforation at top and in the middle; lightly hinged at top, with certificate Borelli, c.v.. 11.000€
1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS, MS pos. 1, wide L margin, on reverse print violet special cancel. BANSKÁ BYSTRICA 29.VIII.45; nice quality, rare combination, sought by specialists
1633 FERDINAND II. HABSBURG (1578–1637), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia, Hungarian, chorvatský and archduke Austrian, imperial folded letter (missiv) in German with autograph, sent military courier on/for field maršála Heinrich von Holck, countersigned Henry IV. Šlik, count from Holíče and Pasounu (1580-1650), president Dvorské of war council; in/at text part/-s letter toned, overall but nice in good condition condition, signature "Ferdinand" is bright readable, imperial document/-s from period of třicetileté war are very rare!
1850?DAGUERROTYPIE / portrait man with licousy in/at redingotu, on/for tváříchdecentně coloured photograph adjustovaný in/at rozevíracímpouzdru from embossed leather, sametovávýstelka and mosazná passe-partout, atelier Anson, Broadway, New York; very nice good condition, nice artefakt, daguerrotypie are worldwide very sought!
1917-1918 WWI / KAISERLICHE MARINE / SUBMARINES / notebook format more/larger A4 with paste-in nearanžovanýmiamatérskými photos with descriptions, total 99 photos, especially submarine, ships, soldiers, strojovny, výzbroj, výstroj, mission in/at action etc.., vytvořeno evidently in memory of one from members company submarine; very well preserved, much unikátních views, very interesting!
1918 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ ZNAK / Pofis. 203Ia, 203Ib, 207I, 211I, 211II; Coat of arms 10K close dark, unclear print and light and on granite paper wide and close; c.v.. 9.900CZK, 10K light is rare and undervalued stmp!
PLATE PROOF / EDUARD CHARLES / plate proof in red color, unfinished design E. Carl, die proof with full valuable label, V. printing, on stamp paper with gum; hinged and small thin place, certificate and expertized Vrba
1929-1938 [COLLECTIONS] STÁTNÍZNAK / selection of 46 various entires, letters, Ppc and cards franked with. this issues, various franking, CDS, from that 10x as Registered, 1x as Express; good condition, interesting
1943 Pof.Pr1A, Admission stmp with line perforation 10½, UR corner blk-of-4; unstuck hint on UR stamp, otherwise mint never hinged, small spots, exp. by Gilbert., in blocks of four sought!
1939 CDV5X I, Hlinka 1,20 Koruna, CHYBOTISK in red color, Us I. part PC, used in/at souladu with printed value - addressed to to already Hungary annexed Komárno, CDS BANSKÁ BYSTRICA 19.VI.39; good condition, c.v.. 250€, very rare occurrence!
1939 CDV5X I, Hlinka 1,20 Koruna, CHYBOTISK in red color, Us I. part PC, used in/at souladu with printed value - addressed to to already Hungary annexed Komárno, CDS BANSKÁ BYSTRICA 26.V.39; good condition, c.v.. 250€, very rare occurrence!
1859 GOVERNO PROVVISORIO / Sass.15a, Coat of arms 20C "violetto scuro"; unused piece with original gum, small thin place at upper margin, overall fine, exp. Diena, certificate Zanini, c.v.. 7.000€
1941 KEFALONIA A ITHAKA / Italian occupation, Sass.81, stamp in form of pair of Greek "Beneficenza" 1Dr+1Dr blue, with hand-made overprint; very fine, certificate Raybaudi, c.v.. 6.000€
1918-1987 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION / of valuable items from of whole period, rare overprints, Chain Breakers, production and printing flaws also modern issue, total 46 certificates of various experts, placed in 1 stockbook for entires in spiral folder; high catalogue value
1858-1951 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / selection of 100 various entires from various period, from pre-philatelic letters, Bosnia and Herzegovina, inter-war period, occupation to 1950s, several Reg letters, commemorative postmarks, air-mail entires, used also Un p.stat Bosnia and Herzegovina etc..; in spiral stockbook